‘They’re all doing it’: Gender ‘craze’ takes over UK schools in new report

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I'm joined by the talk TV contributor Paula Rohn Adrian times radio host Steve gamble makes his debut on Piers Morgan I'm sensitive great to see you I got a new book out death under a little Sky which is described probably by you as gloriously atmospheric no truly excellent debut and other wonderful trip is it's it's a totally great book I haven't read it yet where's my birthday holiday today and I will go and read it that's a birthday present for you happy birthday thank you 68 today isn't it that's my hair did I read that wrong good to see you let's talk about this this gender in schools business right we talk a lot about gender related things and some people getting bored with it but they're a really important principles of stake here what did you feel sister you're a parent the idea that a child could be at school self-identifying with all that goes with that with the full the school's full knowledge and kind of cooperation if you like and the parents wouldn't know what do you think of that I think first of all it's such a difficult area we talked about a lot on our program as well today um I feel sorry if it teaches first of all I don't know how you be a teacher in this situation you know you come into school a kid comes to you and says um I might have been born a girl but I think I'm a boy what do you do you want to look after them you don't want them to be bullied because I don't think you don't tell the parents well I agree with that I think in the end the only way these things get settled is if people talk openly about them that means there's three people involved in this there's the school the teacher there's the kid and there's the parent right and why wouldn't you just talk about this stuff I've got a 14 year old and it is very striking to me this type fluidity non-binary stuff it's definitely there it's there in the school a couple of kids yeah but it's also it seems to me like it's a it's Paula it does seem to me like a craze right it seems like it's a fad like it's the trendy thing now for young people at school to go I'm non-binary I'm gender fluid they're all doing it right I mean there's a school in Brighton which is the mecca for all these things um where I think like one in ten kids was identifying as non-binary out of a thousand it was ridiculous um obviously they're not all I suspect genuinely not binary they're just going along with whatever it is and lost in the wash will be the ones who've really got gender dysphoria right so I I have a problem with this as a parent of four kids if I found out that a school and teachers were deliberately hiding information like the gender identities supposedly of my kids I'd be furious you'd be furious and you'd have a right to be furious wouldn't you do you think because absolutely we have to understand and remember what it is a school is supposed to do a school is supposed to be there to look after our child and Care our child it's essentially acting as a parent when we're not and it's supposed to be there to not only help out but to educate our child now I do wonder what the message is that we would be giving to a child if a child came to you and said keep this a secret don't tell my mum don't tell my dad and as an adult you said okay I won't that's that's not helpful either I agree with that but why does the parent I mean you're a parent we're all parents it's the parents up to know as well because yeah but stay come on now you know I'd love to think I'm the best parent in the whole world there are going to be things about my child I don't know it's not actually that I was struck by the Numbers the numbers of schools well this was going on yeah I was absolutely shocked when I read that report this morning well it's seven out of ten it's seven out of ten they only asked 150 schools so you can you can judge however you like but it's quite a big thing as a parent I mean I'm not a very amen we all can realize our flaws was parenting about 14 year olds how many times did you not tell your parents things about you when you were growing up the kids feel like they've got a foil yeah they've got someone who's in on their thing right but this is about their identity this is not like they might be sneaking a cigarette but you said you really believe Steve this is about their Identity or is it just about joining the club I think it's about both of the kids and experience they experiment they're all over the place particularly teenagers and I think to a certain extent we've got to allow them to express themselves you've got to allow them to see where they are in the world and we've all done it now I think there is a a herd mentality in this area but we've all experimented at various times in our in our lives particularly when we're young and you've got to give them a certain amount of space to do what do you think about what do you think about self-identity which is now this massive crisis really where Nicola sturgeon has to basically lose her job as first Minister because she just couldn't say what a woman is and couldn't understand why people were angry that a male rapist went to a women's prison what do you feel about the the concept of Limitless self-identity I think you can't change biology I think it's really easy for me as a man people I think people can do what they want with their lives but it's never going to really harm my rights so they're conflicts of Rights you have to do this all the time in law there's the rights of women there's the rights of people who want to identify it a certain way it never clashes with my rights because I'm a bloke people can say whatever they like that I don't need a safe safe space I've not got any safe spaces that to me is no no it's all in this case it's all about the infringement of women's rights exactly Paul I want to show you a video clip yes this is of a uh a coach a weightlifting coach male called RV silverberg who decided that he would exploit this was in Canada where the rules say that anyone who self-identifies as a woman could compete in the female category so he was a male powerlifting coach who then self-identified as a woman entered the woman's powerlifting competition yeah uh smashed the record obviously the all-time record of 84 kgs or something set by Anne Andres who was also transgender a man who identified or male identifies Pizza as a woman and he did it to prove a point about the absurdity yes in sport especially yes the absurdity of where Limitless self-identity takes you yes it's absurd and and of course when you look at that extreme you are going to get the Absurd of course you are and that when we are are at the end of the Absurd we're also not helping the people who actually do want to identify that doesn't help them either and so he was right actually I think I do support him for doing that because clearly we do need to work at this we do need to understand what's going on but shutting people out shutting a parent out is not the answer there's no human right to to compete in support and I think ultimately male biology particularly through puberty means you have a difference it doesn't have an automatic advantage and you can respect trans people and their right to live a life but they don't have a human right to compete in female Sport and I think what we're seeing now actually is a hardening you know a lot of sporting bodies have just recognized that that's a relatively straight well let me ask you guys two completely different questions right uh but what straight answer simple answers uh 10 years time if you're still alive will King Charles still be King Charles in other words will there still be a monarchy that's easy answer yes yeah I agree yes easy answer and in two and a half years time will Rishi sumac still be prime minister no no really I think you can just I'm not so sure I think you can mount a case just about that maybe the momentum is faintly swinging back but even if he was brilliant yes and even if he had one of this stage in 1992 at this stage Neil kinnick was further ahead had been ahead in the polls longer than kirst armor he was further ahead in the polls over the Tories and the Tories eventually brought in safe old John Major yes and Neil Kenneth got a little bit cocky and safe all John Major Nick tip you've got conservative MPS now launching legal action against their prime minister wait a minute what the hell is happening [Applause] thank you Rosanna Happy Birthday Mr President how lovely he's like come and sit down thank you I'm actually taking two I'm sure you'll all agree two extremely well deserved weeks off I'm gonna go to Hollywood and lie under palm trees uh and I've made the potentially career-ending decision for one of us to allow Rosanna to come and sit in my chair and host Piers Morgan uncensored so it should be Rosanna Lockwood uncensored which I don't even know what that is like but we're gonna find out for the next two weeks well for starters identify as a woman uh yes we have got best about it but I will bring my own particular brand to the show we'll have some good interviews some nice conversations hopefully a good show for you we'll look forward to seeing you then I mean are you opinionated I know you're a very good business journalist but have you got I watch your Twitter feed you're quite gobby on there I'm fairly gobby uh but you know that's just me being a classic intro it's easier to be gobby online isn't it than it is person to person but in a TV studio come on why not what an opportunity let's go for it I will be sharing my opinion some of them are different to peers is uh you know I hope you don't mind me saying that but I'm a few decades I mean look it's the normal it's the normal rules if you do really well great if you do too well I'm not too good and if you do terribly I've never heard of you um well I'm 58 today I know you're all thinking no really you look about 40. um but because I'm treating my body like a temple at the moment there'll be none of this cake for me but instead given you've made your debut here today you could have a slice oh pressure Paula you can have a slice and Rosanna you can have a slice uh because I'm that kind of guy I'm all about the giving we volunteered to come out of the cake for you but no one no one was interested the book is death under a little Sky by Steve Gable uh I'm told by those who who've read it it's terrific so thank you very much I will read it under a palm tree next week
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 6,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6323685420112, fb, msn, opinion, piers morgan, yt
Id: I5Ues9ZyxGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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