5 Brilliant Questions to Ask at the End of Your Interview

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do you have questions for me ever been asked this at the end of your interview well if you don't want to ask the same old generic boring questions at the end of your job interview then this is the video for you so that your interviewer will remember you when you walk out with these five brilliant questions to ask at the end of your interview I'm amri Celeste your interview coach so let's just jump in so the easy way to remember what questions to ask is to categorize them so that you can make sure you cover the questions that will allow you to leave the impact that you intended the first question is a probing question about the company that always has a strong reaction from the interviewer but it does have another purpose the interview question is what is your favorite thing about working here and what is the most challenging thing about working here this has been a game changer for me and for my clients as well so this question makes the interviewer pause every time they pause they think and sometimes while they're thinking they laugh because they're recalling memories and good times and the people that they like the people that make them laugh at work the people they started with at the company that maybe have left so they're going on a bit of a journey down memory lane but most importantly the question is about them so they have been asking about you and listening to you for the entire 30 minutes two hours however long the interview is and I'll tell you a secret for free people love talking about themselves so they light up and are suddenly more engaged than they were before so why is this important because interviewers don't always remember everything that a candidate has said so even if they're writing it down but they do remember whether they enjoyed meeting that person or not so engagement is absolutely critical in order to leave that stamp of memorability with them after your interview then interestingly when they're answering the SEC second part of that question about what the challenges are they are sometimes a bit more cautious because they don't often want to paint the company in a bad light they're trying to convince you to work there but people are often surprisingly honest as well in this part of their answer to this question and their answer gives you a window into what the challenges might be for you while you're working there and that is something that you definitely want to know if you're interviewing for the job so interviewers will often answer this and say things like decisions sometimes take a long time here or there's a lot of red tape or the system we use for something specific is really slow or very old and that can cause delays so even things like which teams they do and don't get along with and why I've heard a lot of surprising answers in the last 20 years and I've had lots of clients tell me about unexpected things that were revealed when they asked this question so the next question is based on my answers so far do you have have any doubts about my ability to do well in a role like this so this is a kind of a cheap way of getting early feedback on your interview performance or sense checking whether you're likely to get an offer and it can take some of the suspense and anxiety out of waiting around for feedback after the interview so you'll sometimes just get a straight no I have no concerns which always feels pretty good and is a really good sign but sometimes the interviewer might mention a concern that they've highlighted before or one that they haven't mentioned um like they might say something like my only concern might be the lack of experience or the fact that you haven't done a specific skill in the role like for example you haven't worked on large-scale projects that's just an example but that's a good thing because it allows you to handle any last minute objections that come up in this section of the interview at the end where they're giving you the opportunity to ask questions so you could respond to something like this with a response that reiterates why their objection whatever it is is not an issue so you wouldn't directly tell them that of course but let's take the project example so a response might be something like no I haven't worked on large-scale projects but I have experience in managing and collaborating with teams to consistently deliver successful projects and I've taken several courses and attended workshops on Project managing larger scale projects to prepare myself for a bigger role also if you're comfortable you can also just ask the interviewer directly I had someone ask me this recently when I interviewed them for a role so would it be possible to just get any feedback at all now on how my interview went so interviewers will have various reactions to this so don't be put off if they say that they want to see other candidates first some managers want to collect their thoughts and get their feedback kind of clear first but you might also just get some immediate feedback so as an interviewer as well as a coach I'm always happy to give immediate feedback if a candidate asks for it now if this is valuable so far do leave a comment and let me know what you found helpful and click like it's a huge help to help this video show up for more people on the YouTube platform and if you are one of the many that have had amazing results recently congratulations to every single one of you then you can also buy me a coffee if you want to do that then there is a link in the description below this video just showing you how to take those steps the next question that really leaves an impact is in the job description I noticed X for this question you would need to be familiar with the job description before your interview phrasing this question in this way where it starts with I noticed on the job description does three things it shows your dedication to the interview itself you're showing off that you prepare head and you took the time to pay attention to areas of the job description before your interview but also you're asking for detail on something specific that a candidate could only know if they knew the job description inside out so third it gives you more insight into specific areas of the role which is more of a window into the day-to-day of the role and what that would be like for you so here's an example of what this sounds like for a specific role so this is an example job description I created for a marketing assistant we could take this part here so work closely with in-house or external creative agencies to design marketing materials such as brochures and adverts and you might ask a question like I noticed on the job description that there would be some collaboration with creative agencies can you tell me a bit more about a typical campaign that you might work with them on and what my involvement might be in a role like this so this question is so hyper-specific that only someone that really wants the role and has taken the time to thoroughly pay attention to the job description is likely to ask the next question is about the interviewer can you tell me a bit about your journey what did you do before this and what made you ultimately decide to come and work here so when you get asked do you have any questions for us or do you have any questions for me this is a rare opportunity to create a connection with your interviewer so to leave an impact you must ask at least one question strictly about the interviewer and then just listen to what they have to say don't interrupt don't interject or add your own to it just sit and listen to what they have to say so this helps to one understand the person that you might be working with just listen to how they communicate their body language their story what's important to them what their priorities are this also Builds an emotional connection which is critical in order to be the memorable candidate so the interviewer will remember how they felt talking to you instead of digging into specifics around what you said now this is important because this is actually the way that many interviewers make decisions anyway without realizing it so some hiring managers will select a candidate and when asked why there are quite a few mental gymnastics to articulate their choice and that's sometimes because we're wired to make emotional decisions and sometimes we use logic to justify them next is a question about the team if you could describe your team in three words what would they be and why so this is a key question to ask in an interview this tells you a bit about Team Dynamics and how the manager views the team and how they work together as well as working culture and the environment it's important if you are going into a role that does work in a team as opposed to one that is a stand loan role so one powerful bonus question is about the company so this one is very similar to the question about the job description it shows that you prepared and that you're paying close attention to specifics about the company that you're supposed to be excited about working for so instead of I noticed on the job description this one is I noticed on the website or company LinkedIn page the question is I was looking through the company values on your website and I noticed X as it's quite unique I wondered what inspired this so This does the same thing as question three where you ask a specific question about the role except in this one it shows how in-depth you went in your company research so these are the types of questions to ask an interviewer so this works great with companies that have unusual values so the common ones are things like Integrity passion purpose but more modern companies take a more unique approach so Amazon is a example one of their values are are right a lot um really unusual so you can pick at values that are out of the norm to learn more and show off your interest levels at the same time so Lululemon is another one so one of theirs is entrepreneurial Spirit which is really specific so you could dig more on that one last Pro tip to elevate your interview success is to subscribe to this channel leave a comment and a like if you haven't already and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Amri Celeste - Interview Coach
Views: 35,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Do you have questions for me, questions to ask at the end of an interview, Do you have any questions for me, Do you have questions for us, questions to ask interviewer, question to ask after interview, question to ask in an interview, smart questions to ask at the end of an interview, amri celeste, interview coach
Id: thpS3WuPTFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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