Zoro vs Katakuri Is Completely One-Sided

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Zoro and katakuri two characters who inhabit a special place on their Crews first Commander both are characters well respected within the one piece Community for their strength and accomplishments within the series but what would happen if these two came to blows well in today's video that's exactly what we'll find out what's up guys Russ gambl here and in today's video I want to put Zoro up against the likes of katak Curry can Zoro defeat the character Luffy struggles so much against in hake Island well that's what we'll be talking about today like always make sure to like subscribe and watch until the end as a veteran of the channel being the first Soni victim I went over I think we should go over him first when it comes to strength katakuri seems to be very prominent in this department throughout his entire fight with Luffy except for near the end he would utterly overpower him in every single encounter in chapter 879 the first chapter of their fight it is made crystal clear that katak curri acts as if he's a better version of Luffy Luffy uses hot Gatling and katakuri matches every single punch then proceeds to do the same thing back to Luffy absolutely slamming him then Luffy tries to use Hawk stamp katak Curry Dodges that and literally uses the same thing back to Luffy and then after that Luffy tries to go with strength as katakuri says but katakuri easily overpowers it with his own Moi version of Gear 3 and so he continues to just violate l Luffy over and over and over again next time Luffy tries to clash with katakuri his Armament hockey and strength is so potent that it overpowers Luffy as well as hurts his hands once katakuri had gotten hit by Luffy and not being able to withstand his attacks he goes on to use a named attack power Mochi where he spawned Mochi hands in the air with armor man hockey and punch Luffy with it at that point it did the most damage in the fight as you can see Luffy's eyes start to wide out we skip about 10 chapters and we get into to the big boy strength Feast he uses thrust Mochi on Luffy who got paralyzed by an outsider and it deletes almost half of his torso then he continues to have a slight upper hand on Luffy then Luffy uses snake man katakuri then uses a new attack his strongest buzz cut Mochi but sadly even after two of these he couldn't take Luffy down for good so it's safe to say that he's earned his strongest crew member on the bigm Pirates title because these strength feasts are nothing to laugh at something else that isn't anything to laugh at is kataku speed this is probably katakuri's best stat tie with versatility but we'll get into that later of course since the beginning of the fight he had Luffy beaten this stat like by far intercepting gear two attacks from Luffy and blissing him on multiple occasions but the speed feeds get even crazier as we continue the fight Luffy enters his fastest form gear for snake man and at first katakuri gets caught off guard by his Tom Foolery but as soon as he found out what was going on on he was easily able to react Dodge and weave the attacks going after him but as Luffy locks into the battle they go blow for blow until the final Clash where Luffy comes out Victorious another thing to add to category speed is something he does with his devil fruit where he turns into aochi donut and rolls towards the enemy in order to use buz cut Mochi but to be completely Fair we have to go over his weakness the weakness being when his future sight is turned off once it's turned off he's able to be tagged by base fatigue luy so yeah we went over two stats that katakuri definitely prospers in but now we have to talk about two really questionable stats those being durability and endurance these are the stats we usually clown on in this channel but today I want to be fully clear about what is going on so it doesn't sound like I'm being super biased and making fun of katakuri for no reason in chapter 883 after Luffy sees katakuri's face katak Curry gets mad and his future sight turns off Luffy and katak Cur Clash Luffy gets overpowered and katak Curry goes for a second punch but then Luffy reacts to it before he even throws it and kicks bro in the chin this had katakuri bleeding out to no end then he took attacks from gear four after that so far katak curri has taken damage from a base Luffy who's heavily fatigued and almost died right before that but old boy doesn't not get any better because we get into a recent cover story where Caesar Clown used a gas to make katak curry think oven was his enemy and vice versa so let's just look at what the hell happened here katakuri punches oven and he's bleeding okay but then oven punches katakuri and bro look at the blood flying off this guy's face mind you oven's AP isn't even enough to one shot pound and kataku is bleeding off of that now in his defense he wasn't using hockey but that's just it oven isn't using hockey as well if you aren't catching on if katakuri gets blissed by anyone who has higher AP than fing oven he's getting slammed but we've went over his speed so that's a hard thing to accomplish katakuri's endurance is a little bit of a meme as well and that's because of this Infamous chart showing how many attacks were thrown in Luffy versus katakuri in the chart we see katakuri threw 123 attacks at Luffy but Luffy hit katak curri 13 times before he lost and so of course it would be such a meme because not only has katak curri gotten an advantages on Luffy with the thrust Mochi which we'll talk about in a second but also some of these attacks were literally from base Luffy it's kind of pathetic but yeah let's revisit thrust mooji Luffy gets hit by it because one of kaku's sisters paralyzed him but then he stabs himself regularly without the spinning now everybody wants to tell me katak Curry was weakened katak curri stabbed himself bro he didn't even do the same damage to himself as he did to Luffy but you know what n let's just move on to the next stat hacks and versatility katakuri is literally the most versatile character in one piece he has amazing Armament hockey Advanced observation hockey conquer hockey a weapon a devil fruit awakened powers and a ton of battle experience but hold the up I do not want y'all to take all this in this kit too seriously because if you were to You could argue he's top 10 in the verse but the truth is he's not there are other characters who just completely outscale him in everything making his bag literally useless just like in King versus katak Curry you can argue kataku has better weapon Mastery devil Fu Mastery battle experience battle IQ more hockey but King still slams because he completely outscales him I think that's the thing katakuri fans like to brag about and use to overrate him the bag of katakuri but they aren't realizing that the bag is useless when someone is just 10 times stronger and faster than you if this is applicable to this battle we'll be discussed later but with all that said we've talked about katak Curry and now let's go into the minority Hunter I mean wait wait wait king of Hell Zoro this is zoro's Debut fight on the channel and as Restless Gambler you'd probably expect me to downplay him because I'm a Sanji fan well think again because that just wouldn't be fair to him when it comes to strength oh boy does Zoro Prosper where we can start is on the rooftop where he fought against the likes of big mom and kaido near the middle of the 10th chapter fight Zoro jumped into the air after cutting a blast breath and went in for an attack at kaido this attack was about to be so potent that big mom screams out saying that Zoro doesn't have an ordinary sword and that kaido should watch out this meant that if Zoro had connected with this attack it definitely would have damaged kaido to some extent even greater than Luffy's at that moment who had hit kaido with the barrage of advanced armament hockey attacks Zoro then goes on to actually damaged kaido with his Great Dragon twister having other characters acknowledge that kaido's skills were actually penetrated then Zoro performs his best feat on the rooftop after breaking all of his bones to the double ocean sovereignty he gets up uses Ashura force of death and this attack literally leaves a scar on kaido something the combined efforts of the nine scabbers could not match he then revives himself to full HP and fights King the Wildfire he then fails to damage King with his flames on even with the attack that damaged kaido even more he used a stronger attack said by himself and it still did nothing to King then Zoro unlocks Advanced conquer hockey which means his attacks are even stronger than before which was Stronger than on the rooftop that could damage kaido and now King is completely on the defensive in fact King starts defending even with his flames on implying that there is a chance that advanced conquer hockey can penetrate said durability regardless the time Zoro SL King is with his Flames off and King is able to only take three of these so when it comes to strength Zoro is definitely top tier next is speed people like to underrate Zoro speed because obviously he doesn't match up to the likes of Sanji but in reality he's still Real Speed Demon starting from more minor speed feeds we've seen him react to Big mom's attacks and kaido's attacks but the big boy feed I want to get into is him clashing and then getting past kaido with his ashra attack this isn't a blitz like people say it is but what I will say is that it shows slight relativity between him and hybrid kaido so yeah stop underrating my boy durability and endurance in this stat there's one that Zoro prospers in heavily compared to the other and that that is endurance zoro's durability is not all that but it's his endurance that is crazy I said his durability isn't all that because we've seen what insane durability is like big mom kaido Sanji zoro's been stabbed by a hockey list Scythe before but what he has is insane endurance he took that stab from the Scythe but used it to his advantage that's not even relevant because we have way better feasts to go over like him defending against oan sovereignty for a second and breaking almost all of his bones in his body but then getting up and continuing on to scar kaido this is easily the most stupid feet in one piece if all his bones are broken he shouldn't even be able to move his arms let alone hold the weight of his swords and Scar kaido but somehow Zoro does yeah I don't know what Oda was cooking making this happen but hey that's more Zoro hype finally we have hacks and versatility Zoro has all three forms of hockey one of them being advanced advanced conquers hockey this is the most overpowered PowerUp in all of One piece giving you top tier AP no matter who the hell you are with it he's able to do more damage than anything he's thrown before mind you he's scarred kaido before as well as possibly being able to damage King with his flames on who is more durable than kaido himself so yeah zor is kind of busted but katak Curry has a lot in this kit as well so who would come out on top well let's find out this battle will take place in the mirror world without Brule same rules as always whoever dies or gets knocked out first loses so let's go and simulate the fight play the budai music the fight starts and S Zoro rushes towards katakuri katakuri has one of those shock face panels with the lines and Zoro hits him how could this even happen to katakuri he's a future sight user well let's get this straight first of all future sight is not Invincible in chapter 10:1 after Luffy damages kaido kaido blisses Luffy through his future sight meaning if you're fast enough you'll bypass future site now the question is how Zoro will be able to bypass this well we've seen Zoro exhibit speed relative to a hybrid kaido that kaido being faster than his base self who Blitz Luffy on the rooftop I emphasize the Luffy on the rooftop because that Luffy is completely different from himself at the beginning of the arc Luffy on the rooftop is stated by kaido himself that Luffy is now putting up a decent fight Luffy now can react to the bwa but wasn't fast enough to dodge compared that to him at the beginning of where he didn't even get a panel of his reaction to kaido blissing him because kaido was just that much faster than him and that Luffy is stronger and faster than the Luffy katakuri was going blow for blow with and so I think it should be quite obvious that Zoro has the capabilities of blissing katakuri through his future sight but will his attacks do any damage that's what someone in denial would ask because there's zero way katakuri is tanking a conquer coding attack from Zoro katakuri who got damaged by base fatigue Luffy and oven yeah right in fact that attack would literally kill him the moment it comes into contact with him because he's such a glass Cannon there's nothing more to it katakuri gets Bliss in one shot damn all that versatility all that future sight and devil fruit Mastery and he still couldn't Dethrone the king of hell in conclusion Zoro slams katakuri with zero difficulty katak curri doesn't have the speed or durability to hold a candle to the minority Hunter himself anyways if you did end up enjoying this consider leaving a like and subscribing I'd really appreciate it and I'll catch yall in the next one
Channel: Restless Gambler
Views: 75,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xrzj4BwDjfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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