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sh wake up he's coming who who's coming who's talking to me what what what wait uh catnap wake up all day it's not good catnap what what are you doing all the way over there who's coming what do you mean theer what in the world is going on shut up you got a A lot of explaining you do you have anything to do with this no I woke up here it seems he's trapped us in a zoo or some sort what what I'm in a cage I'm in a cage I I can't actually get out that was electric fences I didn't like that it's got to be a key there's got to be why is there a bone what is is a bone the key to get out of here wait is that Bubba wait oh the Zookeeper what's he doing to Bubba Bubba are you okay oh no I I got to get out of here to help my friends catap do you have a key or something um my key might be a bone I I don't know it looks like there's something on the front of my door but I can't quite see it uh maybe it's buried underground uh I'm pretty sure that's a missile we got to keep looking we got to keep looking oh maybe right right here come on let's dig it up yes I got uh oh uh that's not quite the bone I was looking for no can up I have it maybe it was a near my my dogh house somewhere uh maybe under here there it is cat up um well I I don't know if this is going to work I I got something here and if I can get out I'm going to get you in all quit uh I'm out you better behave yourself but I just got to see where that zeper is I don't want him to see me opening the door okay I think the ghost is clear oh the Bubba okay Bubba's okay all right let's open her up oh we are out uh but uh I don't know where we are out from if I see the zeper maybe I have to go back to my cage so he doesn't know I escaped oh there dragon fruit in there dragon fruit can't hear me behind the bars is this kicking chicken kicking chicken I oh get chicken's way back there cat up cat up cat up okay can you sque the bars no I I can't no I can't crap you I already tried catnap hey we I think we need a fire extinguisher and a fire extinguisher yeah oh man I I don't know where that would be I've never this is a zoo a zoo they they have to have a fire extinguisher somewhere I mean what would they do if a fire find one dog day please I want to get out I don't want being stuck in here okay yeah I'll go looking oh kicking chicken I think the key is a chicken backpack that makes sense that makes a lot of sense look at dragon fruit's cage it's like some oh he needs a drill to get out there's some sort of Max security prison in there for him okay I was oh no no no no let's go this way let's go this way oh no no no no no where is he bringing that luckily he was picking up a pig and the pig was blocking his vision he couldn't see me okay where did he just come from wait money Bubba is this elephant Bubba Bubba right here wait Bubba hey dog day you're finally awake I was wondering when you were going to join in on the fun what are you talking about fun what's this this is a trampoline into a pool dog [Music] day Bubba get out of there listen you buffoon Bubba you need to tell me why you are just sitting here you could literally just jump out what do you mean I don't want to leave yet this Campground is awesome dog day look they even have a drum set I I didn't know I love drums so much what do you mean campsite bubba this is a prison it's a it's a quitter zoo or something wait what Bubba he's coming again Bub's gone insane and think this is nice time B hey sueper I need some more food sir if you may I'll help you out let me know if you see anything weird Bubba I think Bubba's working for him Baba's betrayed his quitter friends he's got so many cool things in there Bobby bearhug Bobby bear hug uh we we need uh is that is that a honeycomb is is that honeycom okay I I I got to go wait is there some sort of Bubba Bubba Bubba do you know where the a fire extinguisher might be can you tell me bubba I think I saw like a front office or something uh oh yeah that blue building right there that might have some supplies for you something wrong well that's where I'm going ah nothing's wrong Bubba nothing's wrong okay let's just scary over here scary over here what is that what is that there's something in there oh my god there some sort of animal scary scary scary okay we're in we're in okay if I was a fire extinguisher where would I be right there obviously obviously okay right at the entrance we got a fire extinguisher so that means we can get kidnapp out and then we got chicken chicken kicken chicken out the Bubba though I'm concerned Bubba might all right so bu we're a little low on food so you're going to have to use one of these okay Captain good what is doing he's feeding them weird creatures oh there there's that weird monkey thing okay okay let's get catnapp let's get catnapped we can't trust Bubba we cannot trust Bubba they're having like a dance party in this pool or something okay let's go to our right we can't get caught can't get caught can up can up get up doct is it you is it's me I got you yes I'm free I'm free from this C yeah here's a problem I think something's going on with Bubba Bubba and the Zookeeper they must be working together Bubba doesn't want to leave he can he doesn't even have a cage want to leave I don't know hey baba no you over here you can't trust him I'll talk to him okay hey [Music] baba so why don't want to leave can't NE woke up how are you enjoying your vacation so far uh it's terrible I I'm in a cave what your cage doesn't have a trampoline in a nice pool and infinite food no uh dog day he's to do oh I must have forgotten to lock the cages but how did you get back over here C get I'm right behind you I'm right behind you I just he won't find us if we blend in where'd you go there BD oh man catnap I thought I was scared this is kind of terrifying not going to lie uhhuh I do not like being in this Zoo wait ho Happ why don't you just try jumping out of your cage right I've already trapped there's a wall see C to go back I did not say it was okay oh no get being put back in his cage Hoppity okay we got to get Hoppity out CAD just got to put back in his cage hopefully the lock didn't change help me talk I I'm trying but the the Zookeeper he's right on our tail okay what's your key is that a lightning bolt how am I supposed to get lightning here to stop is that a lightning bolt oh man I going have to get lightning how do I even harest lightning do you have a kite with a long string and a key wait Ben Frankin Ben Franklin well we got something even better it's a lightning pole lightning strikes the highest point of metal so we just have to get up over there hopp I I'll be back please save me yeah oh and it looks like we have to go in the cage of these weird zaly creatures it's okay nice kitty cat nice kitty cat okay we're just going to open it up there we go dur in okay we're going to be Swift We just have to go all the way up there how do we do this oh I think we do a little jump in here oh there we go and then back up this way we're on it we're going to save hopp we're going to save catap again and all my critters except for Bubba are going to go home one giant leap for Critter kind and one giant LEF for dog days I did it ooh there's a full moon in the back that's actually pretty cool oh oh back on on subject okay we just got to get to the top of this rickety Tower it's hopefully it doesn't collapse while I'm on it and we got to harness some lightning yes we've got something pretty cool I I I I think is that a lightning staff is that is that a lightning staff oh I dropped it what happened oh no this place has falling apart it is a lightning staff Happ oh no okay we got to sneak around can I jump back down here nope oh man I got to go back this way there we go jump down jump down we got to hurry we got to hurry we got to get Hoppity out we can't let the Zookeeper find us oh I can't be I'm invisible I'm invisible I'm invisible I see you sh shh stop stop stop stop all right did you get me out [Music] hoppy he's going to hear that hoppy come with me come with me quick what was that noise there H uh we can go inside mine we can go inside mine okay just yeah hide in here hide in here everything be fine okay oh man Carnation where' the rabbit go there bud oh no he's on to me he must have escaped let me check on the dog over [Music] here oh all right Bud looks like you're having a nice cozy time good doggy good doggy Happ this C catnap is your door locked I want to leave I I want to leave I don't want to be here anymore okay my door is unlocked I'm going come on Happy stick with me stick with me quick this way we're running running running running okay your door door your door is unlocked okay I could have just left the entire time that's kind of embarrassing don't don't look at me like that it it's fine we got to get uh the next key it's either going to be a drill or we got to get some sort of chicken backpack for kicking chicken let's spread out Critters I go left catnap you go baaba hello hey have you have you seen prep gaau yet I've been looking for her uh Bubba how about you disappear go guys don't we got to go we got to go wait though Bubba had had a point where is Crafty where is piggy piggy this place is a little too big maybe it's through here this looks a little creepy uh is that a body it's a skeleton nope not going in there nope even if crafty is in there ah I'm going to leave her and never see her again wait a second it was across the park okay this little critter Zoo it's a little bit bigger than I thought let's just scary over here Scurry Scurry Scurry scurry what is that what is that oh God pick it a Bry py py pgy pgy pgy pgy pgy what are you doing there can you get me out of here dog it's been probably about 2 weeks now yeah we're in some sort of zoo there's a weird zookeeper it's quitter Zoo noral py piggy I I can find a way toit just hit hit the button yall right it's like a or something like that y' that's not a button it's an eye scanner it only scans the eyes of the zoom keeper uh oh no he's coming back he's over there he's over there I don't like that man I I can't I I got to find a spot to hide check on crafty for me y'all haven't heard from her in a couple days uh okay I I'll go check on crafty what in the world happen that's blood that's blood e e e e that's nasty that is gross wait uh what is that is that a book she always likes to make journals uh crafy diary oh my gosh this sueper is such a butt face he like totally says I'm going to do experiments later and I I'm scared and annoyed oh my God hopeful why does she type like this this is weird Okay hopefully he like doesn't take me down to the middle basement or anything that place stinks wait he's going to make her into some weird creature like those things that looks like some sort of elephant creature maybe that's why Bubba's going to become ew Bubba y' is there anything in there that can maybe get a little piggy out of this situation maybe yeah yeah so crafty corn might be uh I I some sort of area she could be being experiment she might be in the experiment area y'all keep checking for more stuff there's another book I trick dog day oh my God he doesn't know unicorn poop looks the same as dog treats haha he at so what what okay what that is uh she is maybe I'm just going to leave her she literally tricked me into eating unicorn poop I don't even want to know wait is there I could use these ladders we could take these ladders and go over the wall for pigy Piggy and maybe find something in there to open up picky's door picky you just stand there I'm going to toss these over to you uh you're too short y'all oh this the problem dog I can get up over here come on come on come on come on come on just one more and I get out y' okay I'll try again okay got to leap and leap there you go yes let's go just put them on here you can't put them on fences yes I got it y climb you got make the jump yes good job we should go we got home y'all I see I'm leaving I don't want to be here no more okay picky let's just go in let's uh all right y'all let's get go that way not go piy with me Left Right Turn Around we can where do we have do day there's he sees us he sees us he go go we got to run as fast as we can don't go that way I'm going I'm going here okay just hide hide right okay is that a dead body don't worry about it hide in the water hold your breath hold your breath okay I think the close is clear picky get out of the water I'm just trying to hide y okay we're good we're good don't hide he's going in another cage I'm going about see me I see something behind him though look at that bees where there's bees there's honey pigy pigy biggy hey I'm not going anywhere I'm hiding y'all I'm staying right here in this SEC room no you listen here you buffoon okay okay you little swine you're coming with me we're going to save the critters all right y'all let's try and figure something oh what go this way oh he's inside he's inside go go jump over that what is this s y gross oh wait real he's my behind us he's my behind us we got to go up I got to drill picky okay we got to go to our other Critter friends they're over here everybody was on the other side of the zoo wait hold don't jump don't jump don't jump you think he's going to like walk out y I think he might be right behind us I don't know I'm terrified I don't know where to go go go go go go go go oh we got to get dragon through out now wait where's catnb catnb uh wait C all the crators are here y'all they everybody everybody go come with me is it kicking chicken what um kicking chicken son I I got to go show cat up come here little chicken NOP we don't have time for that y dog day we got to get out of here get up get up where did he go there he is your where's Hoppity what did you do with ho I I I don't know she bounced off but look there's something in the middle of the pool waa that's a cool fish y'all oh man well you don't like swimming yeah just go get it with these J watch for the big fishies I see them fishies okay I just don't need them wait should we be rescuing like stay away stay away stay away okay he's going to get eaten for sure I hope so the backpack we've got it let's take that with us and uh uh dog day you realize you like only halfway there y'all still got to come back right I know come on don't be scared okay looking at you I get out there real quick y touch the fish no not going to touch the it's moving closer to you I see okay I got you okay I am never going back in there again right you hear me this place is scary y'all now that we've got the backpack and the mining drill we can get out two more Critters dragon fruit the zookeeper's right there I I need you to hang on just a second longer uh I have to get the last piece to the Critter puzzle I'll be out I'll get you out in a second okay it's okay I just uh I got to go in here with the monkeys nice monkeys okay I've trapped myself in here wait I trapped myself in here wait okay we'll deal that after I didn't want the Zookeeper seeing that I'm in here there's honey to be collected here just got to stay away from the bees can't let the bees get me those are actually giant bees okay just got to get a little higher right here and let them the monkeys are watching me okay just yeah we'll grab some of that yes and now we've got the honeycomb block and if we do a little crafting we get the honeycom key let's go use this and let's get out bobby bear hug then [Music] we almost uh time to go to bed there Critters let make sure everyone's safe and sound in 2 minutes okay Bobby bear hog then we get out dragon fruit and then we get out k k k kicking chicken oh this is the key this is the key hey Bobby hey dog D nice to see you Bobby Bobby uh uh we're inside of some sort of Critters you hey hey how's it going hi hi you wouldn't happen to have any honey I got some Honeycombs right there my favorite stick with me okay there's a weird zookeeper going around Bubba is working with him I know it's terrible Bubba he's your best friend and your maybe your boyfriend BBA yeah I know okay but you got to trust me he we don't not trust Bubba I'm going to be coming in there butd and checking you out Bobby you want to make sure you're good before you go to bed okay I'm here Bobby Bobby get out get out get out oh all right all right looks all good there honey dragon fruit if you keep talking like that bud I'm going to keep you chained up forever let's go get dragon v out wa wait can I have a hug no no no no time for hugs come on okay we got to go meet the other Critters at the exit Okay dragon fruit it's time it's time it's time I'm going to break you out come here dragon fruit over here than you dog day come on come on come on come on hey one question yeah we don't have too much time the last one you broke out technically it was chicken chicken's last one chicken chicken it's time to go what are you get out of the mud get out of the mudick K oh he's dying in the mud guys kicken we got to go we got to oh god oh got to build up build up build up okay we got to cruise guys come on K it this way this way this way let's go we got to get to the exit you won't mess with guys why don't you right after no dog oh man my f wait are we missing somebody where's K where's K CH KCK run I saw him do I saw him take Bubba take Bubba down to this little basement thing he's right behind is no kick no oh no Bobby let's get out of here no I'm sorry kick it kick he threw me he okay come on let's go be hop of them we can return for them later we got to get out of here oh man okay it looks like all of us Critters except for uh crafty and Bubba escaped uh whoopsies Bubba betray honey
Channel: Crazy Crafters
Views: 1,104,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zoonomaly, minecraft, catnap, dogday, smiling critter, smiling critters, minecraft smiling critters, trapped, escape, zoonomaly minecraft, minecraft zoonomaly, dogday vs catnap, dog day, zoo, scary zoo, monster zoo, zookeeper, zoo animals, critter zoo, minecraft zoo
Id: vB_Uwz955xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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