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videos on personally free zombies doing website english online free ponemon.com [Music] [Music] [Music] club what's your name what's your name what's your name kunchiyarai my name is tony my name is tony my name is tony tony i'm oben i'm owen i'm owen chanku owen where are you from where are you from where are you from kunma jagnay i'm from thailand i'm from thailand i'm from thailand i come from japan i come from japan i come from japan where do you live where do you live where do you live i i live in bangkok i live in bangkok i live in bangkok room te how old are you how old are you how old are you i'm 18 years old i'm 18 years old i'm 18 years old can i use a bag b i'm 20 i'm 20. i'm 20 are you easy when is your birthday when is your birthday when's your birthday my birthday is on august 1st my birthday is on august 1st my birthday is on august 1st one good concern what is your phone number what is your phone number what's your phone number my letters my phone number is my phone number is my phone number is my little stop constantly what's your email address what your email address what's your email address till email it's abc.gmail.com it's a b c at gmail dot com it's abc at gmail.com manchu gmail.com what's your job what's your job what's your job alma student i'm a student i'm a student champion i work in a bank i work in a bank i work in a bank account i'm unemployed at the moment i'm unemployed at the moment i'm unemployed at the moment i work as a teacher i work as a teacher i work as a teacher ten times what line of work are you in what line of work are you in what line of work are you in i work in sales i work in sales i work in sales chantam nandan kankai what company do you work for what company do you work for what company do you work for kuntangan kapoor is i work for an investment bank i work for an investment bank i work for an investment bank what is your marital status what is your marital status what's your marital status satan wrote i'm married i'm married unmarried i'm single i'm single on single tensor are you married are you married are you married yes i'm married yes i'm married yes i'm married no but looking for someone nights no but looking for someone nice no but looking for someone nights according do you have a boyfriend do you have a boyfriend do you have a boyfriend could me van push him i i have a boyfriend i have a boyfriend i have a boyfriend said me vancouver do you have a girlfriend do you have a girlfriend do you have a girlfriend could you find a plow i have a girlfriend i have a girlfriend i have a girlfriend chat me vanpoint i'm not dating anyone i'm not dating anyone i'm not dating anyone channel how many children do you have how many children do you have how many children do you have of two children i have two children i have two children chandmi luxon i don't have any children i do not have any children i don't have any children chan mein milo do you have any siblings do you have any siblings do you have any siblings could me be no mai i don't have any siblings i don't have any siblings i don't have any siblings only i have two brothers and two sisters i have two brothers and two sisters i have two brothers and two sisters on who do you live with who do you live with who do you live with could i say you cry i live with my husband and children i live with my husband and children i live with my husband and children group i live with my parents i live with my parents i live with my parents chennai what time do you get up what time to you get up what time do you get up i usually get up at 6 30 i usually get up at 6 30. i usually get up at 6 30 chiang mai when do you do morning exercises when do you do morning exercises when do you do morning exercises right i often do mooring exercises at 7 i often do morning exercises at seven i often do mooring exercises at seven guys we like it more what time do you have breakfast what time do you have breakfast what time do you have breakfast i have breakfast at 8 30. i have breakfast at 8 30. i have breakfast at 8 30. moon what time do you go to bait what time do you go to made what time do you go to bait kunkka no kimon i usually go to bait at 11 pm i usually go to bed at 11 pm i usually go to wait at 11 pm channel what time do you go to school what time do you go to school what time do you go to school kunbaya rungri [Music] i go to school at six o'clock i go to school at six o'clock i go to school at six o'clock champion how do you get to school how do you get to school how do you get to school goodbye wrong i usually take the bus i usually take the bus i usually take the bus what's your hobby what's your hobby what's your hobby right now like reading books and swimming i like reading books and swimming i like reading books and swimming teen chop i am interested in cooking i am interested in cooking i am interested in cooking chinese my hobbies are listening to music and dancing my hobbies are listening to music and dancing my hobbies are listening to music and dancing playing what's your favorite food what's your favorite food what's your favorite food aha my first food is sushi my favorite food is sushi my favorite food is sushi i had brought sushi what's your favorite color what's your favorite color what's your favorite color see bro my first color is black my favorite color is black my first color is black see what's your favorite drink what your favorite drink what's your favorite drink green do ya my first drink is coffee my favorite drink is coffee my first drink is coffee crunch and chop cookie cafe what kinds of films do you like what kinds of feelings do you like what kinds of films do you like good job preparedness i am really interested in horror and action film i am really interested in horror and action film i'm really interested in horror and action film sense did you like the movie did you like the movie did you like the movie good job papiyon by mcgill brown one of the best i've ever seen it's one of the best i've ever seen is one of the best i have ever seen where do you study where do you study where do you study kundalini i'm a student at kassai thought university i am a student at casey saad university i'm a student at ksessat university championship maha with what is your major what is your major what is your major kunrin my major is business english my major is business english my major is business english which is why do you study english why do you study english why do you study english why are you learning english why are you learning english why are you learning english because it's very important and necessary because it's very important and necessary because it's very important and necessary problems because i want to improve my english skills because i want to improve my english skills because i want to improve my english skills what do you want to do after you graduate what do you want to do after you graduate what do you want to do after you graduate i would like to be a university lecturer i would like to be a university lecturer i would like to be a university lecturer i want to be a programmer i want to be a programmer i want to be a programmer chanyak being pokemon how did you learn english how did you learn english how did you learn english i have been studying by myself i have been studying by myself i have been studying by myself since i doing my friend taught me my friend taught me my friend told me i took classes for two years i took classes for two years i took classes for two years chenori and ben willa song b how many languages do you speak how many languages two to speak how many languages do you speak kunpur i speak three languages i speak three languages i speak three languages central design can you speak chinese can you speak chinese can you speak chinese i can speak chinese very well i can speak chinese very well i can speak chinese very well pasta i can express myself and communicate in chinese i can express myself and communicate in chinese i can express myself and communicate in chinese how long have you been learning english how long health you've been learning english how long have you been learning english leo i've been learning english since i was four i've been learning english since i was four i've been learning english since i was four see i've been learning english for 10 years i've been learning english for 10 years i've been learning english for 10 years which year are you in wish here are you in which year are you in can you be i'm a freshman i am a freshman i'm a freshman champion nong mai i'm in my third year i'm in my third year i'm in my third year can you be like i'm in my final year i'm in my final year i'm in my final year can you beat thai concealer do you have any exams coming up do you have any exams coming up do you have any exams coming up i've just graduated i've just graduated i've just graduated what's your favorite subject what your favorite subject what's your favorite subject which are like which approach my first subject is art my favorite subject is art my first subject is art which happens what's the writer like what's the weather like what's the weather like it's raining it is raining it's raining for how's the weather house the weather how's the weather again it's hot and windy it is hot and windy it's hot and windy i got run like a long range what's the temperature what's the temperature what's the temperature is 30 degrees celsius it's 30 degree celsius it's 30 degrees celsius what time is it what time is it what time is it [Music] it's five o'clock eight is five o'clock it's five o'clock i'm sorry i don't know i'm sorry i don't know i'm sorry i don't know who foreign what's the day today what's the date today what's the day today february 14th february 14th february 14th where is going where are you going where are you going japanese i'm going to the store i need to buy something i'm going to the store i need to buy something i'm going to their store i need to buy something what are you going to do today what are you going to do today what are you going to do today i'm going shopping i'm going shopping i'm going shopping chancha by sioux kong what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing long time away i'm reading a book i am reading a book i'm reading a book chiang kam lang i'm washing these chests i am washing dishes i'm washing dishes where would you like to go where would you like to go where would you like to go kunya i would like to go to the beach i would like to go to the i would like to go to the beach what's the matter what the matter what's the matter good or icon i'm feeling so good i'm not feeling so good i'm not feeling so good my koi dinner nothing i'm fine nothing i'm fine nothing i'm fine maybe array chance is there anything i can do to help is there anything i can do to help is there anything i can do to help you die by everything will be okay everything will be okay everything will be okay what's on your mind what on your mind what's on your mind i'm just thinking i am just thinking i'm just thinking i was just daydreaming i was just daydreaming i was just there dreaming changa cavendai what did you do last night what did you do last night what did you do last night i watch tv i watch tv i watch tv channel tv what are you going to do tomorrow what are you going to do tomorrow what are you going to do tomorrow pruning i'm going to play with minton i'm going to play badminton i'm going to play badminton chancellin batman what sports can you play what sports can you play what sports can you play kulen kila de bang i can play volleyball i can play volleyball i can play volleyball chancellor martin volleyball die can you give me a hand can you give me a hand can you give me a hand good night am i no problem no problem no problem maybe [Applause] i'm afraid i can't i'm afraid i can't i'm afraid i can't change me ah favor could you do me a favor contribution am i all to be happy to help you i'll be happy to help you i'll to be happy to help you changing could you please give me that book cool please give me that book could you please give me that book controversial next sure sure then on would you mind opening the window would you mind opening the window would you mind opening the window controversy it will be my pleasure it would be my pleasure it will be my pleasure may help you may i help you may help you right yes i'm looking for a church yes i'm looking for our shirt yes i'm looking for a shirt chai chicken long monkey can it write on can i try it on can i try it on channel sure the changing rooms are over there sure the changing rooms are over there sure the changing rooms are over there then on hong kong the fitting room is in the right corner the fitting room is in the right corner the fitting room is in the right corner hong long shooter youtube what size do you wear what size do you wear what sides do you wear kung sai size array medium should be fine medium should be fine medium should be fine size medium panchadi what size do you take what size do you take what size do you take i take a size 10 i take a sights 10 i take a size 10 chan alba sleep at noon is that a good fit is that a good fit is that a good fit another body my it's just right it's just right it's just right it's a little too small it's a leader to small it's a little too small malignant have you got something bigger health you got something bigger have you got something bigger good meet him and yay when you know my of course we have got larger sizes as well of course we have got larger sizes as well of course we've got large sizes as well nano on raw inside and the way how much does this cost how much does it cost how much does it cost rakatorai it's nine dollars it's nine dollars it's nine dollars how would you like to pay how would you like to pay how would you like to pay kunto kantam ragnan i would like to pay in cash i would like to pay in cash i would like to pay in cash can i pay by credit card can i pay by credit card can i pay my credit card since i'm going to do about credit certainly we accept all the major cards certainly we accept all the major cards certainly we accept all the major cards created locked motley do you need anything else do you need anything else do you need anything else no thanks no thanks how are you feeling how are you feeling how are you feeling great great yeah ma really awful really awful really awful yeah mcmahon how was the party it was a good time it was a good time it was a good time my bench delilah boring i couldn't wait to get out of there boring i couldn't wait to get out of there boring i couldn't wait to get out of there me why did you not are you ready to order are you ready to order are you ready to order could prompt a sangrian we need a few more minutes we need a few more minutes we need a few more minutes crew i'd like a cake please i'd like a cake please i'd like a cake please chen carvin cakes would you like chicken or pasta would you like chicken or pasta would you like chicken or pasta free pasta all we have the chicken i'll health the chicken i'll have the chicken what would you like to drink what world jew like to drink what would you like to drink coffee please coffee please coffee please corbin cafe lagan nothing for me thanks nothing for me thanks don't think for me thanks did yourself room for dessert date you self room for dessert did you save room for dessert my yes please can i see a list yes please can i say ah list yes please can i see a list crap cause no thank you i'm full no thank you i am fool no thank you i'm full maybe how does it taste how does it taste how does it taste it's delicious it's delicious it's delicious can i get you anything else can i get you anything else can i get you anything else yes can i see a desert menu yes can i say a dessert menu yes can i see your research menu crap why not no thank you no thank you no thank you i'm ready for the bill please i'm ready for the bill please i'm ready for the bill please i'm prompted now what do you think about this event what do you think about this event what do you think about this event i really like it what do you think i really like it what do you think i really like it what do you think are you here with anybody are you here with anybody are you here with anybody could martinique i came with my best friend i came with my best friend i came with my best friend chiang mai princess have you got a pet health you got a pet have you got a pet could mean that liam may got a puppy i have got a puppy i've got a puppy can you loosen afterwards are you hungry are you hungry are you hungry couldn't yes i'm hungry yes i'm hungry yes i'm hungry chai can you no i'm full no i'm how do you feel about him how do you feel about him how do you feel about him kakao he's quite friendly he is quite friendly he's quite friendly may open the window may i open the window may open the window check out my certainly it's very hot in the office today certainly it's very hot in the office today certainly it's very hot in the office today any officemen roadmap do you need help do you need help do you need help with my no i'm good thanks for asking no i'm good thanks for asking no i'm good thanks for asking yes please if you don't mind yes please if you don't mind yes please if you don't mind what do you do every day what do you do every day what do you do every day all righty good time to one i listen to music and dance every day i listen to music and dance every day i listen to music and dance every day turn from playing like a 10 to one what are you planning to do today what are you planning to do today what are you planning to do today what's up i'm not sure yet i'm not sure yet i'm not sure yet chanya mineta what are you planning for after work what are you planning for after work what are you planning for after work good one penguin what's your tamarai langley i'm going shopping with my friends i'm going shopping with my friends i'm going shopping with my friends are you free tomorrow are you free tomorrow are you free tomorrow promised yes i'm free tomorrow yes i'm free tomorrow yes i'm free tomorrow ciao will you join me for coffee will you join me for coffee will you join me for coffee good job i'd love to i'd love to i'd love to shania sorry i'm afraid i don't have time sorry i'm afraid i don't have time sorry i'm afraid i don't have time could we have lunch together good we have lunch together could we have lunch together raw matana hang glam one drink and daimyo with pleasure with pleasure with pleasure indeed i love too but i'm very busy i'd love to but i'm very busy i love too but i'm very busy would you like to have dinner with me would you like to have dinner with me would you like to have dinner with me yes that would be nice yes that would be nice yes that would be nice crap when congratulations where do you want to go where do you want to go where do you want to go i like to go to a japanese restaurant i'd like to go to a japanese restaurant i'd like to go to a japanese restaurant by rana honeybun run would you like to come to the cinema with me tonight would you like to come to the cinema with me tonight would you like to come to the cinema with me tonight kuni kun yak madoo nana kept sure i'd love to sure i'd love to sure i love too nano sorry i can't sorry i can't sorry i can't kototi medaya how about coming to the barbecue at my house how about coming to the barbecue at my house how about coming to the barbecue at my house sure that should be fun sure that should be fun sure that should be fun i've got an appointment i've got an appointment i've got an apartment challenge have you been waiting long health you been waiting long have you been waiting long couldn't wrong i've just arrived i've just arrived i've just arrived champion only a few minutes only a few minutes only a few minutes can't begin at hearing how do you get to work how do you get to work how do you get to work goodbye at all i usually drive my car i usually drive my car i usually drive my car is it close to the subway station is it close to the subway station is it close to the stop base station when you look like a satani road fighter in the plow yes it's very close yes it's very close yes it's very close chai when you climb up how long does this take how long does it take how long does it take much can i it takes half an hour it takes half an hour it takes half an hour chai excuse me is there a bank near here excuse me is there a bank near here excuse me is there a bank near here kotori tanakan i'm sorry i don't know i'm sorry i don't know i'm sorry i don't know could you tell me how to get to police station could you tell me how to get to the palace station could you tell me how to get to the police station for go across the bridge and turn right go across the bridge and turn right go across the bridge and turn right comes upon by leo leo hua can i speak to tony please can i speak to tony please can i speak to tony please jean-claude quick tony no idea just a moment please just a moment please just a moment please karuna around the crew certainly i'm tony certainly i'm tony certainly i'm tony tony i'm sorry he's not here at the moment i'm sorry he's not here at the moment i'm sorry he's not here at the moment he's not available right now he's not available right now he's not available right now bonnie when will he be back when will he bay back when will he be back he will be back in 10 minutes he will be back in 10 minutes he will be back in 10 minutes would you like to leave a message would you like to leave a message would you like to leave a message in please ask him to call me back please ask him to call me back please ask him to call me back bro talk hashem how long have you been working here how long have you been working here how long have you been working here kuntang anthony manan can i leo i've been working here for two years i've been working here for two years i've been working here for two years what time does the meeting start what time does the meeting start what time does the meeting start campaign the meeting will start at 10 am the meeting will start at 10 a.m the meeting will start at 10 a.m campus what time does the meeting finish what time does the meeting finish what time does the meeting finish campaign the meeting will finish at 11 am the meeting will finish at 11 am the meeting will finish at 11 a.m what are your symptoms what are your symptoms what are your symptoms i can concun i've got a headache i've got a headache i've got a headache i've been feeling sick i've been failing sick i've been feeling sick bye how long have you been feeling like this how long have you been feeling like this how long have you been feeling like this babney my nan can i for two days four two days for two days may have your password please may i have your passport please may have your password please see yes of course here you are yes of course here you are yes of course here you are daisy would you prefer an ir seat or a window seat would you prefer and aisle seat or a window seat would you prefer an oil seat or a window seat oil please i'll please what's the purpose of your trip what the purpose of your trip what's the purpose of your trip right i'm here on business i'm here on business i'm here on business i'm on vacation i'm on vacation i'm on vacation on how long are you staying in bangkok how long are you staying in bangkok how long are you staying in bangkok could you groom here can i about two weeks about two weeks about two weeks brahman could you tell me where gate b is could you tell me where gate b is could you tell me where get b is go straight i hate go straight i hate go straight ahead drone bike nightly i'm sorry i don't know i'm sorry i don't know i'm sorry i don't know would you like a receipt would you like ah receipt would you like a receipt yes thanks yes thanks yes thanks that would be great that would be great that would be great di mak lila do you have a reservation do you have a reservation do you have a reservation yes i do yes i do yes i do no i don't no i don't no i don't plow what kind of room would you like what kind of room would you like what kind of room would you like i like a single room please i'd like a single room please i'd like a single room please could i see the room could i see the room could i see the room your room is on the second floor your room is on the second floor your room is on the second floor hong kong your room number is 515. you are room number is five one five your room number is five point five hong kong do you have a credit card do you have a credit card do you have a credit card could me but created my of course of course then on how long will you be staying how long will you be staying how long will you be staying on can i two weeks from this monday two weeks from this monday two weeks from this monday i'm here until the end of the week i'm here until the end of the week i'm here until the end of the week have you ever been a bird health you ever been aboard have you ever been aboard my i went to japan last year i went to shape hand last here i went to japan last year shanghai bun mama beatile what do you usually do during your trip what do you usually do during your trip what do you usually do during your trip to hong kong i often go sightseeing and take pictures i often go sightseeing and take pictures i often go sightseeing and take pictures of do you prefer traveling by car train or plane do you prefer traveling by car train or plane do you prefer traveling by car train or plane gunshot i prefer to plan i prefer the plane i prefer the plane chance do you prefer traveling alone or joining a guided tour do you prefer traveling alone or joining a guided tour do you prefer travelling alone or joining a guided tour good job from i love backpacking with my boyfriend i love backpacking with my boyfriend i love backpacking with my boyfriend chancho back betty okay chan dot com
Channel: tonamorn
Views: 1,823,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ฝึกพูดภาษาอังกฤษ, ภาษาอังกฤษ, เรียนภาษาอังกฤษ, เรียนภาษาอังกฤษด้วยตัวเอง, สนทนาภาษาอังกฤษ, คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษ, ภาษาอังกฤษพื้นฐาน สอนภาษาอังกฤษ, ต้นอมร สอนภาษาอังกฤษ, อาจารย์ต้นอมร
Id: AsHxYJDR8_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 15sec (6255 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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