ZOMBI-thon Special! A Shorts Spectacular | ZOMBIES 3 | Big City Greens | @disneychannel

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Zombies and cheerleaders! Werewolves and space aliens! -Welcome to the very first-- -Zombi-Thon! (coughs) Oh, yeah. Maybe hiding in a pile of dirt wasn't such a good idea. To celebrate the fabulous Zombies trilogy, Cricket and I will be screening some of our favorite Zombies-themed shorts! Which is why we're decked out in these sweet costumes. I'm Zed the Zombie. We're pretty much the same person except I'm alive. And I'm Wynter, werewolf extraordinaire! (howls) And I... have no idea who I am. And are you sure this is the right size? It seems you may be a bit confused about the Zombies movies, Papa, so why don't we start by watching a chibi short that explains the whole trilogy. Miss Brenda, will you do the honors? SINGER: ♪ Come on down to Zombie Town ♪ ♪ And meet our hero Zed ♪ ♪ He wants to play football ♪ ♪ And help the zombies get ahead ♪ ♪ Then one day he meets Addison ♪ ♪ She slaps him in the face ♪ ♪ But soon they both discover ♪ ♪ They're crushing on each other ♪ ♪ Zed proposes Addison ♪ ♪ Come party with his friends ♪ ♪ Meets her snooty parents and plays human make pretend ♪ ♪ But look out for Bucky, he's a bully with hot goss ♪ ♪ Turns out that he's been hacking ♪ ♪ To up Zed's football tackling ♪ ♪ Bucky goes too far, the zombie zombie out ♪ ♪ The crowd freaks out, Buck's nearly chowed ♪ ♪ Zed gets arrested ♪ ♪ Addison reveals she's got secret white hair ♪ ♪ The crowd freaks out, her parents pout ♪ ♪ The zombie kids all feel sad ♪ ♪ But then everybody unites ♪ ♪ Yay, through the power of friendship ♪ ♪ They get along singing this song ♪ ♪ No kiss, just hug ♪ ♪ But now there's another movie ♪ ♪ Hey, turns out Seabrook has werewolves ♪ ♪ They're looking for the moonstone ♪ ♪ Or else they will die ♪ ♪ Zed sit by a school bus, asking Addi to the prom ♪ ♪ Then the werewolves trend ♪ ♪ Then leads to anti-monster laws ♪ ♪ So Zed runs for president to try to make things better ♪ ♪ But he zombies out again ♪ ♪ So mean old Bucky gets the win ♪ ♪ These werewolves think that Addison's ♪ ♪ The leader of their pack ♪ ♪ She gets a couple hair braids ♪ ♪ Now she's got the werewolves' back ♪ ♪ They protest at the power plant ♪ ♪ To rescue the moonstone ♪ ♪ Their dance is super polished ♪ ♪ But still the place demolished ♪ ♪ The werewolves all get sick, the earth begins to crack ♪ ♪ They find the stone, they get recharged ♪ ♪ A boulder traps them ♪ ♪ Addison tells Zed, "You need to zombie out" ♪ ♪ He moves the rock, their life is saved ♪ ♪ They go to prom, there's a kiss ♪ ♪ But now there's another movie ♪ ♪ Whoa, turns out Seabrook has aliens ♪ ♪ They need a map to point them to Utopia ♪ ♪ Zed wants to get into college ♪ ♪ Then he'll be with Addison ♪ ♪ But aliens wreak havoc ♪ ♪ Now the citizens are mad at them ♪ ♪ And a cheer-off is approaching so the aliens decide ♪ ♪ We can't just tell them why we're here ♪ ♪ So let's pretend we came to cheer ♪ ♪ The aliens investigate the moonstone for a clue ♪ ♪ No map, they beam up to their spaceship ♪ ♪ Addison gets beamed up too, oh, snap! ♪ ♪ It turns out that her grandma ♪ ♪ Was an alien space scout, wait, what? ♪ ♪ But Addison is sour ♪ ♪ 'Cause she ain't got no power ♪ ♪ Addison zapped Zed, he zombies out again ♪ ♪ Turns out she is an alien, the map's inside her ♪ ♪ They jumpstart the ship, gets sad and say goodbye ♪ ♪ Then changed her mind 'cause Seabrook was Utopia ♪ ♪ This whole time ♪ (exhales) That was a mouthful. Did I miss anything? Oh, yeah. Eliza's robot. I mean, the true love between a zombie and a cheerleader. It's beautiful. (sobbing) (blows nose) Well, if that moved you into tears, then you'll be even more moved by our special guests, the stars of Zombies themselves, Milo Manheim and Meg Donnelly! (gasps) But how? Wait a minute. Where's Ma? Here we are. Now please kindly get out! Uh, this doesn't look like a movie premiere. It's because it's not! You two just got Gramma'd! BOTH: (gasp) Gramma Alice!? We should have known something was up when our limo had chickens. So let me guess, your grandson put you up to this. (gasps) It's really you! My new best friends here in the ding dang flesh! So humbled to have you in our presence. You both look so different than in the movies! Oh, yeah. That's just what we look like when we're acting. But this is what we look like in real life! -Oh. -Oh. That makes sense. -So what's this all about? -Well, Milo, we just happen to be throwing a Zombi-Thon! But, yeah, I'm sorry I made Gramma trick you into coming here against your will. Anything for my grandbabies. But, Cricket, you should have just asked us to come. We love chilling with your family. You do? Of course. I told you that the last time you tried to pull something like this. -(phone rings) -Hello? Hey, Addison. It's me Zed. I'm just calling so I can hang out with you and all your other cool Zombros Wait. Is this Cricket Green? (laughs) The only thing that's green is my sweet hairdo, Addison. Hold on. I'm calling your cousin. -Hello? -CRICKET: Hey, Bucky, it's your frienemy Zed. You down for another rap battle? Trev, it's Meg. We're being pranked called by Cricket Green. My name is Zed. This is not a prank. Sentence-- I'm drawing a blank. Cricket, why are you doing this? -Stand by. -(phone rings) -Hello? -Ah, it's Willa the Werewolf. -Hey, Chandler, this is Meg. -And this is Trevor. Cricket Green is prank calling us. Oh, Cricket Green. I love that kid. If by kid, you mean, the zombie boy named Zed who helped all the werewolves then yes, that's me. Hey, if you're really Zed and not Cricket, I'm sure you wouldn't mind me saying that Cricket's sister Tilly -is the coolest Green ever. -WILLA: Oh, Tilly? She's a fashion icon. That purple dress, the pumpy sleeves, and don't even get me started on her hair. -(grunts) -You know, just my two cents, but Grandma's the bomb. If I was awarding the best Green, she'd easily get the silver medal. And for bronze, don't they have a pet goat? No, I'm Cricket. I'm the best. I deserve the gold. Wait, Cricket? But we thought you were Zed. Look, I just think you Disney stars are so cool and I thought you'd only want to be my friend if I lied to you and pretended to be your Zombro. Oh, Cricket. You don't have to pretend to be somebody else. We'd love to hang out with you anytime. All you need to do is be yourself. -Be myself? -Yeah. Hey, you all meet me in the forest. We're gonna go chase some squirrels. ALL: Uh... You'll get to cover yourself with dirt and leaves for camouflage. See you there in 20. Woo-hoo! MEG: Cricket? You still there? TREVOR: Buddy? Zombro? WILLA: Is he still pretending to be a zombie. (bleats) Man, I chased so many squirrels that day. Good times. Milo, Meg, it's so nice of you to stay after being flimflammed. Can I get you anything to eat? I'm afraid I don't have any brains. I'll say. Zed's just my character, Mr. Green. I'm not actually a zombie. (embarrassed chuckle) Right. Of course. Of course. I'm not really an alien. It's time to serve up another "Random Rings" where I played matchmaker with Meg Donnelly. (phone rings) -Hello? -Hi, Meg Donnelly. It's Tilly Green. Oh, hey, girl. What's up? Well, I just created the perfect guy and I wanna set him up with someone special. -Okay. -He's got a big orange nose. He can pull off a top hat. And his eyes are so sweet -you could eat them. -Uh... His name is Froston. He's a snowman. Uh, well, more like a snow stud. Tilly, I gotta level with you. I don't know anyone who wants to date a snowman. TILLY: What? But, Meg Donnelly, that's what everyone said when you fell in love with a zombie. (chuckles) Tilly, that was just a movie. I'm worried your snowman is gonna melt. Oh, Froston is gonna melt that lucky someone's heart. Hey, Melissa. No, don't eat his buttons. Tilly, I appreciate you're such a determined matchmaker -but I gotta get going. -Wait. Are you sure you don't know any zombies or werewolves who might be looking for romance? I already wrote a song for Froston to profess his love. -That's great but-- -TILLY: ♪ You and I ♪ ♪ Belong together ♪ ♪ Even though I'm made of snow ♪ ♪ And we will survive the stormiest weather ♪ ♪ As long as it's below 32 degrees Fahrenheit ♪ MEG: Tilly, you have a beautiful voice and this has been fun but I need to get back to-- -Cricket, Grandma, you're gonna hurt Froston. -MEG: Tilly? -(screams) I'm coming to save you! Wait. Tilly. Why don't you just make another snow person who Froston can chill with? You never snow what's gonna happen. (gasps) Meg Donnelly, you're a genius. I gotta call you more often. Okay. Bye, Tilly. Farewell, Meg Donnelly. Send my love to the zombie. Call you next week. I'm worried about that child. So whatever happened to that snowman, Tilly? (sighs) Spring. Speaking of changes, I gotta say, your family really went all out with your costumes. You look just like Wynter the Werewolf. Thank you! My coat is a raccoon! -(raccoon snarls) -(gasps) And you make a pretty mean Zed, CG. (gasps) CG! Milo and I are officially at the nickname stage of friendship! And, Mr. Green, your Bucky costume certainly is... -a Bucky costume. -Aw, thanks! And, Alice, you totally committed to the alien look from Zombies 3 with your blue hair. What are you talking about? This is my regular hair. -Oh. -Speaking of Zombies 3, let's watch a few more musical shorts. SINGER: ♪ I know we might be crazy ♪ ♪ But did you hear the story? ♪ SINGER: ♪ I think I heard it vaguely ♪ SINGER: ♪ Yeah, a girl and a zombie ♪ SINGER: ♪ Oh, tell me more, boy ♪ ♪ Sounds like a fantasy ♪ SINGERS: ♪ Oh, what could go so wrong ♪ ♪ With a girl and a zombie? ♪ SINGER: ♪ You and me side by side ♪ ♪ SINGERS: ♪ Out in the broad daylight ♪ ♪ If they laugh, we'll say ♪ ♪ We're gonna be someday ♪ SINGER: ♪ We're gonna be some... ♪ SINGER: ♪ Two lonely hearts meet in the dark ♪ ♪ Imagine it now they start a spark ♪ SINGER: ♪ I like the way you're thinking ♪ ♪ I can almost see it ♪ SINGER: ♪ You and me side by side ♪ SINGERS: ♪ Out in the broad daylight ♪ ♪ If they laugh, we'll say ♪ ♪ We're gonna be someday ♪ SINGER: ♪ Someday, someday ♪ SINGER: ♪ We're gonna be someday ♪ SINGER: ♪ Someday, someday ♪ SINGER: ♪ We're gonna be someday ♪ SINGER: ♪ Someday, someday ♪ SINGERS: ♪ We're gonna be someday ♪ Remy, we're doing a Broken Karaoke ! -Get off your phone. -(screams) Boop! ♪ You and me, let's go have fun outside together ♪ ♪ Cricket, love you guy ♪ ♪ But the Wi-Fi out there is bad ♪ ♪ We can climb the trees, battle bumblebees ♪ ♪ Get untethered ♪ ♪ Nature's full of threats ♪ ♪ And the internet's way more rad ♪ ♪ You ain't grounded, so quit acting and pound it ♪ ♪ You'll be hounded until you step outside ♪ ♪ Rather stay in ♪ ♪ Favorite show's about to begin ♪ ♪ Got games too and... ♪ Oh, no, my guy just died. ♪ We're going offline, it's time ♪ ♪ You'll be okay without it ♪ ♪ We can ride a cow right now ♪ ♪ All I think about is how there's all these vines ♪ ♪ And we can swing ♪ ♪ Or chicken slingshots we can fling ♪ ♪ Offline, it's time ♪ ♪ You'll be okay without it ♪ ♪ Guys, there's no need to make this a fight ♪ ♪ Seems to me that you're both sort of right ♪ ♪ It's more wise if you find a compromise ♪ ♪ Going outside can be wonderful too ♪ ♪ Guess we're both right in what's fun to do ♪ ♪ My suggestion, just do both in moderation ♪ ♪ Let's try VR ♪ ♪ Navigate with the North Star ♪ ♪ Somewhat bizarre ♪ ♪ If there ever was a dispute ♪ ♪ Watch a movie ♪ ♪ Go outside, make a movie ♪ ♪ Then watch that movie ♪ Is this a poisonous newt? Stay still, Remy. Stay very-- -It jumped on me. -You're good Remy. Lizards cannot see. I don't think that's-- (screams) ♪ We're going offline sometimes ♪ ♪ It's all in moderation ♪ ♪ Streaming online, then sunshine ♪ ♪ Life can be vacation ♪ ♪ If you find the perfect harmony ♪ ♪ With Internet and reality ♪ ♪ Online then offline ♪ ♪ It's all about the balance ♪ REMY: (gasps) It sees me. Wow! That was amazing. I had no idea you could sing like that. Yup. We're pretty much musical superstars. Dad's gonna drive us to Hollywood any day now. Now, Cricket, don't go putting words in my mouth. Okay. Then I'll just put words in Meg and Milo's mouths! -What? -What? I think what Cricket is saying is it's time to watch our Zombies "Lip Switch!" Welcome to Zombies "Lip Switch!" with Big City Greens . -What's a "Lip Switch?" -What's a " Big City Greens ?" This is gonna be so much fun. Lip Switch! Lip Switch! ALL: Lip Switch! Lip Switch! I don't like the sound of this. Can someone explain what's going? Nope! Here we go. TILLY: Once upon a time in the town of Seabrook, there was a cheerleader-- Howdy, I'm Addison. I'm a cheerleader. TILLY: --and a zombie. Hi. I'm Zed. And if you can't tell from my green hair and face paint, I'm a zombie from the movie Zombies. Wee! TILLY: After years of being mean to the zombies-- CRICKET: Get away! Get away! Get away! Get away! TILLY: --the humans have decided to let them go to their high school. Uh, what school? TILLY: Cricket, stay in character. Oh, right. School's the best. I'm gonna try out for football. Son, we both have green hair -and face paint. -(gasps) Are you sure football's a good idea? Folks around here don't like us. Oh, they're gonna like me, Dad. And I'm gonna sing about it. ♪ I'm the coolest zombie ♪ ♪ That's why I'm in (indistinct) ♪ ♪ Who could not like me? ♪ ♪ I can't wait to go to school ♪ TILLY: Sadly, no one like Zed. Welp, it can't get worse than this. Ah, zombie! -Ow! -Whoops! My parents taught me that zombies are dangerous monsters. -Rude. -But you're kinda cute. No, you're kinda cute. -I said it first. -But I thought it first. How do you know that you thought it first? 'Cause I was thinking it while you were saying it. What? TILLY: Strangely enamored by this cheerleader who decked him-- Ow! TILLY: --Zed arrives at... Football tryout! Hey, it's me, the coach. -You all made the team. -Bingo-bango! -Except for the zombie. -What? TILLY: But then Zed's magical wristband breaks-- Uh-oh! TILLY: --and he harnesses his inner zombie power-- Brains! TILLY: --to pull out through some (indistinct) to rescue Addison from a near-fatal cheerleading accident. MEG: How cool is this stunt? -Gotcha! -(cheering) Wow. You literally just save my life. Hey, Zed. Let's talk. If you intercept footballs like you intercept falling cheerleaders, then welcome to the team. Sweet potatoes. This is awesome. -(whistle blows) -(grunting) Sour potatoes. This is terrible. TILLY: So Zed gets real conniving-- CRICKET: (make sound) TILLY: --and unlawfully accesses his zombie power. I shall destroy everyone. -I'm a zombie. -TILLY: And no one notices. Zed just straight up turned into a monster. (squeaky grunts) (crowds cheering) That's my boy! Looking totally normal. Hit 'em high, hit 'em low. Watch my zombie boyfriend go. Watch your mouth, Addison. We will not cheer for zombies, even if Zed is our only good player. Oh, come on, Bucky. Why are you so mean? Because I'm the film's antagonist. Um, what's an antagonist? What in the haystack they teaching you at this school? Means I'm the bad guy. TILLY: So then Zed takes Addison to a secret warehouse party. Wow! You zombies are so cool. You know we're gonna sing about it. ♪ This choreography ♪ ♪ Shows our camaraderie ♪ ♪ Zombies aren't monstrosities ♪ TILLY: But then Zed realizes that Addison has a secret of her own. What the heck? Is this white hair? Yeah. It's my deep, dark secret. -That's a weird secret. -I wear a wig to cover my white hair. I'm different, just like the zombies. Uh, not sure that's the best comparison. Just go with it. Let's sing. ♪ Someday, the humans will get along with zombies ♪ ♪ Someday, the world will accept that I have white hair ♪ TILLY: But then Bucky's allies hack into the magical wristband and fully unleash Zed's inner zombie. -Brains! -Well, we gonna die. Aooga! Aooga! I'm an alarm. -Forgive me, monster. -Brains. Please don't eat my brains. TILLY: But the magical wristbands -get magically fixed. -Ding! TILLY: Then Zed gets arrested. -What? -TILLY: So Addison-- Oh, my God. She's in the best part. I'm so excited. TILLY: --takes off her wig to show everyone it's okay to be different. Aw! What do you all think of my hair? CROWD: Boo! We still hate zombies and now we also hate your hair. TILLY: But then Zed and Addison ambushed the cheer championship with a powerful message for the whole town. ♪ This is the final song ♪ ♪ Where we all get along ♪ ♪ We're out of time, the story's resolve ♪ Don't ask questions. TILLY: And humans and zombies lived happily ever after. Bucky, this whistle represents an olive branch. -That's a whistle. -No. It's an analogy. I thought you said it was an olive branch. -Okay. -Addison, we did it. -We changed the world. -Okay. But no kissing. Let's just hug and then kiss in the sequel. TILLY: That's basically the whole movie, except for... the zombie rebel, the misguided parents, the eternal optimist, the surprise cheerleader, a professional dog actor-- Woof! I'm a dog. TILLY: --a totally real dumbbell. Go get 'em, Milo. A colander turned disco ball-- Ooh, sparkles. TILLY: --these sweet moves. Good job, buddy. Zed is a human? (screams) I don't like it. Ow! Seriously. TILLY: Flashlights. Ooh, spooky. And this years' winner of Zombie Idol. -(sings in high pitch note) -Oh, no. (indistinct) -shut it down. -Yeah! TILLY: That's all for now. To be continued with werewolves. Wow. You kids were right. Doing a Lip Switch is fun. And that Bucky's a star. It was an honor to be his mouth. So what are we gonna Lip Switch next? Oh, let's do another right now. -ALL: Uh... -I think we were gonna-- Go play outside? -BOTH: What? -No! Lip Switch! Lip Switch! What have we done? You know, Cricket, if I didn't know any better, it seems like you were kinda making fun of our movie. Well, I know zombies eat brains, but I didn't know you couldn't take a little ribbing. -(laughs) -Hey, Milo, I have an idea. I think you and I should pick the last short for the big grand finale. -Uh, say what now? -You're right, Meg. Why don't we show our favorite "Theme Song Takeover"? What? No! Anything but that one! Too late. Hit it, Miss Brenda. Ah, another Theme Song Takeover. Who's up this time? Tilly? -Not me. -Wait. Is it my turn? I didn't write anything. Actually, this time, it's our turn. ALL: (gasps) Milo Manheim and Meg Donnelly? That's right, Greens. You've had your fun lampooning our Zombies movies. So we spent all night hiding in your chimney to surprise you with the ultimate revenge. -A musical roast. -You what? Ha, you think you can get under our skin. The Greens have been called every name in the book. Ooh, this outta be good. Better start growing aloe vera, Bill, 'cause you're about to get burned. Oh, no. ♪ We hope that you don't think it's mean ♪ ♪ As we lampoon Big Silly Greens ♪ Silly? Come on. Is that all you got? ♪ Let's start with Cricket, he's a clown ♪ -What the heck? -♪ Ego so big ♪ -♪ He needs a crown ♪ -How are you doing that? ♪ Let's start with Gramma, she's so sour ♪ -Bug off. -♪ And she's so old ♪ ♪ She was friends with Eisenhower ♪ Hey, Lincoln. ♪ Say hi to Bill, that's raising corn ♪ -How do you do? -♪ Don't touch his crops ♪ -♪ He'll pop a corn ♪ -They're not ready. ♪ Tilly's an angel, let's cut her some slack ♪ -Why thanks. -♪ JK, her best friend ♪ ♪ Is a potato sack ♪ His name is Saxon. BOTH: Okay! Okay! It's Saxon. ♪ B-b-but everywhere these fools cause mayhem ♪ ♪ No, for real, just turn your news on ♪ ♪ Cricket, why can't you put shoes on? ♪ ♪ Wanted posters should display them ♪ ♪ Don't be fooled because I'm old ♪ ♪ I'll put you in a stranglehold ♪ ♪ No, please don't beat us up ♪ ♪ Truth is we love y'all no matter what ♪ Aw! (sniffs) You do? I mean, that's what the script tells us to say, so... That's it. Stranglehold time. (all grunting) -MEG: Milo, save yourself. -(screams) GRAMMA: Come back here, pretty boy. (screams) Nobody crosses the Greens!!! Even dreamy Disney stars! Well, on that note, our very first Zombi-Thon has come to an end. Thank you so much for being here, Milo Manheim and Meg Donnelly. You're welcome, Tilly. We may have not known we were coming here today... But we're sure glad we did. Anyway, it's time for me to return home now. See ya next time, Green family! -Come on, Milo. -Goodbye, everyone! (gasps) Is that a UFO? But she said she wasn't an alien! I told ya, Bill, you can never trust actors! Oh, no! They're going for the cow! ALL: Miss Brenda! Well, I guess we gotta deal with this now, so see ya next time! (theme music playing)
Channel: Disney Channel
Views: 3,529,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney channel, disney, cricket, big city greens, addison, zombies, zombies 3, zombi thon, zombiethon, zombi-thon, zombies 3 and big city greens, zombies 3 cartoon, zombies 3 chibi, zombies 3 chibi special, chibi special, zombi thon special, meg and milo, tilly, zombies 3 songs, zombies big city greens, cricket green, big city greens zombies, zombies 3 big city greens, zombie-thon with big city greens, zombie 3, zombies chibi, big city green zombies, big city greens zombies 3
Id: oEhgqlJuz5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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