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good morning it's 10 about 10:30 I'm in Chicago look at that we can see the whole skyscraper right now the uh the Willis Tower now since it got bought out this is like literally I'm literally delivering to down to oh this is exit only oh all right who's going to be nice will the truck let me in truck truck truck truck exit only I'm not trying to be what are you doing Mini Cooper what are you doing what are you doing okay trck can I go in there can I go in here I going here truck oh he's sling down he going down I swear there was a car here oh he moved over thank you thank you very much thank you than you I would do the flashy flashy lights right now but then he's probably going to think I'm breaking so I'm not going to do that anyways we're delivering to a noodle company they make noodles which it first I have like 43 call it 40 43,500 lb of flour I think in the trailer in total the weight of the the truck and trailer and the stuff in the trailer 79,2 200 lb we are we are extremely heavy come on you want to go you want to go you want to go no no box truck no all right all try to be nice try to be nice people don't pay attention the uh max weight you can have On A semi- TRU is 880,000 lb so we're 800 lb short of that so this is like I've been driving slow this whole time in mile turn R through the Railway Bridge where H are we going better stop we better stop and people just park wherever they want oh my God they literally just park wherever they want where is that guy jayw walking what is this all right right Lane's closed how tall is that [Music] bridge it doesn't even say how tall that bridg is turn right at the traffic light all right Garmin I hope you're right caution trucks entering and leaving so it's probably good no no I'm kidding we're good oh boy no we need to take this no okay go go go okay my good go go go oh my God in a quar mile turn left onto South poer Avenue in 300 arrive at 2559 sou no G we're not I got turn left in two mile 2 of a mile so we got to go this way uh This Way slow slow slow turn left on South Avenue then turn left onto South Mary Street oh Google oh Google Google can I go down this oh my God I don't know I don't know I don't know [Applause] and go left and then straight I don't think I can um okay where do you want me to go Google that's there what route are you giving me can I go that route you want me to go left yeah ain't no way Google Google's crazy that's what's happening that's what's happening uh and uh okay so we are going to go left into there and then we're going to go straight down popler all right all right holy oh yeah hey wait a minute is this the guy that um I know a guy with this truck I think this is um Johnny is that Johnny no that's not Johnny that's an old man I thought that was Johnny Johnny drives a a Peter boat just like that the custom headlights and everything this is stretched out all right I know this is a no no but we got to figure this out and then keep going straight on popler just keep going straight all the way to here and then a left on South hallad and then and I left on um I left on whatever that street was I don't remember Chicago ah oh I'm sorry Kenny I'm so sorry I'm so sorry oh my God cuz this truck has um skirts I like I really have like maybe 2 Ines of clearance on the bottom of this truck it's for aerodynamics that's a do not enter oh oh that was my plan I need to go down there ah 29th Street okay I can take 29th Street all right I can go left I can make it left 29th Street to yeah to 29th Street and then left on South hallad by the tennis courts all right blue car oh you got Stu so you you can just go I'm just going to let you go go I can't make that though go oh this is a no truck route oh well oh well I can make it this is a beautiful Park dude this is so my type of place yes like I like to end my day perfect way to end my day is on a hill listening to music that's a hill listen to music and then you have a city look oh speed bump oh God it's SC G what are you doing what are you doing and then I need to make yeah but that would be a beautiful spot that would totally there's another speed oh God oh God that's so oh Kenny Kenny Kenny Kenny then the left on South Hallstead and then we'll do a marker on 27th okay just so I just so I West 29th Street toward south H Street then turn left onto South Street pleas please don't stop just go take the red light I don't care just don't be in my way way over there oh come on mik we're going to give us some extra room if we need it oh yeah please take take it take it oh you Joker you Joker turn left South H Street in 1000 ft left onto west 27 oh that wasn't bad I I totally had that I feel like if I didn't go like out like this when I started then it would be it would be harder where are you going Toyota all right he sees me he's waiting oh he's parked all right all right we're looking for West 27th Street wait there accurate wait there dude wait there turn left onto West 27th Street then you will arrive at your destination oh my God oh my God oh my God all all right all right I'm pretty sure I'm taking h no not really not really not yet uh we just got to go straight oh that's a nice house this is where the rich people live oh very nice and then they have a little a oh well these houses aren't those houses back there were nice but these are like apartment buildings is there anyone I need to hear their engine anywhere I'm in the blind corner you can hear them oh my God that is beautiful oh my god oh that is so a type of place that I would go oh my God that is beautiful oh man oh man oh oh look at that that is beautiful that is that is my type of hangout spot that is all right here good taste noodle now uh I no uh uh I don't know this is not a good approach do I just park there what I should have done is come into here that way I don't have the Blind Side can I wait where is that street can I do that I really don't want a blind sign okay it's only right right onto the highway and then we can go here and then we'll just end up that detour is like a that's like a 20 minute detour uh we're going to go right into there [Music] down tennis courts right on popper right on Archer oh my gosh this is complicated you know what I don't want to I'm not going to Blindside so we're going to make a loop [Music] around and then we got to go right there and then right again and then another right and then I'll pull into here head Southeast on South Center Avenue toward West 27th Street I'm not blindsiding this I mean I barely have enough space as it is blindsiding will be just I'm going to be complaining all right that's all I got to say h i don't want to complain [Applause] so where am I going to make a right Google Google or right on South Hallstead all right head Southeast on South Center Avenue toward West 27th Street on they're crossing the street I can't see him and then right on South Hall State by the chicken place 10 fo two oh oh that's left okay oh thank God all right at the light is it right there's a car there's a car there's a car where's the car's the car take the next ride onto South hallad Street you can't play in Chicago you got to take up your space and you got to use the truck you can't these people won't let you in I swear to God people won't letay you in I swear to God if you try to take that corner you're going to go down I swear in a qu mile turn right onto West 29th Street oh oh I just took that okay oh gosh how tall is it's tall enough this bridge is tall enough oh yeah 132 left turn vertical clearance okay so just don't make a left turn and I'll be fine we're going to turn right on South hallad right on uh I don't know we're just going to make it right when you tell me Google I don't know what that street is y no okay what is that Osaka you buing a lot of Asian stores here oh I could go for F the Vietnamese noodle soup beef F it's delicious I'm sure if I ask they'll they'll tell me where there's a good F restaurant Vietnamese food this one Garmin Google yeah I think so turn right onto West 29th Street then your destination will be on the left okay all right guys guy you going straight not even looking this way all right I know you got to go but you make the turn the turn oh god that car just flew over that speed bump oh there's your destination is oh dang do you saw that that guy's suspension is shot he did it twice he don't care oh God Kenny all right actually I should pull over and see where I'm at oh the branches ah oh Kenny I'm so sorry go around people I have my forway on I don't care all right where are we okay we're going this way 29th we need to [Music] go I swear this was the place oh oh that's the place okay oh my God I thought I thought I made oh my God I thought I was going the wrong way for a second oh my God okay so we just follow this right on South popper and then another right and then that's the uh where I got to back in should be interest Head West on West 29th Street towards South pop [Applause] Avenue okay oh oh I didn't scrape that Tim in 300 ft turn right onto South po Avenue I need all turn right on South Avenue one way right all right all right all right all right minivan I need you to go I need everyone out the way oh turn signal stay on all I'm going take this take this wide as wide as possible all right hold hold hold right turn on sou Archer Avenue straight I can't okay okay okay let's mess this truck up some more with the speed bumps what is that all right forklifts that'd be ideal if I back in like that and like they just have a forklift come out oh my God I didn't see that speed bum either oh well turn right onto South Archer Avenue then turn right onto South Center Avenue this is a look at that artwork oh that is beautiful all D where you going you there you didn't have to make a right turn but I mean you just had to get out of the way I don't know I don't know we're going to use this space [Applause] here go Kenny we don't have time to go slow these people will take your space that you need to make the turn take to South Center Avenue then your destination will be on the right all right Kenny k your destination is on the right oh this is such bad parking this so bad parking it's fine we're here and that was a that was like a 15minute detour man I'm going to go check in and see where they want me they're probably going to tell me to go in there best case I stay here they get their forklift and they just zoom in and out but I really don't think that's going to happen all right I'm back this is a very rare situation they told me just to stay on the street like park over there and then they're going to have their fork lift come out just go in and out of their warehouse taking off the pallet how how are they going to get the pallets off of a 53 ft trailer this is a deep I don't know man I could back it in oh it doesn't make sense to back it in because it's hello how are you just a big old truck there's a van oh okay you want to go behind ah now wait for that van and the Jeep to go and then we got to straighten out okay I didn't see I didn't [Music] see turn turn Kenny turn make this look nice nice as possible at least oh that's not nice that's not [Applause] nice all right that's pretty straight all right we got to go open the doors and then they're just going to do their thing I should lock the doors I should lock the doors I should it's Chicago so go lock the doors just in case just in case CU you never know where's my key oh there's a key now is it a metal seal oh I think it is I Lear my Cutters I need the Cutters B Cutters close oh my God it's cold oh my God oh my God it's it's January something right now when I'm filming this it is freaking cold in Chicago it's got to be like 5° or something man it is so cold is so cold so very very cold anyone there anyone there no oh please open I think we're going to take out that bush that's okay I just I just going to nudge her way through we just going to do that she's very dirty as you can see I need to take it to headquarters so get a truck wash we have a we have a automatic truck wash at our headquarters it's pretty good it's very good we got to keep Kenny looking good right now it's not it's not oh God okay I locked it right there's the park there's a park look at the park I want to go see the park man dude this is cool dude look at that and then it's got like the the stairs there you could just chill this is probably a stage maybe at one point it was you see that right there I don't know this is like where's that a lake oh that's probably a pond that's probably a pond but this is like so my this is my speed right here just chill absolute chill music Beautiful views that's my speed all there's a Ford and there's an [Music] alus Kenny Kenny all right we're going to see how long they take to onload I wouldn't be surprised if I'm here for 2 hours to me on it's it's like 11: probably get out of here at 1: cuz they have to go in and out of their warehouse and I'm sure the guy that's on the forklift isn't going to be happy because he's got to come out here in this cold so it's going to take a while I don't blame him though we'll see in a bit all I got to get the shoes on all right update there's a lot of ice right there on the driveway and guy in the forklift can't get in through the uh it's just dangerous for him you know especially when he's carrying like 43,000 lb of stuff here man those Pilots are heavy and it's not safe so I'm going to try and back it in into their um driveway I guess is that's what it's called we are going to mess some stuff up we're going to take out curves probably going to take out that bush too but we'll get it in there I'll do some remodeling free of charge it's all the power of the it's all a part of the service ah all we got to start turning a little bit shallow turn I want the trailer tires to kiss that um what am I on oh I'm on the curve all oh we are destroying that curve cuz you wouldn't hurt [Applause] me I left left left you to you you oh that guy's helping all he just wants to make sure his car doesn't get [Applause] hit I don't hurt you the trailer oh that trailer's going to hit the fence yeah you see that the angle the angle I'm coming in it's not that's not right that's not right oh we are messing up oh God go ahead go ahead go ahead oh [Applause] God oh God I need to go shallow I I need to go shallow that's what I'm doing wrong I need this trailer to be closer to the building rather than closer to the fence I he hear a car speakers on my right but would hold you back know that's what would do I don't want to hold you [Applause] back where are you going I will w how far am I from the fence I think I got it I think I got it I think I got [Applause] it oh thank God to you expero truck driver oh w w w w I deserve a bonus good I don't know you want me to pull up good all right let's take a look at this just so you get a sense of how good that was cuz that was freaking amazing that deserves to be on every highlight wheel highlight reel in America oh my God there's so much ice okay yeah I see what the guy was saying this is this is sketchy I'm just going to go in the driveway for a little bit I'm just going to go over here just going to take this shortcut here and we're going to do this all right look at the street you see the street this camera has a literally super max wide angle lens uh right now that space is like maybe 5 6 ft and then over there maybe 4T it's not the tightest dock in the world but it's it's pretty damn it's pretty damn oh God there's so much ice all right let me go back in the truck where it's warm all right now all done 12:47 right now I need to go that way but I'm definitely going to destroy that guy's car if I make that turn all right we need to use the inches to get out of here oh God oh God that doesn't look good does not look good that is not oh my God [Music] either go Kenny oh my God oh my God inches inches from hitting go Kenny come on oh come on how do you turn on the uh this time four-wheel drive Kenny Kenny Kenny please Kenny please Kenny go yes yes yes yes turn at theop oh I got stuck in the ice oh my God okay now I need to go headquarters it's about an hour away pick up up a droing hook trailer and then go all K what are you doing you can't really go anywhere dude oh turn left at the stop sign let's see how the heck I get out of here it's telling me the inter stage is right to my left so uh we are going to button hook this I'm going to take up the middle I want to cut cut right cut right to turn left it's now my chance now's my chance not make chance oh where you going dude I don't want to wait for the sem my truck to make his complete turn you'll end up you'll end up getting hit by oh God oh God that's so green get me out of here right on Canal Port I hope this isn't a two lane oh it's not a two lane anymore I do not fit in these Lanes I do not uh I'm thinking this is going to be you look at the GPS it's a 90° right turn so I'm thinking this is going to be a another turn where I have to button hook I have to turn left before turning right then take the second you going dude the heck you see that guy I think this is Hood I'm getting like Hood Vibes yeah this is I don't know oh don't no at the light no no not at the light [Applause] hello Chicago it's really just a tight turns that is scary about the city I can deal with the drivers that's fine it's just the turns if you don't okay if you don't assert okay if you don't like assert your dominance with the truck and like you better you better take the lane when you can get it if you don't do that you hesitate the cars will block you turn right at the traffic L you got to do that when you're driving in here like right now I got to take up this Middle Lane but I'm going to put my tires trailer tires in the right yeah ain't no way dude what the heck is that is there anyone there no ain't no way they love to put these barriers in just oh oh my gosh all dude oh they're going they're going they're going Garmin which way am I which way am I going 94 55 I think I need to go there honestly just going on an interstate is I'm okay with that I don't think this is yeah that's not Highway that's a street right5 sou oh 55 yeah here Stevenson Lake Shore Drive yeah yeah yeah yeah this one this one this one there we go interstate highway where I have enough room to move around oh God I got to go right I'm empty so I can speed up oh my God this truck isn't speeding up we you going to take this take this yeah St Louis St Louis two right lanes all right all right we're chill we're chill we're chilling all right well the rest of this video is just going to be me driving on the highway and honestly it's it's it's pretty boring all I do is drive in the right lane nothing exciting going to happen go go Kenny we need to merge continue on5 that's the most exciting thing that's going to happen all right so I'm just going to end the video here all right bye-bye
Views: 166,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rookie trucking life, rookie trucker, trucking vlogs, nomad life, #shorts, travelingusa, travellife, truckdriver job, truck driver day in the life, Alex the trucking guy, Alex trucking, Alex truck driver, truck driver vlogs, trucking lifestyle, life on the road, variant trucking company, variant trucking orientation, variant trucking trucks, variant trucking driver reviews, travel road trip, my life as a 23yr old truck driver, gp transco, gp trucking, gp transco review
Id: eiRme7GhOYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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