Zoom F3 Field Recorder any Good?

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Hello friends today we are going to review the zoom F3 I'm using the F3 right now to record this audio paired with my Audio Technica at875r now remember a recorder is only as good as the microphone and the cable you use it with so please keep that in mind I'm not an audio engineer nor do I have recording studio so I'm sitting in my closet to give you a good example of how this sounds so you can hear what it sounds like the Zoom F3 is a tiny two-track recorder that features 32-bit float audio which can handle the softest and loudest sounds while avoiding Distortion in other words no need to adjust any levels or gain all you need to do is hit record before we jump into more testing I want to do a real quick look around this amazing recording device alright guys sorry I'm late sorry I'm late what I miss what I missed I'm just kidding all right so I'm out here in my garage it's a little bit more quiet probably not the best sound but there's no light background noises furnaces and things and you're actually not hearing this microphone right now you're not hearing the F3 you're hearing me okay anyway let's get into this all right so let's get up close here take a look at this thing all right so first off you see the time is one right there that mic's not picking me up but if I click here check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check see the waveform it's just constantly scrolling check check back let's go all the way up to a thousand twenty four all right 1024 and I did that because I want to show you that with these levels turn all the way up we're going to have crazy amounts of peaking so let's go ahead and play a little tune let's get this thing focused back right cool cool let's put that recorder right there hit record I'm gonna flip this microphone around so it's pointing at me like so all right about there sounds good grab my guitar and if you think I'm good go ahead leave me a tip if you don't think I'm so good then give me some money and I'll get some lessons how about that all right I'm gonna clap line it up all right now you're hearing me from this microphone the F3 and I'm probably super distorted but I'm gonna play it anyway let's go [Music] thank you all right guys so you can obviously see the sound is just peeking like crazy it's completely distorted and it's just sounding horrible because I didn't set the levels I purposely set it way too high just so I could show you what this recorder can do but before I show you that I do want to hook back up to this microphone and I can actually run this into my computer super easy all I have to do turn on the zoom F3 turns on super quick it's ready to record but we're going to plug this into the computer so we need a USB C cable and we'll just plug that in we'll plug in the microphone which I have right here can you see it it's right there let me move it back up just a little bit and on the zoom we will go to menu scroll right down to USB audio interface hit enter am I using a PC or Mac or a tablet I'm using a Mac so we'll just hit enter and I'm going to choose float and hit enter and right now we're good to go so check this out I'm going to share my screen with you so you can get a good look at that I'm going to start QuickTime and file new screen recording go down here click on options make sure Zoom F3 driver and we'll hit record boom so now I can share my screen and you're also hearing the audio again from the F3 so here's what the audio looks like and sounds like it's just completely maybe we can sleep [Music] distorted right so I can just bring that down like this bring it down to let's see negative 20. maybe we can sleep and I'm working in Final Cut Pro I usually do all my audio in Final Cut Pro unless it's just completely destroyed then I'll bring it into a different program I forgot what it's called but usually I can do everything right here to my liking so we'll bring it down to negative 29. so let's do it now sounds pretty good now [Music] that all the time oh can't you see that it's just raining there ain't no need to go outside foreign [Music] so that's at the max Peak so I'm peeking out like crazy right now and I'm gonna do the opposite I'm gonna drop it all the way down to just times one so you're barely gonna be able to even hear me grab the recorder and I'm gonna stop recording and I'm gonna drop it all the way down to just times one all right and it's going to be super quiet right now just making sure I'm recording I'm go ahead clap line it up we'll play it again all right guys so you can see the levels are like super super low and it's super easy to fix this you just bring the levels up and this is super incredible all right check this out so in Final Cut Pro what I'll do so let's say it was at zero and you can see the levels are super low let's see how many times have I said super so far I don't know anyway they're at like negative 38 or negative 40 Okay negative 40. so I'll bring the levels all the way up to 12. what do we have we're right above negative 30. so I'll make a new compound clip boom crank the levels up where are we at now sounding a little better right let's make another new com new compound clip all right Crank It Up now we're a little hot but listen to it even when I tried to show you the song was meant to keep you from doing what you're supposed to waking up too early maybe we could sleep in making Banana Pancakes pretend like it's the weekend now can pretend that all the time oh can't you see that it's this raining there ain't no need to go outside [Music] all right cool so check this out okay with it turned down to times one you see here here stand way back here Mike got some screws did you hear that did you hear that all right so you can you can definitely hit the screwdrop but watch this let me make another new compound clip foreign compound Clips did you hear that Crank It Up did you hear that oh hold on I got my dog away from the mic you got some screws did you hear that did you hear that oh hold on I got my dog my dog's barking one second awesome this is my dog Charlie say hi Charlie here goes how's it going I'm just hanging out here what are you doing Charlie likes to uh chew on everything he can find don't you bud oh he's kind of tired right now you use a little puppy all right so check this out with that value cranked all the way up okay listen to the silence that you'll still hear that's actually a car driving by hold on let's do it again just don't breathe for one second Charlie okay don't breathe for one second okay why and just remember I started all this at the times one so the waveform was like nothing picking up nothing yet I was able to have like what I considered to be like really really great audio just pulling it up so if I did set the levels in the middle like you're supposed to then it would have been just fantastic but um yeah the preamps in this thing are excellent all right guys check this out look watch these audio levels when I leave the room listen how quiet these it is like they're almost to negative 60. and that started at a times one waveform where you could barely hear any audio at all the preamps in this thing are awesome all right I'll give you a quick tour around this thing there's not really much to it on the top you have two inputs XLR that's all you get two xlrs on the side you have the power button right here is a little door allows you to hook up a Bluetooth module I don't have it it's extra but you can connect it to your phone right here you have the record and or you can slide it to hold and then if you have it on hold none of buttons that you push will do anything okay and on the other side we have DC 5 volts you can power this with the USBC and like a USB charger or something like that or this is how you would connect it to the computer next to that we have a micro SD card slot on the bottom you have a line out headphone jack so you can monitor audio and volume buttons to turn up or down the audio uh on the back we have the battery door takes two double a batteries and above that quarter twenty um build quality it feels like a hefty little guy I mean it doesn't feel really cheap by any means I think this is like a cast aluminum the sides and stuff for plastic it's got some rubber feet on the bottom and it feels pretty good so to turn it on we'll just do a push of the power button and you'll see channel one channel two right now channel two is turned off um if you want to go into the settings of each Channel you just push the little wheel right there and it will allow you to turn the input on or off then you have source source is basically asking you what's plugged in is it a mic and does that mic require phantom power otherwise you have a line or line plus 24 volts and my mic requires phantom power so it just kind of sits there and Phantom voltage you can pick between 24 or 48 volts hpf invert phase delay um turn the input on or off source and that's basically that and both are like that then if we go here into menu we can look at the recording the output that's that USB audio interface to connect to your computer or tablet USB file transfer you've got the system and finder I mean really not a whole lot uh to this recorder all right guys so I'm in this video playing a little bit of my tongue drum from Nova drum this is uh I think a 12 12 inch 10 inch something like that 12 inch but tongue drums can be kind of hard to kind of pick up the noise so I just was going to do a quick test on that but overall I think this is a great recorder especially for people like one-man bands um where you're gonna like plug into a soundboard let's say you don't know how the sound is gonna get cranked up and then all of a sudden it's super distorted or someone grabs a microphone and they're talking super super low this thing does a really good job and allows you to pick up uh or correct that audio and post super easy Distortion goodbye so yeah so let's just play this hopefully I don't mess up [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: JRESHOW
Views: 7,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zoom f3, 32 bit float recorder, 32 bit field recorder, zoom recorder, camera recorder
Id: d6YNVWtfkrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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