“12 Card Magic” | Brilliant NO SETUP Self Working Card Trick!

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hey how's it going everyone mlt magic tricks here so today we are going to get right into the performance of this really awesome card trick i would begin by showing my spectator that we're using 12 random cards from the deck i would hand these over to my spectator and let them shuffle up the pack as much as they like once they are done i would have my spectator choose a card let's say they select this one now for the trick i would just have my spectator look at the card so i'm just going to be showing you the selection uh once they have remembered the card i'll tell them we're going to go ahead and just get this card lost somewhere into the middle of the pack of cards here so i will also give these a quick mix up just to lose the card that my spectator chose you know into the middle of this small packet will even give the pack some cuts from here what i'm gonna do is reverse some cards in the pack so i'm just gonna turn some cards face up and keep others face down so i'll go ahead and spread through the pack and do that right now as you can see we have face down cards and face up cards amongst this small packet at this point i would hand these cards over to my spectator and give them some instructions as to what they're going to do with the cards i would tell them to first cut the pack in half wherever they like so at this point my spectator would be holding the cards they could cut the deck and complete it wherever they like right here and then i would tell them to turn over the top two cards where they cut just like that now i would ask them to do this as many times as they like it's completely up to my spectator they can you know cut as many or as little times as they like but i would make sure they still turn over the top two cards each time they can even turn the pack over and do this so they can keep performing the move just like this so let's say the spectator stops right here now i would tell them to deal out these cards into four piles on the table so i would have them deal out each card one at a time like this so after my spectator is done dealing out each card the last thing i would have them do is turn over each pack of cards one at a time they can start from the left or the right it's up to them let's say my spectator starts here this is how it's going to look i could even give them a little demonstration so they're going to take these cars and just turn them on top of the other they're gonna take all these turn them on top of the next pile and complete it for the last one just like that so after my spectator has done is done turning over um you know each pile of cards to collect them all in this packet i would remind my spectator they had a free selection at the start of this trick they you know cut the pack as many times as they like during that part of the performance and we ended with uh the pack squared up just like this now all i have to do is shake the cards spread them out on the table and you will notice there is one face down card out of the entire pack and this card should be the spectator selection the eight of diamonds so guys that is the card trick if you want to learn how to perform it make sure you watch the tutorial okay so this is a really clever card trick that is quite easy to perform this one should definitely be in your routine credit 2 contracts for this effect so grab your deck of cards guys and let's get right into the tutorial all you're going to need is 12 cards so just take out your deck remove any 12 cards you like it does not matter it's completely up to you once you have removed your cards uh you are ready to go so you can go up your spectator and just show them that all of these cards you know are random and you can hand them over to the spectator and let them give the cards a mix up so this is a no setup trick which is really great after your spectator is done shuffling the cards you are going to have them make a selection they can take out any one they like when they take out the card just have them look at it you do not need to see it but for the tutorial we'll look at it together so in this case we have the king of diamonds now what you need to do here is get their card into the second position from the top of the deck while your spectator is looking at and memorizing their card you can just get a pinky break below the top card like that so you can push over pull back get that pinky break once you are holding the break you tell them okay we're going to go ahead and get your card lost into this pack you act like you're pushing it in the middle there so you can out jog some cards and then just slide it into the gap there right below the top card so you can kind of push down kind of create that little shadow there to make it believable yet you're pushing it in the middle you just do it quick it will be convincing that you're losing the card in the middle of the pack but in reality you have it in the second position from the top at this point you need to keep the card there so you can do some false shuffles i like to turn the cards face up like this slide off some and then just take the bottom portion bring it right there to the top so i'm keeping the king of diamonds in the second position from the top you can do this a couple times it just makes it seem like you're shuffling the deck but in reality you are keeping your their selection where you need it you can also do some false cuts it's a little hard with this small pack but you guys can do you know a false cut like that i'll leave a link on the screen right now if you want to learn some but it's not mandatory just make it seem like you're mixing up the pack but in reality of control of their selection from here the cards are still going to be in your hands at this point you're going to tell your spectator that you are going to reverse some cards in the pack so you're going to spread through you're gonna count in your head to the fourth card from the top so you're just spreading over one two three four you're gonna turn this card face up first just like that and then from here you're going to turn every other card face up so you're pushing over one turning the next one face up sliding over a card turning the next one face up and you're just going to continue this process until you get to the end it's not going to take very long you're just telling your spectator you're turning some cards face up and keeping others face down so this is how it should look the fourth card is now face up and then after that you are keeping a face down card then reversing the next one you're going to follow this pattern throughout so once you get to the end the bottom card should be face up so that's how you know you did it right at this point you are going to hand the pack over to your spectator and give them the instructions as to what they're going to do make sure you are clear it's quite simple as to what they are doing with this pack you're just going to tell them you're going to go ahead and cut the cards wherever you like complete the cut and then turn over the top two cards you honestly guys can do that first if you want in your hands and then hand the deck over but it does not matter you can do it either way your spectator can be the first one that cuts the cards and then does the move the trick will still work just make sure your spectator is doing this right because if they don't the trick won't work so they're just cutting then turning over the top two you know they're continuing this process and make sure guys they're reversing completely turning over these cards no matter if they're face up or face down so just make sure they are completely flipping over the top two cards you can even tell them okay after you've done that a couple times go ahead turn the pack over and just do the same thing so they are continuing this process they can do it as many times as they like once your spectator is done uh make sure you are keeping aware of where they stop so you cannot have them stop on a cut you need to have them finished by reversing the top two cards and then wherever they stop you are good to go so after they're done you're gonna tell them okay go ahead and deal out the 12 cards into four piles on the table just have them deal off cards one at a time like this into each pile they can go from left to right or right to left and here's what we're left with guys you will notice each pile here is going to contain three cards and they are all going to either be face up or face down except for one pile so you'll notice here this pile has one you know mismatched card and every single time this card if it's face up or face down will be their selection so you can see here we have the king of diamonds it's in this third pile from the right on the top sometimes you know it might be on the bottom it also might be on you know the bottom in a pile in the end i'll explain how to deal with that in just a sec but you will notice here uh this is what uh the effect looks like just a self-working one that's really cool you're gonna end in this position then you're gonna tell your spectator okay you built up the cards on the table what i want you to do is start from the left or the right and just turn over each pile so it does not matter which side they start on let's say the spectator starts over here you're going to tell them okay go ahead and take these cars and just turn them onto the next pile you can do this if you want or you can have your spectator do it just make sure you are clear on the instructions so we're going to turn those over you're going to tell them okay go ahead and pick up all these cards and do the same thing just flip them over on top of this pile like that you're going to have them finish it just like so and boom after they have done that each time you will see here there's only going to be one face down card in the pack and it is going to be their selection so i will explain how to deal with one other thing in this trick in just a second but to finish off the effect you tell them okay watch this all i have to do is shake the cards you can give them a recap of what you did you started with the shuffle deck they did all those cuts and one face down card is in the middle and it is their selection so i want to talk about something really quick that may happen after your spectator deals out um the cards into the four piles so like i said you're gonna have some piles being all face up some being all face down and it may happen where your spectator's card is on the end here and i will show you how to deal with that so let's say it's on the end you know on this end or this one they do the thing where they turn over the cards and the in the spectator selection see it's it's on the bottom there and obviously if you spread out the cards like this it's not going to look that good considering it's just on the end so if that happens all you have to do guys is tell your spectator just to give the deck one final cut like that give the packer cut whatever they want so you get their card in the middle and then boom you spread it out and now their selection is more in the middle so it looks better you're obviously going to be able to see you know if that happens it's only going to take place if their selection you know is on the bottom on one of the end packets there so just keep an eye on that you know it may happen it may not but it's really not that big of a deal you just have them give the pack a cut and it will work so that is the trick guys i hope you enjoyed it definitely give this one a try it's quite easy to perform and we'll get some great reactions thank you for watching i will see you in my next video peace out
Channel: MLT Magic Tricks
Views: 535,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: card trick, card tricks, card trick tutorial, card tricks revealed, best card trick, card tricks for beginners, card trick revealed, amazing card trick, beginner card tricks, easy card trick revealed, no setup card tricks, penn and teller fool us, no setup card trick revealed, card tricks for kids, impressive card trick, beginner card tricks no setup, beginner card trick tutorial, card tricks no setup, easy card trick, self working card trick, oscar owen card tricks, magic
Id: P9X1s_ia9Ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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