โดนัทนุ่มฟู สูตรเร่งด่วน!! ใส่ทุกอย่างแล้วนวด พักแป้งเพียงรอบเดียว | Fluffy Donuts 1 proofing only!!

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170 grams of bread flour 40 g all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 35 grams of sugar 14 grams of powdered milk 1 teaspoon instant yeast 1 medium sized egg 90 grams of cold, plain milk A little vanilla or buttermilk flavor 25 g cold unsalted butter Knead everything together. The amount of kneading time depends on the equipment, weather conditions, and flour used. Stop and cut the edge of the jar from time to time. Knead until the dough is pulled and not easily torn. I knead the dough for 35 minutes. That's enough. The kneading machine is loud. considerate neighbors Apply oil to your hands, the dough won't stick. The characteristics of the kneaded dough are Pull it up and it won't be broken easily. a little hit Strike just enough for the dough to clump together. Weighed and cut into 8 pieces, 53 grams each. round Round and place on baking paper. Sprinkle with flour to prevent sticking. flat press center hole punch Press down and rotate one way. Rest until doubled, about 60 - 90 minutes. After resting until doubled Fry in hot oil but over low heat. The oil used is sunflower oil Newbies are recommended to follow the clip. Because if you use your hands The dough may collapse. oil Fry about 2 minutes per side (depending on heat control). not turning back and forth make the dough oily Place on a wire rack or oil absorbing paper. Can be dipped in chocolate or icing glaze as desired.
Channel: แม่บ้านสเปน Cocina Tailandesa
Views: 970,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: โดนัท, โดนัทยีสต์, โดนัทนุ่มฟู, donuts, donut, donas, โดนัทแม่บ้านสเปน, แม่บ้านสเปน, Cocina Tailandesa
Id: s3Oq1sGC1t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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