ฟังแล้วพูดตาม 150 ประโยคภาษาอังกฤษ 1 ชั่วโมงเต็ม (Part 1) | คำนี้ดี EP.1047

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foreign foreign [Music] have a nice day Heather Heather nice day nice day have a nice day see you later see ya see ya later see you later have a safe trip have a Heather safe trip safe trip have a safe trip how's your day how was how was your day your day how was your day how's your weekend how was how was your weekend your weekend how was your weekend that's an interesting story that's in vassen interesting interesting story that's an interesting story Leone that's a good idea that's a that's a good idea good idea that's a good idea I like your dress I like I like your dress your dress I like your dress mark I'm really hungry I'm really I'm really hungry hungry I'm really hungry Mac she loves Friday nights she laughs she laughs Friday nights Friday nights he loves Friday nights he wants to go running he wants to he wants to to go running to go running he wants to go running I miss my cats I miss I miss my cats my cats I miss my cats my teacher is very strict my teacher my teacher is very strict this is very strict my teacher is very strict her boyfriend is so handsome her boyfriend is her boyfriend is so handsome so handsome her boyfriend's so handsome I have nothing to say I have I have nothing to say nothing to say I have nothing to say later I can't find my wallet I can't find I can't find my wallet my wallet I can't find my wallet to it annoyed am I could you help me could you help me help me could you help me do you have a pen do ya dear half a pen half a pen do you have a pen [Music] one thing this has been a long day it's been it's been a long day a long day it's been a long day I'm not feeling well [Music] I'm not I'm not feeling well feeling well I'm not feeling well [Music] which book do you like which book which book do you like do you like which book do you like I'm sorry to hear that I'm sorry I'm sorry to hear that to hear that I'm sorry to hear that thank you foreign what do you think about him think about him think about him what do you think about him foreign where's my jacket where's my where's my jacket jacket where's my jacket it's about to rain is about [Music] it's about to rain to rain it's about to rain I forgot my headphones I forgot I forgot my headphones [Music] my headphones I forgot my headphones that dog is so cute [Music] that dog is [Music] that dog is so cute so cute that dog is so cute I hide and see [Music] look at the beach look at the look at the the beach the beach look at the beach tonight I should have brought my bottle I should have brought I should have brought my bottle my bottle I should have brought my bottle it's very cloudy today is very this is very cloudy today cloudy today it's very cloudy today our number my would you like some more water would you like [Music] would you like some more water some more water would you like some more water by the Lincoln Mai wanna go for a walk want to go wanna go for a walk for a walk want to go for a walk let's have sushi let's have let's have sushi sushi let's have sushi have you seen this movie have you seen have you seen this movie this movie have you seen this movie I haven't seen it yet heaven I haven't seen it yet seen it yet I haven't seen it yet yes I have seen it yes yes I've seen it I've seen it yes I've seen it [Music] pick up the phone pick up pick up the phone the phone pick up the phone once I throw something out hang up the phone hang up hang up the phone the phone hang up the phone I am allergic to nuts I'm a I'm a I'm allergic I'm allergic to nuts tonight I'm allergic to nuts [Music] foreign did you sleep well last night did you did she sleep well sleep well last night last night did you sleep well last night are you free this evening Arya Arya are you free are you free this evening this evening are you free this evening I can't make it this evening I can't make it I can't make it this evening this evening I can't make it this evening drive safe drive safe drive safe would you drive me home would you [Music] would you drive me home drive me home would you drive me home nice pants don't you think nice pants nice pants [Music] don't you think don't you think nice pants don't you think [Music] I'm thirsty I'm I'm thirsty thirsty I'm thirsty you should exercise more often you should you should exercise more often more often you should exercise more often don't outcome somebody I've made a reservation for three people at 3 pm I've made I've made I've made a reservation I've made a reservation for three people at 3 pm for three people at 3 pm I've made a reservation for three people at 3 pm thank you I'm on a diet I'm on it I'm honor a diet [Music] I'm on a diet I'm on my way I'm on aiman my way my way I'm on my way out we fought about this sex again we fought about his ex again his ex again we fought about his ex again don't forget your homework don't forget don't forget your homework your homework don't forget your homework we're gonna be late again we're gonna we're gonna be late again gonna be late again we're gonna be late again we were absolutely gonna be late we're absolutely we're absolutely gonna be late gonna be late we're absolutely gonna be late let me take a quick nap let me take let me take [Music] a quick nap a quick nap let me take a quick nap where are you going where are you where are you going where are you going [Music] in here why is it so hot today why is it why is it [Music] so hot today [Music] so hot today [Music] why is it so hot today my cat sleeps all day my cat [Music] my cat sleeps all day sleeps all day my cat sleeps all day [Music] you have a missed call [Music] you have a you have a a missed call missed call you have a missed call let's go get some boba tea let's go get some let's go get some boba tea boba tea let's go get some boba tea corner easy on the ice please easy on [Music] easy on the ice please the ice please easy on the ice please how much should we tip how much how much should we tip should we tip how much should we tip I had a nightmare I had a I had a nightmare nightmare I had a nightmare said my either receipt do you need [Music] do you need a receipt a receipt do you need a receipt here's your change [Music] here's your here's your your change your change here's your change I'm going to open a bank account I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to open I'm going to open a bank account a bank account I'm going to open a bank account I need to withdraw some money I need to I need to withdraw some money withdraw some money I need to withdraw some money foreign I have to deposit my money after I have to see deposit deposit my money deposit my money foreign I have to deposit my money [Music] do you have a charger have a charger have a charger do you have a charger let's order something to eat let's order let's order something to eat [Music] something to eat beside her something to eat I'm sick of cakes I'm sick I'm sick cakes of cakes I'm sick of cakes let's ask them to hang out let's ask him let's ask him to hang out to hang out [Music] let's ask him to hang out [Music] do you want to hang out around here do you wanna do you wanna hang out around here hang out around here do you want to hang out around here I want a puppy I wanna I wanna a puppy a puppy I want a puppy near you make me sad you may you make me sad me sad you make me sad I'm disappointed in you I'm disappointed I'm disappointed in you [Music] in you [Music] I'm disappointed in you know how can I make it up to you how can I make how can I make it up to you make it up to you how can I make it up to you foreign so hard to put down I found this book I found this book so hard to put down so hard to put down I found this book so hard to put down [Music] and he pulled me up there I'm speechless I'm I'm speechless speechless I'm speechless can you give me one more chance [Music] can you give me can you give me one more chance one more chance can you give me one more chance foreign my mom is a great cook my mom my mom is a great cook is a great cook my mom is a great cook tummy jobs I hate doing laundry I hate I hate doing laundry doing laundry I hate doing laundry I don't want to do the dishes I don't wanna I don't wanna do the dishes do the dishes I don't want to do the dishes foreign low on gas we're running we're running low on gas low on gas we're running low on gas where's the nearest gas station where's the nearest where's the nearest gas station gas station where's the nearest gas station how's everything going how's everything how's everything going how's everything going do you plan on iMac the mouth also hurts so bad the mouth ulcer the mouth ulcer hurts so bad hurts so bad the mouth also hurts so bad I got your back I got I got I gotcha I gotcha you're back you're back I cut her back turn wrong playing piano I always sing off key I always I always sing off key sing off key I always sing off key Prince my friend's a musician my friends my friends a musician a musician my friend's a musician coming through coming through behind you behind you behind you turn God a little bit after you after you after you foreign you dropped your wallet use rapture you dropped her [Music] your wallet your wallet you dropped your wallet turn left and walk along the street turn left then turn left then walk along the street walk along the street turn left and walk along the street songs make a right second door on the left make a right make a right second door on the left second door on the left make a right second door on the left [Music] please take off your shoes please check up please take off your shoes your shoes please take off your shoes could I have some napkins can I have can I have some napkins some napkins can I have some napkins my cause you pass the salt and pepper could you pass could you pass the salt and pepper for salt and pepper could you pass a salt and pepper resign my can you turn the music down a little can you turn can you turn the music down a little the music down a little can you turn the music down a little when you download where are you going this long holiday where are you going [Music] where are you going [Music] this long holiday this long holiday where are you going this long holiday I need a cup of strong coffee I need a cup of I need a cup of strong coffee strong coffee I need a cup of strong coffee [Music] I've binge watched the series all night I binge watched I binge washed the series all night the series all night I've been to watch the series all night you've got such dark under eyes you've got such you've got that dark under eyes dark under eyes you've got such dark under eyes have you ever listened to this band have you ever have you ever listen to this band listen to this band have you ever listened to this band um don't forget to go grocery shopping don't forget to go [Music] don't forget to go grocery shopping grocery shopping don't forget to go grocery shopping is getting cold again is getting is getting cold again cold again it's getting cold again I'm craving sweets I'm craving I'm craving sweets sweets I'm craving sweets peace out and cupboard my pen my sister can't drive my sister my sister can't drive can't drive my sister can't drive call me when you get home okay call me call me when you get home okay when you get home okay call me when you get home okay a diamond gun I'm not sure either [Music] I'm not sure I'm not sure either I'm not sure either what do you think what are you wadia fake think what do you think again I need to leave before 4pm I need to leave I need to leave before 4 pm before 4 pm I need to leave before 4 pm w I can stay here all day I can stay here I can stay here all day all day I can stay here all day my mother is in the hospital my mother is my mother is in the hospital in the hospital my mother is in the hospital don't forget to pay the electricity bill don't forget to pay don't forget to pay the electricity bill the electricity bill don't forget to pay the electricity bill y what should we have for dinner what should we have what should we have for dinner for dinner what should we have for dinner do you believe in ghosts do you believe do you believe in ghosts in ghosts do you believe in ghosts [Music] Juanita I've gotta go to bed early tonight I'm gonna go I'm gonna go she bed early tonight to bed early tonight I'm gonna go to bed early tonight whose phone's ringing who's phones whose fans it's ringing it's ringing who's phone's ringing tablet I left my tablet at home I left my I left my [Music] tablet at home tablet at home I left my tablet at home what do you mean by that wadia mean by that mean by that what do you mean by that foreign is the best experience is the best experience I had in 2022 I had in 2022 is the best experience I had in 2022 can you hold this for a sec can you hold this can you hold this for a sec for a sec can you hold this for a sec is a travel expense included in my salary is a travel expense uses travel expense included in my salary included in my salary is a travel expense included in my salary [Music] I have to drive my friend to the airport tomorrow morning I have to drive my friend I have to drive my friend to the airport to the airport tomorrow morning tomorrow morning I have to drive my friend to the airport tomorrow morning my brother failed the science exam for three semesters straight my brother fell my brother fell the science exam the science exhale for three semester straight for three semester straight my brother failed the science exam for three semester straight okay that is fine I have no problem at all that is fine that is fine I have no problem at all I have no problem at all that is fine I have no problem at all foreign [Music] where was I where was I am where are we where were we where were we need do you follow do you follow do you follow me you just have to face the truth you just have to you just have to face the truth face the truth you just have to face the truth there's nothing to discuss anymore there's nothing there's nothing to discuss anymore to discuss anymore there's nothing to discuss anymore I ran into him but he didn't recognize me I ran into him I ran into him but he didn't recognize me but he didn't recognize me I ran into him but he didn't recognize me thod did she text you back did she did she text you back text you back did she text you back no it's so hard to focus for a long time these days it's so hard it's so hard to focus for a long time to focus for a long time these days these days so hard to focus for a long time these days foreign I've invested so much time on this project I've invested I've invested so much time so much time on this project on this project [Music] I've invested so much time on this project I don't want to hurt her feelings I don't want it I don't wanna hurt her feelings hurt her feelings I don't want to hurt her feelings did she invite your boyfriend to the party did you invite did she invite your boyfriend [Music] your boyfriend see the party to the party did you invite your boyfriend to the party tonight I can't imagine my life without you I can't imagine I can't imagine my life without you [Music] my life without you can't imagine my life without you you should avoid those bad boys you should avoid you should avoid those bad boys foreign those bad boys should avoid those bad boys I never knew our company had so many people I never knew I never knew our company our company [Music] had so many people had so many people I never knew our company had so many people here it turned out better than I thought it turned out it turned out better than I thought better than I thought it turned out better than I thought it was I can't believe it hold him I love him I can't believe I can't believe I told him I love him I told him I love him I can't believe I told him I love him call Dad I want another wrong playing he won first prize in the singing contest he won first prize he won first prize in the singing contest in the singing contest he won first prize in the singing contest I know you can do it you don't have to proof anything I know you can do it I know you can do it you don't have to prove anything you don't have to prove anything I know you can do it you don't have to prove anything because he passed the test with flying colors he passed the test he passed the test with flying colors with flying colors [Music] pass the test with flying colors he enjoyed walking alone in the park he enjoyed he enjoyed walking alone in a park walking alone in the park he enjoyed walking alone in the park
Channel: KND Studio
Views: 2,339,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knd studio, knd, คำนี้ดี, knd podcast, ภาษาอังกฤษ, ประโยคภาษาอังกฤษ, คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษ, ฝึกภาษาอังกฤษ, ศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษ, เรียนภาษาอังกฤษ, สอนภาษาอังกฤษ
Id: sslapPXnM2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 3sec (3603 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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