“Tell Me About A Time You Demonstrated Leadership Skills?” INTERVIEW QUESTION & BRILLIANT ANSWER!

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hello there my name is richard mcmunn from the interview training website passmyinterview.com and in this tutorial i am going to teach you how to answer the difficult interview question tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership now if you have a manager a team leader or a supervisor job interview coming up for any role whatsoever or any organization there is a strong possibility they will ask you this interview question and how you answer it could be the difference between a pass or a fail at your interview and to help you answer it correctly this is what i will cover i will tell you why the interviewer is asking you the question tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership i will give you two really important tips for answering this question with confidence i will then give you three brilliant answers you can use in your job interview and i will also tell you how you can get access to more answers to difficult management and leadership interview questions to help you succeed and just very quickly please do make sure you subscribe to this channel lots of you are passing your job interviews as a result which is great news and i don't want you to miss out you can also connect with me on linkedin i've put my linkedin link in the description below the video and please do give the video a like because that tells me you enjoy the content and you find it useful thank you very much so why is the interviewer asking you the question tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership there are two reasons reason number one within any management or leadership role you must be the person who takes the lead if you haven't demonstrated leadership skills before how do you know you can do the job properly so we need to give the interviewer a specific situation you have been in previously where you've demonstrated leadership skills and i will give you some example answers soon the second reason why they are asking you this question is the interviewer wants to hear how you took control of a situation and you made a decision that had a positive impact on your team or the organization let me now give you two essential tips for answering this question with confidence and we will then move on to the answers tip number one good examples of demonstrating leadership include turning around an underperforming team getting a difficult project over the finishing line coming up with innovative ideas to help a business grow and also giving a member of your team feedback to help them improve and develop and the second tip is my advice is to use a star technique to structure your answer this is situation task action and result so you start off and you explain the situation you're in you then briefly outline the task that needed doing you then go into detail about the action you took and then you finish off with the result of your actions so when we are answering the question tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership we are going to use a star technique to structure your response so here is the first example answer to the difficult interview question tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership here we go when i first started working my previous role i carried out an observational assessment of my team's strengths and weaknesses i quickly noticed that several people in the team were weak at customer service they weren't paying enough attention to our customers and i felt they needed to improve it was my responsibility as their leader to ensure they received the right training which would then enable them to do their jobs properly i spoke to each team member individually to explain where i felt they needed to improve and the reasons why i then enrolled all of them onto a customer service skills training course which they needed to complete within a 14-day period at the end of the course all the team members had improved their customer service skills significantly and this showed in their level of attention towards our customers and the fact that revenue started to grow due to the improved customer satisfaction ratings and the increase in online reviews we were receiving that is a brilliant answer to the question tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership and it uses situation task action result to format the answer that is the star technique in action let's now take a look at the second brilliant answer tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership in a previous role the company owner asked me and my team to take on more responsibilities due to the fact redundancies had to be made in another department as a responsible leader i saw it as my duty to embrace the changes and to work with my team to ensure the additional workload was absorbed effectively and carried out to a high standard i got together with my team and i explained to them the reasons why we needed to take on the additional workload i also explained why the redundancies were being made and that we all needed to embrace the changes with a positive mindset to ensure the company thrived in the future i then held a brainstorming session where everyone put forward their suggestions for how we could absorb the additional workload whilst ensuring our own tasks were still maintained by communicating with my team in an open and transparent manner i was able to get them on board with the changes and we quickly adapted to the new workload with professionalism and adaptability that is another really good answer where you are showing leadership capabilities here's the third answer to the question tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership here we go when i first took over the leadership of a previous team there was no structure in place as to how tasks were completed although projects were often completed to the right standard there were no timelines to work towards and nobody had specific responsibility for tasks as a responsible leader i knew this needed to change and so i started putting systems in place that everyone in the team would need to follow i started off by holding a team meeting to explain my vision and how it would work the team were initially against my ideas because they felt there was nothing wrong with the way they were currently working if it isn't broke why fix it seemed to be the feedback i was getting i explained to them the benefits of having a systematic approach to tasks and i provided numerous examples of how a team can significantly improve their performance and output by working to a set system now after a bit of debate and persuasion they agreed it was a great idea we then brainstormed some ideas as a team before putting multiple systems in place that everyone was now going to work towards moving forward now three months down the line and the output of the team had increased so much that we were able to take on more projects and tasks for the company we became one of the best performing departments in the organization later that year which i put solely down to the fact that we started using tried and tested systems so that's another really good answer now if you would like to download these slides and a further 34 great answers to tough management interview questions click that link in the top right hand corner of the video now it will take you through to my website pastmyinterview.com and you can download these slides and my full 34 great answers to tough management interview questions i hope you've enjoyed that please don't forget to subscribe connect with me on linkedin and please do give the video a like and i wish you all the best for passing your manager or team leader interview have a brilliant day
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 112,558
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Keywords: Tell Me About A Time You Demonstrated Leadership Skills, How do you answer Tell me about a time when you demonstrated leadership skills?, behavioral interview questions and answers, manager interview questions, management interview questions, team leader interview questions, supervisor interview questions, leadership skills, How do you answer the question what are your leadership skills?, leadership qualities, demonstrate leadership skills examples
Id: HpvSxmGbB5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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