أمريكي اعتنق الإسلام يوضح لعلي ما الذي جذبه للإسلام

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certain way i have to treat my children a certain way interesting my as as the leader of the home my wife is obliged to conduct herself a certain way okay it sounds a little simplistic for a lot of people who want to study religion and philosophies but for me that gave me part of the foundation to study the quran to study the actual philosophies okay in there and the stories in there that's interesting so it fit your fitrah you innate disposition the oneness of god and also the structure is set up for the family unit which is very important because there's a whole attack on the family unit today i come from a strong family background and one of the things that makes me sad about life in the west is how we treat our family we put our children in day care centers when we we don't we put our elderly people in the old folks home it's very sad very sad when they talk about the economy in the states and they talk about how bad it is they say oh it's terrible some houses and some homes three generations have to live there in islam that's a blessing your grandparents your children and you live there and and that's one of the things that that had attracted me to islam is the beauty of the family and how we act towards each other how a muslim acts towards a non-muslim how muslims acts towards another a lot of this behavior and i think that's very important because the prophet peace be upon him said i came only to perfect good character yes and this is because a lot of people come and say why do i need religion to be a good person when you look at society today the prophet who said a day will come the most the the the slave will give birth to its master so we look at children today and how they are disobedient to their to their parents yeah this is a no-no-go area because allah says in the quran after he tells you to worship after attempting to worship me don't even say of young parents and then we have a look at for example the care homes i mean look at your mom and dad bringing you to this age and you cannot be asked to deal with them and you put them in a care home and there's many elements to it as well you know the whole structure the hierarchy of you know the family unit you know etc you know these things are in place and it's natural these are natural things and we a little bit of unnatural things and this is the chaos we have today with all kind of matters that i can't even really go into so you found that for yourself anything else you found beautiful in islam maybe your connection with allah god almighty yeah absolutely the connection with god is that that islam means submission to god and i want to submit to god i want to be as i submit to god it helps me be the best person that i can be if i follow allah and i i take his teachings to heart then it helps me be a better person towards you and i'm a strong person yeah if i do the right thing it helps the world and it helps bring peace you do not find that in christianity what was in christianity that you thought you know what this is not answering my questions the trinity and this is a common thing you see with every verb christianity my friend here dawud he's been a christian he was a christian before he's a muslim for 15 years what was it that were the truth that it was like okay this is not enough well how could jesus be god and god be jesus how could jesus be in the garden of god and bow down and bow down to god yeah and how could jesus be on the cross and say yeah lord you have forsaken me yeah i don't have a disagreement with christians i don't have a disagreement with with how they conduct themselves and what they believe in that the ten commandments and that you should be kind to each other but the philosophy and the structure of that is something that i don't agree with i i work on i do my best to be a smart intellectual person but the thing that draws me to islam is the simplicity of it it's it's not complicated you love god you follow the prophet peace be upon him and you treat each other well yeah you don't sin exactly you mentioned that that people say how can you be a good person or why do you need religion to be a good person yeah but a beautiful house needs to have a friend and to me religion and islam is that friend spot on amazing what advice would you give to people watching maybe they're on the very close except in islam you know maybe a christian what advice would you give them listen and study listen to people who know what they're talking about and be open-minded that's good that's good and yeah thank you patrick any other last words no last words thank you it's a pleasure to have you here and we would like to see more in the park hopefully you'll see me more yeah that's good you're friendly thank you thank you very much patrick uh thank you guys so yes we heard uh patrick and his story very interesting and all people all walks of life you know he was chilling with people who are veterans you know who hated islam maybe they were misinformed and for him to come to islam it's a beautiful story and we wanted to share this with you carrying support in our works in shalom sisters until next time assalamu alaikum tonight
Channel: باللغه العربيه SCDawah Arabic
Views: 22,079
Rating: 4.9876099 out of 5
Keywords: حوار, نقاش, مناظرة, مسلم, نصراني, نصرانية, مسيحي, مسيحية, المسيح, عيسى, يهودي, يهودية, علي, البيت, الصحابة, السنة, london, hyde, park, speakers, corner, Muslims, Islam, Jewish, discussion, London, 2019, ركن, الخطباء, mansur, scdawah, speakers corner
Id: -7eVcreG8-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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