£7.1 Million SuperYacht Tour : Sunseeker 90 Ocean

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a lot of people have been asking quite understandably when are you getting back to the super yachts nick and i keep saying when i can travel again because i've been stuck in the uk for over a year because of all the travel restrictions well guess what alcoholic is international once more we're back with the super yachts and we're doing it with star wars dan and can and this is the new sunseeker 90 ocean it's brand spanking new model it's an incredible machine and we're going to do the full alcoholic tour we're going to do deck areas areas crew areas engine space the lot let's go now the first thing to tell you about this boat is just how incredibly wide it is it is 23 and a half foot wide this boat is almost as wide as my boat is long it's vast and what they've done with it is quite incredible and it starts right back here because this whole section here is a high low platform but rather than going the full beam of the boat it doesn't you still end up with this area here which is brilliant because what you've got in here is stairs that come out and you can raise them up we can drop them down into the water they're great for getting onto the key they're great for getting into the water but as i say when this is down you've still got a brilliant area here this will take a tender on the back but you've also got so much space here that you can put a jet ski as well on the back of here so you're fully toyed up and this is brilliant this system here we've got it set up at the minute so that you've got lounges looking out over the wall to the back that's brilliant but this area here will actually hinge imagine this section will come up flat against the back of the boat and it's just an ordinary transom or imagine it hinging here so that that comes up to flat and those come up to there and you've got some beds looking into the boat these are bi-fold doors so they open out to the edges and that means you've got an incredible amount of configuration you've also got underneath there there are deep lockers that go back underneath there's also sea bob lockers so these sea bobs can tuck away you have to drag them up onto the deck but this whole area is just incredible look at this seating over here look at the barbecue over on this side sun shade over here it is just fantastic anyway that is just the start we've got so much more to show you let's head on and we're going to do the full tour now if we go up to here so what we've got here is freestanding furniture this is brilliant because you can have it like this so people can sit around here look out across the back of the boat or if you're dining you might want to have it facing inwards you can figure this how you like and that's really nice let's head on in further again now in here you can have this configured pretty much however you like this is what this owner's gone for this is uh let's see if i pronounce this correctly i think it's minotti furniture that he's got in here and again you're seeing the incredible beam of this boat because quite often what you have is you have a lounge area here and then you have your dining area across it that way what they've done with this one they put the lounging area over on this side and then run the dining down that way which just gives you a ton of space but yeah look at that that is vast isn't it but imagine this was a blank canvas because they will configure this pretty much however you like talk to sun seeker when you're ordering the boat and there are a lot of options to say this is what this particular owner has gone for now you'll also notice there is a sliding door on that side so you can have this open to the elements if you want to you can also have the same thing on the other side this owner's gone for glass on that side instead similar deal here because this owner wanted this whole area to be a one great big social area and i think he's one he's got that but if you prefer you could have this completely closed off or you could have it with sections that will fold so you can have it closed or floor open at will and and that of course is the galley area there's a side access door so they can go straight from here out onto the side deck and then across here you've got your miele cooking equipment here and here um sink of course all that kind of stuff and then over here fridges interesting thing about these is these are water chilled and they're here too there's a microwave just there and then a load of storage everywhere dishwasher of course all the things that you would expect but this is brilliant as i say to make this all one big massive social open deck which is what this owner wanted this works fantastically you want something different you can have it let's press on a bit further day heads is over here so that is on the main deck that's nice you have to go chasing off downstairs if you want to use a loo that's right there and then up here and again this has been kept completely open so much so that i wonder whether this is an owner operator both actually no it's not because i've met the captain it does have a crew look at this feature bulkhead now you'll see this kind of design echoing through the whole boat i'll show you in some other areas as well but that looks really nice i love the way they've done that another side access door there and you've got these big glass panels in the ceiling so you can throw a ton of light into here or you can power these across and close it off if you prefer if it looks a bit hazy out of the windows it's because we've got the covers on at the minute which are sort of slightly translucent so that's why that's like that obviously if you're running the boat out at sea you take those off this is the helm and it is befitting of a boat of this size so you've got these three big simrad screens across here at the minute we're displaying navigation and more navigation here but you can obviously have that configured to engine instrumentation or radar or whatever else and then this is cameras over here so there's one up on top of the boat looking out over the harbour at the moment but you can opt to display other ones autopilot control engine controls remote controls for those simrads and autopilot is here this one here is the ship's systems so you can dive into different elements of the boat here uh he says hopefully there are fuel tank there okay that's not the most impressive one is it what else have we got there we go wipers are on here nav lights all that kind of stuff so that's how you actually configure everything on the boat and over here that little fella there if you drop your phone onto it charges your phone and there's a usb socket there as well it's a nice little touch now the layout of this is quite intriguing because there's a staircase down here but there's another staircase there let's go and have a look what you've got down here is a completely self-contained area for your vip guests so for example imagine you're going boating you've got your kids with you but you've also got your parents with you and they want to be able to tuck themselves away from the melee then they can be down here and they're in a completely separate section of the boat that's rather nifty isn't it big windows in here as well as i think i mentioned we are in can at the boat show oh it's so nice to be back at a boat show so so nice got some lovely boats to bring you as well but uh this one i think will be the first one up because it is spectacular nice feature across here you've got your big av equipment of course your sound bars in here as well if we head round onto this side then we will find the on suite that's in here i do like these stone finishes that they put into places like this and as you would expect proper big separate rainfall shower very nice very nice indeed yeah that looks great these handles as well detailing on here is lovely this is all storage in places like this and obviously got blinds that come down over the windows i like these lights that they've put in all this sort of stuff there's only a specification of course um i like these gloss headliners as well that's something i haven't really seen before i have actually i've seen one other boat but um it makes a change from the usual sort of upholstery that they put onto there what else have we got that i can show you big illuminated wardrobe that in itself is not unusual but look at the way they've done the illumination right up the full height of the wardrobe that's rather special and more storage tucked away in places like that and a little dressing area down over here there's big drawers under the bed as well of course so they're down under there so this as i say this is a completely self-contained area on the boat i think is excellent but if we head on back we can come back up through here this incident is all down to the carpets because it's an owners boat and it is a brand spanking new so they want to make sure that everything stays absolutely perfect these you might be wondering these are all the adjustments to the seats they're fully powered so you can go up and down and in and out and all the usual bits and pieces let's head on back a bit further day heads we saw let's just come out into here i mean it's just dramatic isn't it absolutely fantastic and it's all about the beam the beam of this boat incidentally is almost as wide as a sunseeker 116 yacht so that gives you an idea it's just fast love the detailing on here the way they've done this really nice and then these steps take us back down to the main deck but it's a separate area of the main deck and what you've got down here is three more cabins again you're seeing this feature panel across here just looks really nice and if we go right back through to here this then is actually the master cabin and this is what i mean about this being a brilliant family boat because if you've got the owner here and as i say maybe the grandparents up at the front in a separate area and they've got two more cabins which we'll see back here perhaps for the kids or friends or whoever else is coming along but let's head into this one first of all because again you're picking up the benefit of the beam of the boat we're in the center of the boat now so it's about the widest point of the boat and you get it all in here just incredible this is neat this is actually a tv but it's a mirror once you switch it off that's rather nice and let's come around onto this side you've got a dressing area over here of course some beautiful lighting in here really really nice up through here then is the ensuite very lovely size you've got the twin sinks in here and again you've got the big rainfall shower and again this lovely sort of stone effect i think it's actually porcelain really thin veneers of porcelain i think that's what somebody told me it was it's very impressive and the lu is in here as well of course so that is superb i think it's probably self-evident but there is a door here that comes across to close that off and you can see it's a rainfall and if you come back out of here it's just incredible isn't it let's go with this side this then is a dressing area so what you've got is just big wardrobes like this and uh the other intriguing thing i've noticed is an emergency escape hatch look at that i won't pull it off that's interesting um also here and the safe is in here as well as you can see but something i do rather like there is in fact a secret area it can be so secret in a minute i'm going to show you where it is if you look over here there's a great big mirror but if we pull there now you might think well what are you going to put there i'll tell you what i put there if you're a bit of a horologist like me and you like your watches you imagine having your watch collection in little velvet areas into here what we have today rolex breitling amiga hey belle i'm taking the about today fantastic let's look at some more cabins shall we let's come back here this area here this owner's using this for things like this track vision but actually these are big enough that you could have laundry facilities in here if you wish but in fact there are more laundry facilities in the crew area which i will show you shortly let's head on back around here so a two berth cabin in here but in fact you'll notice the tracks on the floor these will actually slide together and make a double bed and then there's little dressing table areas they hop onto the outside and and that becomes a double cabin so that's pretty neat big windows again in the blinds as you can see on there and your av equipment and then if we head back here similar sort of arrangement to the cabin we just looked in really just obviously a bit smaller so you've got your hanging locker there and then you've got your heads in here again with that beautiful sort of stone work in there rainfall shower all very splendid let's go a bit further if we come around to this side then in here you've got a double cabin and as you'd expect this one's on sweet as well so these two are sort of fairly similar albeit ones the double and one's a twin um but they're decent-sized cabins they're really nice when it comes down as a guest on here they are going to get the full super yacht experience that's for sure look at that that's nice isn't it okay more to see before it gets dark because it's been a long day at the show today lots of great stuff to bring you though stay tuned hit subscribe if you haven't already where are we going up through here so well i must show you this if you've been watching superyacht my house which is a series i'm doing about some work i'm having on my house this is exactly the kind of thing with the lighting under the treads all the way up that i'm having in my house if you've not seen sleepy at my house check that out only i'm having instead of the carpet treads i'm having this all wood but that will all be explained if you can have a look so back into here isn't that fabulous absolutely fabulous and then we'll press on a bit further this is all storage down here incidentally so glasses for example are there and i suspect we'll find a bit of crockery somewhere yeah there we go so that's where all that lives down in places like that it's such a big boat such a wide boat they haven't even brought the uh the seating right to the edge remarkable absolutely remarkable okay we look at deck spaces and then we're gonna look at crew cabin and engine space it's all fascinating stuff so head on around here this little fella here if i can open it without losing everything it doesn't open moving on ah there we go that is uh storage in there and what's underneath here and now this is your engine controls and thruster bow and stern controls that when you're stern two birthing as we are right now you can drive the boat in from here and if we head out down here it's quite nice actually it's just starting to get a little bit dimpsy and so we can see all the lighting coming into effect which you don't normally get to see look how high these bull walks are down through here it means you don't have to have rails up and along like during a motor cruiser this is proper super yacht stuff with this rail inset here and look at the way they put glass panels down into here the reason for that is that when you're sat in here you get a brilliant view out across the sea and these are very high they're waist high in fact if you look at me there you can probably see and then you've got things like your hefty spring cleats down here we'll head on a bit further that is the side door out from the galley area and that is the side door out from the helm area and come right up to the front the bow sorry look at that what a great area that is now there are still some very practical features so for example these feathers here will open and give you deck storage for ropes and deck gear and all that kind of thing and these are draining as well so you put wet ropes in there the water doesn't just lie in there and get everything mouldy it runs away so that is good this is this windscreen cover that i mentioned it's like a mesh and it just means that when the sun's beating down it's not beating down on everything that's inside but look at this what a magnificent area this is i love the way they put sort of basically sofas down either side and across here again we're back to the width of the boat because you wouldn't normally have the space for that your side decks would normally come along through this area and around here you wouldn't have this extra scope across here and in fact it's quite an upright bow as well so that gives you volume all the way through right up to the bow of the boat love these little fellas what these do is they drop away like that and turn and then at night they do that cool huh let's come right up onto the bow now this owner only wanted the one anchor it's a very beautiful stainless steel anchor though i think it's an ultra anchor um but he had the second winch anyway because he wanted redundancy he did some serious cruising with this boat so he wanted to make sure that there's ever a problem with one winch you still had another one ready to go and these are accessed down to the chain lockers but that's a beautiful area isn't it these stainless steel chaps here they are drawer fridges there's one there and there's another one on that side and you've got speakers up here as well for your sound system okay let's press on down this side i know those big deck lockers there that's that big glass panel that we saw with the blinds that come across that's over the helm and then we come down here it does look great at night with these lights on doesn't it if you have a look for just do a quick search for alcoholic illumination you'll see a video i did at night on a big flybridge boat with it all lit up it's rather pleasing to see to say the least okay we'll come right back here that's accessed down to the crew area so we'll slip past that for the moment but we will come back to it and if we head on around here we're back into the cockpit of course but this time we're going to take a turn up so here again we can see the illumination here it's rather nice it's flickering slightly i promise you it's not doing that in real life it's just arguing the gopro slightly and all these pin lights lighting up this area and then you've got lighting all the way around the hard top so up here there is a um a bar area and again we've got this minotti i think he said menotti furniture all this designer stuff very expensive very heavy but beautiful i'd love that at my house which is fantastic lovely for outside there's a sink underneath here and then along here you have got more cooling so these are fridges here and these are again water cooled so they run pretty much silently and very efficiently so they've been very hot climbs they're not battling against the heat here because all the cooling is being done somewhere else on the boat and i'm going to show you this because i'm not quite sure why but somebody once said to me shows inside an ice maker i want to see what it looks like when you open it i'm going to show you it's got ice in it that's what that does and you scoop it out and just creates more it's like magic and then finally up here you've got this brilliant grill for catering now the other thing you have here of course is the upper helm station so there's three of these that one i showed you on the aft deck the main helm downstairs and then the flybridge helm bucket seats really nice place to drive the boat from fantastic view of course from up here looking right across the top of other fairly substantial boats um engine controls are here autopilot control again you've got the simrad screens across here again you've got the control panel that's a touch screen autopilot all that kind of stuff so everything that you need to drive the boat you have and then if you go around here you've got a load of seating or sunbathing area around here this is all grp moldings but what they do is that basically then stops and that's just open you could have grp moldings there if you wanted to but the idea is that if you go for the loose stuff like this and you can move that around however you want and it does look brilliant this whole roof this hard top this will slide back so if you want this open the elements you can have it if it's a hot day and you want the shade well then you've got it and then this owner has chosen to go for another catering area over here so this for example is where you keep the wine again owner choice if you don't want that you don't have to have it and if we go on back again other things you could have you could have a hot tub up here if you wanted to and of course because this is all loose fitting stuff you can just choose what you want i have to say though this is a good choice it does look nice let's walk all the way around shall we look at this again it's such a big boat you can walk behind the furniture that's fantastic there is a sunshade that will power out of here so you can have some shade over here if you want it i like the way all this is color coded in black that looks really smart um what else can i show you up here again more lighting dotted about the place and then also up here is these are canister life rafts so that's where they live that's out of the way but ready for immediate use if they were needed hopefully they never will be it's a big boat isn't it it's a big big boat okay we haven't finished yet we have got crew area and we have got engines to show you and we're going to talk about performance so back down here to the cockpit and this time we're going to head around this way and down into the crew area which is just here so what you'd have down here is the crew area so you've got a mess area here you have got the laundry facilities are down here over here you've got a bit of catering area tv and sound bar there's a microwave up here radio is charging down there there's a fridge so it's a very nice area for the crew to come down to you've got to bear in mind this is a sub 100 foot yacht so it is a big boat of course it is but this is still a pretty decent area for a boat of this size for the crew now you might run this boat with two crew i think this owner does in fact you can however go to up to four crew so what you've got is two matching crew cabins they've both got twin beds in them really nice size beds reading lights and all that kind of stuff up there and then storage in places like this i'm not going to open it cause i think they are actually using this and then there is a heads here and that has a shower separate down there in the corner again you can feel it taking the full advantage of the beam of this boat but as i say that's a pretty decent area for a sub 100 foot yacht that's excellent very nice okay last thing to show you is the motors and they are back here so what we find in here are a pair of man v12 1800 horsepower engines they're tucked away down underneath here and they're giving the boat about 28 knots flat out but if you drop it back to a cruising speed of 12 knots you've got about 1800 miles of range so you have got some serious distance out of this let's come over here and see all of the mechanical systems and the plumbing and all that kind of stuff is over here generator at the back there beautifully lit as well very nice you've also got things like your fire extinguishing systems are in here these are automatic incidents you don't need to come down and set these off as a problem they'll do it for you and all your electrics your circuit breakers and that kind of thing across here this is the hydraulics for bowel thruster stern thruster all that kind of stuff the electronics for the man diesel engines are there that incidentally is a ladder that takes you straight up to the cockpit so you've got an emergency way out of here and then we'll come right on round another generator here and then we can come right back now these are on v drives so the engines are right at the back of the boat i wonder if we can see them come right back here and they are shaft drive actually no cause we went but i see them because the b drives sort of at the front that's the whole point um yeah you can actually see the engines are captured slightly down that way front of the boat is that way so the power actually comes out of the front goes through a v box and then through a shaft so the shaft exits back down through there now the reason for doing that is because if you had conventional shaft drive your shafted car up in the same place carry on forward to the back of the engine and the engine itself would be up there by doing this that's what frees up all the space of things like that lovely crew area mess and so on that's how they do it putting the engines further back in the boat and then right back here you can see the rudder stocks and all that kind of stuff all tucked away down there superb okay let's come out of here and i think that i am going to finish up here in the crew area why not there we go where am i going to sit over here i think and i'm going to say huge thanks to sunseeker international for organizing that tour for me a huge thanks as ever to you guys for watching really pleased to be bringing you super yachts again we've got some great stuff coming up if everything i've got planned down here it can come to fruition i've got some wonderful stuff to show you so do stay tuned it's gonna be brilliant we'll catch you on another one of these very soon take care bye
Views: 574,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sunseeker yachts, Sunseeker boat, Sunseeker 90 Ocean, Sunseeker Ocean 90, boat, boating, boat life, yacht life, yacht, yachting, fun, joy, bliss, boating fun, superyacht, super yacht, superyachting, Millionaire, millionaire lifestyle, super rich, luxury, luxury lifestyle, luxury living, luxury homes, luxury travel
Id: aEZ2U0PlwCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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