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a warrior can be defined as one with willpower to overcome any struggle welcome back all you Warriors to a uh edging episode of elite Landscapes life stories we got a lot of Hardcore edges put down and that's what we're going to start off with not really going to sit here and yab to you about my life cuz no one's really here to watch my life unless it's here to benefit you right channels here to benefit you guys whether it's good vibes whether it's methods to approach jobs or how to price them that's what the channels all about and U it's all for free I don't charge any M for this stuff so I make my money doing hard work digging hard and uh here's the first bed footage for you guys we already did it it's back there it's done so here's the footage of us doing it and we're going to move on to this bed right here [Music] so we did not weed eat the edge before we did that and you end up with a lot of debris a lot of grass clumps so we're going to go ahead and weedy this first because it did not get weedy last season and uh yeah we're going to fix it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so as long as you don't have grass clumps in your edging material just chop up the dirt level it out nice beveled nice slope coming up and uh yeah gives you that raised bed that everybody likes to see so yeah that's a pretty good transformation from what we had to what we're looking at now with just a wheel b and a space shovel for that [Applause] [Applause] e so one of the big things we have issues with when we're edging beds and and uh properties are tree rings right so I'm going to do my best to work this tree ring around all the root systems that it has without destroying it and trying to make it pretty I ain't promising nothing yet I haven't dug in the ground yet that's one thing you should think about when you're bid any job you're digging in planting in you don't know what under the ground so give yourself some cushion hours involved let's see what we can do with here so we did a little weed Edge just to give ourselves an outline where we're trying to dig at definitely helps getting you started keeping your lines nice and even around the tree ring I'm happy with this tree ring I think you're going to be surprised yeah check it out so I'm happy with the progress we got going on I'm looking around these beds right now and they're making me smile looking pimped so we still got four more tree rings left which we know those are the worst to deal with but uh yeah a lot of linear footage left around the house also down that wall over there I'll continue to show you the progress we're making and I'll keep on checking in and saying High hang out with us you ain't got nothing better to do YouTube so I got that with the weer right now just to get the definition down dal's going to be up here on this tree here and again I hit it with weeder cuz you see here that needs to be filled in with sod or grass cuz the shape of the tree ring should be this you can tell if I would have followed out along that worn out Edge it would have been not uh it wouldn't have been symmetrical anymore it would have been a oval egg looking thing so we'll repair that when this time to grow grass and we'll have a perfect tree ring by the time Dalton comes around and edges it with his Spade so Dalton are we loving life or what oh yeah everyday is Friday that's right everyday is Friday everyday is Friday so two tree rings got a little bit of dirt that we took away but it ain't bad man this is looking good nice and redefined Dalton still up here messing with his tree ring and it takes a lot to get these things back in shape a lot of dirt this you got to take away and this is all clay gross nasty stuff so it's not good for the beds it's got to get taken away but to get this nice crispy Edge and have a nice easy weed eating Adventure every single week it's important and whatever's left around the tree I always level it back out and grade the tree ring perfect cuz not every tree ring is perfect some of them are all crazy so I use whatever excess dirt to grade it all out nice and flat and level a all right guys two more tree rings left this is one of them definitely uh bad shape so see what we can do to make it Elite [Music] style hard [Music] base [Music] [Music] we [Music] oh yeah now it looks tight doesn't it beautiful beautiful now I'm just going to call that a perfect tree ring so carrying on about the business of the day I'm going to hit this wall bed which is substantially long substantially long tell you the truth and I'm going to hit it really hard with the weed eater see how much depth I can get just using that and this bed right here does not get the same um crazy beautiful amazing depth as that tree did but the house does and the other trees do so let's see what we can do on this bed and we'll continue cuz it's 2:20 right now I'm kind of semi starving to death and it's time to stop and eat some lunch yeah here it is [Music] [Music] okay these uh two kidney shaped beds got one here and one the other side of the yard can't really Edge those cuz the Roof Systems of those large bushes but uh we will be edging this stuff right here and everything else that's around the house we're going to give we lunch so stay tuned go get a beverage hit pause real quick get a snack we still got a lot more of the day left come on hang out that was a excellent lunch and um for those of you that do not have a soulmate in your life I'm sorry she makes a wonderful lunch and she makes me wonderful dinners so hopefully if you're looking you'll be blessed with one and know if you're not looking this is a lot of work she takes care of me on my in my real world away from this world but um let's get this weed eating mission on to find these beds and finish this edge of mission my legs are feeling it so let's do it so this is just a weedy nedge we'll come through here and use a spade shovel get nice and deep these are all flowers like beautiful beautiful flowers you'll see them all when they come up this spring so here's the uh wonderful dirt I don't even call that dirt it's Clay so I'm fixing to bring the trailer up here truck and trailer and uh yeah get rid of the debris so there's a view of 5:00 we ain't done yet but show you these edges woo nice and tight like that don't you I'll turn the camera around hold on now this is what it's supposed to look like when the bed's red and I've already cut in majority of this other side of the house but I have not gone through the backside with the angle cut leg 6 o' I'll show you around real quick so this is where I left off doing that closeup edging and uh it's a tight fit through here dton got all this edged out all through here nice and yeah this thing oh fell in a hole that's the last little bit I got so yeah I'll go ahead and film it why not [Music] for a second who what pick this up [Applause] this all of it yeah right think remember hearing that today something like that all right Warriors I'm calling in a wrap on the uh videoing for the day cuz I'm going to enjoy this Sunset that I just showed you and i' only got a little bit left of the edges so hey thank you guys for hanging out today and it was a beautiful day wonderful day every day is Friday when you're in love with your career and you're hanging out with your best friends and your family uh as always be good if can always be kind and above all love each other peace Elite landscape Style
Channel: Elite Landscapes Life Stories
Views: 79,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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