“Cheap Fakes” - Karine Jean Pierre Gaslights As Biden Caught FREEZING On Film

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Biden raises $30 million at La fundraiser featuring you ready Barack Obama Clooney and Julia Roberts oh yeah okay leave the flipping World Behind all in one room uh Biden's La fund ra a featureing Obama Clooney Roberts raised a record 30 million plus with the president flying directly from G7 Summit in Italy to attend underscoring the events importance Jimmy Kimmel interviewed Biden and Obama and Biden emphasizing we have the strong EST economy in the world and Obama urging the audience don't hiss vote when roie Wade uh was mention the event marked by performances from Jack Black chery Lee Ralph and saw Biden discussing significant legislative achievements and expressing concerns about Trump's appointing for more Supreme Court Justices warning he's going to appoint two more who fly their flags upside down and while this is taking place there was a moment at the end of the um uh at the end of the event which everybody was talking about left right and Center this is what happened and even Karine jeanpierre had to respond to it go ahead Rob look Joe Biden has no idea what like he's stuck okayy we got to go Joe yeah look look and then hand on the back pbd guides him off the whole time Trump do walk no hell he look at his AR dude look at how sad that is man and and so what are they saying about it some are saying he wasn't helped some are what are they saying no no so so what's happening is all Karine Jean Pierre a bunch of uh different people I got it to with a bunch of people on um on X one one guy on an account on x and by the way this is every single left leaning what's the guy that you were listening to pbd when we walked in here that guy too the the the the the little the guy that we had on the podcast here that's like no it's no it's all no those two twerps anyway uhin there's one guy no I'm not angry just they're twerps and I know they get paid to do what they do uh Brian Tyler Cohen was on X saying that this is fake it's not real and the most ironic thing is that his show is called No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen and then Karin jeanpierre the worst Dei hire in the history of Dei hires comes in front of the White House mind you everybody out there you guys all saw exactly what happened Joe Biden is stuck like he always is uh Obama had to grab him and then guide him all the way and basically get him off the thing look at look at what this clown says about what happened there were two instances in recent days where leaders former President Obama and Georgia Malone of it they physically put hands on the president to guide him and show him give stage stage directions are they doing that on their own or has anybody asked them to run the show like that first of all let me spoke to the most recent right uh and as we saw on Saturday the President Obama put President Obama's uh office put out a statement uh so I would refer you to that statement uh about what was being accused in those we didn't see our by others uh and he said this did not happen in the sense of what people were saying saying they were seeing right uh or what was being falsely reported uh that they were seeing let's not forget President Obama president uh Biden have a relationship they are friends they're like family to each other and I think that's what you saw uh you saw the president put his hand behind on the back of of uh president uh uh Biden and and they walked off the stage after after uh taking questions uh or in at an evant taking questions from and well there's one more that she says deep fake she's like they deep fake like there's a lot of deep fakes happening right now like by the way this is her saying to us this how stupid they think that you are you didn't see what you saw okay because Obama put out a statement saying that's not what you saw so listen to Obama not your eyes I think this is it when she says deep what is it called Robbie deep somethings uh she calls them deep fakes let's see yeah can we see this one she's reading conservative Washington examiner uh did call them out as well calling out the New York Post uh ironically several several recent Chief fakes actually attacked the president for thanking troops for thanking troops that is what they attacking the president for both in Normandy this happened and again in Italy and uh I think that it tells you everything that we need to know about how um how desperate how desperate are here desperate yeah yeah in she's glowing what a horrible Jack performance in what I mean by that is his legislative wins what he's been able to do for the American people across the country and but she does the whole if you watch Obama Maloney did it right we we showed it a couple weeks ago Adam what are your thoughts on this year like have an opinion yeah I have a I have a massive opinion here but I'm going to focus on the purpose of the event which was a fundraiser not like Michael Scott does in the office a fundraiser but uh yeah we can show Biden being slow and old for days I mean that's that's nothing new here what is new is the fact that the $30 million they raised in one night was the most successful largest raise in the history of the democratic party so you put Obama George Clooney Julia Roberts and you throw in a little bit of Jack Black for a little comedy act and you got Jimmy Kimmel who's a stoe of the left uh you raise $30 million in a night uh I would call that a successful evening for the Democratic party um by the way ticket prices range from 250 bucks easy access right there to half a million dollars which got you front row seats uh a photo with both Presidents Obama and Biden and then you know after the party it's the after party you got to go party with Joe Biden ain't no party like a Joe Biden party we all know that riding with Biden but uh follow the money here um you know there's a website called Open Secret shout out to Rober Ro for bringing me on to that but here's the you know say say follow the money um here's the uh money count of what's going on between the three major candidates when I mean two major candidates and then RFK um Joe Biden has raised $300 million this talking about just for the Campa aign um he spent 115 million sorry 185 million already and has 160 million cash on hand Trump a little bit behind Biden has raised 244 million has spent 203 million and still has 107 million cash on hand then a distant RFK and they're saying that he has a cash crunch has raised 95 million um spent 64 million and has about 30 million on hand we all know that he picked Nicole Shanahan who was the Silicon Valley attorney former uh spouse to one of the Google boys uh Sergey Bren and she contributed I think $10 million to the campaign um but you know follow the money here um you know the the famous quote from uh the President James Garfield we talk about him all the time the 20th President of United States he said he who controls the money of a Nation controls the nation so uh if you want to know a reason why Biden still has a chance hands despite how old scile decrepit he is is that he's out there raising money and we'll see if Trump can compete with that in the purse category but but my cuz Adam you kind of just brushed over it though because the main thing was that doesn't bother you that the guy has been for the past four years and is getting really bad this past I'll say three months he's freezing the juneth his his hands get stuck like this they have to guide him everywhere he can't speak coherently I I I'm with you but this is a new story we've been doing this for four years so is there something new no no no but what I'm saying is it's getting to the point where because to me it's this is the present this is the leader of the Free World the nuclear remember the nuclear codes everybody worried about Trump this guy is clearly not in charge so whatever and that's why Trump is such a threat because Trump never said hey they said I can't talk he's not running the show Rob you have another video of him in the White House I sent you did you see yesterday they're they're they're trying to you know yell questions at him he he goes He mumbles to the a little bit right this one right here this is the president of the United States in the white house trying to be professional look look at this guy I made a video making fun of him too me here in the OV office and uh I look very much forward to The Summit in Washington DC next month yeah he doesn't know what the hell's going on look thank you very much look at the president of the United States are you worried he has no clowning the no he's clowning well that's listen you're in the you're the president you're not supposed actly like a psycho so what I'm saying is Adam does it bother you that he's the president of the United States isn't running the country he's not making that guy's not making decisions you know what I mean besides the money I can care L that money is going to go to Gavin Nome or Michelle Obama doesn't bother you that he's not in charge um well listen we're not in the in the White House I I'll tell you one thing that uh our our friend Cuomo said me that it's even scarier is he said that he has a um he said he told us this at at lunch I don't I'm not going to name names and he said you don't want to know what's scarier that Biden not running the country is that he's actually the one running the country so which one do you want it is there is there someone pulling the strings in the puppet that behind him do you want that or do you want B behind the the wheel here's the reality though Vin that is and I know that obviously you're not a fan of Biden and I've already come out and said I can't possibly endorse this guy and vote for this guy and you can quote me okay he's going to be the nominee he's going to have millions and hundreds of millions of dollars behind him and it's going to be wait for a close election it is what it is bro and why is it going to be a close election because all the illegals that are here that are actually going to vote for this person to that they're promising the future if that's the angle you want to go sure but there's also something what's the story about the double haters pbd what page is that 16 um here's a story uh this is the election that nobody wants the dread election the shareff double haters hits the storai Pew research pretty credible shows that 25% of Americans hold unfavorable views of both President Biden and president Trump the highest percentage of double haters um in the last 10 elections so the reality is this election's going to come down to 6% of Voters in in Six States listen Biden's at 40% Trump's at 41% those are the numbers bro um you know is it possible for Biden to win well well yeah even even in Vegas he's just a slight Underdog so I don't you know there's the God forbid there's a talk of this Civil War God forbid Trump wins you know I I'm I'm actually rooting for the guy I don't want the guy to go to jail I actually would love for him to kind of bring the country together um but you know Trump most important one on that list what is no not at all ohome creeping up no he's not creeping up he's creeping down tremendous where was he where was he he was 14 to one at one point yeah so what they're saying for sure is camalo is not going to be the president that's for sure thank God Nome 50 to1 yeah for for wow that's actually for some of the people that are betters that's actually not a Bad Bet in case last minute they did something put it that on it you'll make 50 yeah RFK 28 to1 Nikki Haley is ahead of Nome Vinnie wow exactly and this is this is Vegas odds they're not going to give up money if they didn't know what what's going on exact but Michelle is still right there yeah Michelle's right so basically what they're saying is and I've been the saying for Years Michelle has never served in office I don't think she's ever going to run for office I think it's a pipe dream Nei even Trump didn't run for office thanks Vinny but he's been flirting with running for office for he years she she was married to the president let me ask a random question Adam here's a random question for you okay so Biden doesn't look good let's let's say let's say actually he's hospitalized let's say he's hospitalized and it goes a week two weeks three weeks not looking good first week they tell us he's going to be fine he's just doing a regular checkup and they're going to come out and they're doing a small little of procedure second week third week now it's getting serious now they have to come out and you know health matters takes over he is how old Rob 81 he's 81 Trump just turned 78 I say that's a different Trump trump does not look 78 he he acts like you know so if that takes place Tom what happens I think they ultimately will um you know exercise the amendment and the amendment is the we all know there's an amendment in the constitution 2th for the incapacitated president and if the president is in in capacitated and deem that he cannot serve the office not because you're unconscious after you had a surgery but because you're Health situation is now deteriorating and you are incapable and and it you are incapable and reasonable conclusion of continuing presidency the vice president becomes president that's it so by the way politic purely statistically It's Not a Bad Bet to bet on kamalo right now for becoming a president that happens no no because just forget about the the cons you know the possibilities and all this stuff it's a health matter that's a real thing 81 he does not look good he looks like he's going through something he's an old 81 yes so if something happens the next few months okay Kamala could very likely be a president even if it's for two months or three months yeah I I think what we're discussing is two separate issues is there a chance that God forbid something happens with Biden over the next few months I believe me I'd rather have Joe Biden run the country than kamla Harris I think that's the last thing we want that's why she's not even favored above Gavin Nome or Michelle Obama um nobody wants that but I think what we're talking about is who's running in 2024 um and I'm no uh this isn't my specialty but you know uh candidates don't get anointed they go through delegate process and they go through the super delegates and there's going to be a whole whole process to who they're going to nominate during the DNC they can't be like well Michelle you got it baby go ahead go for it no there's going to be a process to this but again I'll continue to remind you despite what all the haters say Joe B's the guy okay we bet 100 bucks so we'll see we bet we bet a, I have a bet I have a bet with Tom for a th000 I have a bet with Byron ell for a th000 but you scared to put your money in your mouth there only 100 bucks it's not it's not a bet with me it's $1,000 goes to Wounded Warriors you're giving me the money and I'm going to donate to the charity of my choice Tom yeah tell them oh really now it's going the charity of your choice I said that on day one we're going to go no no no no no no no no no no the alarm just hit 10 the um you said it's for you and you were keeping it and then you were dissing Wounded Warriors dude let's go back let's not revise history you just had a full Democrat relapse Amigo thank you Tom let's just be prepared to give me a check for a th000 bucks or cash and I'll figure it out what I'm doing the bet is at the conclusion of de Democratic Convention if Joe Biden is the nominee I give you a thousand if not you give me a th that's how bet work thank you just be prepared to here's what we're doing at the comedy club 5990 live we and our staff will be watching the debate and we'll do a podcast at night the the debate is at 9:00 9 to 10:30 so we're talking about 9900 p.m. Eastern Standard time we will probably start at 8:30 and go till about 11 11:30 and comment on it and there's going to be an audience there of our teammates and family and friends will be there as well however for the first 50 people that purchased $300 worth of merch we will give you two tickets to come and attend the event with us and people that purchase the $300 worth of merch priority for seats will be based on first come first serve so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here a
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 188,968
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Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment, pbd podcast, economy, money, news, politics
Id: DA3t_kWB9Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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