This EASY CARD TRICK is INSANE & Fools Magicians - No setup!

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how we doing guys welcome to 2024 we are going to kick off this year with an absolute Beast of a c trick and I would actually say this is one of my favorite self-working card tricks ever the reason is there is no setup spectator gets the shuffle of cards and it has some of the best surprises and you will get the best reactions with this trick without a shadow of a doubt so listen grab a deck of cards you are going to love this one I'll show you the trick first and then we'll get into the nitty gritty of how to do it all right guys so let's take a look at this one The Spectator mixes the cards they can shuffle them however they want and I'm going to make a prediction so let's just see if I can I think this one that's probably good all right so this is going to be my prediction and we're going to get back to this card in a second first of all you're going to ask The Spectator to say stop wherever they want so you can deal with cards down like this and they can literally stop wherever they want to let's say they stop there perfect you get them to turn these cards face down and then the cards in their hand you say I want you to cut off uh any number of cards you want put them on the table and we're just going to Mark where you cut with a little cross like this so you say to them have you got any idea how many cards you you dealt down here and they're going to say no you say if you got any idea how many cards you cut here and they're going to say no so well for the first time let's take a look at the card you cut to so that's a nine that's interesting check this out take the cards in your hand now and spell out the word nine that's n i n e you say this is incredible but here's a nine you spell the word nine and we get another nine so you won't believe this but the card that I actually predicted before the trick started well that was a nine and it'd be nice to have one more guess what it's in your hands already turn up the top card of the cards in your hand and that's a ni and you get this absolutely amazing Revelation from a shuffled deck from a deck of cards they've just shuffled they find a four of a kind it is absolutely killer all right guys let's get into the explanation all right here you go guys we're going to get into the explanation of this one now this is a phenomenal trick because the cards are set up right in front of the spectator which is awesome but the original way to do it was to push the cards from the bottom of the deck like this uh and it was really awkward your fingers were pushing like sort of this and I could never get down with that so here's the way that I do it and I think it makes it very very easy it also makes it super fast to set the whole thing up so here's what it looks like you're going to get the card shuffled then when you get the cards back whatever card is on the bottom of the deck when you turn towards yourself that is going to determine the four of a kind so in other words now we have three so the first thing you ask yourself is how many letters does three spelled it and that is five right so it's t h r e e so what I'm going to do to set the first three is I'm going to deal the three into my hand and put four cards on top totaling five letters right and then place that down so the three is on top of that packet that's your first three set next you're going to spread to your next three which is very very quick here so when I see the next three I put it on the face of these cards here as a little packet and put this down so those two threes are now going to be together that is two threes set your third three is going to be your prediction card so you're going to spread through the cards like this until you come to the next three and then I just place it down off to one side on the table like that and then you're going to continue spreading as if you just want to make sure you might want to change your mind you come to the next three I keep it at the back of this packet your left hand cards go on top of this pile then the right hand cards follow and the whole pack is now set for that amazing amazing finish so what might happen let's just set this up as if it was going to screw up so let's just say that you've got a queen in there so basically when you're going to set that first queen the other Queen is going to now get into that packet and that's going to cause you problems cuz now you can't get to the queen so if you spread and see that situation where you've got you know in this example if you've got the queen there and you've got another queen which is then going to be lost when you put these down just give the cards another shot and say no I'm not feeling those let's see what we have okay and then here it's happened again no way so you just say no no no um they're not mixed enough yet I just want to make sure they're really well shuffled and now yeah we're in a better position and this is the setup in real speed okay this is how fast this looks so we'll do it with the threes okay so I'm just going to try and find a prediction card um I think that's probably a good one yeah yeah let's go with that that's how quick the setup is all right guys so we're going to pick this back up from the point where you've got the cards back from The Spectator after they've thoroughly shuffled the deck and then you've gone through you've set the cards and you've removed your prediction card so what do you ask them to do how do you do the trick so you're going to turn the cards face up and you're going to start to deal them uh one at a time from the face like this and you're going to wait till you pass your T first two cards so in our case the threes and now I ask The Spectator to say stop wherever they want okay so let's say they stop me there you say absolutely brilliant we're going to turn these face down and then you give them this larger packet of cards so you give the cards to The Spectator and you say what I want you to do is just cut cut that pack anywhere you want put it on the table and then we're just going to Mark where you cut so you take the rest of the cards off them and you do a Crosscut Force so this is going to force essentially the first three but to add a little time MISD Direction now I take these cards and I say do you know how many cards you you sto me at when you when I was dealing and they're going to say no and then to e emphasize the cut here you say do you know how many card you cut when you cut these cards before now this makes it look like they sort of cut here which is a nice little touch and they're going to say no you say well let's take a look at the card you cut to you take the top card off the bottom half like so and turn it face up and of course this is you've just forced them to pick the first three that's the the revelation of the first three now they don't know what's going to happen yet this is the cool bit this is where it all starts to unfold so you give them this packet and you say well this is a three why don't you spell the word three dealing a card for each letter and they're going to spell out t h r e e and they're going to keep this pile in their hand you say well this is a three you just spell three wouldn't it be cool if this was a three check out the top card they turn that over and that's a three then you say now remember I took a car out before we started and it's been on the table a whole time check it out and you can have them turn that over and that's a three and you say now that's three of a kind but wouldn't it be good to have four well guess what it's in your hand it's been in your hand the whole time turn over the top card they turn this over and they get the fourth and final card just want to emphasize that these could be any four of a kind it really depends on when you get the cards back from The Spectator whatever card is on the face uh so in this case let's say you know bloody three again let's say it's a nine then when you set the cards up then they're all going to be nines when you get the cards back from The Spectator and you look if it's a queen then you're going to end up with Four Queens right but you end up with a four of a kind from a shuffle deck and the way it happens I think is just absolutely superb hope you enjoy this so there it is guys honestly I think this is one of the best sell self workking card tricks ever seriously cuz you get The Spectator to shuffle a deck like they mix it the setup is super quick you do it right in front of them you're actually going to get a bit of a kick out of doing that cuz it is so quick and then they take the cards they do everything and then the reveals happen like 1 two 3 4 it's just Dynamite it is such a killer trick it's by original trick is by a guy called Larry Jennings so go out and study his material it is absolutely awesome if you like the trick if you like the little touches that I've done with it drop me a like if you've got any ideas with the trick drop me a comment below let me know let's work on some stuff and if you're not subscribed don't forget to subscribe we do this every single weekend we do new tricks and I'd love to see you here on the channel for now guys take it easy I'll see you soon
Channel: Matt McGurk
Views: 219,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easycardtricks, cardmagic, simplecardtricks, easymagictricks, magictutorial, howtodocardtricks, magictricks
Id: jjaYUdsX2jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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