ملاحدة يحاصرون مسلماً ويلقون بشبهات كثيرة حول الإسلام - الجزء الثاني

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[Music] so you're saying to me if you knew this child was going to grow up to be a hitler and kill six million jews knowing that you're still allowed to grow up and kill six million jews is that what you're saying yeah if i should join your religion today yes yeah and say i want to be an islamic yes what would muslim what would be like what what would be my aim can we take another question from you but let this brother ask this question we've been waiting a long time would you like to see sharia islam for the whole of the uk so so can islam save the world if if people adopt islam properly as many experts as many experts in the past many of non-muslim experts have said that it would solve the problems that we have in society today now let me give you an example let me give you an example allah in the quran in chapter 2 says in both intoxicants and gambling in both intoxicants and gambling allah explains how the the harms outstrip the benefit and for that reason allah has made it forbidden for you how many lives around the world has that one verse saved if it was implemented if people followed it intoxicants and gambling no alcohol no drugs okay and gambling how many lives are ruined you listen to the radio lbc radio whatever okay you'll have a program about gambling you feel like crying when you hear the people talking about how they ruin their lives ruin their families what about freedom and this is not something and this is not something that is affecting one person 10 people 100 people you go to vegas more money is gambled in vegas a year than the the entire debt of all of the poor countries in the world say you're learned in israel you say you're very learned i wouldn't say i was very learned no no i'm learning i'm learning are you saying that you're qualified to teach what you're doing i'm not qualified to do anything i'm only i'm only giving information that i know or that i understand beyond that if you ask me a question that i don't know about i'll say brother you need to go to a scholar a real scholar not me what about freedom sir why should a person be flogged for having a glass of sherry very good question first of all you're not flogged for having a glass of chocolate sherry you're making stuff up no that's what the hoodie is well you don't know what you're talking about we don't know due respect you don't i'm afraid i'll give you an example what is the punishment for consuming alcohol okay traditional islamic before we go into that i'm going to no no no because you asked two questions there didn't you the first one is freedom right okay so let me answer that one first and then we'll talk about the the one that you're interested in which is the flogging yes okay so why should we not have freedom to do whatever we want to do so if we want to have a gamble we gamble you asked a question be respectful you said freedom so i'm talking about freedom of freedom to drink some relax okay okay so now i'm drinking the freedom to drink alcohol the freedom to agree one second freedom to drink alcohol freedom to gamble freedom to do whatever i want to do brother you drinking alcohol driving your car and killing my child does that affect me it is illegal you're right but did you know even when you're below the legal limit your your driving would be impaired it would be right but it would still be legal it wouldn't be legal you could kill my hold on a second now you killed my child am i right to now feel that you've now really affected me because of your alcohol drinking yes yes now in islam go to any accident an emergency on a friday or saturday night and that will tell you whether alcohol is a good thing or a bad thing in society right but the problem this is the point here is this who knows his creatures better than the god god almighty so god knows when you're stressed you might drink a bit more right when your girlfriend leaves you you might drink a little bit more you might become an alcoholic we have a lot of alcoholics in england more than a hundred thousand families children living in a family where one parent or both are alcoholics a hundred thousand well white black doesn't matter you can't just mix cultures like that now what does islam do what does islam do yeah everyone up there allah tells you that i know you better than you know yourself my culture you can't handle this if you stay away from it there is a great reward and if you do it yes there is a punishment and it's for your own benefit it's for your own good you know i agree so now now so now so now let's talk about your flogging in islam i'm having a dream you haven't talked about drinking you've talked about drinking and driving sir just relax i'm getting to your point you have never talked about why people shouldn't be able to even okay hold on a second one second brother one second do you think you're getting it a second okay why should people be flogged if they drink alcohol this is the beauty about islam what you do in your closed doors the sharia does not apply nobody can come into your house okay absolutely absolutely ignorant crazy argument what happened you spoke about i'm talking about what i'm talking about uh relating to your question so be patient brother we can't have two conversations going on we're gonna take you to one side there because you're right in my ear okay now in islam what you do in your house in closed doors whether you're a homosexual whether you're a a drunk whether you're snorting cocaine whether you're not inc uh not okay now he's saying you could be a child killer as a muslim uh in your closed does anyone here oh he's the muslim do you agree that you can be a child killer in your in your closed doors okay so let's not get silly what about do you have kids do you want to heckle or do you want to have an answer what's good do you want a heck out of a child do you want to heckle no no no don't don't would you kill a young hitler do you want to hack an answer would you kill a young hitler if you knew hitler as a child and you knew what he was going to go and do would you kill him so you'd allow hitler to kill millions and millions of jews so you allow him to go up and kill millions of jews women and children it is allowed it is about life if you knew if you feel because you know if you knew hitler was going to grow up and kill six million jews and you seen him as a child and you know if you killed him those six million jews wouldn't be killed would you kill him you don't punish somebody before they do the crime right so you're allowed to kill six millionaires in fact if there were plenty of plenty of muslims no no you democratically no no look if you want to admit this it's not a problem so you're saying to me if you knew this child was going to grow up to be a hitler and kill six million jews knowing that you're still allowed to grow up and kill six million jews is that what you're saying yes it's yeah justice you're gonna kill six million views i know he's going to kill six million questions put it back okay if i can go back and go back to the question that you asked was that if you knew if he knew okay so if so if he knew that um this particular child was going to end up killing six million jews right then would he kill that particular child right so your answer was yes his answer was no but my question to you was but god knows that hitler will kill those six million kids so why didn't god kill that uh why didn't he want to descend okay first first thing that would interfere on free will in it obviously anyway carry on okay your question was i know what you're saying about people i'm going to ask you a simple question right do you just want to heckle or you want to actually learn something can you just let me talk yeah i was answering your question but if you start saying silly things like muslims are allowed to kill children behind behind locked doors then i'm well within my right to say stop being silly right you're the one who said i'm well within my right to say that personally so you asked the question about drinking and why you're flogged right so i'm giving you i'm giving you the answer right okay so in islam when you do something in private and it affects you only the consequence see now there you go you can't help yourself i just shut somebody's talking you just can't help yourself okay you can't help yourself right okay if you do something behind closed doors that only affects you as an individual right the sharia has no right to spy on you and to take any action upon you right the laws of islam right however if you do an act in public that now has a consequence on society then yes the sharia does apply on you and the punishments can be quite severe yes because because yeah absolutely because i tell you why i'll tell you why because if you drink and you drive and you kill somebody i think that's a lot worse than getting flogged quite frankly nobody if i'm sat in a crime station a glass of sherry do you think it's okay to break okay are you do you think it's okay to break the law of a land well no it's not great no if it was the law would you think it's okay no we're talking about reality here so if you're in a country that alcohol is forbidden yeah we're not saying you say you should be free to break the law one second no it would be nice should you be free to break the law no it's a question if you're in a country it's a nonperishable no it's a question if you're in a country you're never allowed it's a long question you're never allowed to break the world right but would you think it's okay to break the law so if you're in a country if you're in a country that says you can't drink alcohol and you drink alcohol are you breaking the law yeah right and if that law says you're going to be flogged if you do that would you break drink alcohol whether i would or wouldn't do a question would you want to drink would you think would you if you're in a country you can't drink alcohol and the law says if you drink alcohol you're going to be whipped in the street would you drink alcohol i i really don't know it's a hypothetical case yeah so answer the hypothetical case if i thought i could get away with it yes yes and then even if you thought that the risk and getting flogged you'd still do it so you think it's okay to break the law of the land absolutely do you think it's okay to break the law sometimes yeah okay so you're happy to be a criminal so he's a criminal because how would that benefit me okay so you become a muslim you take guidance from the one who created everything into your life so you'll be able to obtain objective morality and a guidance to live your life by that's the answer and yes and at the same time when you die insha'allah your soul will go to a good place and it also gives you a good life because my ancestors that didn't that didn't follow this religion i don't know what they believed you can't answer these questions what do you mean what do you mean i can't say what i mean i'm asking your question how do i know what your ancestors did or not how do i know that i don't know what your answer is i have no idea we all know we all know we study history i don't know okay did the message of islam come to your ancestors what do you mean did the message of islam come to your ancestors probably did did it but it came long after did it come to them came long after did it come to them probably didn't with force no did it come to them did they hear the message of islam in a manner they understood it because [Laughter] you guys are teaching something and you guys are recruiting others from different ethnic um we're not recreating what we're doing what we're doing is ethnicity do you think we focus on people's ethnicity no i'm not saying you focus on it i'm saying that but you said everyone is it can come everyone's equal energy if everyone is equal why can't i ask equal perception you can't but when i do it's like it's like it's being shunned i asked you a question ask me the question again what what's gonna happen your ancestors what would your religion be of benefit to me what what's the end game what's the end product oh okay i just told you what if you're selling me something then what's my answer i'll just give you the answer what's my answer what's your answer i'll give you the answer what's that guidance from the one that created you yeah who is the one that created me the one who created everything there's only one creation one created yeah so why is religion important because that's how you connect to the one creator why are religions more important than christianity because christianity is false so the guidance i might agree it's not i might agree with that brother i've seen a lot of my people in your religion and i question people like people of mine or just african just well okay you want me to be basically yeah the arch should be where so you're going to answer some specific questions i've answered everything you've asked what is if i should join your religion today yes yeah and say i want to be an islamic yes what would muslim what would be like what would be my aim what would be what would what would i be achieving from the from the quran that's how you'll be achieving you're not from your mouth from the quran oh okay you'll be achieving you'll be connecting your soul to its creator i'm create my soul is being connected to my creator already is there anyone creator how do you know that why do you believe that how do you know you're no no you you made the claim why'd you believe that because of my ancestors belief so what's that why is that believe true i'm not saying it's true and i'm saying it's false but why if you're teaching something and you're bringing in other ethnicities i'm teaching something that's true in simple terms it gives you the correct way of connecting to the creator because there are incorrect ways to connect as well let me explain that to you please allah let me explain that to you so people sometimes connect to the creator via a tree via a tree right or a rock or something they fashion with their own hands this is not acceptable to allah right so it gives you the correct way to connect to the creator that's the first thing secondly the guidance gives you the best possible life that you can have in this world it protects you from the harms in society it gives you the best sort of life that you can have and it gives you the best destiny i don't disagree with that can i i don't disagree with your religion i don't disagree with anything that you guys teach but my understanding is why should i join you so you can you can benefit from that guy from that guidance from so it's a guidance yes from the creator but every other religion inside they say similarities between religion there are some similarities yes there's only one god you see and god sent messengers from the mankind i take another question from you but let this brother ask his questions we've been waiting a long time would you like to see sharia islam for the whole of the uk and no because as muslims we can't impose sharia on non-muslims you see this is a misconception in the west now i know that there are some people who shout and scream that we want sharia on you but islam if you look at the code in in mecca and medina in the in the middle east the jews were allowed to have their own code they operated under their laws they operated they operated under the torah islamic sharia only applied on things like for example murder so if a jew did if the jew killed somebody if you do kill somebody then the government that's in the national government would step in okay it helps okay but on matters like for example uh what constitutes a marriage what constitutes a divorce what are the laws of inheritance what are the laws for this what are the laws for that the jews were allowed to have their laws the christians under muslim uh control were allowed to have were allowed to have their codes the the churches had their services the synagogues had their services but as a muslim i could not impose the sharia that applies upon muslims and apply upon a non-muslim and forced you to abide by the sharia okay now however so if you live in a muslim country for example right and you want to drink alcohol as a muslim i can't stop you even the the government can't stop you because alcohol according to your sharia means that you can consume it what i can do is say you can't do in public you do it in private that would be the circumstance you do it in private why because your action should not have any impact upon the community as a whole okay so if you're drinking alcohol in public now is encouraging others to do so or you're drink driving or you're getting into arguments or brawls in the restaurant because you've had one too many we've all seen the non-muslims can go into their they can go into their they can go into the they go into the little pork sausages and they go and get their you know pork scratchings or whatever you guys like to eat right muslims generally won't go into those places apply to muslims in this country what do you mean yeah so so muslim holidays very good question very good question so a muslim has to first of all abide by the laws of the land yes if the laws of the land take me away from my sharia which is what i have to pray five times a day and the government says from tomorrow we're banning all muslims you can't pray in this country then obviously i would pray in my house if now the gestapo is coming into my house and they're saying right we saw you praying in your house we want you to get out or you stop praying i will leave this country i will do hijrah i'll go to another land where i can practice my religion but i will not impose my religion on you as a non-muslim no but you're not because it doesn't apply it's not imposing if if i if i freely say if i freely accept your religion in this country would that allah apply to me differently we find as a direct contradiction to british law for example i can be a muslim in this country and follow the sharia but that's not and i can abide by the british no i'm just explaining that to you so the shariah doesn't apply to me so the sharia does apply to me yes if i if i i think our free will if i want to join does that mean you can stone gays and there's no i know what he said the point is absolutely not why because first of all as an individual as a muslim there's no you can't just go out and start doing things because the doesn't permit you to do certain things i can't now go in even in a muslim country i can't just say oh look you're walking a bit funny mate you look a bit gay to me right i'm gonna i'm gonna basically you know beat you up or whatever i can't do that i would be arrested i would be the one ending up in jail because i have no right to do that so in 68 in islam it's a very good question and everyone here is a muslim yes right and permeated government yes so sharia is a part of this country yes is that likely to become part of sharia law in this country that everyone need to abide by if the yes but what does the sharia say the sharia doesn't say anything it was hundred years it doesn't say any different to what british law says does british law allow sodomy in public do they allow sodomy in public in australia or is it sodomy sex in public any just standardized talking about religion bro it's illegal to answer the question dancing around the question i'm saying is it illegal in public in a public place in a park if two people started doing sodomy here would it be considered to be vulgar and would it would it be would it be a restaurant and there's laws there's likely more but unlikely so there's there's lots of musk in this country yes so i don't know i don't know okay so you're just asking me oh okay do muslims in this country have control of a crime and punishment no no no no that's not that much right right right right right right right right right right right so let's get that forget that i'm saying so once we say that once we say the religion once we say then the reason is within the religion within the religion okay yes how is how could i be judged as a muslim in this country if i do if i do not apply the law if i if i said i'm a muslim yeah and i and you see me doing something like what like anything that is not um like praying five times a day right so you're not going to pray no i'm saying i'm not a muslim no you said if you become a muslim i think about you no you what you said so you said if i became a muslim and i didn't do the laws what would happen to me that's what you said yeah i'm saying what would happen right right right so can i repeat your question you said if you became a muslim and you didn't do some particular law so give me an example of this law that you're thinking about that you're going to do a break the scholars say that the thing that makes a person a muslim is the one who submits to the will of the creator so one of the most important things after the belief in god almighty is the five times prayer and what the scholars say is what differentiates a true believer and one that doesn't really believe is the one who prays now nobody the point here is nobody's watching you you you'll fight you'll find you have to obey the law doesn't say the law doesn't say that if you're not praying the law saying the law doesn't say that you're not praying somebody has to then punish you you become muslim right and then you start skinning up yeah and you get a bottle of whiskey out yeah nothing's gonna happen to you nothing yeah it's between you and your creator oh not for me so there's this there's so there's a lot of the land what about sharia law doesn't apply to us muslims in the sense of crime and punishment and stuff like that sharia law basically the rights of my wife for example the rights of society the rights of the neighbor this is this is i think i think so for example you know i think these kind of conversations are very healthy but it should be done in a way where i don't feel like i'm not i i can't ask number one i'm gonna give you statistics right there there was a there was a thing you know sharia courts more non-muslims now are going to sharia courts to solve the disputes you know weren't disputes business disputes contracts because of course english courts don't care about that stuff but sharia courts deal with that style and so literally you've got non-muslims using sharia courts it's actually not really a court as such because it's not the right you use the word okay the word okay a word called is where two people go to accept the arbitration of a judge and that's because you step out the land because if he was walking in land you would need to be a decision no no no there's a weather could this be a dispute when we say simply saying a scholar will hear both sides of the story i'm looking forward to your question they've got a heavy question with years of wisdom building it up the scholar will judge yeah honestly using the islamic feeling i want to do a drum roll to jack i feel i want to do a drum roll for your question so you're you're being you're being imprisoned by the sorrella if you if you if you become a uh no brother well the point here is this like so for example let's say i uh let's say i get married yes and now uh let's say you know i've done something my wife is upset with yeah she said oh you promised me you're not going to get married again yes and now you've broken the promise and you've met stop getting nervous brothers it's just a sister analogy and then she says look you you've broken your word you've broken your promise you want to go and make another woman look at this for a headline in the garden now headline in the guardian fears over non-muslims use of islamic law to resolve disputes okay now now fear over non-muslims use of islamic law to resolve their disputes it's in the guardian so now my wife goes okay you know what in this country it's illegal to marry more than one woman right but i'm telling her i'm being clever i'm going to go to you know maybe i don't know jordan or i'm going to go to africa and i'm going to marry somebody there now the british law can't apply there right okay she can now say okay i'm going to go to the sharia court right here and she could tell the scholar there's one here yeah it's it's more of an informal uh place it's not like a court it could be a mosque it could be a center it's not important it could be a moscow center it's important because i don't know it could be anything could be office or so my wife could then say he gave in my marriage contract he had specified that he's not going to do this the scholar will say i have to stick to my word i can't go behind back on my word if that if that was stipulated in the contract and i had agreed to it he will insist that you have to you have to abide by what you gave the credit uh let the brother he ask her what's your name brother ken ken abbas nice to meet you ken's asking well i'm regularly visiting mosque and who i interfaith were committed christian but i'm fully aware that islam christianity comes from the same abrahamic route my question is about what is happening in afghanistan at present with the taliban it seemed to be the old taliban 20 years ago the first of all what is happening in afghanistan is more of a political issue than anything else right this is not a religious issue as such now if the taliban unjust then i would speak out against them whatever injustices they've done i would speak out against them my first cousin was bombed and killed in pakistan about 20 years ago 15-20 years ago by a suspected taliban they don't know okay he was an airline pilot he went into a hotel and a truck came into the hotel and he died okay now if they did do that i would condemn that because islam condemns it if they didn't do it i'm not going to condemn them for that because that would be unjust right but what's happening in afghanistan is more of a political issue what concerns me being a brit what the hell were we doing there for the last 20 years why did we destabilize a country to the extent if osama bin laden definitely did bomb the twin towers then it would have been quite right for them to have gone and bombed osama bin laden if he had a bunch of guys that helped him it would have been within their rights to have gone and bombed those guys why go and destroy a whole country because they don't let the women go to school okay it's wrong if they do that but does that mean that they deserve to die does that mean they deserve to be bombed you understand my point the point here is that in the west we have a very mixed up way of uh of of of righteousness we're the good guys hey but guess what we killed more people than the terrorists killed how are we the good guys you know iraq saddam hussein is a bad man he killed 30 000 herds he gassed them if he did do that horrendous horrible thing to do we went and killed a million iraqis and we're the good guys we stole their oil and we're the good guys we want one trillion dollars of mineral reserves lithium from afghanistan and we're the good guys how are we the good guys i'm not saying there are not bad people who've done bad things in some of those countries they are bad very bad but how are we the good guys when our intentions of going in we're telling our soldiers and their families that you're saving people and in reality what we're doing is we're destroying entire nations that's the problem and this is why in islam allah says that he will judge you your actions by your intentions so if you go into a foreign land to liberate the people truly liberate the people and create peace to take away mischief then it's a noble action and the same action if you go to to to have those oil lines connected from russia right down to the uh to the sea so you can fill your your your ships with oil and steal the mineral resources of afghanistan then the same action of war becomes an evil action we will judge you by your intention your actions will be judged by your intention and unfortunately our intentions in the west in particular america and britain our country here have not been noble intentions we've told the people that we're there to cause peace and what does allah say that they tell the people that we are the peace lovers peacemakers yet they are the corrupters they are the evil doers allah says in the quran that the people they preach that we are the we only want to make peace but they are the real corrupters we're seeing some people possibly who are genuinely scared of what the taliban were 20 years ago and possibly might be today and then there's an awful lot of people who are going to use this upheaval to try to find their way into the west because that's what they always wanted to do so when everyone realizes that there's a train or a plane coming to the west they've been trying to come in for the last 20 30 years now's your opportunity jump on there as much as you can get on there as fast as you can to get into the west so there's two types of people i don't deny that the taliban historically have been accused of some horrible things as i said to you my first cousin uh was killed and it was suspected to be a taliban bombing right so i don't justify anybody but if you show me the evidence that they definitely did it i condemn them but if you don't have the evidence i'm not going to hear what people are saying to me in the west about the brown skin in the in the east or the brown skin in africa that these people are bad because of xyz because i know throughout history they've proven themselves that they'll say whatever it takes to get whatever they want you know look at africa the state of africa they tell you there was no civilization in africa these were savages you look at the history they had immense amount of uh historical educational wealth in africa but they destroyed it why did they destroy why do they go into these lands accusing them of savagery because they wanted their resources they took their resources they took their people it's a horrible world we live in at the moment the ones who claim the peace are actually the corrupters and many times you know i think it was uh chomsky who said that you know the uh uh the real corrupters or the real terrorists or the killers the media will have you believe that they're the liberators and the ones that are being savaged the ones that have been killed become the uh the bad people basically it's the same thing look if we look at the old cowboy and western cowboy movies in america what do we see the red indian you know he's shooting arrows at a white man and the white man is defending himself you know because all these savages are they want to kill us what they don't show you is that millions of indigenous indians were killed slaughtered they were getting 10 cents for every scalp the government were paying 10 cents for every scalp so people went out and they hunted the indigenous population australia my friend up to the 50s [ __ ] hunts men on jeeps with the big spotlights hunting the aborigines for sport it's a long journey it happened it happened i know i don't blame the people today i wouldn't blame this brother why he's got nothing to do with what the people did before you know um i i wouldn't i don't believe that you should blame people's race because some people possibly their forefathers or possibly even their relatives or it's got nothing to do with them you know this brother might be as against what they did as i would be against it so in islam we don't have this original sin where you share the sin of your father you're accountable for what you do they're accountable for what they do but unfortunately we have this eurocentric uh you know rewriting of history where we the west you know we're the good guys we're peace lovers and these were all savages you know we had to go and control the savages and that's not what happened that's the reality you know i like the idea of um where you spoke about you allah will judge you by your intent yeah not so much by actually what happens the outcome but that's right your intent behind it so i feel i feel encouraged to share my intent as someone that's curious about his life very very curious you
Channel: EFDawah بالعربية
Views: 352,102
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Keywords: EFDawah بالعربية, ملاحدة يحاصرون مسلماً ويلقون بشبهات كثيرة حول الإسلام - الجزء الثاني, efdawah arabic, حمزة, دعوة, الإسلام, مسلم, مسيحي, حوار, محادثة, الله, قناة إسلامية, ايمان, ملحد, نصارى, الكتاب_المقدس, الانجيل, الحق, القران, مناظرة, لندن, تحدي, ركن المتحدثين, منتزه الهايد, مؤسسة الإيمان للدعوة
Id: 1Iq8arQcHR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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