مبشر مسيحي يتهم محمد حجاب والمسلمين بأنهم مغتصبون

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doesn't that also mean that he created sin as well which means your god is not necessarily so good and your god is essentially a great idea yeah so you know what you're presenting is the problem with it right so here's what you need to understand okay the problem of evil thusly put which was put like this by a peculiar section that if you haven't it's not an issue by the way it's omnipotence so if you have an omnipotent god and an all good god and either the fact that god even in the world the reason why it's an intellectually bankrupt there's many reasons why it's an intellectually bankrupt nugget the fact first of all one word if you want to put it there wisdom we don't believe in god with two attributes so it's a reduction the understanding of god that god is all good and all-powerful we we believe god is all good all powerful all wise as well and so if you have wisdom wisdom is uh basically in islamic terms and described as putting some it's a propriety so appropriately doesn't mean that everything must be good that's a condition that would only apply if god is only good but god is good is he's just and he's wise which means that sometimes bad things can be good for you he's forbearing so he acknowledges and sees bad and doesn't exactly so that's another one helm in arabic which is forbearing so there's more that we believe in more than those attributes anyway one could say that's one line of argumentation to say that this is a reductionist understanding of god's attributes and one that fails uh even according to like philosophers of religion like william rowe and others who are atheists but another way of going here of the position is that did god create evil what is evil in the first place and for you to answer this question you have to have what you call a theodicy of some sort so depending on what the odyssey you subscribe you're subscribed to then you will have a different answer for example august so so theodicy is your theory of evil in relation to god and the problem of people so for instance augustine and ibn tamiya and his student ibuki they they basically understood evil these are islamic and christian theologians they they understood evil as what you call adamaya or the idea of privation which is something a lacking of something a depreciation of something in fact they say that evil doesn't exist in the real world there is no evidence that's what even tamiya believes this is what pure evil does not exist in the real world so on this perspective what is then how do you describe children in poverty how do you describe that they would describe it in the negative term child and poverty or poverty is the lacking of the property of having money for example so it's lacking rather than affirmation it's so that's one thing so if we take that theodicy on board then we'll reply to the atheist with it and say well how would you prove the existence of evil in the first place because you see the point the atheist has as much impotence in being able to prove the existence of evil as a real objective uh matter or thing to be but you're preaching subjectivity for religion at its basis is objective because there's good and bad because heaven can exist bad people go to hell people will go to heaven so i mean again and if god is solely good in the sense he helps people he loves us so once again to return to my previous answer you know the quran states that you might hate something but it's good for you so bad things can be good for you sometimes [Music] and how can it be good for you for a wisdom that's known to god the quran says have tested them with good things and bad things so that they may turn back to us [Music] created the life and death so who has to test you which of you are best indeed what kind of tests would it be if there's no difficulty and this is where the question goes back to be evil you said rude things about my mother whom you've never known and you know my mother the question why did you say rude things about my mother you did that because i am muslim we have to wait for yourself islam teaches you to do this sort of thing that's how you are all of you are that way you know me who are you are you a real egyptian or a product of right hand process yeah are you a child a product of bread are you a real egyptian or a product of race answer that question who are you who are you because islam teaches reign so he says jesus this is christian behavior islam teaches islam this is rape don't get your hands so how many women have you raped in your life okay answer that question islam teaches you to read the question islam teaches you to rape so much so answer that question tomorrow or are you answer the question are you a product of rape or are you a real egyptian that is how they came to africa arabs are not egyptians we don't have arabs in egypt you understand that let's go let's go ahead paid the final installment for this huge mastered property and now we need your support to convert this 2 700 square meters building into the most amazing islamic center in the country of norway in sha allah but bro this does not look like a masjid it looks like a wedding hall and that's exactly what this is brothers and sisters we need your support to reconstruct this wedding hall into a masjid and community center so we can have our prayer hall for us to establish salah five times a day an indoor playground for the kids to nurture love for the house of allah a conference hall for lectures and reminders about islam we need classrooms for education a library to study a gym for exercise and a soup kitchen to help the poor and needy if you support us even with a small sadaka you will inshallah harvest a reward for all of these facilities and the hate that they generate throughout the years all the way until the day we meet allah the prophet sallallahu whoever builds a masjid for the sake of allah allah will build for him a similar house in jannah so what are you waiting for click the button to donate and share the video for extra rewards [Music] you
Channel: باللغه العربيه SCDawah Arabic
Views: 34,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: حوار, نقاش, مناظرة, مسلم, نصراني, نصرانية, مسيحي, مسيحية, المسيح, عيسى, يهودي, يهودية, علي, البيت, الصحابة, السنة, london, hyde, park, speakers, corner, Muslims, Islam, Jewish, discussion, London, 2019, ركن, الخطباء, mansur, scdawah, speakers corner
Id: ablvCI9IsqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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