“I chose to trust God with everything” - Young Entrepreneur Trusts God From Bankrupt to Blessed

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dennis dixon has been fascinated with electronics ever since childhood it all started when his mother gave him a walkie-talkie i broke it on my birthday and i was like oh man i can't tell her that i broke it so i was like i'm gonna try to fix it and i didn't know how to fix it but i opened it up and i saw the inside and it just caught me and i just i've always been interested with electronic sister soon he became the go-to person for friends and family with broken electronics his father began to notice his son's talent it was just like a hobby like any other hobby and he saw me doing it he was like you know you could do something with this so he was like let's post the ad and see what happens and the phone just kept ringing people kept calling and i'd fix one phone then two phones then they would tell their friends dennis felt god prompting him to open a full-time business but took a job in sales instead and fixed phones for extra money his dad taught in the importance of tithing on his income tithing is you trusting god with what he's given you and honoring him you know ten percent of the hundred percent that he gives us every day setting aside money for god for his kingdom and for his purpose and learning how to trust god with your fears with everything you have including finances that trust was put to the test when the large electronic store he worked for went bankrupt dennis and his mother lost their jobs at the same time soon after they lost their car and then their house and i think from that moment i realized that faith wasn't just a feeling but it was a reaction like how am i going to choose to respond to this am i going to panic or am i going to continue to trust god and i chose to continue to trust god i chose to continue tithing believing that he was going to take care of us and i would actually go above and give offerings just believing for god to you know do a miracle i wasn't going to allow my circumstances to destroy my faith dennis remembered god's prompting to start his business full-time but didn't think he was ready my response was if that's what you want from me make it to where that's the only option i have while out looking for a job dennis noticed a retail space for rent when he spoke with the owner she offered him a lease that gave him free rent for several months for his fix-it shop idea man i mean it's all laid out for me and i just chose to do what god had been telling me to do the whole time like he he opened the door soon his fix-it business was up and thriving since i've been tithing i've just seen like a ridiculous favor that just doesn't make sense but i would just see god provide in ways that i could i know that in my wisdom or in my knowledge i couldn't have made happen by myself it's just favor dennis tithes to his church and also became a cbn partner i i counted an honor to be able to support an organization that is spreading the love of god to people in places that i can't necessarily be at as a business owner they're on the front lines of ministry meeting the needs of people all across the world and that's a privilege to me his business continues to grow and bless him beyond what he ever thought possible god restored everything we lost and then some a hundred fold like i never would have thought that i'd end up here running my own company making six figures every day it's a blessing and i'm just grateful and thankful for it don't you love dennis i mean what an amazing story uh an amazing turnaround why does god do that uh well it's because he's honoring his word here's the promise it's from deuteronomy 28 all these blessings let's underline all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you because you obey the voice of the lord your god here they are they're in desperate circumstances uh it seems like god's abandoned them all you know it's just you you can get into oh woe is me when when things are down but what they did is said no we're going to obey god we're going to live life god's way and when they did that when they made that resolution wonderful things started to happen now what does god give people well i think one of the greatest things he can give you is an idea and for dennis that idea seems strange you know get this store or you know look at this storefront open up a business of your own what a wonderful idea at first he doubted it and then he got around to it saying well if this is what god wants me to do i'll do it all these blessings will come upon you and overtake you because you obey the lord your god because of that obedience what was a horrible such situation has turned into a wonderful situation that can happen to you if you just follow the same principle it's very simple take 10 of your income and give it to the lord find places where you can give whether that's to your church to outreaches for humanitarian work be creative with it but do it and when you do it wonderful things can happen if you want to start a life of giving this isn't some on-again off-again thing this certainly isn't a get rich quick thing it is a consistent life where i want to be generous i want to help other people if you want to start that give us a call 1 800 700 7 000 and say yes i want to join the 700 club how much is that it's just 20 a month 65 cents a day when you call and join you're joining tens of thousands of other people that want to make a difference in the world if that's you give us a call 1 800 hundred seven thousand ashley well like a double punch to the gut that's how craig described the pain of coping with the covid pandemic and then being hit by a category four hurricane all of the residents of lake charles louisiana were reeling in the aftermath of the storm they were desperate for food and water until operation blessing came to the rescue the kofit 19 outbreak hit america hard when category 4 hurricane laura ripped through louisiana things went from bad to worse it's like a double punch because they only won two you get the code then you get the hurricane and it was our year i guess and literally the place looked like a bomb went off they saw those people have lost just about everything business too so my heart go out to them and myself and my family been no water there's been no electricity now for days with no electricity for several weeks everyone's perishable food went bad fast we had to stand in long lines to get food for covington everything and then this hit and it's terrible pastor jerry snyder and his wife hope partnered with operation blessing to host a food and supplies distribution at their church we're giving out fresh produce we're giving out products that they need to clean we're giving out food trash bags dog food all the things that they need one of our core values is that unity builds community and that's what we're here as a church to do but when you have churches like this that's step up their game to another level and help all these people that's a blessing of god for this church to be doing this thanks to the prayers and support of operation blessing donors families in lake charles were able to get the food and supplies they needed to take their first steps toward recovery we are so blessed to be here as a church doing what jesus would want us to do y'all are a god sin y'all are doing god's work it means a lot it really does thank you operation blessing thank you every partner that sows that gives that cares you absolutely are the heart of jesus i believe that and we feel it right here in southwest louisiana and christian well we won't need to know thank you we love you well like you just said that thank you goes to sebian partners you know when god blesses us in our lives he wants us to be a blessing in return the bible says when when you are a blessing be a blessing unto others so follow that principle today and if you want to join cbn all you got to do is give us a call 1-800-700-7000 you can also text cbn at 71777 again when you partner with cv and you're changing the lives of people who need it most people who have just faced massive destruction from hurricanes and we help people not only in the u.s but literally around the world and you're doing it in the name of jesus you're bringing hope and new life to people all around the world so again join us today when you do we actually are going to give you a gift this is our way of saying thank you it's cbn's latest teaching it features myself and gordon and we just sat down to talk about heaven and the nearness of heaven and what that looks like and we watch a lot of testimony stories of people who have gone to heaven and seen amazing things but i think the most important part is we discuss that we can experience heaven right now here on earth that's what jesus tells us to pray lord bring your kingdom here on earth so i encourage you to become a cbm partner and receive this gift we can send you a cd or a digital download for this as well hey everyone i'm ashley key thank you so much for watching this video be sure to like subscribe and hit the notification bell so we can reach more people with encouraging content like you just watched and so you never miss a beat see you next time and god bless you
Channel: 700 Club Interactive
Views: 1,428
Rating: 4.9629631 out of 5
Keywords: 700 club interactive, cbn, ashley key, financial miracle, giving and tithing, tithing, tithe, give, gifts, helping others, putting god first, god blesses, prosperity, young entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs success stories
Id: bwjmCNey2fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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