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the glory that i have with you before the world began okay i've read this the fifth one as well because this is something that most of the christians refer to now can you explain to me the meaning of these three uh these three verses that i that i've shown you because one of them clearly says there was a nice question okay the precise point i want to make here is that number one is that jesus considers only the father to the only true god not the trinity but just the father as the only true god okay second point he says i have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do that means this is by the way this is the event before the crucifixion so before the crucifixion jesus was saying i finished the work a glory i've uh i brought glory to you on earth yes by finishing the work that you gave me to do now you told me the reason jesus waited the reason you both agreed that he came to earth one of the main reasons significant uh objective of his was to come and die for your sins but before he's that he already said i finished the work that he gave me that the father gave him actually we see on the cross that he is he's saying this again i just completed my mission yes no what did he say exactly what did he say yesterday he's finished what is finished he didn't say my work was finished so was he lying before when he said my work is finished you will find this is the second second uh before you go to another another passage can you explain this i want to explain why he's pointing on the father okay we know that jesus and the father actually the the chapter 17 is really good because we see that the father and the son is one it's equal it's the same no they're not one we see one in purpose yes we see not one in essence and not in person but the being what being he also says i and the disciples are one then you'll have to agree with that we see in the gospel of john again and again that jesus is calling the people to believe in him and know him that means that when we know him we see the father because he says in if you have known me you've seen the father is that the one you're referring to that doesn't mean he's almighty 14 chapter 14 we see that he says i'm the way the truth and the life when he's talking about the life we see that he is life he is equal with god and there is nobody he never said he's equal to god please don't put words in there they're not in there i'm coming to them there's nobody coming from the father yeah there's nobody coming to the father except through me yeah to him but he's not the destination he's aware of jesus because because god the almighty yes decided to be in jesus christ and show us what is what it means to be a human being he's taking us on the hand and bringing us back to the father how does that make him god all the prophets did that all the prophets that god when god has impended god decides to come out of out of his place out of the heaven to be in this dimension he is still in the in in heaven he's still in charge okay he limited himself and we you you quoted already uh filipino yeah maybe you should read that let me see that he humbles himself no my friend you still are not answering the question are you telling me that jesus was actually telling alive and he said the father is the only true god and you know better than jesus no seriously you twist my word i didn't i'm asking i'm asking you did jesus not say that the only true god is the father say again did jesus not say in that passage that the father is the only true god i'm asking you according to according to jesus christ who is the only true god the father but he's equal with the father no no if the father is the only true god listen listen the term only is exclusive if i say just just read it you just read you let me can you please let me phrase your sentence if you believe in let me let me finish the sentence in john 7 3 proper understanding who god really is you need to accept jesus christ as a son well you can't know better than jesus can you okay can you do you know better than jesus who's the only church this is what he listen listen to the question listen to the question before you answer do you know better than jesus christ who the only true god is no good but wait wait wait wait what did jesus christ say about the only true god who was that according to him good according to you who is the true can you please answer the question understand that you have problems with the trinity no no no no those are problems but you don't you have a problem with jesus testimony don't trust in the word of god you don't trust it actually you don't mean you don't trust if you're willing to read the whole uh bible as the word of god you will see that the testimony of god is showing that god himself is showing him in three kinds you do not trust jesus christ's testimony when he says the father is the only true god in fact you just admit it according to him the father is the only true god but according to you trinitarians it is the trinity the father son and the holy ghost who is the true god right you do not follow the testimony of jesus you follow the testimony of the church my friend you show me trust me if any christian can show me a single passage from the entire bible all the new testament that god manifests as three persons and that is one being then yes you have a point but you know what every christian who has this question they struggle they struggle with that yeah what is it quote from me quote it for me [Music] who is okay you see in the beginning god is always talking uh not i do but us too you see that's a hebrew language you see different ways that god is revealing himself in the old testament never as a he's walking you know look like i said it's it's your word against jesus's word so it's up to you whom you want to decide you agree should i agree with you or jesus willing you're willing to talk with me yes but you're not willing to to listen be on yeah jesus proclaimed and this was the reason why they killed him because he proclaimed to be the son of god no that's not the reason they killed him see again you got it wrong if you read matthew 27 the reason they killed him is because there was a there was a charge on him you want to teach me in this what i believe are you are you too arrogant to learn from someone else um you know as a muslim i don't mind learning from a non-muslim yes if they can teach me something which is the truth and i have the testimony of the and yes you deny jesus testimony that the father is the only true god so do you agree with him do you agree the trinity is not jesus christ jesus christ and self describes himself to the disciples that's what everything that's what has god when did jesus ever claim to be god when and i just call all of you people who are listening that you should do the same and see the old and the new testament we did because and that's the reason i'm telling you god protects his word and you just you say the bible is wrong now you're changing the topic no you're changing if you see this is the speaker's corner where we have a dialogue okay you still have an answer no you still haven't answered the question when jesus says that words are finished what is the answer to that you haven't given an answer jesus said my works that you have given me is finished it's done okay have you read the bible it is finished what is it no you have to do a different verse i'm dealing with the one in john 17 4 the one that you read he said i have glorified you on earth yes and my words that you have given me i have finished submission now if his mission was to die on the cross why did he say before the crucifixion that his works were finished answer yes you've written this i just showed it is it john 7 4 okay what is the situation where he is ron you tell me it's your bible he knows already what's happened now okay so was the work finished he knows of the ruler of this time yeah so yes his his work was finished together together and you know now i am in the hand of the evil one so you're telling me his works of all the words that the father gave him is finished according there was no way no no no let's read it again because there's no way back anymore no this is your understanding jesus is saying here i told you yeah five minutes with you that's right i have jesus you glory on earth read from my finishing read by finishing the word that you gave me to do now unless you're telling me the father's work is finished not pilot's work father's work is finished that means that includes everything which is important is finished now phil if you know if you don't have an answer to that you can say i don't know okay i just told you no problem baba i will go read a little bit of ezekiel yes and read a little bit of joy yes and i ask everyone to do the same yes we read it we researched it you did it and that's why i'm talking to you but don't just take another book and say the old book is wrong we can discuss it when you have time okay because i know for a fact that the bible is corrupted and it changed and your own scholars thanks for your time next time do your homework before you tell us we don't know the bible okay is that the location you don't know by the way let's get away from this
Channel: باللغه العربيه SCDawah Arabic
Views: 80,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: مسلم 2021, ركن, الخطباء, المتحدثين, speakers, corner, hashim
Id: WMea4HOydEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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