Zombicide: Black Plague - Overview

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hi welcome to watch it played my name is Rodney Smith in this video we're going to go over the 1 to 6 player cooperative game zombicide black plagued by cool mini or not the rules of this game share several similarities to the original zombicide which we have an instructional video for so if you'd like to learn how to play this game you can get a very good idea of it by watching that how to play video which I'll put a link to in the description of this video but there are some key differences I'm going to summarize those for you here as well as show you the components that come with this game once again players will be working together to fight off a horde of relentless zombies but this time in a fantasy setting from one of the 11 included scenarios however before we get into the gameplay I want to show you quickly the packaging that's provided with the game I thought showing this might be of interest to some of you because games like this have a lot of components and oftentimes the insert provided doesn't really facilitate easily organizing them and getting them out to play but this time it's a little bit different the box I'm pulling out contains the miniatures and we'll take a look at that in just a moment but below this we have the tokens and game tiles which I'll punch out and sort in just a moment now let's take a look inside that box we put aside earlier here you'll find the hero characters as well as some of the zombie miniatures any other game components bases dice plugs cards and player dashboards that we'll look at in just a moment but underneath of this tray you'll find the rest of the zombie miniatures these trays don't only help keep things organized but if you've chosen to paint your miniatures there's a slot to put each of these in to keep them separate so they don't chip the paint off of each other and if you're like me and don't always remember how things are supposed to go back together two panels on the inside of the box show how the different miniatures should be sorted when you're putting things back in the original zombies side you had player sheets that look like this and it had a clip to track the experience points that you could slide along like this it had tokens to indicate which abilities you'd unlocked and spaces to put the cards in the equipment that you picked up it was functional but as you can see with a little bit of shaking things didn't really stay in place and to get cards from behind you have to lift up the ones on top and then put these ones back it took a little more managing with Black Plague each player gets their own separate survivor dashboard they drop their personal character into the XP is tracked along the bottom with this built-in plastic tracker and it clicks as you move through each experience point when you receive an upgrade to your abilities you just pull out one of these plugs and then snap it into your chosen option either here or over here wounds are tracked with this plug and items that you're carrying in your backpack fit into the slots here which keeps them accessible but out of the way you also have spaces for the items that you currently have equipped and these have sloped edges you can slide them out and put them back in quite easily and there's a space here to slide in armor that you can equip to your character as I mentioned many of the rules remain the same from the original version to this version but there are some differences let's go over those now starting with the rules for ranged combat when attacking enemies with a melee weapon in your space you could pick any target that you want it however in regular zombicide when targeting a space with a ranged weapon you always had to assign any hits to fellow survivors first and then zombies in that space would get hit this generally rendered ranged weapons useless in those situations meaning you'd want to run in with a melee weapon or ensure that your fellow survivors exit the space first no longer is that the case in Zombie side black plague the rules have been changed slightly now when attacking into a space all of your hits will now be assigned to zombies even if there are survivors in the space however the tension of firing into a crowd hasn't been completely removed any misses you roll will hit survivors there so there's still a risk that shooting with a ranged weapon could hit a friendly character but you can mitigate that risk by ensuring that you use good weapons and have a little luck on your side like the earlier versions you'll find a variety of ranged and melee weapons but also combat spells these must be held in a character's hand to use and they function similar to ranged weapons we also mentioned armor before and you can see an example of it here this armor is rated as 5 plus if a character is wearing armor and would receive wounds for example this hero here is about to receive two wounds from these zombies you then roll a number of dice equal to the number of wounds you're about to take and any result that is equal to or higher than the armor cancels one wound each so in this case instead of taking two wounds our hero will only take one shields provide the same benefit if a character is not wearing armor but if a character is wearing armor and has a shield it would allow the player to re-roll all dice used in an armor role armor is typically the only item that can be placed in this space but each character also lists an alternate item that can be placed here at the character's immediate disposal for example instead of armor and can put a dagger in this slot this means a player could have three weapons equipped at one time but a hero only has two hands so during each round the player can freely choose which two of the weapons they want to use the actions you can take in the game are similar to previous versions but there's also an enchantment action and that lets you cast enchantment spells like these from your hand that simply hit a chosen target within the survivors line-of-sight without rolling any dice the zombie types you'll face should be familiar there are walkers Fatty's runners and an abomination but new to this set is a necromancer when a necromancer is drawn during the zombie spawning step you place the necromancer and a necromancer spawn point into that location and then resolve an additional spawn card from now on you'll draw a card for each of these spawn points during future rounds once out the necromancer will try to flee the board if there are no survivors for the necromancer to attack during its activation it will move one space towards the nearest spawn zone that is not its own in this case that would be here and there's two equal distance paths that the necromancer can take so the players can choose which direction it will go perhaps they want to avoid the necromancer so they send it this way if the necromancer activates while it's on its targeted escape zone it leaves the board and you replace its spawn token with a regular one however you will still draw a card for each of these tokens when spawning zombies there's more than one card in the deck that can bring out the necromancer and there's a new loss condition for the game as well if the necromancer would escape and there are six zombies spawning tokens active and that includes necromancer ones the players immediately lose however if you manage to hunt down and kill a necromancer remove it from the board flip its spawn token over and then the players can freely remove any spawn token anywhere on the board for example they might choose to remove this one back here expansions will be released that provide additional necromancer's with their own unique powers and then as players you can create a cabal of them to mix into the deck potentially having more than one out at the same time but I'll leave that for you to discover on your own when things are really getting bad you can search for and throw down dragon vile that's represented by this token here then you can light the space with the dragon vile on fire immediately incinerating everything in that space this is an effect similar to the Molotov in regular zombicide there are also secret vaults this is a space that you go to when moving between vault tokens that you'll find in certain scenarios for example our hero here can move to this space open the vault doors enter it then while inside open this other vault entrance and exit through it these allow you to move quickly between locations or avoid a horde of zombies some special artifacts like these will only be found involved and again this will be dictated by the scenario although the game comes with six survivors rules are also provided if you want to create a larger party once you've picked up some of the expansions or you can even mix in elements from the original zombie side to create unique possibly time spanning scenarios or work through the various scenarios that are included with the game itself either way hopefully with the information provided in this video in addition to the full instructional playthrough video we have for the original zombie side you have a good sense of the gameplay offered by zombie side black plague but if you have any questions don't hesitate to put them in the comments below and I'll gladly answer them as soon as I get a chance but until the next episode thanks for watching
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 179,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zombicide Black Plague, Overview, Updates, Watch It Played, Instructions, Board Games, Card Games, Tabletop
Id: 6ujON3WU7C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2015
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