Zogthrip's Multiverse Travel Agency | ASMR

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universal greetings and welcome to  Zogthrip's multiverse travel agency   my name is Phlaurmoch and i will be working  with you today it is a pleasure to meet you i take it that you are interested in our  award-winning pest control services isn't   that correct no obviously i'm just kidding i like  to say that just to break the ice a little bit   now i take it you're here because you are  interested in our travel agency services   isn't that correct great well obviously  you've come to the right place and thank   you very much for choosing us over our other  sleazy overrated very expensive competitors so what i'll be doing today is taking some of  your information getting to know you a little   bit better in terms of what you're looking for  where to travel i take it you're looking to go on   one of the most grandest expeditions and travels  you've ever been on or experienced with uh is that   about right okay good all right well let's uh  let me get started here let me just get a new there we go let's get you set up into our system have you ever traveled with us before no okay  well again it's great to hear and thank you   very much for choosing us over our sleazeball  competitors um can i have your name please okay all right would you mind  spelling your last name okay and what is your universe of residence just  the number okay four eight four two one zero   eight seven seven five six three four one two oh  four one three two okay all right i'm familiar   with that universe i've been there a couple times  um on a few business trips okay and may i have an   email address where we can send you the receipt  of your order spam you with offers and junk   that you'll never read and in case we need to  contact you uh for any reason with your order okay at multiversemail.com okay all right and you said you never traveled with  us before is that right okay travel with us   have you ever visited another  universe besides your own no okay so first time multiverse  traveler boy you're in for   quite the ride of your life all  right never visited another universe boy i'll never forget my first uh travel to   through the multiverse to another universe it was  yeah it was this universe actually just a moment um these are all prints that i had  made up of my own photographs on my   different uh my own different travels through the  multiverse over there to my far left is universe   oh it's known as Agatha universe i think it was  seven eight nine zero four three nine zero zero   four one nine six eight or was it a three oh yeah  oh well great that's a wonderful universe too um   and over there another one as  well that was my second trip   that is the universe known as Flogmaunghisphlong and quite an interesting universe it's   half solid half liquid um very unique life forms  um but i'll go into a little bit of that um i'm   not sure if that universe is still around anymore  though still available um i don't know exactly why   um but this right here this was my first universe  i'll never forget universe 3 1 2 2 9 7 0 0 4 0 0 4   zero zero four nine one three eight seven two  six five zero one three eight um also known as   the Gluphlaungathaur universe um this is let me  see yeah so that is the uh one of the planets   in the galaxy galaxy Snugflaugn Flrnsnoogm yeah i believe  that's it one of the um inhabited planets and   this is the picture i was standing on one of these  rock formations and i took this picture myself   with my camera of course you know we all have  implants cameras in our eyes um so that goes   without saying but yeah what a great review  so wonderful people on that planet as well so i just like the sound of that i'm sorry um this is something called asmr  i picked it up on one of my travels through   the multiverse on a very old universe  i believe the planet was called blurth no girth something like that i don't know uh  inhabited by humanoid life forms like you and i   um but they do a lot of this  some of them do a lot of this   tapping and playing with objects and things  of that nature to help one another relax   and apparently they do it because they their  ancestors up just a moment put this back okay um and just let me finish this story real  quick and we'll get right back uh to you and   gathering some more of your information apparently   this humanoid species well actually they were  called humans um their ancestors once groomed   one another for bugs and things as a way to keep  one another uh clean when they were more primitive   but as this species evolved and became  more technologically advanced they become   they went from a close-knit small tribes and  communities to being more spread out and less of   more distance distanced from each other  quite a sad tale really but that was so many   millenniums ago i don't even know that universe  is still around i think the last i checked its   sun was about to um you know go supernova and  engulf uh the planet make it uninhabitable so   yeah all right but anyway enough about that okay  let's see but yeah i'll never forget um my first   trip through the multiverse to another universe  well there was some nausea headaches upset stomach   some memory and hair loss this is not my  hair my DNA was permanently altered and   i was eventually admitted to a psychiatric ward  and placed in a drug-induced coma for five years   but uh boy let me tell you it was worth it so i  highly recommend i mean it might not happen to you   those symptoms that i experienced on my  first uh first trip to another universe   but you know yeah it's just uh you know the things  we do right okay um how did you hear about us okay and how long do you plan on traveling  through the multiverse just a week okay um i take it that's a vacation yeah okay will you be traveling alone or will  there be anyone accompanying you okay will you be traveling for business  or leisure i always like that word   leisure some people say leisure but i like leisure leisure leisure um yes business or leisure   leisure okay l-e-i-s-u-r-e leisure do you  have any pets some universes do not allow pets   unfortunately but we can always help  make arrangements uh and accommodations   for your pets at one of the many multiverse pet  hotels okay so was that a yes or no on pets okay um are you on the run i hate to ask this  but it's necessary are you on the run   from any law enforcement agency okay are you looking to travel in order to  transport contraband substances or materials   of any kind that may have been banned  in another universe absolutely not okay are you a card carrying member of  any nefarious organization i'm sorry   i have to ask but i'm sure you're  not no you're not of course okay um will you need transportation because  we can make arrangements for a rental starship   decked out with the latest tech and GPS navigation  that will automatically take you from one universe   to the next and all you have to do is sit back  and relax and enjoy the amenities of the starship   um will you be needing one of those if you're  not sure can always send you more information   in an email and then you can peruse the available  rental starships at your leisure okay all right   um will you need any travel insurance that will  be an additional cost and it covers things such   as lost luggage damage to your rental starship  uh transmogrification problems which i'll get to   in a little bit um a universe being temporarily  closed for maintenance uh being kidnapped by an   alien race and used as a political bargaining  chip warping into the sun and being vaporized   instantaneously things like that are covered by  our insurance plan it's an additional cost but   see i think they update it here yes  if you plan on visiting at least five   different universes on your travel  with what i'll be booking for you today   the insurance will be included for free  no additional cost so i forgot about that   little savings there would you like to  take advantage of that you would okay just a few check boxes here i have to check okay all right now about the transmogrification  aspect of the insurance are you familiar with   transmogrification, being transmogrified   that is when a machine and there are many  transmogrification services service providers out   there a machine some some of them are installed  on some starships um a very advanced machine will   transform your entire being down to your molecules  and your atoms and your quarks into a different   being or substance altogether as  there are some universes that are   very different from the typical  vacuum universe that you and i um   reside in um some universes are solid for example  and the life forms within them you know have   evolved and adapted to living in a solid universe  so you being a non-solid entity would need   to be transmogrified turned into a solid so you  could enter the universe okay now there are some   instances where the transmogrification process  you know it's very rare it's like i don't know three percent of the time you might  be transmogrified into something   completely different you might be unable to be  transmogrified back to who you were originally   or your all of your molecules and atoms might be  split completely apart basically disintegrating   you but you have to discuss that with the  transmogrification service provider however   we can include insurance protection case in the  event any of those things were to happen okay   but that's included like i said okay and i will  make sure that any of the universes that i'm   about to go over um that there is not a copy  of you residing in them there's no alternate   because i'm not sure if you are aware  it's a big no-no um that two of you   um never two or more never converge or meet um in  the same universe i should say two or more of you   from different universe um ever basically join up  or converge uh in the same universe it would just   destroy all space time as we know it of course  wiping out both of you at the same time in all   of your alternates and just to cause a multiverse  collapse it's happened on a few occasions but   we're able to recover but a lot of preventative  measures are in place too there are some universe   universes that have a detection that  will detect an alternate approaching   a universe that has an alternate of you  in it and alarms will go off and all that but   you know there's sometimes a rare occasion  when those systems fail so but i'll make sure   um when i'm on we're all done here that you don't  have another copy of yourself another alternate   you in one of the universes that we'll be uh  booking you uh for on your trip okay all right   and um if we do happen to find an alternate uh  there's two options we can expunge your alternate   from one of the universes that you would like  to visit or we can uh find another similar or   suitable universe in place of the one that you've  chosen to visit okay so um but i'll contact you   in the event that we find an alternate in one  of the universes you'd like to visit okay all   right so that's going to do it for all the data  gathering what i'm going to do now is go over most   as you know the multiverse is infinite and beyond  a basic you know humanoid understanding and there   are so many universes in the multiverse that it's  impossible for me to go over all of them with you   now right here um so you are free to visit our uh  website Zogthrip's multiverse travel agency ZMTA   and peruse all the infinite if you have  the time the infinite number of universes   out there in case there's something here that  you know you might not find then you can always   contact us and we can you know update your uh  travel itinerary all right but i've picked out   some of the more popular and well traveled  universes that you might be interested okay   so um the first thing i'm going to do  is go from the more traditional vacuum   based universes universes that have gravity  cosmic radiation galaxies stars inhabitable   planets carbon-based life forms things like that  you know the universes that you and i come from um   some of the more popular uh highly traveled vacuum  universes okay one such universe is number 8675309 also known as the Jennyverse um it consists  of over a million highly evolved and   technologically advanced life forms uh plenty  of intergalactic conflict and intrigue lots of   star ports with plenty of trading and piracy  if you're into that and many remote areas   if you're looking for some peace and quiet or  engage in some clandestine operations of your own   so would you be interested in visiting universe  number 8675309 the Jjennyverse you would okay right add that to your itinerary and then if you ever want to  know more about what's inside   of the Jennyverse because these universes  are so expansive when we're complete   when we're done here with your order  i'll be sending you your itinerary   and there'll be plenty of links and information  a digital brochure where you can peruse all the   different galaxies and planets the highlights  popular destinations within the universe okay all right let's see what other vacuum universes   you might be interested in visiting uh we have two  that are quite unique one is universe 913302437 known as the DC universe and it's sister universe  number two eight five four six three zero zero one   known as the Marvel universe now don't ask me how  they come up with some of these acronyms and names   for these universes i'm just glad i don't have  that job um but what's interesting about these   two universes of these vacuum universes is that  the carbon-based life forms humanoids that reside   within them a certain select number of them a few  small percentage have super you can believe that   some of them can shoot laser beams out of their  eyes turn invisible shape-shift into other   creatures um some of them have uh claws made of um  the one of the multiverses uh strongest material   just protruding right from their knuckles some of  them shoot webs right out of their wrists uh fly   turn invisible some can turn into rock  others can stretch themselves like rubber   it's really quite amazing i've never been  there myself but it's it's on my bucket list   um let's see um yeah there's even one particular  uh superhero who doesn't have any superpowers   but was born into a wealthy family and witnessed  the death of his own parents and thus uh turned into a life of fighting crime using the unlimited  wealth that he inherited from his from his parents   to create some highly advanced technologically  advanced weapons boomerangs and a super vehicle   and he lives in a cave but they are  not kind of strange eccentric fellow   um yeah but yeah very interesting and they're even  in the Marvel universe there is one particular   superhero is what they're called known as  Doctor Strange who get this starring in his own   movie called Doctor Strange's Multiverse of Madness  can you believe that being a superhero and then   being an actor at the same time being your  own movie i don't know must be nice huh okay   so um so that's just two of those uh vacuum or  three so far there is another universe or is it uh yes called the Foundationverse uh universe number uh that's strange it says here the  universe number has been redacted   it's interesting and all information  about it has been expunged i can't even click on anything just says  Foundationverse universe number redacted   the description and all details expunged  expunged expunge looks like locked by management   i'll have to talk with Zogthrip about this  sorry about that i guess won't be traveling to   the Foundationverse anytime soon um and there's  lots of other vacuum universes one of them is home   to a place called Middle Earth so i can send you  much more information about the different types   of vacuum universes um if you're interested but uh  so what do you think would you like to add the dc   um we already added the Jennyverse to your  itinerary would you like to add the DC or Marvel   or Middle Earth universe to your  itinerary as well you would okay excellent just give me a moment okay DC Marvel Middle Earth okay and i will put that you are interested  in learning more about additional   vacuum based universes so our system will  generate some more popular destinations and   send them to you over email and you can peruse  those add them to your itinerary give us a   call back or actually you can do it digitally  and update your itinerary and the cost of the   the travel or the itinerary itself and  will be adjusted accordingly all right   okay now let's move on to the less traditional  universe is moving on to the more exotic   so to speak so as i mentioned earlier during the  transmogrification uh explanation there are solid   universes that's true it's kind of hard to fathom  a lot of folks coming here kind of just like   you give me that same "whaddya kiddin' me" kind of  look but any type of it isn't multiverse infinite infinite i don't even know how to say an infinite  space containing an infinite amount of universes and who knows maybe the multiverse is contained in  another multiverse and within another multiverse   so on so forth who really knows but um anyway  any kind of universe that you can think of   that might exist but does solid universe is  one of them we have universes that are made   out of steel glass brick quartz diamond if you're  wealthy enough to visit or if you're on a budget   you can always visit a cubic zarconia uh universe  um ceramic plastic copper brass a wood universe so   on and so forth um let's see so that's why if you  are not a life form that was quote unquote born   and raised in a solid universe and you're a  visitor you'll need to be transmogrified okay   so one of the popular more popular destinations  would be solid universe 51904-7218-4698 also named Kim it is a medium-sized universe  spanning roughly 36 million light years in   diameter its inhabitants are known as the Children  of Kim and everything in that universe including   its life forms are made of Kimadium it looks  like metal tastes like wood and smells like but grandma than that it's a truly wonderful place   um all of its inhabitants are very friendly  courteous and welcoming when they are not   in the midst of uh worshiping Kim um so are you  interested in visiting solid universe Kimverse   no you're but not interested in visiting a solid  universe and having taken the risk of having   your body transmogrified into a solid seems  a little scary yeah maybe that's not a good   recommendation for a first time multiverse  traveler maybe next time once you get your first   multiverse trip under your belt so to  speak okay i'll just click no to that   no to the Kimverse and no to any solid universes  so you don't get any suggestions moving on we have   liquid universes obviously somewhat similar to  solid universes these universes are made out of   liquids uh water lava liquid metal sulfuric  acid blood oil slime milk universe unless   you're lactose intolerant almond milk universe  coconut milk universe ethanol universe soda or pop   universes of course diet soda universes  if you're you know managing your weight or   blood sugar coffee universes including  decaf latte and espresso universes   there's also honey universes maple syrup mercury  juice based universes orange juice tomato juice   grapefruit juice cranberry juice etc molten salt  universe protic ionic liquid universe vegetable   oil universe and so on and so forth and in  case you were wondering no you cannot drink   from these universes well let me explain liquid  in these universes is like oxygen to us like   fish living in water so all the different  organisms have been born into and evolved to adapt   to these various liquid universes whether slime  oil or milk however if you are able to pass by   the perimeter of one of these liquid universes  and hold your mug outside of your starship   and scoop up a little of the milk universe  you can drink it but you'd have to be careful   you don't have any planets or galaxies or life  forms in there it might not digest too well   not to mention i don't think the inhabitants would  enjoy you know being gulped down like that but you   know it happens so one of the more popular liquid  universe destinations is liquid universe 105 which   is a unique blend of tree milk engine oil and  bleach um so where you care to be care to visit   liquid universe 105 and be transmogrified into  a being consisting of tree milk engine oil and   bleach so that you can enjoy your stay there you  would okay very good i will put you down for that and if you ever happen to change your mind on  any of these selections just give us a call   okay and we'll be happy to assist you and  make any changes necessary to your itinerary   and your destinations all right okay moving on of  course you know in addition to solid and liquid   universes there are gaseous uh universes universes  that consist of various gases any imaginable that   you can think of oxygen hydrogen nitrogen helium neon krypton methane phosphine perfluoroethyldimethylamineum um and so on and so forth one popular uh gaseous universe uh destination is   gaseous universe 23 also known as the Laughing  universe because it consists of nothing   but nitrous oxide um let me see all right so all  the life forms that reside within it are in a   constant state of laughter takes some getting  used to at first i can speak from experience   but once you get acclimated you find it  to be one of the most amazing experiences   of course you'll need to be transmogrified into  a being that consists of nothing but nitrous   oxide and you're in a constant state of laughter  even while you're eating and drinking sleeping   etc so it's quite something um  quite the universe to visit should i   put you down for universe gaseous universe  23 the Laughing universe yes okay very well just add you here add that to your itinerary okay that will do it for some of the  more traditional exotic universes as we   go through here the types of universes will get  more exotic more exotic and even more strange um   next we have inverted universes as the name  implies everything within these universes   and about these universes including its life  forms is inverted so for instance right side up   is upside down inside out is outside in black  is white cold is hot even the universe itself   is inverted which very difficult to explain  i can't really explain how these universes   exist whether it's solid or inverted i'm  not a physicist or a scientist okay but um   you just have to do some research if  you're interested in knowing how that   is possible um but one popular destination among  inverted universes is inverted universe 419 which   just so happens to consist of carbon-based life  forms like us so it's a inverted vacuum universe   probably should have put this you could probably  put this under the vacuum universes as well   but anyway um in this universe uh the sky is the  ground life forms have their internal organs on   the outside of their bodies let's see the cost  of inflation goes down so deflation i guess   businesses pay you pay the customers to purchase  their products employees own the companies   video games play the people people  drink their food and eat their drink   no one is ever alone at a party people  frown and cry when happy normal is weird   animals keep humans as pets birds  slither and snakes fly water   and rain flows upward so obviously gravity is  inverted so well cities are in the sky ground   um yeah so on and on uh would you be interested  in visiting that inverted universe you would okay add that to your itinerary just a moment okay next we have invisible universes just as  the name implies these are universes that are   invisible at first scientists  didn't think these universes existed   within the uh multiverse but then he accidentally  bumped into you know invisible planets and   well some were vaporized when flying too close  to invisible suns but they're eventually using   advanced highly advanced technology able  to scope out and navigate these invisible   universes don't ask me how they do it  but i'm a little above my pay grade   trying to understand all these  different universes i'm just here to   help you plan a trip okay um then after  this i go home and play video games but um   so yeah um invisible universes all the life  forms within them invisible everything you   don't even know you're in there you'd have to  be transmogrified turned invisible in order to   enjoy your stay there so what do you say are  you interested in visiting a invisible universe   no doesn't really um pique your  interest or what's that spark your fancy   i don't forget what that phrase is ah right  yeah okay well i'll put no for that one   and i'll make sure that we do not suggest any  other invisible universes for you to visit okay okay next type of universe is in the  multiverse that uh you can visit our pocket   universes i like that word pocket pocket  pocket pocket pocket pocket pocket have you ever repeated a word  so much that it begins to lose   meaning yeah uh it doesn't happen to me  with pocket pocket still means um a little   container of sorts to whole things usually  attached to clothing hasn't quite lose its meaning   pocket no i think it just did okay so  we have many pocket universes available   there are code pocket universes  pants pocket universes   zippered pocket universes expanding pocket  universes watch pocket universes and there   is one particular pocket universe number  nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine known as the Hot Pocket universe it is  a universe that is completely edible   believe it or not and according to my calculations  about half of the universe has been eaten already   so you may want to consider visiting it  before it's all gone shall i put you down   for a trip to the Hot Pocket universe  yeah okay great Hot Pocket universe and would you be interested in  receiving any more information about   other pocket universes you would okay all right okay all right next we have a series of universes  that exist within different types of matter and   objects believe it or not we have universes that  reside on doorknobs inside light bulbs universes   on park benches in picture frames located on the  underside of bottle caps in the soles of shoes in   rubber chickens on the tips of eyelashes i gotta  be careful it could be universe couple universes   right there i could easily wipe out inside  rocks on pillows and blankets of the Elder Gods   on the tops of mountains at the bottom of the  deepest oceans universes located within atoms   and quarks about that universe is on the backs of  turtles and other reptiles universes that reside   on the hands of clocks universes found down uh  deep under couch cushions where one might find   loose change universe is located in drier lint and  there's even a universe located in this computer   monitor um residing in the walls not in the  pictures well obviously and one such universe is   universe number nine five four three four six five  eight eight two which is located on the second   shelf behind a box of empty sugary crunchies  brand cereal in the kitchen pantry of one Mr. Pete Smith who is oblivious to this fact and who  resides in apartment 12b on cruncal street in the   southern hemisphere of planet Zaurbogg in universe  one nine five six eight zero one two nine eight   so would you care to visit Mr Smith and universe  number nine five four three four six five 882   which is located on that second shelf beyond a box  of empty sugary crunchies you would okay very well add you to that go all right moving on next we have the Thing  universes we have the Anything universe the   Something universe the very uh highly traveled  popular Nothing universe so anything obviously   be found inside the Anything universe something  or some things can be found inside that Something   universe and absolutely nothing can be found in  the Nothing universe um let's see yeah like i said   the Nothing universe or the Nothingverse one of  the multiverses top destinations top 20 i believe   there is nothing to see nothing to do yep  nothing to do nothing to eat or drink nothing   to breathe and it's just a universe of absolutely  nothing so if you want to get away from it all   um and do absolutely nothing at all  then you know i highly recommend   the Nothingverse um so are you interested in  any of these thing universes you are okay great   which one the Nothingverse yeah figured  as much right add that to your itinerary okay it's about to get a lot more  exotic in terms of universe types   next we have Sapient and Sentient universes  these are obviously universes that are sapient   uh thinking and sentient or feeling um many of  these universes have their own personalities just   like you and i um some are shy and introverted  others are loud and obnoxious and extroverted   there is uh one particular sapient and sentient  universe it's quite the hot spot number seven zero   two eight three nine nine zero one seven one one  three q one nine also known as Mildred H Ogden III   she is recently widowed retired from working  90 billion years as a dark matter surgeon   she's very kind and keeps herself yet firm when  she needs to be she has six child universes who   are now in their million years of age and  she also has four grand children universes   in their tens of thousand years of age uh  they are so cute if you ever get a chance to   uh see uh a young universe just begun its  life and just reminds me of your of our own   youth um but of course you know we're not a  universe uh yeah it's just something magical   not knowing what that universe what that young  universe is going to grow up and and become   but anyway um anyone that's ever  visited Miss Ogden has always left   feeling much more rejuvenated and refreshed she  doesn't allow pets or smoking and no parties   loud music or intergalactic flights past  9pm her universe is quite calm and tranquil   you don't find too many rowdy  types or troublemakers visiting her   so what do you say care to make a day trip  and have a Miss Ogden uh sentient and sapient   universe added to your itinerary you would okay  very well i think you'll enjoy your trip there okay you're all booked for that one as well okay now just a word of caution you do  have to um be a little wary of the types of   in case you plan on visiting any other sapient  and sentient universes some of them out there   are uh engage in criminal activity even psychotic  okay but fortunately we have the multiverse law   enforcement agency that you know does a great  job of catching any you know would-be criminal   universes psychotic universes and locking them  away for good at the multiverse prison okay   but if you are a daring um individual  and looking for some extreme excitement   in your life i can book you with a criminal  universe or a psychotic universe it's up to you not sure okay all right we'll  just put not sure right there   oh there is one particular universe that has that  has gone completely mad raving about eldritch   universes that have risen from their slumber  in the deepest part of the multiverse   and are planning to devour the multiverse itself  can you believe that that particular universe   is located at Arkham Sanitarium in universe  oh now i forget which universe that is   i don't think i've ever updated that how  embarrassing obviously there are millions of   Argument Sanitariums throughout that multiverse  i'll have to look into that a little bit later   and send you that information if you're  interested okay and i almost forgot there are   cannibal universes universes that eat  other universes either for sustenance or   some cases unfortunately for pleasure and for  sport so again if we don't really recommend   visiting a cannibal universe but again  you know we can't not um you know book   one for a daring and adventurous individual  so would you like to add a cannibal universe   to your itinerary no i didn't  think so okay um let's see   continuing with the different types of sapient  and sentient universes that exist we also have   Senior or Elderly universes if you are looking to  see what life is like for those universes who are   um whose stars are about to go  dim for all eternity so to speak   many of these universes are cared for in senior  living universe homes where they take part in   various activities and are very well cared for  these elderly universes love having visitors   um especially you know younger universes or  even younger beings who are not a universe i   remind them of their younger days in their  youth when they were only you know a few hundred   thousand years old uh if you like i can set you up  with a tour of one of these senior living universe   homes if you're interested um what do you  think yeah you would okay great let's see   i can i can book one that will start um  start at 2 p.m um so that gives you a nice   little two hour break for lunch okay so  let me just add that to your itinerary okay moving on we have uh universes uh among  the different uh social classes and hierarchies   and yes just like us there are wealthy universes  middle class universes and unfortunately poor   universes and sadly in some cases universes  without a home but thankfully we do have the   multiverse social services program which helps  take care of those abandoned universes so to speak   make sure they don't go without the basic  necessities and that's all in part thanks to the   No Universe Left Alone act multiverse act  so would you be interested in taking a tour   through the gated communities of the bourgeois  universes and then maybe take a tour through   the proletariat working class universes followed  by a tour through the hood and ghetto universes   of the multiverse we have a three-hour tour that  will take you through all types all three types of   universe hierarchies um so you can experience  um all of them before lunch what do you say   yeah you would okay i'll put you down for an  early morning tour starting at 8am and that   way on the same day of the elderly uh universe  tour yeah that way you can see the different   uh social uh classes and structures the hierarchy  and all that of the three different uh you know   social classes of the universes and then after you  know break for lunch and then take a tour of the   one of those uh elderly you know  senior living universe homes just add that to your itinerary okay i think there's just two more  categories of universes left to go over   um the more you know popular  universes to go uh see and visit uh   moving on from sapient and sentient universes  next we have Omniscient and Omnipotent universes   omniscient of course all knowing universes  and omnipotent being all powerful universes   so if you ever wanted to know everything  that there is to know in the multiverse   then you could visit an omniscient universe  and if you ever wanted to see an all-powerful   omnipotent universe in action well you know  where to visit let's see one of the more popular   omniscient all-knowing universes uh the  destinations is omniscient universe number   six 3363 three six three three six three  three six three three six three three   six three three six known as Amos Ravard a younger  universe at 26 million years of age but don't let   his age deceive you his vast knowledge of the  infinite multiverse puts a lot of the older   elderly scholarly universes to shame his  universe has some modern charm to it a little   touch of antiquity he's always happy to share  his vast infinite knowledge with any visitors   and his is a typical vacuum universe with  traditional galaxies planets stars and the   like so shall i add the Amos Ravard omniscient  universe to your itinerary yes okay very well and i'll put a check box here next  to suggest other omniscient universes   in case you happen to see others might pique  your interest you change your mind okay okay and moving on to the omnipotent universes uh  one of the frequently visited omnipotent universes   uh is number zero nine five zero nine seven nine  five six seven zero nine four five six zero nine   dash a also known as Hui-ying Shao she is actually  an empress universe of the Shao universe dynasty   it is safe to visit her now that the conflict with  the Fang universe empire is over that lasted for   a billion years uh her universe is a beautiful one   very tranquil lots of highly evolved species  and life forms and advanced technology   uh a visit to the Hui-ying Shao universe will leave  you spiritually fulfilled and you might never   want to leave um let's see of course Hui-ying Shao  being an omnipotent universe what's special about   her and her universe she is an artist complete  amazing artist when it comes to her power   she makes some of the most stunning universes  galaxies stars just stuff that'll just see these   you know recreated photos behind me  paintings so to speak well that's   nothing those pale in comparison to what uh miss  chao is capable of creating with her power uh   some of her uh creations her life  forms other universes are can be uh   seen on display in the multiverse museum of art  so highly recommend visiting her and her universe   so shall i book you uh on a trip to see uh Hui-ying Shao universe yes okay excellent choice just add you to the itinerary or add Miss  Shao's universe Miss Shao to your itinerary and i'll put a check mark in the box   for any other omnipotent universes that  you might be interested in visiting okay moving on next type of universes  that we have available to visit   are some unspeakable unnamable  eldritch horror type of universes   these universes reside in the furthest and darkest  corner of the multiverse beyond the natural laws   of the multiverse itself they are universes that  were born hideous and and malevolent long before   their multiverse itself even existed they are  some of the oldest of all known universes and   just the sight alone of them can make anyone go  mad and insane and start muttering and jibbering   incoherently and next thing you know you're in  a straight jacket locked up at Arkham Sanitarium   but if you are of strong mind and will well  you might actually have a positive experience   visiting one of these eldritch universes but many  of these universes contain unspeakable unnamable   horrors that reside within them and their cosmic  boundaries so care to take a day trip to the   eldritch side of the multiverse you would okay  excellent put you right down for a day trip then maybe a tour of the old eldritch   side of the multiverse instead of  any one particular eldritch universe okay that's gonna do it um now because uh you seem  to be um such a pleasant uh customer client um   and just wanting to go and see so many different  universes i do have one particular universe that   i only have access to none of the other travel  agents here at Zogthrip's travel agency know   about this so i'm gonna try to keep my voice down  a little bit uh so uh glad that you have been uh selecting all these different  universes with us um it's just okay um   there's really one particular universe that i  really shouldn't be talking about okay it's very top   secret hush hush um but uh let's see it's a universe kept  inside a heavily guarded vault um inside a top   secret facility and compound deep down  in the center of the planet known as J732 um located in the eighth triad quadrant of the  15th sector of the Noragrael galaxy in universe   four zero two five eight three one because this  particular universe being held there is undergoing   some top secret experiments if you want i can get  you in to see it but i can't guarantee your safety   there is a large reward however if someone  was somehow to help this universe escape   be released from its confinement and returned  to its rightful home in the multiverse okay   yes i'm so very pleased you have uh chosen all  these different universes on your itinerary okay   um so um but you never heard this from me  um so what do you say would you care to   pay this universe a visit um if so i'll  throw in some high-tech armor and weapons   security pass that you get you through all  the different levels of security clearance   so you can gain access to this universe  i'll throw in a laser cannon some grenades   let's see armored personnel vehicle for  your escape plenty of counter measures and   defensive capabilities all right so to  ward off any pursuers okay as you transport   this universe back home so what do you say be  careful should i add that to your itinerary okay okay that's great i'm so glad you chose that one  too okay let me just uh do that real quick here and i'll be honest i am getting a cut of  that reward it's very small just about 15 percent okay i think that should do it let's  just go over your itinerary one last time   you have chosen to visit the Jennyverse the DC  and Marvel universes as well as the Middle Earth   universe and if the Foundationverse ever becomes  available i'll add that to your itinerary too   uh you said no to this Solid universe known  as Kim but you can always change your mind   yes to Liquid universe 105 yes to Gaseous universe  23 yes to the Inverted universe no to the inverted   uh Invisible universe uh let's see yes to the Hot  Pocket universe possibly around dinner time yes to   universe belonging to or uh Mr Smith in unit 12 b  yes to the Nothing universe um yes to the sapient   sentient universe known as Miss Ogden no to any  hostile psychotic or cannibalistic universes   a tour of senior living universe home for elderly  universes a tour of the social class hierarchy   of the wealthy middle class and poor universes  yes to omniscient universe Amos Ravard yes   to omnipotent universe Hui-ying Shao yes  to a tour of the unspeakable eldritch   part of the multiverse and of course yes  to that classified mission to rescue that   imprisoned universe okay so that would be let's  see one two three four five six seven eight 17 universes well a combination of universes and  other tours uh in one week now that's a lot to   cover in one week don't worry that's why i'm here  come once you've departed here i will go ahead and   make all the necessary arrangements and schedules  and work everything out that you can see all the   different universes and take  these tours within seven days okay just a moment okay my friend well that will do it do you have  any other questions at this time no okay well the   final thing i like to ask the most one of the most  important parts is how will you be paying today   ah okay very good see we have here oh let's see  is that a dill pickle okay excellent some twigs   some matchsticks looks like dried  leftover pieces of colored non-toxic clay   Play-doh brand oh highly valuable some toy bricks building  blocks okay scraps of paper all right all right well  that will suffice as payment all right then well again it was a pleasure  to meet you a pleasure to do business with you   i wish you nothing but the safest of travels and  a wonderful experience and hopefully nothing goes   wrong with being transmogrified or your dna  traveling among the uh universes again you get   that insurance added included uh in your package  all right should anything happen um and um and i   think that'll do it all right so best of luck to  you on your travels and uh please uh you know if   you happen to know anyone else looking to travel  throughout the multiverse please uh you know be   kind if you could you know just mention Zogthrip's  travel agency and don't forget to leave a review   on the multiverse uh travel uh website okay all  right well take care for now and hope to see   you again should you need our services in the  future all right save travels now okay so long you
Channel: Ephemeral Rift
Views: 599,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr, autonomous sensory meridian response, relaxing, relaxation, calming, soothing, sleep aid, insomnia relief, stress relief, asmr triggers, keyboard sounds, sleepy, multiverse, avant-garde, experimental
Id: 3bVn4BSStkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 21sec (4881 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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