داعية مسلم يشرح لفتاة غير مسلمة الإسلام لقرابة ساعتين دون أن تقاطعه الجزء الرابع

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we all know in that time period the israelites considered anyone who wasn't versed in scripture to be unlettered in order that oh in regards to the fact that they couldn't understand what god had given them or that it is nation right so would you say that it's true that unlettered really meant instead of not being able to read or write because you mentioned about human beings and their ability to add or take away and allah being free from that so even if you do use hadi you see in the hadith literature how the nebula was uh in a certain treaty to sign up but they did but the enemy didn't want him to have rasulullah written on the treaty right so so ali he told ali too right and there was a whole interaction which i'm sure you're aware of so he obviously could read and write because that treaty as that hadith shows that he i was evidently aware of what was written and told ali not to well to sign it anyway so he can't be cut mean then unless that he can't read or write in what we understand it but rather what the israelites understood if that he wasn't versed in scripture and so the magnanimity of the quran comes out in that because it tells you tales of the israelite nation which he shouldn't and he couldn't have known because he wasn't versed in scripture and so that there wasn't any translations at that time and so it is a miracle in that he wasn't versed in scripture and yet he still brought out the tales and the stories and the lessons from the israelite nation okay my brother um thank you for making some interesting points um so from the speech i can hear that he's a muslim and he has certain differences if we go by the collective consensus of the muslim generation after generation after generation today is a consensus the prophet was the most unless it he didn't know how to read write okay the example that you quoted in support of you even if you're going to the hadith what even if because you know very clearly in the hadith it's quite clear the prophets were unlettered so you my brother with all respect to you you try to bring a hadith which may support you and let's analyze this hadith this is hadith about they are making a treaty and the treaty would stop like this okay this is from muhammad rasool allah you know the prophet of god and the people that he was making treaty with they said no how can we accept that we don't accept you as the prophet of god messenger of god so we can't accept that statement in the treaty you know otherwise we don't not need for our treaty we believe in you in the first place so after some agreement with settlement the prophet agreed to say i would get this removed dispose of muhammad is messing with allah so what did the prophet said the prophet didn't just say okay um okay may i there you go are you putting it there rub it let me write it you know what he said show me where you have written muhammad rasool allah it was only written show me where so the prophet had to ask show me where so he was showing me here and then he had to wipe it does this sound to you like someone who knows how to read and write when somebody says like if i had to ask you know what i imagine this was all in chinese and the word is here and i asked you um can you show me where it's written and you put in there a nice archer and i rub it off it demonstrates from this hadith the opposite that what you're trying to prove brother that the prophet saws did not know how to read or write in fact he had to be he had to ask to show where exactly this was written so that can be um wiped off and rewritten so we believe he was unletted with all respect my brother yeah he was unletted and when he brought the quran the quran came in a language that totally numbed and shocked the arabs at the time who were best and like masters of art and literature and poetry in that time knowing that the prophet never learned or uttered poetry and the quran came in a language that totally silenced them because it was so eloquent but yet it came in a form that where made them unable to bring something like it you know if you um you can borrow my umbrella that's right can you hold on to her okay i've got a cup she hasn't okay if i write poetry and i'm the masters of it and you claim to have written a poetry i can assess his poetry and say okay let me try because i'm very good i can imitate it the poets all realize this is something unimitable so there is an argument from the quran called the inimitability of the quran that you cannot imitate the quran in the way it is presented in the way it is recited in the way it's written the actual quran which is the recitation you cannot imitate it the form you cannot imitate it let alone the meaning and the eloquence that is embedded within it but you cannot imitate the structure of the quran so many people have tried over centuries they who thought they would outsmart the quran and i know falsify it and they failed so even if you go to today to these scholars who are not muslims in harvard in cambridge and oxford and ask them what's so special about this quran academic studies have done to demonstrate now i mean by someone who is a professor to make it you know totally objective how to actually falsify the quran because you have a test has to be demonstratively and repeatable right something that you can assess otherwise how can i even prove it false so demonstrated that this is how the structure of the quran is if you are able to produce something like it then go ahead let me give you an example the quran says in one of the very beginning first chapter alhamdulillah i mean pray all praises and gratitude belongs to god the lord of all that exists all the worlds doesn't sound anything interesting but to an arab then it was like whoa how can that be they knew the concepts only like there is only one world and now this person is saying i mean totally new concept how can i even think of imagine bringing something like it um they always speak their praises with definitive article their praise and their gratitude never at the beginning of a sentence in the middle this construction in the beginning of a sentence so he's going against the convention of their poetry and their structure and bringing something like it yet it is meaningful yet is eloquent yet it's precise this is one verse from the very beginning a verse that begins with what we call the the sifa the night like a descriptive titles they don't do that in arabic poetry you say he is but there is no such thing as he is most gracious merciful we're talking about comparing our reporters totally outside norms how can they bring something like it they don't even know what comes next maliki omindin look verse ayah after ayah after ayah verse after verse master owner of the day of judgement what what kind of talk is this you cannot be a master of time you cannot be master of a second you cannot master of a day or an hour you can remaster of a you know an umbrella a house a car you know a land you cannot be mastered of time they had no such concepts whatsoever they say imaginable in their vocabulary that you can be master of a day day of judgment and it goes on like this i'll just give you three examples to illustrate the form of the quran so when the quran came to them so they can bring something like it some of the best poems is nicer this is not the speech of a human being so the arabic of the quran from a man who is unlettered was an evidence against them that this is not from anyone other than god the people recognize them so this is one falsification test the other falsification test i gave you about contradictions and discrepancies you will see the internet is full of attempts you know something like you know people make claims and speak scholar you know quran is free from any contradictions and no one's bothered to check that search on the internet so many different websites saying oh 111 contradictions here and there he used to be my hobby in a way to go through each one of them um one by one until i could find something that is very challenging so found a one or two that required arabic language and i said oh is that what it is then i thought okay you know what this website which has the longest list of alleged contradictions the quran they have translated inside in arabic you would find all of them in arabic there right none of them were there only something else why if you cannot produce like this in arabic you can do that in english that tells contradictions and in the next tunnel we can go through each one because you'll be surprised how the quran every single one of them can be shown that they're not contradictions prophecies likewise scientific mistakes earlier on i was talking to someone very emotional christian um friends from not friends friends in humanity of course i haven't known them talking about why it convinced her away from islam because there are scientific mistakes after going through the example she didn't even realize this how easily can reconcile because it's not even a contradiction at all because she just heard the critic saying the quran has a mistake in there and she took that criticism as that's it not knowing what's the response for that criticism if only she found the response you'd have said it's not so when muslims in their zeal and passion they say bible is full of contradiction right did all of them go and look for um responsibility christians and saying contradictions clear you should have done that how they respond and if you find they failed after all of these different attempts by different scholars throughout 2000 years then you can say that that one remains an addiction and there are fews there are still views that is unresolved they cannot resolve it so we can say yes there are contradictions within this book but others can easily explain the way which i would no have no problem in accepting it there's no contradiction it's a contradiction in the translation but the fact remains there are discrepancies which cannot resolve okay from this college's own mouth they admit that but when it comes to the quran the claim is there the criticism are there but when you look at the responses why is it people are still unable to find a single contradiction because if you did by the standard of the quran you can say it's not from god that's how it is you falsify it you can falsify the book by its own standard that's what the quran says give you one more example about this falsification test this is a historical thing i can't change so it's just a historical information the quran says in one of the chapters about a particular individual his um nickname is given abu lahab okay abu allah [Music] may he be ruined too you might say what a quran you know doing this war and wrath of an individual how is this a book of god neither his wealth nor his gains will help him he will burn in the flaming fire and so his wife the fire would carry her with a palm fiber rope around the neck you might say what is this all about but if you look at the historical setting this particular individual was showing so much enmity so what god was simply saying telling him the knowledge of the future that you and your wife will be in hellfire because of your persistence and your denial of the truth like this you had the means but there you go this is what happened to you now imagine now you are abu lahab and your wife to destroy the very foundation of islam you have to do one simple thing come out open in your heart keep it secret [Music] but in your mouth say i declare there is no god but allah and muhammad is the messenger of god declare that you become a muslim this whole chapter is falsified because if you declare and you down that state you go to paradise it's not el faro do you know how long this abundant have lived after this verse the chapter was revealed about 10 years he had 10 years of opportunity to somehow bring it in as a hypocrite inside he doesn't have to believe or he could believe sincerely but for 10 years he didn't do that so that was uh an indication to the people that this little individual okay is a proof about the quran about the truth of the quran that he will never accept islam can you imagine that people in their inner hearts they can keep it secret that i'm not a muslim right and then as a hypocrite and say yeah i'm a muslim they go to the mosque and pray recently there was one individual was um eventually uh was um court he was a mosque in one of the most in libya a jewish undercover agent he was an imam of a mosque and he believed that he prayed he led the prayers he taught the people i'm sure he he did marriage ceremonies and so on and so forth much later only he got um found out this individual could have easily done that there is no one worthy of worship except allah muhammad is the messenger of allah you couldn't do it an historical example of how the quran demonstrates the truthfulness of this book that this is from the knowledge of god this the quran says this has been revealed from the knowledge of god because if it wasn't from the knowledge of god then easily you can falsify like this individual false divided at one point the quran says about this chapter 30 about fighting happened in between the persians and the romans why is the quran getting involved with this the byzantines have been defeated in a nearby land they will reverse their defeat with a victory in a few years time god is in command first and last on that day the believers will rejoice at god's help he helps whomever he pleases he is the mighty the merciful this is god's promise god never breaks his promise but most people do not know okay i'm cutting in verse just halfway through the byzantines and the persians we're fighting each other right do we know who's going to be victorious who's going to be a loser [Music] in a war who knows both of them are superpowers but then again the one who were defeated they were victorious in a few years time come on the assini in arabic is between three and nine years guess what happened in history they regained the victory within that time period and muslim rejoiced why would an imposter writing the quran put his stake on the table unnecessarily and then he would have got caught easily because none of that would have happened he doesn't know the future he's gambling on something which is unnecessary but then this all came true if the prophet was an imposter this is how you can trust the quran you would expect this kind of thing to be absent these kind of things should not become true but this knowledge of the future in a way such a story with this kind of precision and it came about to true is something that is mind-blowing if it wasn't from god how would we explain this how do we explain something like this within this quran and the quran in other places it says you did not know this before imagine now this gentleman comes along and says i knew it quran destroyed its own criteria how is able to make assertions of a nature where it could have collapsed by its own standard you did not know this before the quran is telling the people the pagan quraish you did not know this before does he know what people know these people are merchants they go to syria they go to other places and so on they learn a lot of things and the quran says about it you did not know this before the information the quran provides none of them come along and says anyway god is nowhere of hearts he knows what's in between in their hearts so this again tells us this kind of assertion are coming from a source that knows the secrets of the heavens and the earth and this is what the quran says allah the knower of the secrets of the heavenly earth he knows the secrets not even a lethal but he is aware of it not even a leaf force he's aware of it that is how he is the one who is so subtle the one which is the one who created the heavens and the earth in six days and neither sleep nor slumber touched him why is he so important who rested on the seventh day why is there a sabbath that's what our jewish christians and uh jews and christian friends believe god created in six days he rested and got refreshed in the seventh day that's what the quran describes as god is your god is one who neither sleep nor slumber touches him he is the ever living the irresistible the mighty the most high the old powerful the one who created all of this and did not feel tiredness and awareness of anything he creates with his wisdom with his knowledge he created as the brother reminded me to tell me he created a balance do not transgress this balance balance in everything balance in the world and balance within our own lives within our laws why do we have problems because we are creating imbalance quran says corruption has occurred in the land and the sea why because what are man's humans hands apparent who created a hole in the ozen lair me humans who created pollution in the air me human being who created pollution in the sea me we have done all this imbalance and because of this we have all these problems ozone layer very dangerous rays coming you get skin cancer and you blame god god doesn't exist the evil you know with all due respect to our atheist friends they think it's all our you know god's making we drink while we are pregnant and then we get a baby with alcoholic fetal alcoholic syndrome we are doing a lot of the things ourselves and we're blaming we put in the chicken feed manganese and other elements right so that the shell of the egg can be strong during transportation it's not going to break and then you get problems after that having this egg our greed has led us to do all of these things so don't create an imbalance allah says do not disturb or disrupt the balance he's created okay that is why islam is a middle nation don't go that extreme don't go this extreme don't be an ascetic monk living in a desert or or or a cave in in a mountain and nothing of this world no or don't go extreme and become you know you know 500 capitalist you exploit everyone else with your greed and selfishness middle nation you live let others live you earn let us earn if you earn too much the poor people have a right on your wealth give it to them give it to them because it will purify your world so the islamic system if you look at it you would expect it to be that if it was from god there has to be justice interwoven throughout into over within its messages it cannot be justice only for the muslims and for the non-muslims unjust no justice for all so when the quran says about guidance you know some people say you know god has um hasn't guided me that's not the case allah tells us in the quran he has given you show me the guidance whether you're grateful or ungrateful he has guided you whether you are grateful or ungrateful um i just want to show you surat this is only hazard you see english translation i'm finding it difficult to find it inside no no this is man which number just want to show you so that when we understand how the justice in interurban within the whole of the quranic fabric noah jinn yeah this is the same one sorry just read it we guided him to the right path whether he was grateful or not those people who don't worship god they are not grateful to him but allah says in the quran we guided him regardless whether he is grateful or not he constantly shows the guidance constantly because he is just if he doesn't give you the guidance where is he going to come from who's going to lie to you tom dick and harry like me and you and people like that we don't know anything tom dick can hurt that's what we are god he is the one who is going to guide us all of us whether we are grateful or ungrateful whether you believe or unbeliever he guides us so when we look at the message of the quran to us we find that the quran tells us in a way that we should be really reflecting sometimes the quran speaks of who you believe or who you believe and the quran gives you injunctions and rules and regulation other times the quran says all people of the book and then in interacts with them but other times interest me the quran says all mankind oh that's interesting it's not specific to the muslims or to the people of the book called jews and christians it's general for every human being what are those address look interesting why the quran addresses like this i would like to get a quran translation with the arabic itself much easier this is a modern translation it says people start with people the command all people yay be mindful of your lord who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from the pair of them spread countless men and women far and wide be mindful of god in whose name you make request of another be aware of severing the ties of kinship and continuous be mindful of lord who created you so god is addressing every human being you know be mindful of him the one who created you who created you mother nature no god who created you is addressing you in general created you and created those before you so that you may be god conscious the quran in one place says very interesting and horrible he says oh humanly oh people listen here is a parable sitful those who ascribe partners to god their state is like this okay they are not even able to create a fly and even if the fly were to snatch it away from them they weren't able to retrieve it how weak is the one who seeks and the one what is sword do you know the ayah in the quran yeah you sit like this there's a parable like this set forth um you can quickly search this and i want to really need to focus on this it's very very interesting to me so i'd like to share that with you if you don't mind right so this is esteremio here surat 73 okay i've got a translation here all people a parable is set forth therefore listen to it surely those whom you call besides allah cannot create fly though they should all gather for it and should they fly snatch away anything from them they could not take it back from it weak are the invoker and the invoke the one who seeks and what is sought you know what's so interesting about this it's only recently that we have grasped another level of meaning quran is saying those who associate partners with god you know they can't create a fly scientist today can they create a fly uh no but many people believe they can right you'll be surprised but that's not the point though the point continues even if that fly were to snatch something away from it you won't be able to retrieve it why not i can catch the fly and get it we have you know you know fly catching agents but you know the amazing thing how does the fly retrieve and snatch thing away they fly saves the food right they get your food and the fly eats from the fruit you know what it does with its proboscis which is like a long tongue just like um you've seen the frogs very long time and then it spits on the food the food with the acid the enzyme that it's there it digests it partly already the food is digested before it goes and then it takes it in so even if you were to stop it from there the food is already taken it's digested you can't retrieve it can you hand fry an egg so how did we know this with recent knowledge and discovery of studying insects and flies and all these animals how they get their own food how they have their food now we know through the promises they spit something and when you look at it examining under a microscope we see how the food is transformed it's being digested very difficult to see if not unable to see the naked eye recent knowledge so the quran is addressing us people think and reflect this is a powerful you become so proud and arrogant that you think no one created you and associate someone else like mother nature who created all of this you can't even create a fly [Music] neither can mother nature right even in the flower to snatch it away you can't even retrieve it look how weak you are and what you're seeking you can't retrieve it so this should be a reminder of us that you know we are the creation of god so for you to reflect on that and then
Channel: باللغه العربيه SCDawah Arabic
Views: 665,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: منصور أحمد, مسلم, 2018, ركن الخطباء
Id: cV-lAJXA0C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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