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the king james version definitely yeah right why all right so why do you think the king james version by the brothers please please relax why do you believe the uh king james version is uh reliable i think there may be different versions like the niv which have possibly i'm saying possibly being tampered with by um evil people in high places what's the difference between the niv and the king james bible there there are a small translation differences what does that mean for example king james has i think john 1 john 5 7 the trinity whereas the niv has a version of that which i think it just speaks about three it's so it's very limited in its description right so you believe so you believe john 1 5 7 is authentic it it appears in a form in the codex sinaiticus written in the 300s so no no we're talking about john 157 as it appears in the king james bible okay how does it appear in the king james bible um okay i'm just think trying to get the exact word in um it talks about god the spirit and the word being three in in one right basically to boil it down so basically it says there are three bear witnesses in heaven the father son and holy spirit and these three are one yes yeah to my memory yeah all right according to most christian scholars this is a four dream 16th century forgery because it isn't found in any manuscript prior to 16th century it was in it was in a similar form in the codex cyanaticus and what it says and what the chinese bible says is two different entities because one describes the exact idea of trinity you believe i think it's slightly different in the sinaiticus slightly different in the scientists i think it talks about water and spirits should we read it yeah yeah sure yeah so if it's the financial i'll read the niv yeah what's it john 157 um first john 5 7 yeah okay so let's see what they say i usually refer to king james to be honest with you i want to question that initially okay so are you trying to say that the enemy is free masonic some people say the illuminati have messed with the fighters come up with the niv written in the 70s so do you think there's a problem with the illuminati or the freemasons getting involved with the bible possibly possibly i i would always stick with the king james do you know who king james was um king james written or was it 1600 know who he was who king james was yeah just the king of england do you know he was the first freemasonic king of england he was the first three masonic king of england um did you know that i wasn't aware of that but god can use anyone right and then do you know who sir francis bacon was i've heard of him i'm not too up on he was he was an editor of the bible under king james according to history i'd have to go away and research it all right so here's what we've got to go on research you made a claim that niv can't be relied upon because it could have free masonic influence yeah i believe it's being tampered with by freemasonic influence you said it's very similar in form to things like the king james but there are differences no no no i didn't say that i said do you believe the freedom i think niv has a free masonic influence i think verses have been taken out in the niv which is a major problem no no no a major problem okay i know it's a huge problem okay but what i'm saying to you is this i will first establish it i would just reply to whoever did that i'm not worried i've got the kjv that's what i read okay okay i'm going to show you why i shouldn't read the kjv how's that well first of all the reason you rejected the levs you said it had free masonic influence okay um now the contradict the problem you have there is the the king james bible like i said king james first freemasonic king of england yeah if you want to if you want to go a bit deeper the next templars after going to the temple of solomon went to scotland for a battle banner burn against english yeah and james six of scotland uh in england so robert the bruce became the first freemasonic king of scotland okay from there the main thing the templars are known for is the crusade no no no no no the temple does not know that templars are part of it but the templars were uh excommunicated from the church after the crusades because they started doing things against yeah they went under the temple of solomon and they got some stuff which we don't know what was going on there and from there they went to scotland yeah the reason the british are saying sorry the scots defeated the english at the battle of bannon burn was because they had knights templars fighting on their side after that battle and the english were defeated in scotland robert de bruce became king of scotland yeah the first free masonic influence king of scotland okay after that james became king of scotland yeah when queen elizabeth died without any heirs james vi scotland became james the first of england became the first freemasonic king of england when the bible was put was revised by king james and he used francis bacon who edited it for one year so francis bacon was the top free mason in the country at the time so if you want to talk free masonic influence on the bible you have a problem because there's more free masonic empirical evidence on the king james than there is on niv so that's something to reflect what we're asking is how much freemasonry has had an influence on the bible no no what we're saying is this you reject the nav due to free masonic influence i've just shown you that the kingdom has far more freemasonic influence sincerity so you'll have to read that that's what we're doing well then you have to question that now you have to question the king james because you've rejected the niv because of freemasonic influence and i'm showing you how the king james has more free masonic influence so now you have a problem if you reject the nav on them grounds now you have to question the kjv on the same grounds unless you're not sincere [Music] agreed i can see where you're coming from good man good man didn't know that did you um i mean i'm gonna have to go away and look into it you didn't know you didn't know that king king james was the first king of england so what i'm going to focus on is freemason influence on the formation of the king james version that's what i'm going to focus on well it's very very simple who authorized the revision of the bible king james yes so here's what you've got to do is king james a freemason yes or no yeah who edited the bible to francis bacon what's the francis bacon of freemason yes or no if sir francis bacon was a freemason and if king james was a freemason then there's clearly influence clearly and if that's your reason to reject the nav you also need to reject the kjv for the same demonic influence i mean what you're what we've actually established is quite a an important point fantastic and i've not i've not heard this point before no who's going to tell you yeah it's did you know that the knights templars fought the battle of banner burn i didn't see that on braveheart i i didn't i didn't i didn't know i didn't see on and that was the only reason they defeated the english because they had experienced crusading knights fighting for them yeah yeah and in the return they took control of scotland and in return they took control of england and from england they caused a french revolution where napoleon messed them up and that's when the jews got attached to the freemasons because they said can we come out of the shadows and we'll fund you against napoleon and if you don't we'll fund napoleon yeah this was in the jews because don't forget up until this point the jews were a secret persecuted people even in england okay after this after the french revolution after they funded the british against the napoleon and he was defeated yeah the freemason will never make that same mistake again so during the american civil war not certainly most of the war of independence first free masonic president of america who was george washington oh yeah yeah america that was freemasons to be freemasons no i know america was formed on on a right large amount of freemasonry no but it's all sourced from where you can see that all it came from but when king james um set about producing the king james version how much influence did the state have over the church that would be a key question the question would be who edited the bible well i certainly believe niv was no no who edited the king james bible someone's someone has played around no no who edited the kjv sir francis bacon so you've got the top free mason in the country editing the bible for one year yeah um [Music] anyway we don't want you to accept right here no that's not the point that's not the issue see look here's how it is yet no no but look my point still would go back to whoever put that into galatians about if somebody comes to you whether it be an angel or we with a different gospel that we have to qualify it first so you're calling versus to support the bible which is circular yeah but you're you you're you can't then just say oh well galatians was made up by the feminists no you can't say no no no i can't say i say well i can't say because you could if you use that argument you could say the quran was made up by the three minutes what i can say some people say the quran was made up by the uh vatican i don't even when i saw it i didn't accept it rather come on anyone can claim what they want anyone can claim anything i'll handle it is this yeah this is just something this was a side issue that i brought up yeah okay it's okay it's no no but if you've rejected the niv because of freemasonic influence you have to accept the king james that also has free masonic influence possibly yes so if you're originally purely on that point i don't say it's been altered at that point no no if you're saying it's had influence okay now you have to question why is it you reject the nav for this influence yeah all right now here's the question why does the niv remove verses that your bible contains you've been kjv you mean kj yours is a kjv i always use the kjv now my question is this why do you prefer the kjv over there forget this freemasonic thing now because it'll fly back on the kjv so forget that why do you not like versus being removed that is it's um it well as far as what i would say it goes to get straight against god unless it's not the word of god but there is a warning in the bible whoever alters this you will face some serious um judgments yeah so do you believe that judgment okay do you believe the bible's been altered i i believe the niv might have been i believe you know it might have been yeah okay do you not believe the kjv could contain forgery which manuscripts are used to translate the kjv which century to translate it yeah can you understand how the bible's put together yeah we've gone on to another topic no no topic it's i wouldn't agree i wouldn't agree i'd say it's a pretty big topic uh translation of the bible no no it's not it's it's it's very simple you have manuscripts yeah and you copy them into a book nothing typically all i know what i'm aware of is that king james used like the best translators he had the oldest one in the comments so the title of king james was all these manuscripts at the time of king james those are all dismantlements available um what manuscripts were available to king james when the bible was put together in the 16th century which which what all these manuscripts available complete the only thing i can think of will be the codexes no no the context is obviously but what century first century second century third fourth fifth the codex uh codex sarnatus was written in the three hundreds right that wasn't available in time king james so what was available in the time king james the sixth century manuscripts because the fourth century manuscripts were not discovered until the 19th century right that does that exclude the um fanaticus and the uh fanatical andreas yeah no no alexandrian is i think sixth century um cyanaticus is fourth century but at the time of king james that all these mansions we had was sixth entry they didn't have the fourth century manuscripts they weren't discovered so the only and manchester had to hand to to know what was in the gospel of mark matthew luke john whatever was the sixth century manuscript yeah [Music] yeah it's a fact 19th century it was discovered in some uh monastery i think isn't it yes so we know 60th century century so we know he did not have access to four century manchester agreed i don't know enough about that particular fourth century fourth century manuscripts were only discovered in the 19th century this effect well i'll take your word at the moment okay at the moment everything i'll take my word for i'm going to look into it i want you to wrong i want to see i want to test your sincerity yeah yeah i love people making claims no no no i don't know i'll say i'll handle it okay all right so now i'm not gonna ask you questions i'm gonna tell you things all right the oldest manuscripts available to king james and francis bacon was sixth century yeah and then from that was derived the texas receptus which is what the king james bible was taken from yeah but how did we know he didn't use the uh the cybernetics was it available it wasn't discovered it wasn't discovered no no no you're right you're right you're right thank you okay okay so the 90s think about that yeah it's good now in the fourth in 19th century we discovered all the manuscripts fourth century manuscripts now which is more authentic fourth century or sixth century uh i don't think you can say four four six would be say four fees you can't say fourth is more and six is less or six is more and fourth is less so you don't believe the sixth century manchester should be copied from fourth century manuscripts mark gospel of mark and you've got a complete gospel of mark four century mark and if you understand how manuscripts work a scribe will copy copy the manuscripts over the years and they should be the same it's the same but there's differences between them which one is the authority oh yeah the old one or the later one i would say probably the older one yeah that has to be it yeah logically because that's must be a copy of that yeah yeah so if that's different to that that means that's been something been added to it yeah yeah all right so here we are now so we have a king james bible which still sticks to 600 manuscripts the king james bible ignores fourth century manuscripts so what was missing from the so you're saying that there were there's stuff there's the king james version contains verses not found not excludes things from the fourth century the king james bible contains verses not found in the oldest manuscripts which means the later manuscripts i've had versus interpolated added in fortune so for example i'll give you an example the beautiful story of the adulterous woman he without since the first stone yeah you see the problem with this is you get rob you just did that you just said the older manuscripts are more accurate yes so if the older manuscripts of john don't contain a story of the adulterous woman and the sixth century manuscripts do contain a story of an adulteress woman then you think that maybe somebody oh you think you think because you said that's all this one's more related because that that's what conclusion you would draw there's a conclusion you drew yeah but don't you draw the same conclusion i'm talking to you as a christian right i'm awesome don't worry about it i don't worry about this stuff but you're the christian you see you're basically you're basing your whole salvation where you want to be at the end on judgement day in the right correct place on this book so now a question of the validity i have to i have to put my trust i mean when i become a christian i knew nothing about the bible i appreciate it i just i just went straight to god and i haven't accepted jesus yeah and i completely changed as a person i knew nothing about the bible i didn't know anything about the history i knew nothing about the versions i didn't know anything it's all as do you know how i knew the niv was something wrong with it tell me my mum's a christian okay she's got a gift of discernment she's been told that by what i mean different people it means like you can discern certain things okay who told her uh another christian guy is he why should he why should he be believed okay so okay to stick on to the original point please my mum was reading that niv and she she said she didn't feel you know in herself that what she was reading was correct so i took that on board and i was like okay then i'll look into it i looked into it i was i was shocked to find out that yeah it looks like it has been um played about with if that's what you want to you know if you're another word would be versus taken out well i'm sorry but i don't accept that i don't sense everything you just said to me then was emotional well no it's not it is it was i don't like it no i'll tell you why it's not i'll tell you why it's not one you tell me and i'll say it because the same thing what you're alluding to had happened to the king james version then as a christian i've got serious problem i'll hand it in well you're going to find that problem even worse than the nav doesn't mean sal except islam i'm just saying i'm just saying you know look it's very simple i don't know i don't believe freemasons put the reverse into galatians rob which said if rob if an angel or we come to you with a different gospel rub it'll be cursed so you know i don't need to make a muslim yet okay first i need to let grip of the falsehood that you've already got then i can present the truth but i can't present the truth while you're holding on to forces which you think is true so first we have to demolish that just to show you and then for me it really is just about being in the right place at the right time on judgement day i accept that yeah and i'll say to you again you've derived all your source of information from the bible yeah so now we're just discerning whether or not it can be trusted can it be reliable okay now i'll say it again to you your words your admission the older manuscript is more accurate your words you'd expect it intellectually not your it doesn't mean to say that the fourth century manuscripts uh were the in you know were the whole the be all endless no no what do you mean because those six century manuscripts could have been you know the two coming together progressive revelation as they as i said well no if if in a sense innocent if john is dead if john is dead he didn't write something 200 years later very very simple well obvious yeah right so if the original gospel of john never contained a story of an adulterous woman that john never wrote about an adulteress woman yeah the reason what you're saying is so important is because john talks about the divinity of christ that's why we need to know hey john needs to be where does john speak about the divinity of christ the father father and i are one of the gospels according to according to i think he's got jesus forgiving sins which only god can do oh the disciples gave forgive sins i think he's in john anyway no no no no but johnny's the mate you just mentioned a few things yeah i don't want to flirt too much but let's just mention a few things you'd have said first thing did you try not to preach anywhere you could you could picture your life it's not a problem um the disciples forgave sins does that mean they're gone where did the disciples uh forgive sins you didn't know that they gave citizens i'm not aware of that no okay if they did you can see then that forgiveness would be interested to see that verse yeah no no if they did would you concede that forgiven sin doesn't make you divine i would i would be interested to see where a disciple forgave sin okay no but i i'm saying to you if it is i can show you jesus forgave sins no if i can assure you the disciples forgave sin but we do can forgive sins if the disciples forgave sins does that would you accept you're wrong about only god who can forgive sins well i would if you've got evidence i'd love to see it no but it should be honest and if i show you yeah if i show you got the disciples being told to go and forgive sins forgive sins yeah i've not heard of it to this point which is fine we'll talk about sincerity we're talking about no one's claiming you know everything all right but if i show you that will you accept the forgiveness of sin does not make somebody divine will you accept that well it has certainly um open a whole new avenue all right let's open that avenue though okay let's have a look whatever you're bound in heaven be bound in heaven you don't know that text i don't know and the priest used to forgive sins um what in the catholic church no in the old jewish thing the priest on the day of atonement forgive sins oh sorry sorry yeah nobody's not clear tonight i don't know i don't know like 100 everything but i'm i'm fairly okay with it yes before they were settled the priests and the day of adornment and the people come and confess and be preached john the baptist forgave sins that sounds like the jewish did john the baptist forgive sins i'm not i'm not aware of it i'm not aware of that but what was he doing in the river well obviously the main thing is obviously baptizing for what but for what giving sins is another whole different no why what was john the baptist doing in the river let's just be basic i don't have to go to disciples i'll just go to another prophet do you believe that john the baptist was divine what do you mean by divine god no it wasn't part of god of course right so i think if that was the case and we wouldn't be talking trinity we'd be talking because we weren't because we would so basically um if john the baptist forgave sins yeah then your idea of forgiving sins being divine or making you god-like is is not void yeah all right so i'd like to see the person well i'd like to see the verse anyway about john the baptist baptizing in the river come on no no no giving scenes okay are you sure you didn't know the simple basic fact not about human beings forgiving scenes i don't know okay honestly you know it's um how can a human being just turn around unless unless god's given them that message ah to say can god can god give the authority to give forgive sin god can yeah he can give the authority oh sorry um i need to jesus i believe that's what i believe and he can only give that authority to jesus to forgive sins so you couldn't give it to john the baptist yeah oh [Music] rob you know do you know all my questions bro all my questions are rhetorical you know that don't you i'm i'm you're i'm you're aware of that aren't you you know you know i know the answer to all of this stuff i know you're good i know you're um just so you know i know you're quite learned on certain aspects of the bible et cetera that's why i'm being careful in what i i'm not i'm trying not to misrepresent the bible and so john the baptist appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins the whole of judean countryside and all the people of jerusalem went out to him confessing their sins they were baptized by him in the jordan river john more closely made of camel's hair with a lever belt around his thing after he comes the one more powerful than i strapped to the whole sandals i am not worthy to stoop what was he doing baptizing for the forgiveness of sin but he wasn't doing it off of his own off of his own back of his own self he wasn't he was people were going to the river to be baptized for the forgiveness of sin no no they were looking for god they weren't looking they they would just he was acting stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop why did the people go to the river darren he was acting like a priest he wasn't he wasn't saying i personally forgive your sins he was acting as a priest what was he doing in the river why were the people going to him well it says there um to be forgiven their sins they they were just seeing him like a priest no they were going to him to be baptized for the forgiveness of sin no that that that first tells me that first tells me they were looking at john john please be sincere you're going to be sincere sincere don't act silly in certain scenarios no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that's so you're saying to me all right just just looking to hear myself all right all right so let's just let's just make a standard here any other christians around still all the questions going on okay every christian i guarantee here will accept that john the baptist was forgiving sins in the river and all of judea came to have their sins forgiven that's standard that's the standard i'm only as i in the in the form of being a priest that's it that's it what what they were going to have their sins forgiven they were being baptized for the forgiveness of their sin they were being dipped in water to have their sins forgiven he he was he was the man of god at the time and so was jesus and so were the disciples so what what's your point doesn't make them god does it disagree no no what you're trying to say is that because jesus forgave sins yeah that makes him divine yet when john forgives sins it doesn't make him divine see that's not consistency no but jesus said your sins have been forgiven go on your way what do you think john was doing in the river yeah jesus didn't say hi from you do you think he was wasting his time splashing about the people were just always a joke they went there to be forgiven their sins jesus went there to be forgiven his sin but that that what you've just read to me is just basically the capacity of a priest what does that mean he's a prophet do you believe he was a prophet who john the baptist um i'm just trying to think of prophecies that he said how do you understand what happens when we say a prophet we under is like prophecies that you've made that come true in the future that's that's but the but he might he might take me i'm not sure but he might technically see this is the issue you had with godwin now godwin got destroyed on this yeah but we believe david was not the reason godwin got destroyed because we believe to be a prophet yeah like for example david wrote psalms that came true yeah like um do you believe david was a prophet david yeah yeah do you believe john the baptist was a prophet if if he's if he's mentioned in the bible as a prophet then i'll accept it but as for prophecy i'm not sure i'm not sure if he said any prophecies that came true so rob no disrespect yeah no but can you see that no i'm rob rob rob rob i'm not trying to roll say stuff that i don't i'm not no no no no but this is basics bro this is standard basics if you don't know this no how are you gonna turn the concept i didn't know it that's you see the devil's crafty i haven't said that i didn't know it and i haven't said anything wrong so okay i've just shown you a verse of the bible where john was forgiven for the baptizing for the forgiveness of sin i'm going to be honest i don't know everything i just read it but yeah what the the thing that you read before he was again acting in the capacity of a priest okay i'm going to show you how he's acting in the capacity of forgiving sins and a prophet how's that will i help you i mean i've i've seen jesus forgiving sins but as as for him acting in the capacity of a priest it didn't really look to me like he was personally forgiving sin what was he doing well he was he was ministering to that doing what um whatever what was he doing in the river they called him john the baptist what was he doing yeah what was he baptizing war well that was his ministry so what was the baptist all about baptism all about what was the purpose of the baptism well i can only assume it's just what we believe in baptism is that you go under the water to be born uh to come out out this is before a new this is before you're born again holy spirit this is we're talking about john the baptist here why was he baptizing in the river what was the purpose of the baptism why did people from all the countries go to be baptized with him what was the benefit of being baptized by john the baptist what was the benefit being closer to god okay why did the people think they were what did they think they were going to benefit being closer to god what what else well it says baptism of forgiveness of sin not going there to eat let's put that one what's the baptism referred to what's the baptism referred to [Music] remember you said you were sincere rob i'm i'm trying i'm doubting your sincerity i'm doubting your sincerity because you've i know you're feeling your faith shaking now i know you are i'm not completely you are no no there's only one point that you you've you've given me that i'm going to go away and seriously look at and that is how much masonic influence was on the production of the king james that's a brilliant start to me is really important yeah i agree believe me i don't play when it comes to god because i could be doing too many you know i could be doing other things like but i i know what i've seen i've seen too much i've seen healings i've seen you know too many people being brought out of bondage to christianity do you know how many people are healed in the ganges river by hindus i was talking to a guy down here earlier about healing if you look at healing in the christian church it's massive like you see many many many many people being healed but if you look in islam it's very very very i said hinduism very limited you're watching so let me ask you the question one more time why was john the baptist baptizing just people wanting to be closer to god okay so how do you understand when the bible says that he was preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins so the bible says john was preaching a baptism of repentance of forgiveness of sins are you still standing here saying that baptism wasn't forgiving sins really okay so where did john get that message from god at what point at what point in biblical history at what point no no i'm throwing it back to you you're throwing it back to me you you've got the knowledge i'll say it again to you you tell me okay first thing this is your bible okay right but you which you know you know so no but i don't adhere to this you do no you i did to the old testament i don't i did none of it which which brings me on to the no idea i don't why did my hand listen listen very disturbing what okay look no no no no no i like that okay so sorry um i don't usually bite on your red herrings but i'll go for that okay all right ten commandments what does the camera say well one of them is thou shalt not kill kill what do you mean by kill okay but and this is a god that's saying don't kill okay so tell me tell me about what happened when moses came down with the ten commandments tell me the story no i know i know you know what so the old testament violence was limited judgment stop stop stop stop stop which applied to peace stop stop stop sign the army no because many got robbed you sincerity's dying here mate no it's not he's all right moses comes down the mountain with the ten commandments yeah and what was it that shall not kill and then and then he had all the when he found the golden card what was this judgment tell me what was it is it the three thousand or what was the judgment um that these certain tribal or their men should be killed but the woman the women should know nothing to do with that now you're making it up no no no i'm just going from well your memory's wrong because you're making it up okay you're making up the story to suit your uh you are you are because when moses came down with that ten commandments because we've changed topic we're not changing i'm just biting on this i don't usually bite on red herrings but i'm biting on this because i'm trying to show you the contradiction i'm going to try and show you your contradiction muslims accept the tingling i'm going to show you your contradiction i'm going to show you your contradiction you know i'm going to show you your contradiction i'll show you two contradictions one convention i'll show you is that moses brought the ten commandments according to you uh and two jesus is god and he instructed the killing of these people it wasn't what moses did limited judgment whereas what the quran does is he's unlimited killing sprees okay okay let's make this you know we've changed something here now but you know i'm show me anywhere in the quran it says kill any innocent people uh 9 29 read 9 29 region 3 7 4 okay one second 8 12 1 let's go on repeat the question what's the question it's quite a few let's repeat the question what is the question um show me where the quran says kill innocent people what did i say yeah kill innocent people okay okay yeah no what we've show me show me is just for the benefit of the camera rob is showing us in the quarter innocent people this is 8 12 this is 812 right now this this is a god who sent down the ten commandments right saying thou shalt not kill this is the same god that destroyed sodom and gomorrah no no no no no perspective this is the same god that destroyed sodom and gomorrah with fire and brimstone this is the same god that told moses to go and kill every man woman child in the city this is the same god okay carry on look how many died outside the ark show him this was after the ten commandments eight twelve eight twelve you said after ten commandments hold on the articles before the ten commandments when your lord inspired the angels saying i am with you so make those who believe stand firm i will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve then strike the necks and strike off them each finger right that's god no no no yeah go on carry on who said what the net you're asking i'm waiting for innocent people here that is because they opposed allah and he's messing with right right so whoever opposes allah and his messenger for him allah is severe in punishment alhamdulillah so you agree that whenever whoever goes against god god punishes them yes yeah but i already had the ten commandments saying that moses butchered so many people after zachary can they suddenly come in and replicate let's be consistent i asked a question show me where the quran says to kill innocent people you haven't shown me okay so did you discuss the innocent people punishment shall i show you where the bible says bash babies on rocks i know i know about oh you do know no you do know okay to me killing babies is like the worst of the worst yeah yeah god tells you to kill babies but but then i've got i'm looking at god i'm saying he's giving babies every second of the day in the hospitals these days yeah and so he's giving and he can take away so the only logical thing i can say that's some limited judgment so sorry to murder babies continue according to me no according to jesus according to god gone to jesus that's a different thing well i'm asking you gone to jesus it's okay to bash babies on rocks one question i would like to ask you okay if god were to tell you to go and kill innocent babies would you do it i wouldn't know why why would you those people that was as far as what i know this is the time it was an evil anyway sorry don't get defensive show me whether the quran says to kill in some people you haven't shown me those babies would have grown up to be robbie still showing his way says kill innocent people come on we're waiting that doesn't mention innocent people can you tell me how you understand that by the way and what method you use to understand one second can i repeat something for the third time today don't quote answering islam you're going to look stupid i'm not i'm not you are you are you are yes where did you get all those verses so then strike the next and strike off them each finger who's next exactly good question that's a good question what was the question what's my question to you what was my question to you who where in the quarter hand does it say to kill innocent people you haven't shown me yet okay who's that talking about killing people how do you understand that based on what and what method do you use to understand because they opposed allah and his messenger what's it referring to whoever opposes allah whoever no opposes allah and his messenger that's whoever opposes allah and his messenger from for him allah is severe in punishment okay so don't forget in let's understand what you've done i've already been told that that's me rob because i'm rob rob we're not going to get the violins out mate so you should say now you are showing yourself to be insincere and intellectually dishonest don't get involved don't get involved keep you on point rub rub concentrate focus focus focus focus okay you've just quoted this versus the quran as if it supports your idea okay first thing what does the quran say yeah fight who whoever no it doesn't say no no no no that's what it says whoever the following verse no allah says he'll punish that person hellfire yes okay so in the in the ten commandments we've got godzilla not killed what's gonna happen when jesus returns yeah we've got the killing coming back okay for an eye too rob which was dismissed you're in you're saying he's gonna peel the way through the contradiction i said where's my contradiction what's jesus gonna do when he returns he's gonna judge what's he gonna do right when jesus returns yes with so many saints now when he comes what's he going to do are you talking about the rapture i'm talking about jesus when jesus returns the rapture you're talking about the second coming jesus return what's jesus going to do the second coming he will come back to earth and just completely destroy anybody who opposes him right right right right right right right stop stop stop stop so so what do you think what's it going to do to those who oppose him destroy them i'm trying to obviously thinking about what it says in revelation etc what is jesus going to do when he returns well i know he's going to return to you don't need to go to revelations he's going to go to the gospels mate is there no i don't know no no i all right i've got it i've got it in the back of my mind i'll tell you what jesus is going to do jesus says go preach the gospel preach to the people yeah and those who don't hear you wipe the dust from your feet and walk away yeah that's what he says and then he says for the punishment for those people will no sorry the punishment of sodom and gomorrah will be nothing compared to what will happen to those people right so god jesus yeah that you claim no but if no wait wait wait wait wait there's contradiction you're accepting that's contradiction no no no no no no you'll be okay no if he comes back no no no the problem no relax relax we believe that when he comes rob when he comes back will be submitted listen when he comes back according to he's going to be on our side i know brother please relax keep him on point right according to your scripture that you believe in when jesus returns he's going to kill anyone who opposes him yes it's going to yes if you accept him no oppose him no if you if you just would like say yeah that's jesus oppose him oppose him if you've tried to fight him then god help you alhamdulillah now what did the quran say said the same thing what's your problem no but the quran is it's like uh what is it uh he's going to comment so now you're messing around you're just going to just remember rob of islamic teachings rob you don't need to remember nothing you just quoted the verse what did allah say he'll do to those who oppose him when jesus comes back no not when jesus comes back when allah says to those who oppose him what's going to happen on the day of judgment you just said it no you you're talking now about something completely no you've done that see you amalgamated the battle of bunny correida with manicored yeah you you combine that with god's judgment of the day of judgment because allah says those who oppose allah and his messenger yeah those who oppose allah and his messenger just as those who opposed god and jesus same principle my friend there are many there are that's your hypocrisy there are many verses no no no wait forget your many verses forget your many verses the muslim king forget your many verses yeah i've just shown you you don't understand the quran christians do you think you can understand the quran do you think i'm going to prove right now you don't well okay you muslims have a challenge and i'm going to challenge you right now muslims have a challenge if there's any like bring a book no i'm going to do that i ain't going to do that okay i'll bring the bible listen rob simple rob i'm going to prove to everybody right now yeah if it's king james it's king james rob this is your last chance of sincerity can i walk away after this because i can see you're not in ca yeah you think you're clever you're looking for now you're looking at you are you looking at a hypocrite now i'm not you are because you came across all humble yeah i'm rob this that no young merch and now you're no you're quoting david wood flipping it acting like you didn't know nothing's wrong with david yeah yeah so here's the principle yeah just so we understand we're going to prove to him now that he can never quote from the quran because he doesn't understand it yeah how's that well and i'll prove it right now i know i know enough but i'm going to prove it right now you don't i don't i don't know everything well i'm going to prove you've misunderstood the quran how's that okay should i prove it okay if i if i do prove this i'm listening so if i prove to you you've misunderstood a verse of quran will you concede there's other verses you could have misunderstood that you've misunderstood a verse one verse well you can see that there's other verses you may have also misunderstood like 551 if i show you right now that you've missed under the misunderstood the quran will you accept that you may have misunderstood it elsewhere i'll certainly look into it i don't believe you will but i'll do it anyway i don't believe you will mate i don't believe you're sincere i think you thought you're being clever but you're not no disrespect anyway that's just that's just your that's just your opinion everyone can see it i don't see how okay you've just been refuted on john the baptist yeah you just saw it dishonest it's unreal how anyone could stand here when the bible's saying he was baptizing for the repentance for the forgiveness of sin and you can't concede he was baptized before the forgiveness of the repentance of sin let's look at it anyway let's preview i've got google in my brain no i haven't you don't have to have it i just showed you from the hard copy you know you don't need google why do you need google in your brain when i show you the verse no no listen the reason i come to the park is to anyway bring muslims i know you dishonest rob because of that but anyway but i'm still going to show you misunderstood okay all right what does the quran mean when it says you can beat your wife there are verses in the quran and uh this thing about a toothbrush or something like that what does the quran mean when it says you can beat your wife we have to look also at the hadith what does the quran mean i called you your understanding well you beat them to keep them in line in what way can you beat them [Music] according to your understanding this is where you have one thing in the quran and maybe something different in the hadith and your understanding of the quran your understanding of the quran what does the quran mean when it says you can beat your wife um you can first of all you can go to separate beds i didn't say that i said beethoven i said beat her i said beethoven what does it mean what does this beating entail um well to to believe that it's with a little too far i didn't ask that i asked you i don't believe any guy he's going to go through a little toothbrush and just go i want to know your understanding of the verse because you see you're quoting quran like you understand it you're quoting quran like you understand it are you going to quote the verb are you going to explain it you're going to explain it are you going to explain it can you explain the verse or not if you can you can you explain your understanding of the verse can you explain the understanding of the verse or not but i'm pretty sure there is a verse can you understand the verse can you understand it if you beat your wife can you explain it well you're going to start then coming always it means with a little tooth now what i'm going to do show you know nothing about the quad and that's what i'm going to do but i'm waiting for your explanation first well you're getting a bit no no i'm getting agitated i'm getting irritated because you came across a sincere are you not wait a minute are you here to establish the truth no not today not now not here no oh so you've changed it to what to refute your nonsense that's what i'm here to do now well i've only said what is my you've shown you don't understand your basic books you don't understand the source of your books we know that whoever opposes allah yeah so allah will punish him on the day of judgement yeah no issue with that but what i'm saying what's your point my point is very simple you have misunderstood the verses that you think support what you say because you made the claim the quran says everywhere you can kill innocent people i've asked you to show me one place you haven't shown me okay so what does eight twelve mean in your why did you take eight twelve to me because that's what what does a12 say what does a12 say yeah i thought a very ready l no you read nine something you know really twelve i did i read eight twelve let me read it let me read it with honestly give me the quran sorry and then the verse following which says whoever slay who's next what's the most talking about whoever the whoever is against right now here's the problem this is why i came i'm obviously against them the reason i came to beating the wife is very very simple yeah you're quoting a verse of quran what was it eight twelve yeah all right and the verse following right you're quoting this verse as if you understand it yeah right well if you've got a different meaning or a different interpretation no no no no no no no let's do something yeah let's understand the method of understanding the quran how about that would that be a start okay are you do you have the tools to understand the quran by your own understanding i don't understand arabic so no in english in english you think you can read it and understand it in english so i'm going to close this book again now we're going back to the verse about beating the wife right now in english it says beat your wife what does that mean don't tell me what it doesn't mean tell me what you think it means like i say somewhere there's a verse and it just says if they fail with a toothbrush or something like that well can you beat your wife according to the quran that's a big question can you you have to go to the quran do you think you can i do do you think you can you have to go to did you order the hadith about this verse i i have looked at the hey dude what's the hoodies about this verse that particular bird yeah the one you quoted from the one you explained now for some reason when it comes to another verse we need the hadith to understand it yeah but when it comes to a verse you can understand it without hadith for some reason so explain that how can you understand that technical verse yeah beat your wife you don't understand how does that work yeah all right look at this point i'm going to say we've raised some very good points we had a good discussion but it's getting a little bit out of hand there's nothing out of hand so we can either talk very politely or we can just leave it okay i'll talk nicely all right all right shall do again i'll say what i said again let's start again okay okay [Music] about you we quoted you quoted eight twelve yeah and then eight thirteen uh or whatever it was and yeah eight and fifth right and fifteen all right twelve and thirty yeah you quoted these verses and then you told us what those verses meant yeah what what i see what i'm aware they mean no what do you think they mean yeah yeah that's right your opinion of those verses did you when you weren't trying to understand these verses did you go to the hadith or the taser with regards these verses to be honest i didn't know no now when we spoke about i have with other verses where about beating things like that why why when you come to beating the wife because you know why you i know why you went to the other verses there's some uh you know you you sometimes what you find in bukhari can can be not quite what you find in the quran okay i'll say it again to you why when it comes to beat the wife do you do all this research into hadith and such yeah then when it comes to a verse like this you don't bother why um just just because i give priority to research in the bible no no i say it again to you when it comes to understanding the verse about beating the wife you do all this islamic research you go to the hadith in when it comes to reverse like this you don't why right like i said i haven't researched everything i haven't researched everything all right so why are you quoting something you haven't researched because 8 12 and 8 13 are quite clear really from from what i can tell what does that say about it um i'm not aware i'm not aware right so i'll say it again to you but that's easy that's an easy thing to say it's like you could read a bible verse and then i could say to you yeah but in in another part of the bible beat your wife is clear in the corner anybody can do no no no no no no no i just want to know i want to test your honesty here i have been no no no no no no not at all when it says you can beat your wife according to the quran you don't accept it as face value you don't think the quran says that's true i didn't no you didn't why didn't you because the about the thing with the truth don't you think muslims beat their way obviously i'm thinking well you didn't see nothing about where i live where i live there was a muslim beheaded his wife right so i'm interested where i live there's muslims are drinking alcohol when i live there's muslims to drink alcohol what's your point well yeah all right fair enough thank you so they're betting their wife i'm not saying all muslims are perfect there's islam just like all christians does islam allow the beheading of wives um talking about people not as far as i'm aware no no somebody bring it up um the question is this the quran is clear about beating whites yeah we do know in the sub indian continent because of their i believe hindu heritage and the oppression of women and the misogyny that women are are a little bit abused i'd be honest i could see that i don't see it in morocco i don't see in algeria i don't see it it's marley i don't see nowhere else i only see the civilian continent so i can only go back to the hindu routes but anyway that's the problem there's a lot of it goes on in iran and it's by dubai but the point is that i don't see in morocco afghanistan india sub-indian continent no somalia definitely not have you met some other women uh i've been both somali men and that's somali women yeah they're they're both pretty tough yeah they're not they're not they're not submissive women yeah i sell hijabs i sell scarves and i mean i mean all genre of muslim women yeah and one of the toughest moroccan argenia maybe anyway so the point is this the quran says beat your wife yeah right now for some reason you don't take that at face value you believe a woman a muslim beheaded his wife so if you think about it i i can see that he could have just been mentally ill no he could have been i don't see that but but why why shouldn't you be you you've been the quran do you believe the quran from the devil i i have to go back to galatians i don't mind i don't mind it it says if you go to galatians jesus christ angel or we meaning people who you know bring to you a different gospel other than the one we preached that be a curse all right now who has more authority jesus or paul jesus of course of course did you just say that why did paul say that um i think it was paul yeah of course it was polar galatians yeah all right so jesus didn't say that jesus said the opposite of that if you knew what jesus said in your bible you will know that you can never claim that satan is the author of this book but i'm not going to go there because again with diversity yeah but i want to go back to the main point so i want to go back to the main what right so the quran says beat your wife yeah and you you you you feel you need to undertake a study of this verse what i suggest happened is that you tried to use this verse and you got slapped by a muslim showing you it doesn't mean that no no well how do you know about toothbrush who told you that did david would tell you that no because of the i think it's in bukhari who told you about bukhari who told you that who told you that struck aisha on the chest who told you about bukhari and the toothbrush who told you that i've looked into some of these things no no no no i've read the i've read the uh rub reference so you're saying on camera right now god is your witness may god strike you down you encourage you and your family yeah that you have never been refuted on this point by a muslim yeah because as soon as i mentioned be in your wife you went straight to a toothbrush mate which tells me you've been refuted on this oh no because i've i've come across it the information right i haven't been here i suggest to you here's what i suggest to you you have to research what you why have you not researched this you know it's simple on the day of judgment why didn't you research this why haven't you researched this 8 12. yeah i i admit i haven't why not search the whole why not that's what he's trying to say you've got a point you've got a point well it's a pretty good point but from the face of it what i'm saying is on the face of it it looks pretty nasty in the bible the reason being because of ten commandments that shall not kill what's changed okay you keep going on about thou shalt not kill i need to i need to nail this down you said how many how many people after the ten commandments were killed by prophets of god well okay look you we have to ask were all the people that were killed on what you were saying on moses instruments no no i'm saying what i'm saying this is the question [Music] because it relates no no i'm going to clarify it i'm going to ask the question again after the ten commandments were revealed how many people were killed thus says the lord god of israel put every man his sword on his side and go to and fro from gate to gate throughout the camp and slay every man his brother every man his companion and every man his neighbor and the sons of levi did according to the words of moses and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men and moses said today you have ordained yourselves for the service of the lord each one at the cost of his son and of his brother that he may be still a blessing upon you this day so who instructed the killing again well god yeah right so god instructed killing after giving the ten commandments well then you're just gonna have to say that i'm gonna have to say what the only way i can see that is um god gives god god gives god no no no god gives god so you accept god so you accept if god tells someone to kill somebody it's okay i mean to me personally killing is never open was moses a sinner to god that's a different thing no no no i'm not interested in what you think rob i'm interested in what you're what you teach really i don't see how completely you just said about the ten commandments who am i to question god you're nobody well yeah so why are you questioning it who am i to question god well you're questioning it though no but you are you you think that you said the ten commandments you made the point rob you made the point bro you brought up a very good point rob you made the power could god give the ten commandments and then he struck no no you acted like god never did that and it was moses anger no i said possibly i wasn't sure no if you look on the camera you made the point mostly did out of his own anger watch the camera sure we will watch it don't worry about that okay so so you accept now that oh even after the ten commandments god commands the killing of three thousand people and it's done and they're blessed for doing it yeah so god doesn't have a problem for killing god gives god takes away god gives life god takes away life so god can command killing god can do whatever he wants so why do you have a problem so why do you have a problem when allah says rob why did you have a problem when allah god as we believe commands killing because that was limited judgment didn't say that is it limited looks like is that the shall i continue would you like some more of moses concerning no unbelievers looks like unlimited yeah just as beat your wife looks like beat your wife but it's not what you think is unlimited open-ended is also not well i don't believe it's beat your wife no no but just as it looks like it could be so yeah just just um as you think beat your wife could mean that what you think is open-ended isn't open-ended and i've just shown you with evidence from your own scripture that immediately after the ten commandments thou shall not kill god says go kill. what happened to thou shall not kill you [Music] shall i make it worse for you let me make it worse for you rob i want to make it deeper for you listen it's i'm going to make it deeper no no should not kill okay but then told them to do that then don't forget he is the ultimate so who told the angels who told the angels to strike the fingertips the barks that we've gone who told the himself so who told the angels to strike their fingertips according to your verse who instructed it just a very strange thing to say who instructed the angels to do what god did to moses who instructed who instructed the angels are we talking about in the quran yes on your facebook in it well you believe god no what does it say who instructed the angels to strike their necks and their fingerlings right we believe it's god yes yeah that's what you believe so you don't have a problem with god instructing prophets to kill people yeah you'll have a problem with yes yes yes where you say limited judgment versus unlimited killing spree there's a limited killing spree look you guys can if you if you really when was this first revealed you really felt when was this first review what was happening at the time i know that some verses refer to no forget some interesting generic verses i'm talking about this particular verse when was it revealed and why um you're going to tell me i'm not going to tell you nothing i'm asking you the question okay all right um i as far as uh it may be something to do with battles that were going on at the time i'm not sure i'm not sure i'm asking you said it's open-ended right now here's the thing how logic works rob you make a claim support your claim with evidence okay now you've made a claim and it's open-ended let's look at it a different way no were those verses ever abrogated by any other verses in other words did any verses come at a later time that were peaceful have you the word sword does not appear in the quran but how do you smite someone at the knicks it doesn't mention the word sword but how do you cut them out who smites the next the angels anyway so invisible angels have cut in people's necks listen you believe in god you believe in angels do you believe the angels fought each other lucifer was cast out and all that that was more in heaven do you believe angels came down and had sex with women so i don't know what you're talking about no but we're talking about heavenly realm what um [Music] you believe angels came and had sex with english women for women do you believe that or not yeah because so angels can come down and have sex with women your angels can't come down and fight enemies all right but surely if they're fighting enemies that that they have to get some permission of god to do that yes and what does it say allah instructed the angels they did have permission from god unless you don't think allah is gone so we've still got the problem of were those verses abrogated by peace we don't listen the quran is clear nowhere does it mention killing innocent people unlike the bible yeah there's no random killing of women and babies and donkeys and asses there's no mention of this in the quran or whenever you see a verse in the quran about killing somebody it's always referring to a battle or a situation like for example fight those who fight you look i'll give you an example you like this verse i know you love this verse kill the unbeliever wherever you find them yeah you love that don't you what was that he said 929 whichever it is you love that verse kill the unbeliever whatever you find in the verse let me kill let me kill that in a nutshell for you yeah fight those who fight you and turn them out from where they turned you out and kill the unbeliever wherever you find them but if they desist then you desist for allah's not the transgressor now now tell me about our verse what about the jizzy attack tell me about the verb tell me about that but first i'm gonna let you jump tell me about that why do you need to subdue people tell me about that tell me about the verse tell me about the verse everybody no no no no no no no don't don't fight go back don't bite don't buy don't bite we're talking about this particular version you quote it kill the unbelievers whenever you find them yeah and i've just shown you you it is ended it's not unlimited why fight those who fight you so what's the conditions here only fight those who fight you yes yeah and turn them out from when they turned you out now we got a little bit of context what does that mean now we know it's referring to what the re-conquest of makkah now we know that now because why because the muslims were exiled from their town they had their property seized by the quraish and now they were given permission to fight listen arab is born with a rock in his hand yeah you don't need to teach him to fight you need to teach him patience so for 13 years of persecution they had patience and then they were given permission to fight back yeah then what does allah say but if they desist if they stop then you stop meaning their permission's gone now yeah fight those who fight listen to the verse fight those who fight you and turn them from out from where they turned you out and kill the unbeliever wherever you find them but if they desist then you desist for allah is not the transgressor yeah so allah is clearly saying here now you can go and fight them yeah and kill them where you fight the way you find them and it's not kill them wherever you find them kill is in battle yeah but if they stop then you stop because now the permission is rescinded because it's only conditional yeah yeah but i mean the problem with that is you've got um you've kind of you've got examples of mohammed having people killed and whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa let's clean on uh la la la la acting like you don't know nothing he's caught with islam again please flipping that you think we're stupid people here i'm just saying okay let's go to the verse you like the verses yeah do you accept that that verse does not say what you think it does okay to me it looks like a an open-ended so what does that mean if they stop you stuck so if they stop then you stop what does that mean well yeah that what does that mean is that open ended or that ending well that would help is that ending save lives it's ended or open-ended i'll make it easy for you does the word stop mean end or stop means unending well it depends who you're referring to okay are you referring to allah are you referring to other muslims who they're fighting are you referring to mushrikeen whomever [Music] yeah right is that ended or unending yeah but then then you become a demi is that ended or is that ending our own ending you become basically that ended or unended okay but you if you yes i ended or unended yeah but you then become like a dimmer you just end up paying jizya to people when you're asleep who pays dizzier come on let's bite who beats jizzier okay i mean good good question yeah good good question um it's i mean it's not it's probably only practiced who pays it it's probably only practiced in like where isis who pays it operates who pays it about this no no no no no as an islamic principle yeah according to the islamic principle yeah yeah who pays it uh dimmies who are they no who pays for yeah i don't i'm not aware of the categories right so here's the thing you see you brought jesup and you have no knowledge of it i'm just going on what i'm aware of that's all right so tell me what you're aware of the jizzy but anyway listen so if you want to bring cheesy europe no let's deal with jesus you want to be dizzy up i'll tell you who pays it men of military age yeah all people don't pay it women don't pay children don't pay it you accept that there's there's probably right right there's probably no i'm telling you who pays it men of military age the other condition is they don't have to join the army yeah they're not part of they don't have to become part of the army when the muslims are invaded and whatever right right now in return for that listen in return for that jizya what do they get protection protection protection that's how the government works we'll protect you if you pay us no not at all i'll give you i'm going to give you i'm going to give you a beautiful example don't worry i'm going to rob rob i'm going to give you the best example i'm going to give you the best example sorry but i'm going to give you the golden example those times i'm going to give you the golden example and then i'll do myself to myself let me live my life i don't want people coming in offering me deals like that do i say that yeah oh leave me i do i'm not say leave me alone he does he so you do pay tax yeah i pay yeah why can't i just have to leave you alone i don't want to pay for that i don't pay that i know people i know people who get letters from the tax man demanding thousands there is nobody i don't there is nobody who doesn't pay council tax you're talking nonsense why because if you don't pay council attacks you get bayless and if you get bayless they're going to take your gear so what you're trying to tell me is jizya is the only form of attack no no no no no no no no what i'm saying to you is very very simple no what i'm excited to explain to you is about jizya and what you get for i'm going to give you the golden example of jesus before you leave oh god give me the golden example if i can give you just just repeat what it says in galatians about no don't waste your time quoting paul because you've got no authority right anyway going back to what we're saying with regards jesus yeah because this is something objective we can look at and let's look at the history let's look at where disney was applied in andalusia you know did the muslims go to spain invited they went invited how do you i don't know one of their leaders who fought the battles el said he was a catholic butcher well here what were the catholics doing to the spanish jews and orthodox christians there's several questions that are raised right how did the muslims end up in spain why did they end up in spain and why were they asked politely to [Music] okay first of all when did i say it's all defense well no a lot of muslims do say i'm not interested in it i'm not interested in your red herrings mate let's do a point let's stay on point yes it is why do you think the buses went to spain let's hear that um probably to conquer it why do you think that well just to spread islam into spain but why do you think so you don't know just as a congress is this just your opinion i'm just is this based on historical facts or your opinion um i know a little bit about it i don't know the whole so tell us a little bit you know um they they ruled there for was it 400 years or so why why did they go there to conquer to spread islam right that's what you think that's what i assume based on what um based on the ottoman empire simulator do you ignore history i'm looking at just what i know i don't know everything would you base your knowledge on uh just stuff that i've come across in historical have you read the historical history of andalusia um like i said i don't know the whole thing of it i know a little bit but tell me a little bit gentlemen um i know that they they went they were there for four to seven hundred years no you just changed that because and then they they um what happened to the jews there up to the jews there so the question what happened to the jews there what happened to the jews there um i know i don't know the exact timing um was it queen um was the queen isabella and they the they expelled the jews at that time no isabella isabella was later i know little bits about it no i want to know what did the jews under islam for 800 years what happened to the um jews don't know were they given protection i don't know i don't know okay i'll i'll read you something yeah okay this is this is uh i mean i can google it myself later so yeah well you can check this out okay this is a jewish chronicle essay the jewish chronicle by a david wasserstein right okay now listen to his opening words islam saved jewry yeah in spain jewry in spain did you say that listen to he's saying all right this is him speaking not you so relax this is an unpopular discomforting claim in the modern world but it is historical truth the argument for it is double first in 570 ce when the prophet muhammad was born the jews and judaism were on the way to oblivion and second the coming of islam saved them providing a new contest in which they could not only survive but flourished laying foundation for subsequent jewish cultural prosperity also in christendom through the medieval period into the modern world by the fourth century christianity had no this is your religion of peace yeah right religion religion of peace religion a peacemaker jesus is religious let's you know follow in the teachings of jesus in the old testament it could be catholic no following what deuteronomy 13 says to do okay in the fourth century christianity become the dominant religion in the roman empire one aspect of the success was opposition to rival faiths including judaism along with massive conversion of members of such faiths sometimes by force to christianity much of our testimony about jewish existence in the roman empire from this time on consists of accounts of conversions great and permanent reductions in numbers through conversions between the 4th and 7th centuries brought with them a gradual but relentless whittling away of the status rights social and economic existence and religious and cultural life of jews all over the roman empire a long series of enactments deprived jewish people of their rights as citizens presented them fulfilling their religious obligations excluded them from the society of their fellow so basically they were completely persecuted under christian rule okay this went along for centuries long sorry that whisper went along with centuries-long military and political struggles with persia as a tiny element in the christian world the jews like salt poland the jews should not have been affected much by a broad political issue yet it affected them critically because the persian empire at this time included babylon now iraq at the time the home to the world's greatest concentration of jews yeah he also were the greatest centers of jewish intellectual life okay i'm going to bring it to the uh spain yeah oh okay within a century of the death of muhammad in 632 muslim armies have conquered almost the whole of the world where jews lived spain eastward across north africa and the middle east as far as the eastern frontier is yes right okay now you can go definitive on that and you can look indeed because he's not going into detail look first of all why did the muslims enter spain in the first place good question yeah were they invited or not as far as the morning because you don't know so don't have an opinion if you don't know say i don't know okay i mean if they were invited who invited them you know that's the question yeah i know who invited you i know why they were invited you don't i know but i'm not going to give you the liberty of it i'm going to make you do your own research all right okay right so um almost so basically once this happened almost all the jews in the world were ruled by islam this new situation transformed jewish existence their fortunes changed in legal demographics social religious political geographical economic linguistic and cultural terms all for the better so under islam the jews prospered in every aspect of life yeah now you're trying to work that out how what were they paying jizya first things improved politically almost everywhere do we know if they were playing juicy of course they paid oh right okay do you know how we know the page is here yeah can i tell you all right i didn't really look at the end but i will do we know the pages here because the muslim armies when they realize the might of the catholic armies was too much for them they retreated back into morocco yeah and they gave the jizya back to the jews and said to them we can't protect you no more yeah so they give the jesuit back and what did you say let us come with you yeah this is why and the jews actually came to um morocco and that's why there's a massive enclave of jews in morocco today and before the creation of the state of israel yeah one of the major places where they were was in morocco okay and here's your saying that they were scared of the catholics i'll give you a fun fact to think about we've heard of pirates of the caribbean captain jack sparrow right did you know he was a muslim who jack sparrow what the real character the real person yes robert birdie yes did you know that or not and did you know that his wife was a sicilian pirate who who converted to islam also and their whole crew converted to islam and they they were they were rescuing jews from uh muslim spain did you know that probably not probably not yeah it's not possible it's impossible shut up as if you accept that as if it's possible you're thinking what do you want about jack sparrow flipping robert johnny no no i'm thinking i'm thinking real pirates in a boat going around to different countries converted encountered someone can you imagine a whole i said okay can you imagine a whole crew of pirates converting to islam going from being debaucherous drunks and i've seen it from alcohol i mean you know we yeah but we we've got stuff you never comprehend that make that anyway you've got similar stories in christianity what a pirate ship full of of people converting to christian and christianity christianity oh my god i don't know when the communists there were people from america who went over to russia they said if you release all these christians we'll give you computers because at that time they didn't have computers did you know that listen i think what i do know christianity was bloody history spread by the sword and he's same with islam no it's not that's the difference you know so i'm showing you but the difference is not people were not doing that in the name of jesus they were coming across in the name of jesus yeah but they if anybody did do that they were they were doing the wrong thing they were doing it under the orders of the pope well that's not orders of jesus is it well he's probably isn't he jesus representative the i don't follow the pope you don't follow your church father the catholic church done a lot of wrongs you don't follow the church fathers the catholic church has done a lot come on man anyway let's go back to what we're saying so we're talking about the the jews in spain yeah first thing improved politically almost everywhere in christendom where jews had lived now form part of the same political space as babylon cordoba and bachelor lay in the same political world meaning because of the islamic empire if you lived in spain and you lived in basra in iraq it was the same same country there was no borders between the muslim lands you know that don't you right okay yeah is that the same today under an islamic state we're talking about in an islamic state yeah but today you've got turkey's got all the islamic states syria's got okay if you want the kurds have their borders okay if you want to go back to that let's go back to world war one before that yeah turkey ruled all the middle east yeah there was no palestine belonged to the turks all of it belonged to the turks ottoman empire the assyrians have you heard of the ottoman empire which countries were encompassed by that it went over to macedonia right and this was exactly this yes no borders there's lots of things in islam in an islamic state there's no borders between countries you look at all the islamic countries [Music] turkey not an islamic state iraq isis wouldn't have any they didn't have any borders did they between syria and iraq all right fair i'll give you that oh yeah fair enough thank you thank you for that anyway so um so basically what they're saying is the jews now had access to uh the jews in uh they had access to iraq iran morocco because they're all one entity so the jews were free to travel a little bit of credit by the way you're easier to talk to than paul you know that old chap muslim guy yeah paul brother paul they're called yeah you're a lot easier to talk to because i've left you alone in christianity that's right always remember the competition is just about being in the right place just finish this one let me just finish up what's that being at the right place at the right time on judgment day that's all it is for me you know what it is for you being in the right time and the right place today well on judgment no no today today's whatever today will affect your judgment day mate well yeah if i do sins yeah what if if i don't follow god's commandments no no no it will go my own no no no no if you leave this this time and space today and you go and carry on believing what you believe but we we believe we're already saved yeah yeah we're relaxed we don't even the hindus believe some of the gods have elephant heads so what's your point yeah but that's just like their beliefs yeah so that's a lie and i'll say the same to you and i'll say the same to you so what that's just a lie the difference and i'll say the same to you you've been lied to them we don't obviously we don't you believe that we don't believe that but well obviously not but then we've got galatians where it says do not accept another gossip and if collections is wrong if you are wrong about galatians then you'll be on the wrong place on the day of judgment and that's what you're so concerned what i could show you if you wanted to and this is entirely up to you on my youtube channel i've got um an example where christians go into a muslim house and pray for the muslims and they get healed now that's something that's something you connect and i'm going to show you hindus going to a hindu family throwing them in that no no i'll show you people being healed in the ganges river i know well wow very limited yeah no no no i've seen many many many many humans yeah all over the world what sort of healing let's just continue with the tissues laying their hands on them and being healed my channel let me just include this particular thing and then we'll leave that rob okay so let's go on youtube and have a look so we're talking about we're talking about jizzy yeah yeah okay so um so the first thing we're just gonna show you like a second please so first we're establishing now is because the jews and i lived in a place where they had access to jews all around the world which they never had before because of the islamic state okay let me ask you a question let me ask you a question rob it's been a pleasure all right darren you know why because you're not listening to what i'm saying to you galatians is nonsense let's pause again paul talk again when i come down next week happily uh my head are we here next week yeah we're here next week yeah i can come next week because that guy you i watched the debate you had with the guy who was a he was he's a part of a cult the black guy in birmingham that you had the debate with you know he's part of a cult we don't even accept that culture he's a seven-day adventist yeah but now he's outside of that as well yeah but they say the same right witnesses say the same about you about you yeah but we're the majority he's not you're not the majority catholics majority um well what i would say is romans 10 9 if they believe romans 10 9 they're saved catholics are the majority not you romans 10 9 if if you accept romans 10 9 you'll say you should be a catholic have you no i'm born again christian i don't know we know what you are born again christian support you're trying to treat yes in america um the the influence on the king james version that's nothing you
Channel: EFDawah بالعربية
Views: 119,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EFDawah بالعربية, efdawah arabic, حمزة, دعوة, الإسلام, مسلم, مسيحي, حوار, محادثة, الله, قناة إسلامية, ايمان, ملحد, نصارى, الكتاب_المقدس, الانجيل, الحق, القران, مناظرة, لندن, تحدي, ركن المتحدثين, منتزه الهايد, مؤسسة الإيمان للدعوة
Id: 7cgL4T9_4rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 3sec (5343 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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