Even MORE Terrible Gaming Hot Takes | A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏ Reacts

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oh God I could watch this one even more gaming terrible hot takes yeah [ __ ] it let's look at this and I want to play some valhan when real next gen Games come out oh here we go oh boy yep here we go on spoon docs yeah I got one of them recommended to me and I watched the [ __ ] a couple of them [ __ ] was so [ __ ] funny man I used to love that show it's round two yeah here we go you'll be a footnote in a couple of months nobody will even talk about this game ever even mention it when we talk about the greats of this generation no game of the year no real champion just bare minimum this is not a good game it is not a 10 out of 10. no way is it anywhere near Game of the Year Game of the Year winner is Elder ring oh my God [ __ ] audio 100 did that on purpose today smell what The Act man's cooking it's more terrible gaming hot takes oh you ever take a fat dump on your steak before throwing it on the grill yeah that's what it smells like so let's jump into it all right what do we got today it's called season when video games had bare titties because why not God of War used to be a series worth playing now Kratos has feelings no like the old God of War games I think were great combat but the story for the game was garbage it was so one-dimensional Kratos was a terrible character I I think yeah I think it was a terrible character okay remember when Kratos used to jack off after he beat every boss and he would look at some hot porn yeah now he's now this [ __ ] has feelings no I don't that's not bad really you guys never played in my dad yeah Kratos was angry dude I know it was like a one dimension it was can we just admit that Kratos was one dimensional in the old games how am I even getting any pushback for this I think it was a [ __ ] one-dimensional character he was really cool he did a bunch of cool stuff the games were badass but the character was pretty bad feelings cause feelings are gay thanks for coming back with me you didn't have to I am your father I will always help as long as I am able God what a [ __ ] of course the dude got feelings that's why he's doing any of the [ __ ] he's doing yeah how do you go from this to this it's such a downgrade and sex appeal game freak needs to do better when they make the new Pokemon oh look at look at her [ __ ] title that's when Ron broke you guys are not happy about the fact that I said the Kratos was a one-dimensional character I I I absolutely think he was I'll repeat it I played through some of the God of War games I thought he was a one-dimensional boring character I do I think that everything that I've seen of the new games makes them more interesting it has been a tremendous Improvement Dante was as well yes Dante was also kind of one-dimensional but whenever you're 14 it doesn't matter if he's one-dimensional because you're in the same Dimension that he is so he's [ __ ] cool [Music] sometimes I hate The Gaming Community it's a [ __ ] child's game dude but it's a child's game starring children there needs to be no sex appeal except for Cynthia and Professor Oak I will no longer play the characters of killjoy and raisin valorent due to them being homosexual thank you for ruining my gaming experience let's be honest this person was probably joking like vagina instead of penis remember when we could just talk about video games and we talked about why they were bad or why they were it's like the video game is good or bad because of like the levels and like the character progression and you know he didn't like the story in the game and you know it had like this weird thing in the last level where you couldn't beat the boss nah bro it's about if they're gay or not we're good can we just go back to that yeah please if only if this was a Netflix show kratos's son would be gay and Kratos Afro-American but since it's Amazon I think the casting will be good but the plot will be very disappointing boy do I have news for you about who plays Kratos [ __ ] yeah and I don't I don't know but I think if they did a series I would want Christopher Judge to play Kratos a hundred [ __ ] percent like I don't care he's like oh it's a different race it doesn't matter that's Kratos that's it got him Gamers be like we need to reduce Crunch and development and complain when devs do something that reduces their workload people who complain about crunch are just insane no Gamers don't give a [ __ ] about Crunch and game development they just care about the game man that's it elves who hate on the Last of Us Part Two uh uh that's got to be that that's that's the most obvious troll I've ever seen someone sent me this image my love for blizzard games outweighs my dislike of sexual harassment and the sound the other thing is I don't know anyone personally that was harmed so I couldn't care any less I also pre-order those games before any of this came to light I I don't know why people always have to find like these justifications for everything I hate people that do justifications it's so exhausting it's like so mentally [ __ ] uh well I don't know what's word for this it's like mentally indulgent I it's so annoying just say you want to play the game just play the [ __ ] game we don't need to hear about why just play the game idiot where to begin I don't know who on God's green earth could have written this but they clearly wrote it to justify whatever purchases or or time they spend playing [ __ ] game you don't have to justify it yeah because some bad [ __ ] happened doesn't mean you you are morally reprehensible for playing a game it's up to you instead of boycott the company or not I I respect it either way but like you don't have to justify that by by saying well I don't know anyone who was sexually assaulted at blizzard so I think that makes it worse [ __ ] them what yeah what Eldon Rings Millennia embodies from side well we saw this one women yep knock knock who's there polygon polygon who probably gonna give you another bad article to read why do front soft games always bring out like the worst opinions in everyone so it talks because people get tired of getting killed by a boss and then they write an article about it like this guy got stuck in you know like that ice Valley of the Giants area or with like those invisible [ __ ] uh there's like an invisible assassin guys he's he gets camped by them a few times and then there's the article right there that's how it happens I'll tell you right now about Millennia blade of mikola this enigmatic Warrior captured the audience from the moment she appeared and she featured prominently in the rest of the game's marketing but instead of becoming in bro look at the weapon he's using uncontested favorite she frustrated fans and revealed the limitations of from software's imagination everybody loved her this is a critique I have never once heard before I mean I've heard people complain that Millennia is a hard fight maybe too hard for some definitely but I've never heard someone describe it as unimaginative it's such a legendary iconic boss fight of the game [Music] yeah like they made a freaking statue of her Millennia exemplifies the way from soft rights whether bosses or NPCs you meet in the wild these women have a shared condition they exist in tragically declined worlds so like every character in from software games sharing a specific Brokenness disfigurement abandonment not like General radon who's cursed to have super aids for the rest of his life no he's totally fine loss so like every character in from software games they are afflicted by by gender afflicted by gender and the cure for when they are obstacles instead of mutely helpful is for the player to enact succinct violence what the [ __ ] is that sentence you killed a bad guy I swear to God that article was written by an AI it had to have been bad guy could be a dude could be a dude melded together with a dragon bad guy could be a giant Knight yeah that giant Knight could be a chick it could be a dude it's he killed a bad guy the broader Gaming Community usually reacts harshly towards female characters yeah just the dumb parts of the Gaming Community or maybe you can change this to say that the broader Gaming Community usually reacts harshly to poorly written characters I think that people don't like seeing they don't like seeing like a character be changed into a female character they don't want to see the game existing around the necessity of a female character to exist they don't want to see their game that's like it grows around that problem or that that reality that like oh there's a female character we need to have a female character in the game so everything else has to bend around that again some people also call female proteins which is also dumb that's like two sides of the same stupidity Spectrum it's like Gamers don't like female characters and having a female character is woke it's like they're both equally dumb which makes the souls foreign communities Embrace of female characters feel positive on the surface when that attraction feels based on that empty emotionless state or reduces them there's a part of me that thinks that this article might have actually been written by like act man or one of these other like guys on YouTube that make gaming like content and like criticism and like commentary and they wrote the article so they can dunk on themselves because they know it'll be good content it's it's actually like a complete false flag the infantilized waifus you realize that hostility and that fondness spring from the same deep sexist Roots twins intertwined okay so a lot to unpack here uh what I will say is the article is very well written it has big words I'm not saying it's good or I agree but you know homie's been reading a thesaurus but like how from software writes women I mean fire Keepers yeah they're kind of similar but you can make that point but they're all like I mean is it like the guy that you talk to in Dark Souls 3 like isn't he like like pretty much dead to make boss souls I mean that guy's like bro you look at that guy that guy's not healthy there's something wrong motherly figures to represent the comfort of the Hub zones uh which are typically she was hot huge from the harsh environments outside oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] get God what see it helps to have someone like like mother you and cradle you like I'm not sure what the point is or why Millennia blade of Nicola is used as an example this article comes across like a kid fresh out of college who's trying to prove themselves yeah what they think are mind-blowing assertations but it's really just a bunch of dumb [ __ ] from software's female characters who deviate from this quiet doll-like appearance are still written with a lack of emotionality which feels close to masculine stoicism women cannot be stoic because if you have women or stoic that's sexist oh my God okay so some of these people strong female protagonists because that's too masculine yeah is that what you're saying what why am I reading this Soul's born games are Infamous for challenging their audiences and over the years have attracted a particular kind of player base often men why are you what are you even upset about yeah yeah because that's definitely not a good thing oh what do you what do you butt hurt about I don't get it millennia's boss fight is punishingly difficult and the audience's hostility and competitive attitudes about it are often steeped in gendered talk did this [ __ ] really use a summon no way right like this wasn't the kill it's like a second playthrough no way he uses summon he sure did are you [ __ ] kidding me he used the halibardo oh no he's not using it now he changed his weapons look at the death count my depression I mean I had like 75 I was [ __ ] furious fighting this boss toxicity how numerous Reddit posts YouTube videos and tweets talk about players failures or successes while littered with sexist slurs and one of these links goes to a search result on Twitter for Millennia comma [ __ ] how can you be so good with words yet so dumb people also fell back into the usual Community discourse about which methods of beating her were more valid and which ones made you a [ __ ] um that's nothing new success over her took on a weird masculinized chest beating at times I beat Millennia no summons no wait that's literally what I oh [ __ ] that's just that's what I literally oh god oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] [ __ ] we have the biggest penis oh God oh um oh [ __ ] women suck is that what you think we are is that what you think we're doing when faced with a difficult defiant woman who has never been beaten men cannot help but fantasize about being the one to take her down or maybe someone just wants to beat the hard ball Beat the Boss why is it why is it meant women can like these games too you jack off women continue to populate the path as either passive help meets or predictable obstacles I'm hoping I can get emeru to play uh Dark Souls again I'm gonna Farm her out for Content watching her play that game for like I mean honestly at this rate it's going to be a month there's Dark Souls 2 dark souls 3. bloodborne it's gonna be a while it's the fan base is all too happy to step over I feel like every single complaint this person has or a point they're trying to make could be applied to men as well they either help you or they don't yeah speaking of Elton ring it recently won game of the year no and you know who wasn't too thrilled about that oh yeah so the game awards he's back he's back just ended and Elder ring took game of the year and you can see it in his face he is still so salty about it I'm gonna say this right now I don't know how a game that didn't have any memorable characters that anybody could bond with game endless I am Melania blade of Nicola the only thing this game had was difficulty and if you add an easy mode half the player base would disappear but okay whatever yeah that's Game of the Year oh my god dude he's he's still there he will take this to his grave there will never be a time like that Quantum is like actually you know what I like I bet if quantum TV legitimately made a Kickstarter for like if I can raise ten thousand dollars I will play Elven ring on stream live until I beat it I think that he would hit that goal in an hour why are you so butt hurt about it the further we get down the years it's just not gonna be what people are expecting it's not gonna continue that same energy bro but hey you made this prediction like 10 months ago when it came out and you were wrong as [ __ ] you were so wrong no game of the year no real champion just bare minimum when real next gen Games come out you'll be a footnote in a couple of months yeah nobody will even talk about this game never even mention it when you talk about the grades of this generation Elder ring think about it like this the Bill Clinton kid is more well known now than quantum that was the power of Elden ring that is a fact the Next Generation think about it was said and done don't forget it and remember I said it on this day I'll take things that aged poorly for 500. let's see what happens in 2023 how many of these Solace players will still be playing that game probably [ __ ] zero but okay let's play the game yeah nobody's gonna play the game anymore it's over just like every other one yeah okay it was Game of the Year this year but what about 2023 huh yeah see it's not gonna win game of the year two years in a row so I mean was it really Game of the Year at all if it can't win two times yeah I didn't think so Checkmate Souls losers what about next year is it gonna is it gonna be game of the year then you know what oh my God three laps have your fun take your Victory laps baby we got the W yeah look at that that's the freshest dub ever whatever Elton Rink game of the year but we all know what happened man it ain't really a game of the year it ain't really yeah it's it was you know if this is quantum if this was quantum on Facebook Quantum yeah it didn't win game of the year in the same way Biden didn't win the election Garen [ __ ] teed I I promise you that like privately or like on his own that's exactly what he would have compared it to him here it was but it ain't really yeah bro the game has already lost traction it's already losing players well at least you stopped telling people to kill themselves yeah let's hear more of uh Mr TV's reactions to the game awards now as far as game awards and all that other stuff I've had a lot of fun trolling a lot of the Elden ring players I think for me it's been a very fun experience there he is I would say has it you guys literally sound like like abuse victims right it has been pretty fun I'm not gonna lie it wasn't fun for a bit but but it is now the biggest thing is just how easily they offend they kind of make it easy to farm them for views and I can say that shamelessly because they shamelessly attack other people that don't want to play the trial later that is their game of the year it's fantastic but it kind of leads me into like the game awards kind of was rigged bro that's what I'm saying like we everybody knows that it's rigged you know it I know it everybody knows it could possibly be the biggest rigging in history some people are saying oh no the true winner was my reformed Orthodox Rabbi Bill Clinton it was either going to be dad of war or Eldon rank because those are the two most popular games right now of course and the thing that held out of warback is it just didn't launch as early as Elder ring to move as many units to pick up as much press I think it's the opposite I think I think God of War was seen even better because of recency bias or whatever and wasn't God of War Ragnarok like one of the fastest selling PlayStation games ever made yeah it was I was pretty much like yo this game kind of sucks I [ __ ] hate it kind of thing and then I saw the responses I was getting on my initial review a lot of the people that were attacking were a lot of the socially awkward weirdos look at all these which I mean to be fair this is a rare like lowercase w for Quantum because there are a lot of people that are like video game Souls fans that treat it like it is their entire personality and any criticism for the game is immediate garbage and anybody who doesn't like these games is just a loser and if you can't beat them you're a loser Etc right I mean the souls there is like that small group of people that play Dark Souls games that are like that but it is a small group of people socially awkward weirdos that like were attacking me they don't have social skills they have no family no friends no life I'm never gonna like the game because I think frankly it would not have killed the developers to have respect for new players like it takes two seconds to add a difficulty toggle it takes two seconds to add a difficulty toggle you don't have to retool every encounter and just lower the numbers well you can you just download a mod like I'm sure those mods were like it's like Elden ring but you have a bazooka and the Bazooka kills everything in one hit there you go wow I love Elder ring that's it somebody who has an easier life who doesn't maybe have something or you can just play with uh spells it's the same thing [ __ ] to deal with they're they're not gonna care they're gonna be oh gosh you're giving me a challenge I live a boring life fantastic my life is so boring if only fate would come along and [ __ ] me in the ass with the Elden ring Gamers that like try to troll or whatever from time to time and from me I am an adult and I do have responsibilities outside of YouTube and outside of video games true let them know so people when they hear that they just sometimes when they don't have those things it's a disconnect from them they're like yeah what do you mean you're busy with others yeah they don't understand the fact that you have to make YouTube videos and also steal content from other people that make YouTube videos so you can make your own right so like you have to re like really whenever you think about it you have to work twice as hard because like number one you had to steal their content number two you had to make the content so but like the people you're stealing it from they happened easy because all they had to do was make the content you still basically reiterating the if you like this game you probably have no family no friends no life he's he's still saying the same [ __ ] dude so I think that's the first problem the second problem with Elden ring I think is the graphics oh [ __ ] I really I swear to God I I bet if he had a fundraiser and if he had if he had done this fundraiser whenever this drama was fresh any number like unless it's like he would probably raise a hundred thousand dollars if if he would promise that it like you know there was a hundred thousand dollar prize waiting for him if he was able to complete Elden ring with no like bugs or like no glitches or anything live on stream consecutively here we go again yeah the graphics are dog [ __ ] the graphics are dog [ __ ] it's worse Graphics are dog [ __ ] in the beginning like when I first started Elden ring and I was playing it and I was like man this game kind of sucks and then once I saw it was a bunch of 16 year olds 17 year olds 21 year olds 25 year olds like okay good scrub I was like 25. I appreciate it thanks this is a bunch of kids living with their parents this is what they do to challenge themselves outside of taking out the trash Road just can't stop just kids just stop throwing shade stop it you guys will see It'll be very fun next year more TVs you guys helped us fun Quantum TV by literally just trolling oh I'm sorry is this video about the game awards or how much money you make everybody who has been coming makes dozens going it's like you've really done nothing but like literally just put money in my pocket bro like all day I can't watch anymore when GTA 6 was announced and they said they were going to have a female protagonist again people just kind of like lost their [ __ ] for no no reason you know this is this is kind of where I draw the line when they start saying that rock star the Rockstar Games out of all companies is gonna start being woke so this will I think that it's kind of cringe for them to take out the bad jokes but I don't think it's cringe for them to have a female protagonist will be GTA 6 the woke Edition Bro games you gotta have the joke he's got a woman in it how is that woke now if they start saying so we're trying to be more politically correct in GTA 6 then maybe we can start going down that wall yeah bro I mean I would I would be shocked if rock star of all companies went woke or if they were like nope you can't you can't kill hookers anymore can't kill women you know it's you can only kill me watch their games have always pushed the boundaries they've [ __ ] they do whatever they want and they get away with it and they always have and they always will female protag hard pass sorry the woke crowd ruined it by shoving it down our throats for the past few years bye I think that's what happens with a lot of people is like they're so they're so tired of having like some sort of agenda pushed on them that they are just like so reflexively negative towards stuff like this they've become as one-dimensional and boring as the people that are trying to make people do it in the first place you can make fun of woke stuff it does get annoying and tiresome but that [ __ ] Millennia article is kind of right sometimes like like dumbasses just don't like female protagonists for whatever reason I don't get it dude calling calling everything sexist is just as cringe as calling everything woke yeah can we agree on it exactly right just so can we at least try to have some like reasonable common sense no Pokemon scarlet and violet criticism makes money there are still a large number of people that are [ __ ] on Pokemon scarlet and violin and the Nintendo switch in general yeah I know believe it or not pretty crazy that they're milking the hell out of [ __ ] on Nintendo but hey contents content contents content yeah it's YouTube man something bad hey look that thing's bad here's my video on it something's awesome hey that thing's awesome here's my video on it yeah yeah yeah we make videos these social media influencers these YouTubers uh they they have no merit they have no ground no merit no ground um I showed the gameplay of scarlet and violet I think it speaks for itself that's that's my Merit I've played Pokemon since red and blue literally since the 90s there are people I had blue gone out and played Pokemon scarlet and violet after knowing it was a massive glitchy mess knowingly paid sixty dollars for this game and then turned around and spent hours on a review just a [ __ ] on it they weren't sent a pre-copy they weren't sent a copy ahead of time the people that get pre-copies don't [ __ ] on games like that what so you're upset that people are making bad reviews of a game like a month or two after it came out well I love how people gate keep being able to do a review of a game as if somebody that plays the game and a lot of people this guy gives a review and everybody else is like yeah and this is somehow like not relevant or not reasonable like what do you mean genius not everybody shits out a video in one day okay sometimes it takes time maybe I don't want to play the game right away maybe a buddy convinces me they weren't sent a pre-copy they weren't sent a copy ahead of time they didn't buy the gameplay they won and make a review and it was out within the first week what does the timing have to do with anything of course people are going to be negative it's like it's the internet these are individuals who will literally go out by the game just to make content on it because it's trendy why is it that is exactly right whenever I started playing Diablo immortal I hope that it would be good but I expected it to be bad that's exactly right yes and like I will go into a lot of games and I will pretty much expect all this is gonna be [ __ ] like I remember I played Tower of fantasy and I was like this is gonna be a [ __ ] game and a lot of things were [ __ ] but there are other good things in the game as well and there have been a couple of other ones that I played it for a little while this is awful I'm done absolutely trendy is it because the game looks like this because because that might be a good reason when they do these videos on Pokemon scarlet and violet and Nintendo uh and the Nintendo switch and just [ __ ] all over it so oh it's so underpowered so garbage it's so junk it makes me think to myself well now you know this isn't a day one thing so why are you doing this remember fellas you can only criticize a game if you played it day one and reviewed it in one day I think that it's true that there are some people that review games way prematurely you know this is like somebody okay Elden ring is out and here's our full review I just got done killing godric and stormvale castle and I think this game is great but it does lack a lot of depth there's not that many bosses in it it's like okay settle down people should play a game entirely before they review it hey bro it's like I bought the game I didn't play it for a bit and then I played it and then I was like oh this is really bad should finish I made a video on it no I think that if people bounce off of a game and they play it like for example like a game having a lot of bugs like cyberpunk that's not something you need to take a week to figure out you find that out immediately you know this these are face value problems that deep what do you gain by spending 60 on a game a month later after the game is released will you gain views you gain content why would you make a video a review why would you give a company sixty dollars of your hard-earned money why would you spend 250 to 300 is this guy fur is he just now learning about how reviews work I think this is I think this is a first time for him he might not know about this yeah on a game console when you know one is extremely underpowered why would I spend money on a game console because it's it's where the games are because I bought it five years ago you've had plenty of time in advance to know about the exact product you're purchasing you still do it all you do all of it and then turn around and spend hours on a review just to [ __ ] all over why did I why did I spend money on a game to review it because I'm not gonna steal it well folks it's been an interesting wow hasn't it we've seen a lot of great video games and a lot of bad haunt takes that's about all I can handle right now I'm gonna go get some bleach and pour it into my eyes now so thank you all I love you for watching the game for more awesome content all right everyone that's all I got for today this is the act man signing out peace I love this this was such a great video I had so much fun on this yeah I I hope he does more of these these are my favorite just like listening to people shovel their [ __ ] out and then everybody gets to talk about it yeah and I want to play ailed and ring or Haiti so you should they're good games man like that's what it is yeah act man is goaded yeah he is act man is [ __ ] amazing he went through the ringer this last year so make sure to give him some support man this guy is great we love the act man he's even been on my screen before Hades is goaded it is there are a lot of games that are now Hades was annoying so I stopped I can see why but I think it's worth picking up again and playing if you can stand it have you seen any new Elven ring Ray tracing retexture content no I haven't you'd have to link it to me and I can take a look at it why is he assuming the game I bought and reviewed a minute later it's not realize people buy the game and then reviewing a good time well I think there are also people like that uh I think what he's really saying is that like oh well if you review a game right after you buy it you haven't played it enough to know that it's bad but I actually think of first impressions of a game matters just as much as the review does because a lot of people if the first impression of the game is bad the review will never be relevant to them because they won't get that far they're just gonna play the game they're like this sucks and then that's it they're done yeah why does somebody want to sit through oh well if you play the game for 20 hours or after you get through the first three missions it's better well nobody wants to sit through and do three missions that are bad to play the rest of the game so if the first of the game is bad the whole game is bad that's just the way things go you gotta play a game for 10 hours before the game is fun it's a bad game it is I'll link the video One More Time yeah I think the most uh egregious example of this were all the people that were giving these like glowing nine or you know 8.5 or 9.5 reviews to new world and all their screenshots of playing the game was in first light or in winsword you didn't even you leveled up to level 17. you're level 23. you didn't even do the first dungeon like what are you talking about that was so annoying I hate that stuff you know the guys are fishing oh yeah exactly yeah well I spent uh you know you know seven of the eight hours I played this game I just did fishing man that was really fun oh the game yeah it's pretty good I'd say it's about a nine that was about it holy [ __ ] man that made me so annoyed yeah Quantum first review was like that I I am not entirely sure if quantum ever even played Elden ring do you remember that one guy that made a video and he was talking about how bad Elden ring was and he said I don't even need to know that I don't even need to play it to know that it's bad like it's just this is a bad game everybody knows it's a bad game so why do I have to play it just to know it's bad does Quantum no that was somebody else too yeah I think there were two people pre-release earlier views are garbage paid for the problem with pre-release early reviews is this it's because the people that are getting the pre-release early reviews those people are uh they're benefiting from something a privilege and whenever you have somebody who is benefiting from privilege that person is going to be biased that's the way oh [ __ ] I messed this up God damn it I think I pulled this out give me a second um test test oh no I'm fine okay yeah I just I [ __ ] something up okay audio is good right I pulled my my headset cord a little bit too much yeah okay all right sorry about that access journalism uh yes it is access journalism so yeah you have all these people and it's like Yeah a hundred [ __ ] percent they're gonna try to you know play it off in a good way because the company is giving them benefits for playing the game or they're getting unique benefits because of that and it's unfortunate it is very unfortunate but I think that's just the way things go help me [Music]
Channel: A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏ T͏V͏
Views: 1,222,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: cKmFl6gQ_V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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