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videos on personally free zombies doing website english online free ponemon.com [Music] one [Music] spread out on the bed spray it out on the bed spray it out on the bait non-pear you wouldn't be young pull up the brand cat pull up the blanket pull up the banquet hom pa home torch and turn toss and turn turns and turn click dua baima set the alarm set the alarm set the alarm bangla blog fall asleep fall asleep fall asleep no lap what time do you need to get up what time do you need to [Music] get up what time do you need to get up on by eight o'clock by eight o'clock by eight o'clock gone bad moon did you search your alarm did you set your alarm did you set your alarm clinton last night i couldn't sleep last night i couldn't sleep last night i couldn't sleep my channel me lovely i tossed and turned all night i tossed and turned all night i tossed and turned all night makuni by martin cooley yesterday i went to bed early yesterday i went to wait early yesterday i went to bed early mccoon can conan rail fall out of bed fall out of bed fall out of bed not dr yang do you talk in your sleep do you talk in your sleep do you talk in your sleep plow i like to sleep on my stomach i like to sleep on my stomach i like to sleep on my stomach i like to sleep on my back i like to sleep on my back i like to sleep on my back ten chop non i like to sleep on my side i like to sleep on my side i like to sleep on my side not the ken kang put a pillar under your head put a peeler under your hate put a pillar under your head one month welcome could see last night i felt out of bed last night i fell out of bed last night i fell out of bait mccoon took the yang it's so hard to fall asleep it's so hard to fall asleep it's so hard to fall asleep turn off the alarm turn off the alarm turn off the alarm pitnika my alarm didn't go off my alarm didn't go off my alarm didn't go off nalika and medanga please wake me up at six o'clock please wake me up at six o'clock please wake me up at six o'clock garuna don't worry i won't forget don't worry i won't forget don't worry i won't forget cover your mouth when you yawn cover your mouth when you yawn cover your mouth when you yawn bit but i always make my own bait i always make my own bed i always make my own bait to get on in summer block hit the hay hit the hay count on hit the sack hit the sack cone on sleep like a lock sleep like a lock la pentai lobsta nidler not sleep a wink not sleep a wink only sleepy head sleepyhead comes up m hand towel hand towel pack some wrap chair bath towel bath towel turn on the water turn on the water turn on the water vietnam turn the water on stronger turn the water on stronger turn the water on stronger but now turn the water on softer turn the water on softer turn the water on softer but now him in bao noi turn off the water turn off the water turn off the water vietnam the water is cut off the water is cut off the water is cut off naami lai put the stopper in the sink put the stopper in the sink put the stopper in the sink side here put the stopper in the bathtub put the stopper in the bathtub put the stopper in the bathtub said he would name abnam leave the water running leave the water running leave the water running but nam ting wai fill the top fill the top fill the top wash my face wash my face wash my face soap my face soap my face soap my face fox rinse my face rinse my face rinse my face squeeze pimples squeeze pimples beeps you squeeze the toothpaste squeeze the toothpaste squeeze the toothpaste beep yasi fun brush my teeth brush my teeth brush my teeth fang water goggle with salt water gargle with salt water glue core doing glue rinse out my mouth rinse out my mouth rinse out my mouth spit out the water spit out the water spit out water object with my hair wait my hair wet my hair tampon shampoo my hair shampoo apply hair conditioner apply hair conditioner chai cream nut pump wash my hair wash my hair wash my hair lang palm dry my hair dry my hair dry my hair [Applause] take a shower take a shower take a shower go to the restroom go to the restroom go to the restroom go number one go take a leak take a leak password flush the toilet flush the toilet flush the toilet gotcha spray air freshener spray air freshener spray air freshener cheese of the room air out the room air of the room rabbi clinton don't leave the water running don't leave the water running don't leave the water running the vietnam thing we see i'm feeling the top because i want to take a bath i'm feeling the top because i want to take a bath i'm filling the top because i want to take a bath i'll refill the bath with water for you i'll fill the bath with water for you i'll fill the bath with water for you don't squeeze the pimples with your fingers don't squeeze the pimples with your fingers don't squeeze the pimples with your fingers yeah shiny beeps you yeah the toothpaste dries out the toothpaste dries out the toothpaste dries out yes hang the towel on the track hang the towel on the rack hang the towel on the rack i was shampooing my hair when the water went off i was shampooing my hair when the water went off i was shampooing my hair when the water went off shankar blanca i waited until the water came on i waited until the water came on i waited until the world came on my hair has too many split ends my hair has too many split ends my hair has too many split ends my hair is sticking out in all directions my hair is sticking out in all directions my hair is sticking out in all directions my hair is short it's very confident to watch my hair is short it's very convenient to wash my hair short is very confident to watch [Music] in see a block unplug unplug taut block or turn on turn on take up crying turn off turn off bit take up green sci-fi use the remote control use the remote control use the remote control child remote control change the channels change the channels change the channels bien chang adjust the volume adjust the volume adjust the volume turn up the volume turn up the volume turn off the volume perms young turn down the volume turn down the volume turn down the volume lots young push the power button push the power button push the power button good boom bird why doesn't the tv work why doesn't the tv check if it's unplugged shake if it's unplugged check if it's unplugged which program do you want to watch which program do you want to watch which program do you want to watch it's almost time for the nails it's almost time for the news it's almost time for the news make a phone call make a phone call make a phone call total stop doll the number dial the number dial the number good militable the wrong number dial the wrong number down the wrong number got my little subpit answer the phone answer the phone answer the phone raptors up hold the line hold the line hold the line to the side raw the line is busy the line is bise the line is base sai me wang no one answers no one answers no one answers me congrats i he's on another line he is on another line he's on another line someone makes prank calls to me someone makes prank calls to me someone makes prank calls to me me control my guantanamo i'm getting scared i'm getting scared i'm getting scared chandra there's no one here by that name there is no one here by that name there's no one here by that name tini mimikon tunan you must have the wrong number you must have the wrong number you must have the wrong number comes up to [Music] decide what to wear decide what to wear decide what to wear that's enjoy get raised get raised thank you change clothes change clothes please put the pants on put the pants on put the pants on psych again sweep up shape up sweep up root zip unzip unzip fruit ziplong dress casually dress casually thanks to about by sabai dress up dress up dress up thank you attem yod put on a belt put on a build put on a belt cycam cut wear a belt where a build wear a belt cycling cut take off a belt take off a belt take off a belt toward kim cut match a tie with shirt match a tie with shirt match a tie with shirt put on accessories put on accessories put on accessories cycling put on the hat put on the hat put on the hat say more take off the hat take off the hat take off the hat thought more put things in the bag put things in a bag put things in the bag sai kong long bao carry a bag carry a bag carry a bag to grab ao brush the dust off brush the dust off brush the dust off but i need to touch up my makeup i need to touch up my makeup i need to touch up my makeup apply some skin lotion apply some skin lotion apply some skin lotion talos dab the face with skin lotion dab the face with skin lotion dab the face with skin lotion put on makeup put on makeup put on makeup bang powder the face with a puff powder the face with a puff powder the face with a puff type of tapang partner trim the eyebrows trim the eyebrows trim the eyebrows limb kill gun cue pluck the eyebrows pluck the eyebrows pluck the eyebrows draw on the eyebrows draw on the eyebrows draw on the eyebrows key and cue line the eyes line the eyes line the eyes kienta hence curl the eyelashes curl the eyelashes curl the eyelashes that kunta put on lipstick put on lipstick put on lipstick lipstick apply lipstick apply lipstick apply lipstick tie lipstick wear some perfume wear some perfume wear some perfume cyanum home [Music] clean the house clean the house clean the house change the base braid and pillowcase change the base braid and pillowcase change the best braid and pillowcase brianne paputin on la blogmon vacuum the carpet vacuum the carpet vacuum the carpet dude prom vacuum the floor vacuum the floor vacuum the floor dude fun tip sweep the floor sweep the floor sweep the floor guard poon sweep the trash into a pile sweep the trash into a pile sweep the trash into a pile guacamole clear the table clear the table clear the table get both hand wipe the table wipe the table wipe the table dust and polish dust and polish dust and polish but now wash the clothes wash the clothes wash the clothes supply saxophone wash the dishes wash the dishes wash the dishes long time long tuesday water the plants water the plants water the plants rot on my sort the leader sword the litter sort the litter katja mop the floor mop the floor mop the floor to poon put some water in the bucket put some water in the bucket put some water in the bucket tom polish the furniture polish the furniture polish the furniture jet furniture cut now clean scrub the bathtub scrub the bathtub scrub the bathtub cut an abnormal the toilet is clogged up the toilet is clogged up the toilet is clogged up unclog the toilet unclog the toilet unclog the toilet door soon take down the curtains take down the curtains take down the curtains our curtains hang the curtains quen paman dry clothes in the sun dry clothes in the sun dry clothes in the sun apart make the bait make the bait make the bait get on here envy the trash empty duh trash empty the trash take ya okay put back the toys put back the toys put back the toys keep complaining kotang do you like to cook do you like to cook do you like to cook kun chop ham a han may i always make dinner i always make dinner i always make dinner chantham prepare the vegetables prepare the vegetables prepare the vegetables 3m pot cut up the vegetables cut up the vegetables cut off the vegetables unpack plant the vegetables blanch the vegetables blanch the vegetables lurk pot take the water off shake the water off check the water off salat nam or squeeze out the water squeeze out the water squeeze out the water vietnam all mix with the seasonings mix with the seasonings mix with the seasonings pasta cream open the gas valve open the gas valve open the gas valve but wild gas close the gas valve close the gas valve because the gas valve beat wild gas put a pot on the stove put a pot on the stove put a pot on the stove one more lung towel take a pot off the stove take a pot of the stove take a pot of the stove yo long tail turn on the burner turn on the burner turn on the burner boom turn off the burner turn off the burner turn off the burner bit tau slice in thin strips slice in thin strips slice in thin strips five pins and bang bang hand foil slice lengthwise slice lengthwise slice lengthwise the gas is leaking the gas is leaking the gas is leaking gas rua there is a gas leak there is a gas leak there is a gas leak miguel deep fry deep fry thought back 21 simmer simmer tone steam steam noon stir-fry fry pot grill grill yang boil boil skim of the form scheme of the phone scheme of the phone dark phone or would you taste it would you taste eight would you taste it one of the leftovers from yesterday warm up the leftovers from yesterday one of the leftovers from yesterday until you attack set the table set the table set the table yo kong do you sell bags do you sell bags do you sell bags could me grab aokaimei do you have this back in black do you have this back in black do you have this back in black could mean grappao baby see that are there any other colors are there any other colors are there any other colors missy oh my do you have a church like this do you have a shirt like this do you have a church like this could mean your church bapti i want something like this i want something like this i want something like this me could you please tell me another kind could you please show me another kind could you please tell me another kind of baby do you have a larger size do you have a larger size do you have a larger size do you have a smaller size do you have a smaller size do you have a smaller size couldn't you cannot liquidity is it a free size is it a free size is it a free size and even taking a free-sized brow do you have a free size do you have a free size do you have a free size could me can i freeze my do you have the new ones do you have the new ones do you have the new ones on tana [Music] can i help you can i help you can i help you miarah do you have a t-shirt like this do you have a t-shirt like this do you have a t-shirt like this could me see you babniemai yes come this way please yes come this way please yes come this way please do you have a blue one do you have a blue one do you have a blue one could you see them in my here you are here you are here you are kneecraft it's quite big do you have a smaller signs it's quite big two you have a smaller size it's quite big do you have a smaller space just a moment please just a moment please just a moment please crew your personality [Music] i would like to buy a handbag i would like to buy a handbag i would like to buy a handbag about that i want to buy a jacket i want to buy a jacket i want to buy jacket i need some sports shoes i need some sports choose i need some sports shoes i'm looking for shocking shoes i am looking for jogging shoes i'm looking for shocking shoes chiang kam lang bang hat house what's your size what's your size what's your size kunsai kanatarai sayalaira what size do you need what size do you need what size do you need my size is seven my size is seven my size is seven chance i voted can i try it on can i try it on can i try it on how long they may can i try them on can i try them on can i try them on chenko long they may would you pay by cash or buy card would you pay buy cash or buy card would you pay by cash or buy card i want to use my debit card i want to use my david card i want to use my debit card [Music] how much is this pork how much is this pork how much is this pork new muni rakatai is 200 parts a kilo it's 200 but a kilo it's two hundred part a kilo kilo la song roy bad i want akilo i want a kilo i want aikido kilo i want half a kilo i want half a kilo i want to have a kilo store i want two kilos i want two kilos i want two kilos shenton can what is this switch what is this fish what is this fish a nico pla raila it's a catfish it's a catfish it's a catfish when cooper how much is this fish how much is this fish how much is this fish planning i'll take four i will take four i'll take four chances how much are these tomatoes how much are these tomatoes how much are these tomatoes give me sex give me six give me sex and hopefully is this sweet is this sweet is this sweet a new one may you can try you can try you can try good long line how much are they how much are they how much are they here's your change here is your change here's your change ani konkun m beef beef meat meat fish fish blah crab crab bow shrimp trim gum shellfish shellfish cucumber cucumber tenkwa morning glory morning glory fish sauce fish sauce number [Music] is the weather noun how's the weather noun how the waiter in bangkok now how is the weather in bangkok now how's the weather in bangkok now is the weather hot is the weather hot is the weather hot akat ron mai is the weather cold is the weather cold is the weather cold a god in my the weather is very hot the weather is very hot the weather is very hot i got ma the weather is very cold the weather is very cold the weather is very cold i got now the weather is very dry the weather is very dry the weather is very dry i got hangman it's hot it is hot it's hot monroe it's cold it is cold it's cold but now it rains it rains it rains it snows it snows it snows hima it will rain it will rain it will rain it will snow it will snow it will snow imagine what season is it what season is it what season is it array is it summer is it summer is it summer months is it winter is it winter is it winter month now is it summer or winter east it summer or winter is it summer or winter months is it spring in america is eight spring in america is it spring in america tea america this is autumn in japan aced it autumn in japan is it autumn in japan it's summer it is summer it's summer month on the rainy season it is the rainy season it's the rainy season when it's winter it is winter it's winter but being rude now it's spring it is spring it's spring it's autumn it is autumn it's autumn my what do you do in your free time what do you do in your free time what do you do in your free time kuntamarai what does he do in his free time what does he do in his free time what does he do in his free time what do they do in their free time what do they do in their free time what do they do in their free time focus on do you like to watch movies in your free time do you like to watch movies in your fray time did you like to watch movies in your free time good job may do you like to sleep in your free time do you like to sleep in your free time do you like to sleep in your free time good job may does he like to sleep in his free time does he like to sleep in his free time does he like to sleep in his free time without do you like to play computer games in your free time do you like to play computer games in your free time do you like to play computer games in your free time controlling game computers does he like to play computer games in his free time does he like to play computer games in his free time does he like to play computer games in his free time consublin game computer will plow do they like to play computer games in their free time do they like to play computer games in their frame time do they like to play computer games in their free time pukao shoplin game computer willa wong i watch television in my free time i watch television in my free time i watch television in my free time chandu toratawang i draw pictures in my free time i draw pictures in my free time i draw pictures in my free time chanwa they drop pictures in their free time they draw pictures in their frame time they draw pictures in their free time i like to go to my friend's house in my free time i like to go to my friend's house in my free time i like to go to my friend's house in my free time chen chopin willard i like to sleep in my free time i like to sleep in my free time i like to sleep in my free time chan chop no he likes to sleep in his free time he likes to sleep in his free time he likes to sleep in his free time kojobnon she likes to sleep in her free time she likes to sleep in her free time she likes to sleep in her free time la chop non we la wang i like to plant flowers in my free time i like to plant flowers in my free time i like to plant flowers in my free time read the magazine read a magazine read a magazine aniti asan read a novel read a novel read a novel any i read a comic book read a comic book read a comic book watch a documentary what a documentary watch a documentary do sarakiri talk to a friend talk to a friend talk to a friend quicker pun playing online game play and online game playing online game lane game online go to a7 go to a salon go to a salon by your own films away go to a park go to a park go to a park go to a fitness center go to a fitness center go to a fitness center go to a mall go to a mall go to a mall by hand surpassing car go shopping go shopping go shopping by silicon go swimming go swimming go swimming bye why now write a diary write a diary write a diary serve the internet serve dot com
Channel: tonamorn
Views: 2,340,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ฝึกพูดภาษาอังกฤษ, สั้นๆ, ง่ายๆ, เรียนภาษาอังกฤษ, ภาษาอังกฤษ, ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตประจำวัน, เรียนภาษาอังกฤษด้วยตัวเอง, พูดอังกฤษ สําเนียงอเมริกัน, พูดอังกฤษ สําเนียงบริติช, พื้นฐาน, ประโยคสั้นๆ, ใช้บ่อยในชีวิตประจำวัน, สอนพูดภาษาอังกฤษ, จากเริ่มต้นจนพูดคล่อง, Level 1, EP.1, ประโยคสนทนาที่ใช้ในสถานการณ์จริง, ต้นอมร, สอนภาษาอังกฤษ, อ.ต้นอมร, เริ่มพูดภาษาอังกฤษง่ายๆ, พื้นฐานภาษาอังกฤษ
Id: I8uIqHym8aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 38sec (5618 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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