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where it's been I think it shouldn't be imposed on them by law because then what she's doing is she's not doing it for the sake of God he's doing it for the fear factor even like for example if you if you are standing in front the Queen can you appear in your shots do you think they'll allow view so you see every no no they want they won't even let you in in a presence now waited every country has got certain protocol which they have to follow and this is what it is in Islam depending you might be talking about places like Saudi Arabia where this is the law and this is what you have to follow the women there are not allowed to drive it is not something that the Muslim Sharia has imposed this on them this is what the country has basically ruled as not being permitted look around and look around in 99 percent of the Muslim world no that's different the Sharia will basically the Sharia has told the woman that this is what you need to do okay now to impose it is another question to force it to do that that's a different question and this is something I don't believe that they should be forced because like I said that you're doing that based on the fear factor rather than your sincerity of believing in God just like a nun she wants to be recognized as someone who has given her life not a life as such but basically her a lifestyle worshiping God and being recognized as someone who worships God and someone who is basically representing God this is no different so many women who want to be recognized not because yeah many people women who want to be recognized in the society that they are righteous women who live according to the law of what God has prescribed which is which my culture now that is something for God to judge I don't agree with you yes that is something for God to judge because there are many women who don't cover they might be better than those who cover and and vice versa so this is for bata just not for us yes we don't know what's in the heart it's like in Christianity they say that what take the log out from your eye or something sorry take the respect from your eye before you take the I don't know yeah the plan from yeah something like that so basically you need - shall not judge and this is what we are taught but however the reason the cover is because they recognize that sorry they want to recognize themselves as someone who has given their life to what their Lord has and similarly like I said you see the women in Islam have the right to divorce this is called Paula they have the right is a female instigated divorce so if for example there are certain things which is an obligation of the husband to feed her to clothe her to give her basically a roof over her head and this is what is demanded from a husband if she divorces of course she can remember yes and these can be like grounds on which she can divorce if the husband neglects his major duties then she can ask for the works legitimately but you see this is not the case in Christianity today we see thousands of divorces like in America maybe one in every two marriages and Safina divorce and if you look around in your church many people are divorced you see that isn't thing they have to go against the very law that God has prescribed in the Bible because that is the only way forward for them the church is not a country club for Saints but the Bible the law is maintained by the Bible not just by the church so this is something that's prescribed in the Bible that if anyone divorces on the grounds other than adultery she is an adult trust and if she remarries whoever marries her is an adult or I'm telling you they have to they have to basically I don't know somehow ignore that law God has given them in the Bible because that is the only way forward I mean imagine two people have fallen out of love yes how can they steal in a marriage together so the solution is that divorce or separate and if they separate then what did that there was happen because in order for them to get remarried they will have to get a divorce even in the state for the state to recognize that and this is what I'm saying Islam has given this right to the woman fourteen hundred years ago and I believe the same injuries caused in Judaism they were permitted to get divorce before but we can marry more than one woman provided you do justice among some is that wrong what did the woman wants to get married to someone who's already married is that not her right no why would you why would you want to snatch that right away from her if she wants to do that I can't even is special between one man and two women like Abraham like David like Solomon's 300 wives and 600 concubines and who was the God in the Old Testament who made this law saying God absolutely and when did Jesus ever say you can't marry more than one if you recommend that one to one I'm not denying that but when did he ever prohibit anyone getting married to more than one woman you see in Islam the limit has been set to fall because before like the case of Solomon there was it was limitless however Islam has said that only for and that to provided you do justice between them which is not an easy thing I never thought of Islam many people many people do not recognize this because they have been I don't know they have been cultured in a way based on what they hear from the media what they hear from other people but if you actually research it it's their homosexual I think it's it's treated in the same way as someone who has sex outside marriage okay so the same law applies to them Cain no it's not because in Islam Islam only recognizes as a marriage between and a woman yes so that's why I said it's homosexuality or even when he says this charity or whatever it is they all are considered as a sin because it's um is considered something which is anything outside our marriage it's prohibited same thing as a man and a woman packed or sexual if they had sex outside marriage same penalty so there's no distinction yeah there's no distinction is the same in Judaism by the way is in the Bible another really adultery should be stoned to that same God remember Old Testament is it not the same no but that advocate was the same in the Old Testament that's what I'm telling you was Jesus Christ not God in the Old Testament the one who sanctioned this command to stone - that was it not God unless you're telling me Jesus wasn't God he only started being bought since two thousand years there you go so the same God who sanctioned the stoning in the Old Testament was Jesus if you believe in the Trinity and corner it both ways my friends if you're going to recognize him as God then you go to recognize him as God of the Old Testament and the new thank you no I don't I'm saying you I don't recognize Jesus is God by the way Jesus the reason it's very clear Jesus himself never claimed to be God never ever claims to be God I'll tell you what tell me when Jesus claims to be God show me one verse and he says I am I'm not asking you to show me the exact words show me and show me unambiguous words from the Bible very clearly distinct sorry clearly states that he's God he also said I am the disciples are one John 17:21 no no he said I am the disciples are what hold on did you not hear what I said use yes I heard what he said if you're saying he and the father are one and that makes him God now what does it make the disciples when he says I and the disciples are one just as absolute equivalence yes so you see if you're going to use that logic because if you the words that he quoted is from John 10:30 do you know what John 10:30 forces yes he actually points to the Old Testament in the Psalms 82 verse 6 where God calls us judges the Jewish people he calls them gods and Jesus says I'm paraphrasing says all I say is I'm the Son of God son yes and you you're claiming that I'm blaspheming because he's saying that he's God son which means he's a righteous man just like there are many sons in the Bible he is also a son of God so in the same passage you need to read it true because he didn't just stop it I am the father one because just like you those Jewish at that time they also misunderstood what Jesus said because these are the same thing that you being a mere man are claiming to be God when he said I am the father 1 and the pickup's it will accusing Jesus a code Jesus says that their father is Satan the father of lies so we already know in the Gospel of John that these people's testimony is completely false because Jesus says your figure your father is a father in life Saints so the Christians therefore use the testimony or the followers of Satan it ought to put it politely okay they are liars they are murderers from beginning so I think you need to take the testimony of Jesus absolutely those who knew Jesus himself cause the offspring of Satan and Jesus you see Jesus defends himself now I believe that he in John chapter 7 17 verses 20 1702 non-tree he says this is eternal life as they may no use Jesus point you the only true God and Jesus whom you have sent so Jesus clearly points away from himself to God as being the source of eternal life and he was also believed that Jesus was sent by God this all Muslims believe that Jesus if a Muslim denies that Jesus my club are they a Muslim there are even a Muslim say they believe is a message visa one of the mightiest messengers of God he's born of the Virgin Mary yes and he's a messiah we acknowledge that we believe that firmly this is in the Quran that he's a messiah and this is what is being taught to us throughout history throughout our so you know when Jesus was on earth do you believe he was fully God during his ministry okay let me ask you this that's that's someone I mean that's God ever worship anyone the father what about Jesus when he claims that he has a God do you think God has a God because in John 20:17 he says I go to my father and your father my god and your God what do you understand by this term my god you see Jesus clearly claims over here yes correct me if I'm wrong he claims that he has a god yes and his God is no different to Mary Magdalene he was speaking to Mary Magdalene no different to Mary Magdalene and the believers to whom the message was supposed to be delivered to because this is post resurrection when Jesus has now been spotted by Mary Magdalene and you she wants to touch him he says I've not yet ascended yes I go to my father go and tell the believers I go to my father and your father now that's a different question I'm asking you yes I'm saying that the Bible says my friend I'm telling you what the Bible says me quoting a passage doesn't mean I need to believe in it do it okay in order for me to communicate to you I need yes I do so I believe in the ones not believe in the passages resurrection I believe I possess it very clearly look at me I've on my friend God does not have a God do you understand that you believe do you believe there's only one God do you believe that do you believe that God has a God absolutely so when Jesus says my God what do you understand the relationship yeah but he already mentioned the relationship he said my father in your father that is a relationship and by the way that relationship is not unique to him he says my father and your father so you see that relationship yeah you see now we are going to another passage let's discuss this passage I'll come to that I'll tell you what I will not I will not evade the passage when Jesus said my god and your God claiming that his God is no different to Mary Magdalene and none of the believers yes does that does that not clearly tell you that he asserts that he has a got it but humility of God saying he has a God doesn't make sense he humbled himself as a man on earth so now he's gone back to heaven to be with the father he's no longer humbling himself is he so let's see what a lesson he's going to come down I see so let's see what the Apostle Paul says then in 1 Corinthians about this Jesus is no longer humbling himself like a mere man who is now back in his glory 15 you will hold it closer 1 Corinthians chapter 11 where were you to understand that Christ is ahead of every man and the backs of your violist and the husband is the head of his wife and God is the head of Christ so even in this glorified state where you say she is no longer humbling himself Jesus still has a God this is actually what we're saying this is not Trinitarian ahead of Christ it's pointing to the head over the head of Jesus is God it's a point of position I think there's a hierarchy in the Trinity now his nature yes oh wait a minute so when you say there's a hierarchy there is a hierarchy of nature because we're dealing here with with saris hierarchies and adjudicate with headship we're dealing here for Nepal and the man is the head of a woman by by Croatian he says another passage back to Adam and Eve so this is a Croatian autumn planet just as that man is the head of the woman also God is the head of Christ there's no positioning here this is the map this is the natural state of things telling you which it is who is in charge who is in authority the boss suggests as a boss and his name is God so there's no Trinity here that's as much that comes centuries later as a later Christian here inside the head of Christ is the father it says the head of Christ is God in the same way the head of man had a woman is a man that's a creationist it's not some kind of positioning thing you're trying to get at this is this is an the basic state of affairs is always work okay let me ask you best on that do you think there's a authorial higher than what do you think there's any authority higher than body no well that verse clearly states this authority higher than Jesus Christ and this is post resurrection what do you mean they shadow nature so in the nature its position that's it but that doesn't make this is actually you know the position you're talking about that is the authority yes so just like the man is the authority in a marriage and just like Jesus was the authority during his time up amongst the men the authority over Jesus Christ is God Almighty not the father it is as a father remember this it's very important because when you're talking about a relationship or between the father and the son okay that that you can play along with in I don't know some do some were gymnastics to get get away around that or when it says the authority is the father the boss like Paul just said is God Almighty and you clearly agree with me that there is no one hiring Authority than God but you see this verse is telling you that day someone hiring authority to despise he's Moody and zoophilia noises after his ascension believe in one god yes I think the same God that that greeted you and that's created me and that created every Bible an awful life Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father that's actually a very good will and I agree with it in fact wait one second I actually agree with that you know why thank because during the time of Jesus he was away it's the truth and the life remember he said on the way he didn't time the destination who is the destination absolutely you see if he was God he wouldn't say I'm the way all the prophets and all the messengers they were the way to Oh God Almighty yes amen to that however he was the way maybe you didn't hear what I said I said during the time of Jesus he was the only with during the time of Moses Moses and Moses was the only way during the time of the previous messengers they were the only way so you see God has sent down messengers to every nation like it says in the Quran Allah even left anyone without guidance so I loved and just create you and leave you without guidance no every nation has been given guidance through messengers and through prophets who was the way if you follow that way you and have the truth and if you have the truth you and I return a life with your salvation similar to what Jesus said I'm the way remember this he did not say I'm the destination so just like all the other prophets he is also the way to the Almighty God and that way is telling you to believe in God not what God or who got sent down to review is one of the Virgin you yes I believe that that's one of the miracles of God if you leave he died no I don't believe it that on the cross I believe he ascended to God he did not die yet holla holla why are we going to Mohammed Mohammed is a macho differentiator religion because what did you say that you said yeah Jesus ascended has never done yes he did not die but but he will come back Mohammad hold on he will come back and not from the Christian sources obviously the Christians Mohammed is not God so do not compare your brought to my messenger because that's what you're trying to do here now right we believe that every such things are saying that our messenger is someone who's with God right now and has never died hold on did Elijah die in the Bible you see I mean just because he didn't die doesn't make you God automatically because one day they will die depending you say we believe Jesus we believe in the second coming of Jesus in addition to him being sorry him being the Messiah in being the messenger of God we believe in the second coming of Jesus yes so the second coming of Jesus is basically the second phase of what God expects of Jesus ie to kill the Antichrist that the jar which the Muslims call like I said yes that came from Hammond and we believe is a messenger of God's the purpose of Jesus I just told you his second phase is to kill the Antichrist at the job and that is the purpose of G one of the major purposes model objectives of Jesus coming down in the second in the second coming and we believe after a period of time he will die being immortal you believe Jesus is mortal or immortal immortal did he die on the cross you see that hundred percent non part the flesh yeah the fresh path is that part of the Trinity [Music] that's fine God he doesn't want to be recording this - tavon do you think that the flesh during the incarnation which came this so are you saying the flash part during the incarnation is part of the Trinity I want you to think about this no but I want you to think about the flash part is it part of the Trinity if you don't know you can say I don't know I won't argue that's a good sign actually pretty cool to myself but right now that's a good sign that you're thinking and you want to respond now I used logic it's like receipt you open your heart to what it says by reading the Bible you see it's made my my my Iman or my faith in Islam even stronger yes and I would like to definitely I mean if you give me a number I'll invite you to the Masjid to the mosque and you're free to come anytime you want yeah thank you thanks for your time yeah
Channel: باللغه العربيه SCDawah Arabic
Views: 449,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: مسلم, 2020, ركن, الخطباء, المتحدثين, speakers, corner, hashim, paul, williams
Id: ngSyu2sWNLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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