Zootopia: Stealing the Lab HD

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I better have the extra foam this time what are you doing you just trapped us in here we need to get this evidence to the CPD okay great Curtis got it no oh wait oh great you're a conductor now huh hey listen it would take a miracle to get this rust bucket going well hallelujah we kind of got a situation at the lab pull it's just got work mission accomplished would it be premature for me to do a little victory - - alright one toot toot okay well I can cross that off the bucket list I may have to rescind that victory too - maybe that's just Heil [Music] [Applause] incoming [Music] [Music] [Music] there's another train coming trust me [Music] that word it's about [Music] I think this is our stop okay maybe yeah maybe some of the evidence survived [Music] everything is gone we've lost it all yeah oh except for this oh we gotta get to the CPD you don't know you never know your words I'm not making any sense but don't care it as I have had feelings for you
Channel: Mr. Platin
Views: 572,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EIBq2k0h9j8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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