Learn to Play: Resident Evil 2

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[Music] hey guys thanks for joining for episode learn to play games my name is Lance and today we're take a look at Resident Evil 2 the board game this is a brand new game by steam forge games it is a 1 to 4 player game that takes roughly an hour to 2 hours to play and is a fully cooperative game so all the players are working together to defeat the scenario that they've chosen so in the game itself obviously this is Resident Evil 2 so you're going to be taking on one of the iconic characters roles whether it's Leon or Claire kendo or ADA and if you've kicked back the Kickstarter then the you have even more options for them there and then at that point you're gonna choose a scenario that you'd like to play and you'll go through and play it and you can also play this as a campaign where the scenarios will link and things will move from one to one to the other so you'll be able to retain some of your weapons and whatnot just like in the game so my pains on this one I had a really good time with this when I was really excited to cover it and I could not wait for it to come out I was also a backer on Kickstarter so this was one that I was very interested in on top of the fact that I am a huge Resident Evil 2 fan there's one of my favorite games in the franchise from the back in the day and was really interested to see how this would translate into a board game and if they could make it work and I was pleasantly surprised that it does it this is a really good game and would definitely recommend you guys checking it out if you're into these kind of games if you like cooperative games if you like survival horror this is one that I would highly recommend so they did a really good job of balancing things out really increasing that tension level and making the players make hard decisions in whether or not they go to different places whether or not they need to close that door behind them and whether or not they want to spend those precious bullets that they have because unlike a lot of games you cannot kill all the enemies in this game unless you get really lucky with those dice which is possible but most of the time you will not be able to kill all the enemies so it's going to be hard decisions on whether or not you want to spend that precious ammo on the enemy that's in front of you or try to get the round them to potentially use it on another enemy that's more in a more critical area that you need to clear or at least reduce the enemies that are in so I love those aspects of the game where you really have to make those hard decisions ends it's not only you that as effects you have to make hard decisions for yourself but also the other players you're playing with as the in decisions you make could potentially impact them quite significantly as well so I really like that aspect and it really does draw that tension and you feel that pressure from a survival horror game just like when you played the video game so I really liked that and I would definitely recommend it to players that like cooperative games that are into Resident Evil in general origins are looking for another good title to play it with their group now of course there are a couple of drawbacks to this and the the first one is is just cosmetic I had a real issue with the tiles themselves they are super dark and I understand that with it Resident Evil 2 that it that some of the areas were very dark and it does add to that theme but there are certain parts that are so dark including the door tiles and things like that that you can barely see them so I had an issue with that and I would love to see them redo the tiles whether or not they release it as a purchased item or what not or maybe even during another Kickstarter if they do another one for this or another Resident Evil franchise or whatever they decide but I would love to see that some of the UH tiles are so dark and I would really like to see them bring in some of those other locations more iconically I mean you can identify some of the areas on the tiles but overall you really don't know what's on them for the most part and where they're coming from within the game so it's harder to really kind of immerse yourself in that but that's of course just my opinion other than that's the like I said this game is pretty solid and I really didn't have any other major issues with the game itself so like I said I would definitely recommend this one and of course these are just my opinions I'd love to hear you guys as well let me know in the comments below what you guys thought of this one if you were a backer or not or looking to pick this one up on retail let me know in those comments what you guys are thinking as well and as always if you enjoy these videos if you like what I do plus considering that like button and subscribing to my channel is it really will help me to continue to grow and bring these titles to you guys and if you want to stay up to date on all my content go ahead and ring that bell as well so you get notifications anytime I release new stuff so let's head to the table and I'll teach you guys how to play [Music] there are three different sets of dye included in the game the first two are attack dice and with the blue attack dice you're going to have three sides with the evade symbols on them which are small medium and large and these are going to come into play when making evade checks and will determine their success based on the number of enemies in your space and the size of the enemies that are attacking and I'll cover this more later then you're gonna have one side with a double hit and two sides with single hits on them with the red attack dye you're gonna have two sides with the blank two sides with a single hit and two sides with the double finally we have the encounter die which is a standard d6 die with one side having the Umbrella symbol on it which is the coolest symbol and unfortunately the one that you do not want to see the most come up in the game the threat deck will be constructed before each scenario and I'm going to show you how to do that in a little bit and the threat deck is gonna be comprised of three different color cards green amber and red each of these cards is going to list the name of that card at the top and then there'll be an italicized flavor text in the card and then some cards will have effects which will be listed underneath that and then finally at the bottom of the card is a quick list of the scenarios that are included in the game and if that card will be included in the threat deck for that scenario the threat deck will be mainly comprised of green cards and these are the cards you'll want to see these cards will have no additional effects on the players there will also be a couple amber cards in the threat deck and these will have the players making some sort of difficult decision or placing tokens that are going to have effects either on themselves or on their fellow players and the final card of the red cards these are the cards you never want to see come up as they're usually going to be really nasty whether they'll be spawning different kinds of enemies or really bad enemies that you really don't want to be facing in the game so these cards there's only a couple of them in the deck but the poor soul that pulls these is going to regret it there's also a large number of equipment items that are included in the game and these will have five different categories the first one are keys in each of those will it's the name of that item at the top and any effects that that item has and these will be used to unlock different things throughout the game such as doors or different areas the players will need to get to in each one will outline their ore in these itself then we have the ammunition so different bullets such as the handgun or shotgun or whatnot and each of these will replenish a certain number of bullets in the players dial then we have health items so such as the green herbs red herbs and it's the first aid sprays and each of these will heal the character a number of health points as shown in its description here then we have special items so these will be such as the wire cord or whatnot and each of these will list what its effects are and most of these will be used in campaigns or in different scenarios the players will do and they'll tell you how to work with them finally we have weapon cards and each of these cards will list in the name of the weapon at the top and the number of bullets that weapon starts with on its dial so with the shotgun it'll start with five then the handgun here will start with 15 then we have the image of that weapon and its stats on the bottom of the card so the first one is the range of the weapon so some weapons will have a range of line of sites where other weapons will have a specific range such as the knife has a range of one space then we have the number of die attack dice and color of attack die so we'll roll so with the shotgun you'll roll to blue with the handgun you'll roll one blue then the different effects for the die rolls so if you roll a single hit it'll do one damage or a double hit will do one damage with the handgun it'll do with a single hit it'll do a push so you can push that enemy one space in any direction you choose and I'll cover that more later and then with the double hit it'll do one damage and at the bottom of the card will be additional icons for some of the weapons so for example with the hand gun here we have it this is a rapid-fire weapon so we can choose to spend one two or three bullets and based on the number of bullets we spend will be the number of dice that will roll and then with the knife here we have this is a universal weapon so any player can equip that if it has that symbol each enemy card is going to list the name of the enemy at the top corner here and on the other side we have three icons we have the threat level and the higher that number the more difficult or nastier that enemy is to defeat so as you can see the zombies aren't too bad at one but the liquor here is really nasty at three so he's going to take a lot more to bring down then we have the number of move points as reaction that enemy will be able to move and the number of hit points that enemy has again the the liquor over here has three hit points so he's gonna take quite a bit more to bring down then we have the image of the enemy and underneath that is their basic attack which is going to show the range of that attack so with the zombie their range is zero and then there the amount of damage they do when they attack so with the zombie it'll do one damage and over here if we look at the liquor his range is one and his attack damage is also one then each enemy is also going to have a special attack which is going to be triggered by some of the cards in the tension deck and again this will list any special abilities that that attack does and again there its range and the amount of damage it does and then some of the enemies also have special instructions listed here which will either affect them all the time or during specific things such as our zombie here well this will only affect it during that special attack where with the liquor it has a special condition that will affect it throughout the game as it is in play each tile is going to be broken down into a number of spaces which are going to be separated by these little white lines so with our tile here we have four separate spaces some of the spaces are also going to have the biohazard symbol in them which means that that is a spawn points so when you have to spawn an enemy it'll go into one of those areas that has this bond point and then each tile is going to have walls on all four sides of it or any of the sides that it has and that is represented by the solid black line and red line that go around the entire tile which means that a player can only move to a different tile through an open doorway so in our example here you could not move from this tile to this tile except through the door and you have to open the door first in order to be able to move from that tile to that tile the last thing before moving into setup are the tiles I'd like to go through real quick so first off there are six different sized tiles including the game and each of these is going to be double sided and the one important thing during setup these tiles are not numbered or there is no identifying markers on them so just go ahead and grab the sizes that you need and if you want to match up the different colorings you can but it is not necessary [Music] during setup each player is going to choose a character you want to play us and each character's name is going to be listed in the top corner and these character also has a couple of stats the first one is the number of diet act ice they'll roll when they're making an evade check and the second is the maximum number of items that they can carry so with Leon here he can carry a maximum eight different items each character is also going to have a special ability that they'll be able to use and it will outline when and how you can use that then finally at the bottom of the car are the different weapons that character can equipped and use for character setup you'll select the character you want to play as and then you'll gain a dash board for that character that you can place their card in and then do you'll have their health track on this side which at the beginning of each scenario you'll start on the fine and then as you take damage you'll move down that track then you'll also receive the miniature for your character and any starting items that they have so most of the time the characters will start with their handgun and a knife and the handgun will also receive its ammunition dial and you'll set that to its starting value at the top corner so the handgun will start with 15 rounds so set up the game the first thing you're gonna do is choose a scenario you want to play so I'm going to set up for the first scenario and you're gonna lay out the board and again like I said the imaging on the tiles themselves does not really matter you can just set out the tiles according to the scenario you've chosen from there then you're gonna place out all the other stuff so first off let's go ahead and place out the walls that are going to be in this scenario and again with these they're the edges of them do not matter it the wall is going to go from one side to the other and I'll cover this a little bit more later as well and we'll place out all the doors and initially these will all be closed next you're gonna place out all the item tokens according to their letter as well and then last press will place out all these zombies in their starting locations to create the tension deck you're going to refer to the scenario you're playing and that will outline as you guys can see here which cards to include so with this first scenario we'll include 16 green cards 1 echoes in the darkness and 1 undead ambush from there then we'll take these cards and shuffle them up to create the attention deck so let's go ahead and put those two in there somewhere and then give them a shuffle and then we have our tension deck now the other decks you're going to create for each scenario which is again going to be outlined as you guys can see here are your item decks so for this first scenario we'll need three items for our item a deck which are two green herbs and a handgun bullets so from there then we can shuffle those up and then our item B deck will only be comprised of one item which is the shotgun otherwise you would mix those up as well once you're done with that then you can place out the item decks as I already showed you guys how to create and also the tension deck then each player is going to choose a character they want to play as and follow the setup that I outlined for you guys so we're gonna go ahead and play a two-player game with Claire and Leon and you also place out any enemy cards you're going to be using and you also place out any other tokens or dials you'll need as well so we know we're gonna have the shotgun so we'll place that out and we have an echo echoes in the darkness token for our tension deck finally then each player will place out a character in the starting locations so we'll have Claire start over here in the second spot and Leon up here in the corner you can also place out any dice that you're going to need for this game the last thing I want to point out is with setup with the characters any character can be placed in any starting location and if you're playing with more than two characters at least one character has to be in each location but other than that you can place any of the other characters in any location you wish [Music] Resident Evil 2 board game is played over a set number of turns with the players going in clockwise order in each player taking a turn which has consisted of three steps which is the action phase the reaction phase and the tension phase the players will continue doing this until they accomplish the objectives of that scenario or until the tension deck runs out if the tension deck runs out without them completing the scenario then they will lose the game unless they're playing the first couple of scenarios which has some special rules for that but other than that if the tension deck runs out at any point in time and the players have not completed their objectives the game is over and the players have lost so to start the game you're going to choose one player to be the starting player and then from there it'll proceed in a clockwise manner with each player activating and taking their turn during a player's turn that's going to consist of those three phases which are the action phase reaction phase and tension phase I'm going to take you guys through each one of these phases in detail so you can see how they work so to start off with we're gonna have Leon Bibi starting player and we will start with his first phase which is the action phase during a player's action phase they will have four action points that they can use to do various actions which are to move open or close a door search trade use an item or attack and a player can do any of these actions any number of times up to their amount of action points that they have and I'm going to take you through each one of these in detail so you can see how they all work the move action will allow a player to move from their space to an adjacent space in any direction including diagonal the only exceptions to this are a player cannot move through a wall and a player cannot move around a corner so if our player was up here he could not move from his space here to this space over here because he would cross a wall section so in that situation he has to move forward first and then come around the corner there and the same goes true for the walls that play that you'll set up during setup these walls are going to block all those sections so a player cannot move diagonally through that wall even on this side where you have that little cut a Wolcott is considered to go all the way to the end so a player has to move all the way around in the wall in straight lines a player that is in this name spaces a door token can spend an action to either open that door or close that door a player that is in the same space as an iamb token can spend an action perform a search where they will remove that token and take the top card of that tokens corresponding deck so we have the top card of a deck and so we will receive a green herb the one exception to this is if a character's inventory is full in that case the character cannot perform a search action a character can also spend an action point to use an item that is in their inventory when they do that they will simply follow the directions on that item and then discard it from their inventory a character that is in the same space or an adjacent space to another character can perform a trade action which will allow them to trade any number of items between those two characters and the last type of action our character can perform is an attack action in order to perform an attack action character must have a weapon in their inventory that they can use and that has ammunition from their than attack action is going to follow a sequence of steps that are done in order first you're going to select your target enemy and the weapon in which you're going to use to attack that enemy from there then you have to make sure that your that you are in the line of sight of that enemy and you have ranged with the weapon you've selected so first let's go ahead and cover line of sights in order to determine line of sight you're gonna draw an imaginary line from the center of your space to the center of the space of the target you wish to hit as long as that line does not cross any walls closed doors or corner spaces you will have line of sight to your target so let's look at a couple examples of this with Leon he has line of sight to these zombies as nothing is crossed with the zombie up here he does not have line of sight because his line will cross this wall and the same with the zombie out here that line would cross the wall and finally the zombie up here he doesn't have line aside to because the door is closed if that door was open he would have line of sights of that zombie so Leon is gonna go ahead and target this zombie here and he's going to use his pistol from there then we're going to determine the range of the weapon with the pistol as you guys can see its range is line of sight which it means as long as he can see his target he can shoot them no matter the distance other weapons will have restrictions on them including all the way down to zero which means that you must be in the same space as your target in order to hit it and this will apply to enemies as well from there that we're going to reduce the ammunition dial by a number of points based on the weapon we're using with the pistol it has a rapid fire option which will let us spend one two or three bullets and based on the number of bullets we spend will be the number of dice we roll so with Leon we're going to spend two bullets so we're gonna reduce our ammunition dial by two points and then we'll gather those dice to the roll we're gonna go and give these a roll and then as long as at least one result comes up with a hit the attack is successful if none of the results came up as hits then the attack failed from there if the attack was successful and you're gonna resolve each one of the icons on the dice based on the weapon you're using so with the pistol a double hit counts as one rooms so we would eliminate that zombie but let's go ahead and say for example that we rolled a single hit in this situation that would last push our enemy one space to an adjacent space which we can push our enemy to any space including forward into our own space now the only restrictions to this is you cannot push in anomie through a wall through a closed door or around a corner other than that you can push them in any direction you want so we could shove our enemy our zombie up here and let's go and say for example we actually had rolled 2 hits in that situation we could push the zombie again now again we are we have to apply all of our results to the one enemy that we're targeting even though there was another zombie in our space we cannot divide those results up the only way we can do that is with some weapons they will have blast effects which will allow you to distribute your icons to the different models in that same space and if a zombie is in your space you can only target that zombie model you cannot attack any enemies if there are enemies in your space other than those enemies enemies are simply not going to wait around for the reaction phase there's a very important rule that we need to cover which is called out of sequence reactions in this way it's going to dictate how and when a player performs actions as they are going to be consequences to those so the first one I'm going to look at is making an attack so attacking is going to generate a lot of noise and attract attention when a character makes an attack after the action is resolved so you're going to perform a move reaction with all enemies on these same and linked tiles that are not hit by the attack and if an enemy is in the same space as a character they are not going to move as part of this let's say for example that Leon performs an attack against the zombie here and he rolls a hit results so first he's going to resolve that by pushing the zombie one space and then all enemies on his tile in any late style are going to perform move action where they're going to move towards the closest character so our two zombies up here will move one space and this door is closed so the tile is not linked but if the door was open both of these zombies would also move but also let's go ahead and say that he ended up rolling a evade results and missed that zombie that zombie would also move towards Leon or if say for example there was another character of equal distance then the zombie will always move towards the active character the one other important rule of this is if a zombie is already in the space with a character and another character performs an attack action any zombie in the same space as a character will not move out of it towards that other character it is already in a space of the character and is too busy trying to attack that character the next out of sequence reaction is making an action in the same square as an enemy so if a character declares an action other than an attack action while in the same square as one or more enemies before the action is resolved the enemy with the highest threat level is going to make a basic attack if the evade role is successful the action is resolved as normal and if the role fails in addition to the character suffering the effects of the attack and pushing the enemy the action is not resolved although it still counts towards the number of actions a character is taken so let's look an example that let's go ahead and say that this zombie was in this space with Leon and he didn't want to perform an attack action against there that zombie he simply wanted to move to the next space in order to perform that action before he does that he has to make an evade role so let's go ahead and do that if he is successful in that evade role then he can perform that action as normal but let's go ahead and say for example that he was not successful in that that role in that situation the enemy will deal one damage to Leon for its basic attack and then Leon will be able to push it out of its space on top of that that action will count against Leon so he has already performed one action during his turn then for example and he'd only have three remaining even if that one failed the last effect is attacking an enemy in the same square a character making the attack against an enemy in the same square resolves the attack as normal and if the attack is successful enemies in the character square do not perform reactions if the attack is unsuccessful the target enemy performs a basic attack which cannot be evaded so if we for example with Leon here he chose to attack this zombie in the space and we'll go ahead and say that he's using his knife he would make his attack roll as normal if he fails that role then the zombie is gonna go ahead and attack him and Leon will not get to perform his evade role and he's the zombie will simply do one damage to him as that as the effects of its basic attack but that'll apply to any enemy that Leon is trying to attack in the same squares him now if we had multiple enemies in there again it would only be the enemy that he's attacking and the other end the other enemies in his space would not be able to perform reactions to that attack [Music] once a player has completed their four actions or chooses not to perform any further actions during their term they're ready to move on to the second phase of the turn which is the reaction phase during this phase the active player is going to perform a reaction with all enemies that are on his tile and any tile that is considered linked the tile will be considered linked to the active tile if it is connected by one or more open doorways so in our example here this tile is not linked as the doorway is closed but if that door was open then this tile would be linked and each of these enemies would get to perform a reaction as well and this will apply to any tile that is connected to this tile that is linked so if we had another tile out here that was connected it would also be activated from there than the player will activate the enemies in the order of his choosing and each enemy when activated will follow two steps if it is in range in line of sights of a character it will perform a basic attack action and if it is not then it will simply move towards the closest character using its movement value in the shortest path to that character now before moving on there's a couple of really important rules I want to cover real quick so the first one is that each space has a maximum number of models that can be in it each space can have a maximum of four standard models which are the character size with these small bases it can have up to two large bases in it or one huge base will take up an entire tile in this situation here we can have one large base in two small bases as well from there let's go ahead and take a look at how an enemy attacks so let's go ahead and say for example that this ami was in this space with Leon when it activated so in this situation the enemy enemy is going to activate and since it is in range in line of sight of the character it will perform its basic attack action from there then we're gonna consult the character's card and as you can see on Leon's card his evade rating is two so he's going to get two blue dice and he'll go ahead and give them a role if at least one evade symbol comes up then that evade is successful if no evade symbols came up then that tack where that evade is unsuccessful and the enemy will get to apply any effects to its basic attack now there are a couple of effects that are going to reduce the effectiveness of an evade role first the number of enemies that are attacking the character are going to reduce that or require a higher role as you guys remember there are three different evade symbols and so if the more enemies that are in the space with you they hire the evade role is that is necessary to evade that attack and the other big thing is that each enemy is not going to attack individually if multiple enemies are in range of a character they are all going to pool their attacks together and make that evade role harder for that character so let's look at an example of this let's go ahead and say that the liquor is in here ends he is the highest threats so he would perform the attack and so Leon is gonna make his evade role and normally with large base enemies you're gonna require one of these to evade symbols but because the sub is in the space with him that zombie will not attack Leon but he's going to contribute towards the the lickers attack and so we're gonna we would need the highest evade symbol in order to evade that attack so in that situation it makes the attack a lot harder to evade but it also streamlines the game as you don't need to resolve a ton of enemies that are attacking the same character at once now this symbol on the evade is always going to evade attack no matter how many enemies are in there so even if we had a situation like this where Leon was completely overwhelmed if he rolled one of those symbols he evades the entire attack and again none of these enemies will get to attack him and then if the attacking enemy is in his space then he will get to push it out of his space since the zombies are not attacking him and only contributing towards lickers attack then he will not be able to push them out [Music] the final phase in a player's turn is the tension phase during this phase the player is going to draw one card from the tension deck unless an effect requires them to draw additional cards in which case the player is going to resolve those cards in order that they were drawn so let's take a look at this we'll draw the top card of the tension deck if it is an a green card it's all clear and there are no additional effects of the player have to worry about these are the majority of the cards that are going to be found in that deck and these are the ones that the players really want to see is there's no other effects for them let's go ahead and look another example with the yellow cards you're going to read through the text so with this one you're going to play the echo and the darkness token in the next players active tile so let's go ahead and say that Claire was in here as well with us we would place this in the tile somewhere and then we're also going to leave this card out on the side of the deck until it's resolved and this particular card will say if the character on the same tile as this token at the beginning of their tension phase they must draw two additional cards so in that situation if Claire was still on this tile with this tension this echoes in the darkness token during her tension face she would have to draw three cards from the deck and resolve them and this card won't have any effects if you're playing against a boss as it states on the bottom of the card now at the end of her tension phase whether she resolves this card or not if she's happens to be on another tile then you're going to discard the token and place this in the discard pile valley final card that we have are the red cards and these are the really nasty ones these are the ones you do not want to have come into play so with this particular one the undead ambushed it's going to spawn two zombies in the same tile as the active character on the closest biohazard spawn points so if we resolve this one and we'll say that Leone was the active player this is the closest point point to him so we would place two zombies on that space now if you are unable to complete an action that is listed on a spawn car array on a tension card for whatever reason say for example we didn't have any more zombies that we could spawn then you have to resolve two additional tension cards in either case once the card is resolved then it will move to the next player in clockwise order to start their turn there's a number of different train features that players are gonna be running into throughout the game as well and I wanted to take a look at these so the first one are the doors in each scenario all the doors are always going to start closed and there are also going to be some doors that are gonna be locked with these doors you're going to place a card underneath them that shows what will unlock them in the scenario will outline what that is so for example with this door will need the Spade key in our inventory in order to unlock this door and win a character with that key performs an action to unlock the door this card is simply removed and the door becomes a regular door for the rest of the game stairs are a way for characters to move from one floor to another so when a character is on the stairs he which you can move onto stairs from diagonal spaces or on the side or in the front and when it characters on there he can spend an action to move from this set of stairs to another set of stairs the other important thing with stairs are that enemies are able to move onto stairs but they cannot use them to move from floor to floor so an enemy can move onto stairs to attack a character but they cannot move from this set of stairs to another set to follow a character or to pursue a character enemies will have to stay on the floor that they're on some of the scenarios are also going to include item boxes a character that is on a a giant spacer on the same space as an item box can spin an action to place any a number of items from his inventory into the item box or take any number of items out of the item box in order to place items in the item box you're simply going to place the cards on the space and place the item box on top of them with typewriters and ink ribbons first off the ink ribbons the players are going to start each scenario with a certain number of them based on the number of characters that are playing in a scenario that is using one or two characters you'll start with one ink ribbon and in three or four you'll start with two and you'll simply place those off to the side and any player can use those with the typewriters a character in the same or adjacent space who has Linus sights of the typewriter may spend an action to refresh the tension deck by discarding a neat ribbon to shuffle the draw and discard piles together after this is done then you're going to remove that typewriter from play so let's go and say for example Leon he spent action so he'll get discard his ink ribbon to reshuffle this tension deck and this is very important because if the attention deck ever runs out the players will lose the game so he would shuffle that back up and place that back out refreshing it and then he will remove the typewriter from play as well another train feature are the corpse tokens whenever a player ends their action on a space with a corpse token they must roll the encounter die and if they roll the Umbrella symbol then that token or tokens are going to be replaced by zombies the characters can also become poisons so when this happens when an enemy attacks successfully hits a character that has the poison effect you're gonna flip the characters health token over to the poison side from there each time a character that character resolves a card from the tension deck they're going to move that their marker down in one space they will also move it down from when characters move into a new tile and they have to roll the encounter die if the results of that comes up with the poison symbol any character that is poisons will reduce that by one as well this will be resolved if the player is able to find and use a blue herb in which case and he'll flip it back over or if the character becomes unconscious he will flip it back over as well throughout the game characters may become unconscious or even die so first off with an unconscious character as players take damage if their damage marker ever moves off of the danger zone then they become unconscious and you're going to place their figure on its side now if a character becomes unconscious during their activation the activation is going to immediately ends and the unconscious character is going to be ignored during enemy reactions and boss behavior cards but he's still going to count as taking up one of the spots in that Square now if a character is unconscious all is not lost another character in the same or Jason Square may resuscitate them by spending a first-aid spray item if they do they resuscitated and the character is going to be stood back up and his health marker will move back to caution now if an unconscious character cannot be resuscitated because the remaining survivors do not have a first-day spray or there are none left in the item deck a or B then the character dies in the scenario is going to immediately end in here the players have lost the game [Music] another important rule that will start in scenario two and continue on for the remaining scenarios is the tile and counter level and this is going to add a little bit of an unknown and tension to the game as players will never quite know what they're walking into with some of the rooms for this particular example I've gone ahead and used the layouts from scenario two the second floor and as you guys can see here in this diagram some of the rooms have a yellow color and one has an orange coloring to it when a player moves into that room for the very first time they're gonna have to roll the encountered eye consults the chart based on that color so for example with Leon when he moves into this room for the first time this is a yellow room so he'll rolled the encounter dye and consult the yellow chart so he rolled a five so the result is unsettling feeling the active player is going to or the active character draws an extra card during the tension phase so not too bad but as you guys can see on the chart some of the results are also going to spawn zombies so for example if we were rolled a two it states that we're gonna have to add two zombies to the closest spawn points to Leon and place them there so both of these are tied so we can choose which one we place them in but if Leon was in a spawn point we would have to add them there otherwise if it does not specify then you'll split the zombies up between these spawn points equally so if it didn't specify we would have to put one in each of the spawn points in the euler important thing like I said is that this will only happen the first time a character moves into that room so even if Leon moved out and then moved back in he would not have to roll that die again it only happens the first time okay let me put everything together now and take you through a couple rounds real quick to show you everything in action so we're gonna go head and start with Leon and he's gonna perform his first action he's gonna move over here his second action he'll move over here third action he's going to spend to pick up one of the item cards so he found some health in his fourth and final action he's gonna go ahead and take his shots he'll go ahead and target that zombie and with the hand gun it has rapid fire so he's gonna spend two bullets to try to hit it and two misses so the zombie and any other enemy on his active tile would react so it's gonna move one space closer to him and then from there that is his last action so we'd move on to the reaction face and so the zombies gonna move into Leon Square and then finally we'll resolve the attention card so Leon will flip it over and it's an all-clear then we will move on to the next player so Claire would go and she's gonna spend her first action to move her second action she'll go ahead and move into the enemy's space and then her third action she wants to continue moving so anytime you do that and you try to do an action other than attack when you're in a zombies space you off to perform a Nevada and she was lucky enough to evade social move and she moved into a space with a corpse social role the evade died and it was not an umbrella symbol so she's okay there and then her fourth and final action she's going to go ahead and move here then again the reaction phase the zombie will move and again it cannot move across the corner so it's gonna have to move up here and this door is open so the zombie will also move closer to the Claire then finally she's gonna resolve a card and again it isn't all clear [Music] each boss is going to have their own card that is going to list the name of that boss any special rules that boss has and their movement value and the number of hit points they have when the when the boss comes out you're gonna set the boss's health dial to that number then each boss is also going to have a behavioral deck instead of a character drawing attention card during the attention phase if they're on the same tile as the boss they will reveal one of the behavioral cards and resolve its effects and each of the behavioral cards will have one or more profiles on it which will be resolved from the top working your way down to the bottom of the card and there are three different profiles you'll have a movement profile which will cause the boss to move a number of spaces based on his movement value you'll have attack profiles which will list the range of that attack and then with bosses they will have their own special evasion rating instead of going off of the base size so character must roll a minimum of whatever that evasion rating is to evade the attack and then finally the effects of the attack which are usually a number hit points as well as other effects finally there is a special profile which will have a special set of instructions that you'll have to resolve when that comes up bosses are obviously some of the nastiest enemies you will face in the game they have very powerful attacks in a lot of hit points so it's going to take a lot of planning in a little bit of luck to bring them down bosses also have a set of special rules that govern them so first off bosses are not affected by the encounter table or tension card rules or effects bosses do not perform reactions during each player's reaction phase or due to the player performing different actions bosses will have their own effects for that so for example with the Birkin stage 3 it has a special rule called unstoppable after an attack is resolved against the Birkin stage 3 it performs a move towards the active player another thing is that bosses cannot be pushed so whatever effects will cause a normal enemy to be pushed are not going to affect bosses and bosses cannot leave the tile they begin on or attack characters on a different tile if one or more models blockades bosses movement into a square you're simply going to place that boss into that square and resolve a push against all other models in that square when a boss suffers damage you're simply going to move the bosses damage dial down if it reaches zero then the boss has been killed unless the boss has special rules or effects that will cause it to do other things once a character is placed on a tile with a boss they cannot leave that tile until the boss has been killed and a character cannot attack a boss if they are not on the same tile if a character dies as a result of the bosses attack the players do not lose the game immediately provided there's at least one character remaining who is not unconscious and it is still possible to complete the scenario bosses are going to ignore unconscious and dead characters when resolving behavioral cards so let me take you through a couple example arounds real quick so Leon is in the tile with the boss so we're ready to start he's gonna go ahead and use his handgun and spends three bullets with the rapid-fire ability it's a roll three dice all right we got lucky we did one wound so our boss's token will move down one and then the boss has the unstoppable ability so it's gonna move one space towards our active character when he performs an attack action so then Leon's gonna go ahead and go again with this second action he'll spend three more bullets to shoot again he got another wound so what we're doing okay and again the boss will move towards him so that was his second action his third action he's gonna move over here because he doesn't wanna be too close to that boss and finally over here for his fourth from there then the reaction phase will go and the boss will not react during that phase finally we'll move on to his tension phase so we're gonna draw a boss behavioural card instead so this is in pale it's got a range of one space so the boss could target any of these spaces around him but there aren't any characters there so they don't to worry about rolling an evade check and the boss won't resolve his damage but the boss does have the deadly pursuit abilities which states that when he has an attack profile that's resolved and he doesn't hit a character he's also going to resolve his reflex slash as you guys can see here so the top part of this says that you're going to place the Birkin stage three in a square occupied by the next character to activates on this tile and resolve a push against any character in that square so Leon's the only one there so he'll land on that tile and push Leon and the next he's gonna resolve that attack profile as you guys can see so it has a range of one space so it's gonna target Leon and he's gonna make that evade role so he needs the highest evade rating to evade this attack and he got it so Leon evades the attack and will not take any damage then we are back to Leon's turn so let's go ahead and go again Leon will move one space this time for his first action and then shoot so he'll spend three more bullets and no luck this time but again the boss will move then Leon will move two more times for his last two again during the reaction phase we will not remove or move the boss and then we'll resolve a card so with this one this first attack profile has a range of two spaces but Leon is farther away than it so we will not resolve it then the boss is going to move and then we're gonna resolve that attack again so again it has a range of two and now he is in range of Leon and he Leon's gonna go ahead and make his evade role he fails the evade role this time so the boss is gonna do two damage to him and it's gonna push him one space so this would continue until either the characters are eliminated or the boss his health has dropped to zero well hope you guys found that very helpful as always if you have any questions or comments please leave those in the comment section below and I'll do my best to answer them and as always thank you guys so much for taking the time to watch my videos and leave me feedback on them as well I do really appreciate it I tried to take into account everything you guys say to make the best possible videos and if you found this video helpful if you like what I do please consider hitting that like button and subscribing to my channel is it really does help me to grow and is one of the biggest things that companies look at so by getting those numbers up there I will be able to continue to cover games and cover new and hotter titles so please help me out there hit that subscribe button so I can continue to make these videos for you guys until next time I'll see you guys later you
Channel: Learn to Play Games
Views: 8,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, tutorial, boardgame, Learn to Play Games, Learn to Play, dice, cards, Resident Evil 2, monsters, Steamforged games, Video game, zombies, undead, G-virus, T-virus, cooperative, survival horror, horror, scary, Sherwin Matthews, Richard Loxam, Mat Hart, Action Point Allowance System, campaign system, Capcom
Id: V7tJDvbKC6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 22sec (2722 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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