Спасение медвежонка на скальном обрыве. Bear cub and drone. Full version of the original video
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Channel: MrDKedrov
Views: 8,282,996
Rating: 4.5689497 out of 5
Keywords: медведь, медвежонок, обрыв, море, охота, Охотское море, Магадан, природа, коптер, DJI, Mavic Air
Id: 47_SOihuJ1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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At 2:36 the cub almost makes it to the top when the drone invaded the personal space of the mother who pounced on the snow to chase it away - startling the cub making it slip down again.