"Grave Threat To Security" - Marc Cuban & Bill Ackman Fight Over Biden FREEZING At LA Fundraiser

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there's an exchange going on between Bill Amman and Mark Cuban okay Rob if you can go to the bill Amman one I'll read that and then no no no go back go back Rob go back go to the bottom where it's Bill there you go okay so you know Bill Amman is saying things about the president I've been criticized by some for sharing these president United States Biden videos which appear almost every day I read numerous articles which somehow suggest that the camera angle the duration of the clip right-wing manipulation some people are old at 81 others are sharp vigorous and impressive comparing Warren Buffett at 93 and Biden at 81 Biden is an old 81 who can't find his way off stage or State president or focused at G7 conferences that who should be the leader of the Free World for the next 5 years a president should not have to be let off stage by hand or with an arm wrapped around him that is not the image of strength and Leadership we need as a country look at what is going on in the world the perception of weak leadership in the United States has led to Global chaos the reality of weak leadership is a long-term serious continuous threat to our society Democratic party is destroying Itself by advancing Biden for a second term this is the emperor's new close in real life but it's it is not a children's book or a joke the world is at Great risk and a Biden second term is a grave threat to Global Security and prosperity okay so now he's retweeting a Pierce Morgan clip of the event and Pierce Morgan said so embarrassing the Dem Democrats can't let this go on surely so then go back Rob One Clip to see how Mark Cuban responds to Bill akman I keep in mind bill akman is worth n10 billion okay so he's just as successful as Cuban is Cuban is obviously more famous so let's go through it Mark Cuban you guys Rob can you move that please you guys both Pierce Morgan and Bill akman are so consumed with pandering to your Twitter followers you have lost all credibility objectivity I'll let objectivity objectivity I'll let you both in on a secret both candidates are old very old they are both going to have senior moments misremember forget things and have physical frailties go a little lower Rob if you could I'll tell you a not so secret secret one is great at sound sound bites but also thinks in sound bites the other is awful at sound bites but thinks in complete sentences meaning that's Biden yeah voters will decide which we prefer you're right they will here's my response if you can go back one I said Mark it's quite simple your candidate sucks and is not marketable you have two problems why is the new map's owner Miriam Adon being targeted by the NBA for reportedly giving $100 million to Trump since conviction okay two how will you use your influence to replace Biden before DNC now can you type in Miriam Adon Dallas Mavs and put Trump Mar melson is a very very wealthy women who is respected tremendously zoom in a little bit she is noted a republican donor who in 2020 gave $172 million to GOP initiatives according to tor's podcast has given $100 million to Trump's campaign since since conviction uh this report caused NBA Commissioner Adam Silver to place restrictions on her ownership of the team Oh weird what can you go to the article please and her husband was the late Sheldon Adison the casino magnet out there and that's how she has all this money by yes can you zoom in a little bit uh uh yeah zoom in a little bit Rob if you could uh close that there you go go a little lower Rob okay so uh Alison know Republican go a little lower go a little lower go a little lower Republican Comm okay her political reputation was apparently so radioactive that the NBA commissioner Adam Silver will not allow her to be the governor of the team so Miriam son-in-law Patrick Dumont an executive at her Casino company was appointed governor of the Mavericks instead and the reason why the Austin Austin uh ausensi left leaning NBA insisted on this is obvious once you step just a foot outside of sports because nobody donated more to Trump in 2020 than Miriam Adon so it's interesting that the new map's owner is her supporting Trump NBA not happy could this be what are the likelihood that Adam Silver called Cuban I don't know what is the likely of Adam Silver saying hey this is going on I don't know what is the likely of that Cuban called Adam Silver I don't know I actually don't think Cuban called Adam Silver because Cuban's doing some real estate business with them is what what they're doing but who do you think Adam Sila prefers as an owner you think Mark Cuban or adelon which do you think Cuban of course it's Mark cubin because Mark Cuban is on the same page politically as you know she as he is very similar and in the NBA if you are a Conservative Republican team owner you better keep it to yourself and not anybody else you cannot do that in the NBA maybe you can get away with it a little bit in the NFL you can get away with it a little bit more in the MLB you can get away with it maybe in a couple other sports UFC he does not give a Dana White could give a on how different he is as a commissioner than Adam silver Adam Silver is worried because she's giving money to Trump so what's the point here Tom you see a story like this with Amman and Cuban going back and forth with Mark Cuban's arguments being made about where they're at and you see what the new ownership is how does he how does he manage a relationship like that where the new owners are so right he knew that before he sold the company to him it's not like he didn't know about that how do you think this relationships moves forward with the two of them how does Mark manage it or Adam manage it uh all three put Mark Adam and Miriam okay for Miriam there's nothing to manage you know she is who she is and she's very clear about it and her somewhat less volatile son-in-law has been the ceremonial governor of the team which is like chairman of the board right you have some power but you can't just sweeping things how does Mark manage it Mark wanted to sell part of the team and make some Bank to go do some of the other things and there were very few people out there that had enough coin to do it but remember this the NBA approved the deal the NBA knew who she was her father her husband was Sheldon knew what was going on and I believe there's a lot of truth behind that the NBA was moving gambling forward because remember all the leagues hated gambling till they could make big money on it now it's okay and now we can put DraftKings on the scoreboards and on the on the all the media posters around the stadi so Mark knew who she was and wanted to get money the NBA knew who she was and they approved her as a purchaser So Adam and Mark have got no room to say oh my gosh look at this no no no no no you know it you the kind of scrutiny they go through to do it so how does Mark Cuban manage it the way he is he comes out with a Mambi pami text response to to Bill Amman and comes out with that like that shows some support for Biden like that and then and then goes on but this is really really disingenuous story because the amount of scrutiny that goes on in sports ownership something you'd know something about Pat is pretty freaking significant they knew exactly who she was and how long ago was this P when did this when did the uh less than a year right oh yeah less than a year oh so because he he bragged that he paid income taxes in April a big giant check happened this year year got you so this is so do you think Adam Silver who's who's Jewish you think his attitude on presidency has changed since that year because of all the anti-semitic left pushing garbage uh college campuses and everything that's happening right now Adam do you think it would change CU Adam Silver is Jewish I mean I would think why would you support a Administration that is pro you know Pro Hamas Pro you know Squad Pro all this I mean I I would think that that guy would change his attitude don't you think like why would you be why would you be going pro Biden Adam Sil saying is pro NBA I feel you but I mean he's trying to he's focused on the NBA that's his that's what his but you understand what I'm saying though right why why are you supporting an Administration that gives two shits about you your people your what is it just the woke Dei agenda with the NBA I'm I I I'm thinking he would change his well uh if you want to label the NBA anything that I would say that they're social justice Warriors you know we saw what happened in the bubble but just to kind of hone in on this I think Bill Amman you know whether it's Jamie d whether it's Bill Amman whether it's Elon Musk whether it's even Joe Rogan there's a lot of people that have changed their tune on who they're willing to vote for these days none of these guys considered Trump in 2016 or even 2020 a lot of them are like yeah I don't I don't this Biden situation yeah I don't all right Trump but you know again back to the point that this is the dreaded double haters election this both candidates have historically high unfavorability ratings uh and Bill amman's absolutely right about uh Joe Biden is the emperor that has no clothes on both character both candidates are deeply flawed forget about my opinion just look at the numbers I mean Trump's the only candidate in American history that never had a 50% approval rating never um Joe Biden started at like 60 and it plummeted within the first six months so this guy just completely fell apart literally and figuratively but in this election we have the lesser of two evils and you know age is a problem for Biden uh not so much for Trump despite you know some things he says it's nobody's worried about uh his age you know people are worried about Trump's uh character and they're worried about Biden's competence so we're going to see what happens here um you know speaking of the character how many people in Biden's Administration the first time um and Trump's Administration the first time are endorsing them this time not many that's a problem how many you know how much how many people in the Republican party what they say behind closed doors versus what they they say in front of the cameras singing a different tune behind closed doors you hear all the stories oh my God I can't believe this in front of the camera they're never going to go against Maga by the way Biden behind closed doors they're all saying dude this guy's freak falling apart and then they're lying they're lying on camera being like he's the strongest most fervent uh uh president I've ever seen it's like nobody's believing this right now so um unfortunately we're at a time of our country where the fear of the other guy outweighs the fear of your own candidate so we're going to have a close election and these conversations are going to what was it call that on the double what did you call it the double the double hater but the the double hater but the only difference is one of them is actual like Biden you people just hate him because they see what he's doing the other one was manufactured and fabricated people were taught and trained to hate Trump period from the beginning racist Hitler all that now the the the truth is coming to the light so one was propped up and one we're actually seeing what Joe Biden does I don't disagree with you let me let me wrap this up let me wrap this up we got two minutes before we wrap up I'll finish up with his second uh tweet here Mark cubin uh read Rob can you pull up Pierce Morgan's reaction he's reacting to Pierce Morgan I think Bill and I are more consumed with reality than you seem to be Mr Cuban right and then go all the way up LOL you are 59 I'm 65 guess what both of our hearing is going to decline uh there are going to be things we don't hear well don't see well words that don't come as easily things that hurt when we move and slow us down things we forgot and have to make a note of now imagine being 78 and 81 but as being stated by many physical and sensory limitations don't reflect intellectual capacity he's still going for it double and doubt what matters to me is the ability to understand and deal with Concepts and strategy and bring together leaders globally by the way this is not a good look for him to make this argument that Biden's doing this you think Mark sincerely you're a smart guy you think he's bringing leaders together did he bring Putin and zalinski together did he do anything to bring Israel and maybe the leaders of pal did he do any what is he who was he brought together I'm actually really curious he was just at the G7 what what has what has he unified to have leadership skills even if you do them while in a rocking chair what are your thoughts on the many people who have worked in the former Administration close to the president who have spoken publicly on the record about his intellectual ethical and Leadership challenges versus the fact that no one has done so with the current president Adam you I just want to ask you a question because you're the only one who's actually spent time with Cuban and you you've interviewed him what once twice one time okay um it's clear I mean he is uh on the Biden train uh he's riding with Biden and he's anti-trump why why take this stance you're an NBA owner not many NBA owners are going out there being public you're you're in Texas Texas ain't exactly uh uh a woke go well you have to see this what he says a guy says something to him go to his account Rob if you can't you were just on him right now maybe he's angry about losing the finals so so if you go to this is days ago no this is days ago if you go to his account right there so go go down a little bit you just had it but it's fine the guy ask him a question Mark Cuban a billionaire Republican lays out the facts to whether the choice in November is Biden or Trump he's voting Biden and he hasn't even considered many first of all he's not a republican yeah uh uh at least his don't say so the many compassionate social issues I don't care about including protecting our mother earth look at the facts I won't vote for anyone that doesn't believe climate change is Real by the way click on the tweet from him and go to the bottom of the comment section go a little lower 8.6 million views you have a $19 million Ocean Front home in California Laguna Beach what's the okay and it's it's not Oceanfront but it's a great ocean view now tell me about the property insurance along coastlines how is the insurance in Florida how happen your homeowners about their insurance property why do you think it's gotten so expensive show more a little bit why do you think it's gotten so more and then he put the reuter yeah that is accurate go lower don't change the subject Ocean View is close to the ocean and if sea levels were Rising you wouldn't live there like Obama and Pelosi and the rest of your gaslighting idiots you own two private jets plenty of fuel sucking cars I doubt you're vegan so keep your so you see how this is kind of like Sarah Rose I don't know who she is but good argument that you're but but the point is he's telling you where he's at position wise he is very good at you know massaging the one thing I like when he's given his arguments you know and many times he'll he'll put it together with I've read this I've read that and he's you wouldn't become a billionaire if you're not somebody that you know think Shar no there's no way there's no way he is matter fact matter of fact I would even say he may be campaigning okay I would even say he may be campaigning did you just sell all your team why did you just sell that well because he's going to have to overcome one of the objections that he has to kind of get away from to prepare himself for 2028 because for nearly 21 years according to the guardian he built the whitest team in the NBA 75% he ran the whest team in the NBA so maybe it's kind of like a couple other changes before 2027 2028 because I'm telling you 2028 if you think 2024 is exciting wait till you see who's running in 2028 do not be surprised if you see him if you see Jamie I'm about to step down y4 Chase Jamie yeah if you see if you see the rock if you see the 2028 field could be so star studded all of these people that want to put that last check mark on their resume he's not a trifecta yet like Trump Mark Cuban's not Cuban is a trifecta Trump is a trifecta he won on TV he won on business and he won in politics Cuban one on TV Shark Tank got to give it to him great show he's one in media right he's one in business billionaire he's got one last thing left he'll never be a trifecta if he doesn't get the last one so right now we'll see all I'm saying is 2028 2027 will be a true NBA draft except it's going to be a what presidential draft here's what we're doing at the comedy club 5990 live we and our staff will be watching the debate and we'll do a podcast that night the the debate is at 9:00 9: to 10:30 so we're talking about 9900 p.m. Eastern Standard time we will probably start at 8:30 and go till about 11: 11:30 and comment on it and there's going to be an audience there of our teammates and family and friends will be there as well however for the first 50 people that purchased $300 worth of merch we will give you two tickets to come and attend the event with us and people that purchase the $300 worth of merch priority for seats will be based on first come first serve so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 550,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment, pbd podcast, economy, money, news, politics, marc cuban, biden, bill ackman, billionares, beef, twitter fight, cognitive decline, joe biden, joe biden old
Id: 45alfeLpitY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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