Impress Everyone With The Simplest Card Trick

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hey guys what is up its cards shuffling 99 here today I'm gonna show you guys a really cool trick but before we get into it if you guys are interested in getting some free gift cards all you guys have to do is click the link in the description for free my apps click that link download free apps you guys can get free gift cards also you're doing a $50 Amazon gift card giveaway for the month of September so you guys wanna be answered all you have to do is like this video make sure you are subscribe to the channel notifications have to be on and you have to comment one time on one video what do you like about our channel that specific video let's go ahead and get into the Adam shuffle the cards until you are satisfied so shuffle the cards as many times as you would like until you are satisfied you're satisfied yep I want you to go through the deck and take out any nine cards face up or face down so you know what they are it doesn't matter to me one dos tres or sank sees seven eight and nine cards just double check will count really quick one two three four five six seven eight nine so you're good there Adam way to count proud of you for that I want to go ahead and mix up these cards so it really is random place this to the side okay you're satisfied right I want you to select any card so go ahead and select any cards you would like it does not matter just don't let me see it let me know when you turn the face down perfect I place it back wherever you'd like and we're good now I'm gonna go ahead mix up the cards real quick so go ahead give it some mix ups it's fine maybe one more we're set now Adam I'm gonna ask you a couple questions and I'm gonna give you some options you can either to the questions tell the truth or you could be a savage it's straight up lie to me okay now you've either option except for the last question question where I will say you have to tell the truth so alright let's go ahead and get into it was your card diamonds clubs a heart or a spade it was a spade so we're gonna go ahead and spell it out s P a d e and we place the rest of the cards on top and we'll go ahead and we'll just get rid of the top card and the bottom card just like that now Adam the next question was your card a number card or a face card number card number car and you M be the farm the rest of the cards on top and we'll go ahead and get rid of the top and the bottom card just like that was your card a one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Jack queen or king it was - I - the two T W Oh rush the cards on top well go ahead I'm gonna get rid of the top card and LaVon card just like that Adam Robert did you lie to me yes or no of course I lied to so yes why e s we'll go ahead and get rid of the top and the bottom card just like that and we're left with one card and Adam this is where you have to tell the truth what was your card these six of Hearts you see here we actually have the six of Hearts that is the trick guys and all right guys let's go ahead and get right into the tutorial here so this trick is very easy there are a few things you do have to know before we get into it and yeah let's go ahead now there are a few things you will have to memorize one of them is the questions and the answers to the questions that won't take too long and yeah let's go ahead get into it so you can start off the trip by having the spectator shuffle the cards however they would like it really doesn't matter shuffle cards as much as they like until they are completely satisfied with the deck maybe you can even use a spectators deck for this trick it doesn't matter so from here what you're going to do you're in ask the spectator they can go through face up or face down it doesn't matter um and just choose nine cards so let's go ahead one two three four five six seven eight nine so let's go ahead and say they selected these nine now one thing I always do just place the rest of the cards to this side you don't need them for the rest of the trick anymore one thing I always do is I always make sure they counted nine cards - one two three four five six seven eight nine because sometimes your spectator will actually not count nine cards because your spectator can mess up sometimes and it happens guys it does happen so make sure they do count one two three four five six seven eight nine make sure that you have nine cards or else the trick will not work so make sure you've nine cards then from here they can mix up the cards however they would like it really doesn't matter until they are satisfied you can if you even want to you can have them change out a card if they really don't you know maybe they look through they don't want a card they can change it out it doesn't matter guys just make sure your spectator is completely satisfied you know with whatever so they're satisfied and you're ready to get into the trick so you're gonna have them select the card it doesn't matter what card they selected they select this one turn around don't let them see it and it's fine I'm gonna see this so Queen of Hearts guys that will be our selection for the rest of the trip you're gonna spread through the cards like this and you're going to take note of where they're placing their card are they placing their car let's say maybe in the third position are they placing it in the fifth position or they placing in maybe the sixth position or maybe they're placing it in the a p-- is a new position you guys have to know exactly where they are placing it it's very important we'll get into that in a little bit so their plate let's go ahead and let's say from the tutorial they place it in the fourth position all right you make sure you know that they place in the fourth position what you have to do is you have to control the card to the fifth position every time so you have to control the card to the fifth position and then the trick will work from here so what I use is an overhand shuffle now if you can't do that you can just take some bring it to the bottom but here's what you're going to do so my another card is in the fourth position here so I'm gonna do an overhand shuffle and start it off by controlling the card to the top so I take off one two three cards just like that and then their card is on top of this step the second shuffle because their card is on top doesn't matter how I shuffle it actually shuffle the rest of the car is completely random just like that then for the third shuffle I know the card is on the bottom so I have to take off four cards for it to be in the fifth position so I go ahead I count one two three four and it is in the fifth position so that is how you control the card now if you guys do not want to do that you guys can do something so let's go ahead and let's say they place it maybe right here so they place it in the sixth position this time and let's go ahead if you cannot do the overhand shuffle go ahead say we'll take some cards count 1 2 3 4 5 right maybe you take this card this is their card bring to the bottom and they're gonna take 1 2 3 4 more cards and just control it to the fifth position any way you want it doesn't matter how you do it so once again here we go so let's say you have the card here let's say they place it right here in the sixth position go ahead 1 2 3 4 5 that makes it on the top then shuffle it the second time it doesn't matter because it's just gonna stay on the bottom anyways from here you're gonna shuffle it one more time 1 2 3 4 so 4 cards the rest on top and all you're doing is controlling the card into the fifth position so once you're done with that you are set for the rest of the trick and yeah let's continue on so you have to memorize a series of questions and you can actually have the spectator hold the cards and spell it out but it doesn't matter so the first question is going to be what suit was your card and make sure you mentioned they can lie to you or tell the truth they can straight up just lie it doesn't matter except for the last question which what is their card so from here you're gonna say was it you know diamonds and it's very important you say it with an S or because so diamonds don't really matter you're gonna say it was it diamonds was it clubs CL UBS you need the S on the end was it a heart you do not want the S on the heart so was it a heart or was it a spade so the heart and the spade do not have s s and the Diamonds and the clubs do have SS so let's go ahead they said spade s P a P so once again all you're remembering is the Spade and the heart do not have s is at the end and clubs and the Diamonds do then you take the rest of the cards place it on top and then you're going to remove the top card and bottom card right no slides here guys you actually just remove the top bottom card from here you have to memorize the next question so was your card a number card or face card alright there's no s on either so it doesn't really matter so let's say this a number and you m be e r and you just place the last card on top remove the top and bottom card from here you're going to a snack next question so you only have five cards left from here what you're going to do is you're going to ask do you have a 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 5 a 6 7 8 9 10 Jack Queen King it doesn't matter because none of the all of them were what will work so for example a three-letter word or mother not one ace AC e place the rest of the cards on top there card still stays in the middle which is how this trick works so let's say they say a Jack J AC can you place the last card on top still works and let's go ahead and maybe they say up Queen q.u.b.e and it works every single time with all of those numbers so it doesn't matter what they say to take off the top and bottom card after you do that and then from here your last question or seven last question is yes or no did you lie to me once again guys they can say whatever they want for this part so let's just let's go ahead and they said yes why e s and you take off the Tom bottom card and chose their selected card now guys once again all this principle of the principle of the trick is the card stays in the middle the whole entire time so basically when you're spelling out you know the answer is right the card will always stay in the middle every single time and every time you're just taking off the top and bottom the cup the top and bottom card right each time and the card is not moving until you get to the last card which is the middle card the whole time which is the Queen of Hearts oh thank you guys so much for watching this video I really hope you guys enjoyed make sure that that subscribe button in this card shuffler 99 peace out
Channel: CardShuffler99
Views: 1,090,996
Rating: 4.8336072 out of 5
Keywords: impress, everyone, with, the, simplest, card, trick, beginner, beginner card trick, street, magic, explained, revealed, performance, and, tutorial, insane, great, amazing, amaze, best, simple, card trick, card tricks, card trick revealed, card tricks revealed, card trick tutorial, card tricks for beginners, card change, David Blaine, David Blaine card trick, street magic, close, up, how to, easy card trick, best card trick, amazing card trick, magic tricks, magic trick revealed, criss angel
Id: jpSukwnyiEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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