Zip Trips: Danville

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foreign [Music] the road for a zip trip to Danville when you look at this downtown and we're the Envy of a lot of cities in California because we have such a huge downtown we're live in downtown Danville showing you all this East Bay Town has to offer including a booming restaurant scene there are restaurants everywhere in fact we've had more open since the pandemic and we're actually going to be opening a vegan restaurant and just one block down the street here and what are you looking forward to that and you'll hear from a Danville native who is headed for his first year in the NFL after being drafted by the New Orleans Saints the place I grew up and I got to experience a lot of great childhood memories so it's special it's it's it's emotional but I'm super glad to have this opportunity all that and a lot more as mornings on two takes you on a zip [Music] [Applause] this party started early here in Danville we have several dozen of this town's 43 000 residents hello and good morning Danville wow there we go right outside the Danville hotel right here on Hearts Ave you know what if you've been to the Fourth of July parade or you probably staked out a seat right along this way early early in the morning we have a packed hour for you our third Zip Trip of the summer season we are featuring the East Bay Town of Danville 18 square miles and a whole lot of fun and activity packed into that size this is a fantastic small little town it's got that Community feel here when you are here in downtown Danville and you can see the people behind us they've been stopping by and talking to us all morning long grateful that we're here and we're grateful to share this fantastic town with them as well all right so let's uh get uh things started here this morning we've got uh Frank and Sal out on the scene checking things out uh let's start uh with Sal he's at a classic car show Sal Phillips hey guys you know what I didn't know but every Friday here uh in the parking lot where The Bagel Street Cafe is here in Danville these guys and gals just show up with their cars I'm in a 57 Thunderbird look at this beauty this is amazing all right so uh so Chip is going to show us I'm going to get out of this car as much as I hate to but look at all these cars here uh and they just show up every Friday I'm told just to hang out have some coffee and you know show off their cars and what what a great thing for a car guy like me to automatically you know just to come in and see this by accident so uh you can see that if you come to Danville there's something for everyone and if you're a car guy or gal you should come to the parking lot where The Bagel Street Cafe is and you will see your share of classic cars even some of the newer cars they have here so uh Andre and Garcia car people Beyond notice now one of the things I want to tell you is our my colleague Frank malicode is out and he's exploring another part of Danville Frank that I am I'm up here in the Danville Hills in front of a beautiful home that was built in the late 1800s and it belonged to a literary giant who won a Pulitzer in fact four of those a Nobel Prize for his playwriting and some of his best work was done right here in this Danville home in the late 30s and the late 40s who might that be well we're going to tell you much more about that we're also going to take you on a geography lesson of the town of Danville and the NFL KTVU and quarterback from Monte Vista connection all that much more coming up as we uh take to the streets with a little Zip Trip trivia Garcia Andre back to you we seem to be having a lot of Danville NFL connections lately and we'll get to one a little bit later from now Frank cell thank you so much appreciate it we'll check it with you a little bit later there's been a lot happening in and around and because of Danville recently but I always like to take a good long look back at the origin story if you will of all these great towns and cities and get to visit on our zip trip so let's take a look back now not decades but centuries at the town of Danville in the heart of the San Ramon Valley Danville traces its history back well before 680 cut its Path North and South through the town Danville provides a small town feel with quaint coffee shops small businesses and places to forget about your troubles eventually settled in Name by Americans brought here by the Gold Rush Old Town Danville was originally purchased in 1854. four years later the community had a blacksmith a hotel a general store and in 1860 its first post office stories of prosperity spread from California across the country the Lush Valley brought Farmers to grow apples plums pears walnuts almonds and more a number of original buildings still stand including the Danville hotel that small town feel started to change in the late 1800s with the arrival of the railroad at that point people and goods could travel anywhere through the United States with ease the true Turning Point came in the 19th 60s with the construction of 680 when that freeway went in danville's population was just above 3 000 by 1970 the population topped 14 000 and today more than 43 thousand people are lucky enough to call Danville home [Music] still got that small town feel usually when you come here today right all right so the mayor mayor Robert Stewart he couldn't be here today because he is at his son's wedding in Brazil but he did want to appear on zip trip and he wanted to give us a historic look at the town this is a man that loves this area uh he could not stop talking about the history of this area and this is what he told me when I met with him just a few days ago take a look when Dan was founded in 1858 by the Ironmans uh they were founded right here on Front Street to say Danville mayor Robert store loves his town would be an understatement when we met him he came armed with a binder filled with the history of Danville it was supposed to guide us along our route but he hardly needed to reference it walking along Front Street the road where the community first began we passed what is now the Village Theater the building dates back to 1874 when it was called LaGrange Hall at the time it was a social center for the entire San Ramon Valley we're walking towards Prospect Street which I think is one of our cutest streets in Danville just up the road is one of the oldest structures in Danville built in the 1850s long since converted into offices it was once home to a critical need for any young and growing town a doctor the vecchi house was owned by Dr Victor Becky the town's first dentist he could pull teeth he could actually do minor surgeries he was more of a House doctor a few dozen feet away at the corner front and Prospect is where more lured activities took place in danville's early years this was the red light district this was a district that lasted for a good number of years until the founding mothers ran the ladies out of town these days though Prospect is bustling with much less scandalous Affair you've worked here for a number of years you know and we have Danville Chocolates and it's incredible how far people drive to come to Danville Chocolates and across the street laconda ravello a restaurant so authentic that mayor store immediately turns to his linguistic skills speaking in Italian to the owners store moved to Danville in 1988 working as planning commissioner before running for mayor and losing his first time but since then he served the town as mayor for three different terms as a man who can rattle off fast facts you can tell he loves investing into the downtown area when you look at this downtown and we're the Envy of a lot of cities and in California because we have such a cute downtown store shows us how the city has worked to preserve old rundown buildings and restore as many as possible to their original Splendor I think this is a look-see that must see is Elliot's first opened in 1907 the bar is set to be the oldest business in Danville passing through only two owners over that time it even survived prohibition by converting into an ice cream parlor well sort of anyway back in the prohibition days Elliots couldn't sell alcohol so they they reinvented themselves and during prohibition they turned it into an ice cream parlor except if you knew the secret word you could get moonshine the mirror could not resist taking us to his favorite hangout spot this is where I sort of explore some of my bad habits or my good habits Danville cigar fine wine and Gifts where he's got his own personal stash of cigars tucked away in this locked drawer that's what makes us unique is our outdoor patio walking the streets here in downtown Danville you really get a sense of community here it was evident too when the owners of small businesses saw the mirror they walked out of their shops to say hi mayor scored this Frozen thank you it was a wonderful thank you you always keep the downtown blooming wow flowers chocolate yeah great food amazing people I don't know if it's because I was just hanging out with the mayor but it did seem completely completely authentic it really was that people here are really nice we know that because we've been sitting here and watching just you know the folks that live here coming up to say hi right you know it is really like that friendly welcoming warm wonderful but there might be a couple things you don't know about Danville and now I get to the good part we're gonna take a quick breakfast quick break when we come back I thought it was an easy question but I totally got it wrong what cities border the town of Danville but you would think right I grew up here I would know no I did not know our Frank Malico took a zip trip trivia on the road not in one of these Beauties but still we're gonna see if we can stump you with our trivia on Danville next foreign [Music] album called don't take candy from a baby he began his musical journey in a guitar class when he was in eighth grade played a number with a number of different bands in high school and during that time he started singing as well and he is our band performing for us today at our Zip Trip live here in Danville David Lan uzo joining us this morning and of course he's lucky I think he could like practically walk here right I jumped on 680 it's a short hop off the freeway uh you know Danville you know 680 we're between the Las trampas Ridge and the Mount Diablo and the Diablo range that came up in Zip Trip trivia because I I think I know my berry geography pretty well but I mean Frank malicode with what I thought would be your easiest question if you not only stumped me but you stopped just about everybody you talk to when you're out and about here in Danville well I try I try uh but a lot of folks uh well let's just put it this way they they know their Town pretty well uh we are up here in the Danville Hills and we did a a deep dive into uh the city of Danville to find out you know what's going on here and we found out there are a lot of Heavy Hitters that actually either grew up here or did a little work here in Danville including the man that built this home behind me this was built in the late 30s and 40s by a gentleman that may have been the best playwright in U.S history we're going to tell you who that is but we're going to start with a bit of a geography lesson as we take to the streets here in Danville to find out what did people really know about their town can you name the three cities or three towns that border Danville San Ramon Alamo good and one second San Ramon yes Alamo yes Dublin no no want to keep trying keep trying there's only so many San Ramon yeah third town of Porter scanville those are the two easy ones right yeah what was that Dublin no no no San Ramon kind of got oh yeah yeah you're right I do I do yeah apparently I've only had one cup of coffee it's not pleasant today no that's even further I'm thinking the other side of Mountain View it's true whoa what did she say the other side of Mount Diablo what's the name of the mountain Mount Diablo there's a town named Diablo little city it's named after a big mountain here yeah yeah well Diablo's not a town it has it is it is there's a town called Diablo there's a town called Diablo I did not know that the story career in football here at Monte Vista High School and that was embarking on an NFL career can you name the quarterback and for extra credit who is his mother Kaepernick was it Colin Kaepernick is that who you're talking about oh I don't know oh Turlock excuse me yeah okay but I don't know this kid that you're talking about you don't no sorry his mother works at channel two all right that doesn't help Julie Julie yeah Julie pretty girl very yeah and her last name so it's with an H yes Julie hayner hayner and her son's name is boy hayner boy hater yes Julie Hayner's the mom that is correct son I Brett hayner Fresno State right that's the last name right and the college but what's his first name he beat UCLA yes in a dramatic game a couple years ago Jalen Cropper and Jake hayner is the natural another Jake The Snake huh yeah well there you go okay yeah yeah uh he won a peel it surprise and a Nobel Prize for his literary work and lived here in Danville for a number of years can you name the playwright Steinbeck no but that era he was a playwright oh yeah um shoot first thing that comes to mind and Shakespeare but that's not right yeah yeah bill was around a long time ago yeah so oh yeah he's got a house a house yes who lived in that house I know that's a good question um sure you read this we'll go back to that come to the next one oh really you're gonna pass I love it it'll pop in in a minute no I don't know I really don't know that's the house that's over ding ding ding here I'm blanking on the name right now um The Iceman Cometh oh my gosh yeah I can even picture him but I can't read it I can't I can't think of it right now what's his name Eugene O'Neill okay how'd you do that hey I do read [Laughter] simple as that yes the man that wrote Iceman Cometh and Long Day's Journey in tonight wrote many of those plays in fact those two right here in this Danville home and you're looking at his study the window of his study right now and both those plays were written right here in Danville we'll have much more coming up on the Eugene O'Neill house and the barn that is I can see it from here very special place and there's some kids in there right now we'll tell you what they're doing as well by the way I kind of teased about a half an hour ago did Dick Van Dyke really grow up in Danville and Garcia and Andre the answer is yes but it's Danville Illinois a little bit of a uh trivia [Laughter] thank you so much appreciate it all right uh Sal he Sal always able to sniff out the greatest food in the area uh we send things back over him he was in a car earlier across the car and now he's in the kitchen uh Sal tell us where you are right now where you're getting ready to do yeah I'm inside the Forbes Mill Steakhouse in Danville it's been here for 17 years he's pretty much known in the area for really good steaks I'm here with Mark Dumont who's a general manager and sommelier here Mark you're going to help us uh look prepare a steak yes we're going to take you behind the scenes here and show you the special things that happen here at Fort Mill Steakhouse all right let's go uh so anyway I really love being behind the scenes at any restaurant but this is a steakhouse so as we go back to where the steak is being made chip check out all this food here this food looks delicious this is kind of a sample of what you give that that's a steak and lobster platter with a baked potato this is pretty much run-of-the-mill and then you have uh you looks like tuna all right so we're coming back and we're gonna watch the steak prepared so we're in a rib eye this is a all right the magic of Television they they cooked it a little bit so uh beforehand but look at that it's an 1800 degree Broiler tell me what's going on so we're gonna sear in all those juices with that Hot Grill and what that's going to do is allow that flavor to marinate inside the steak and the heat is going to give it that nice Char on the outside and we're going to adjust the heat so that we can make sure we're cooking the steak properly Mark what is the secret to making a good steak now people at home may not have you know all this equipment but they they can still stick to some of the general principles of making good steak what are those right one of the most important things is you got to get a good quality of meat from a reputable Source like we do here it's certified Angus beef Prime brand it's the top quality grade of meat and then you're going to want to throw some seasoning on there of course so always use the salt and pepper we keep it simple and then we're gonna season that steak on the outside both sides throw it on the grill and we're not going to want to overcook that steak and you'll have to let it rest I know it again yes at the end you should let it rest for a couple of minutes and once that's uh going to allow it to do is allow the juices to settle in and move back out to the edges exciting news you guys are opening a new place here in Danville tell me about that yes so we are so excited to announce that soon in July we're probably going to be opening a place called Tides it's t-i-d-e-s Danville it's going to be a modern Oceanic inspired Cuisine seafood place and we're going to be uh having that open soon so I'd like everybody to come out and visit us and stay tuned excellent mark thank you so uh Augusta and Andre this steak smells delicious you can't smell it it looks good it has those lines Andre you know what I'm talking about I am I am ready to eat I don't care if it is you know what I don't care what time it is I'm ready to eat this steak that good No One's Gonna Blame You No One's Gonna blame you the only thing I blame you for is not saving me something he's gone he's like see you later I'm gonna ask you a personal question how do you like your steak done uh medium well it's frowned upon frowned upon I I almost when you ask me the question oh God it's like we're siblings okay phew me too I like the I like the crispy okay we'll get to get back to food with a great big Taste of the Town segment coming up later on mornings on two during the zip trip but first we are going to talk with two incredible women who between them have four incredible sons who are serving in the military and these moms are giving back because they know other families just starting on this military family Journey need a lot of help a lot of encouragement and they are there they are there for the families here in Danville and far beyond we're gonna meet two amazing women four incredible Sons between them we'll talk about the way they're serving their community at Danville after a quick break thank you [Music] welcome back to zip trip with Danville you're looking live at the veteran memorial building here in Danville uh I talked to Amir Robert store um just a few days ago he was telling us when this building was refurbished uh they they had some folks that had been using the building from years ago and they contributed to helping refurbish the building based on their memories it was a fantastic story that he told me uh but uh a very important part of Danville as well yeah danville's history danville's today and also danville's future there were so many families here who have a loved one serving in the military son or daughter and those families have banded together blue star moms going very very strong in Danville helping each other and helping the entire Community I'm so pleased to be able to introduce you to two blue star moms here in Danville Peggy Conklin and Susie Lister thank you both for joining us between the two of you four Sons serving in the military and we'll start with you uh Peggy because you have three of your sons and they all enlisted right away right away after high school and two of them at 17. look at that and so what's it like to have that experience because one is about to retire from the military one is a veteran since 2010 and the other one will retire next year and so when you have that experience how do you help other families a little bit earlier in their Journey um you know it's it's a long time ago that my kids were in basic training but I can remember the letters and and making sure that the support was there for them and then so I turned around and use those memories to help the the women that are coming in and the dads too yeah dads need support too it's a Blue Star Wars you're part of the organization where you help folks who have lost a loved one in the military tell us how your work is contributing to that effort on the national scale as well so our chapter here in we're part of the we also help ceremony the Marine memorials building in San Francisco they put together for the California um fallen so every year there's a ceremony that we invite all the families that have lost someone that you you both had the experience of having your young son come to you and say Mom this is what I want to do and for some parents that would be like no wait that's not what I hoped for you Peggy can you just say where you and I've talked over email can you say a word about what parents really should want for their children may not have been the path you would have chosen but but you look at your children now and what do you think well you know my husband and I always thought of the the decision to serve the military as a different way of going to school my boys two Medics and a Communications they said they studied and I spent more time learning about something when they went into the army to learn their military job than they ever did in any school that they want to do part of the reason is because they were interested in learning about that and so I think we need to encourage the kids if they want to go but do a lot of research treat it as if they were going to a college just like you would research that you research what you want to do in the military this is apparently what you say to parents who are getting those first words from their child real quick I think you need to support them and know that this is their mission and what they want to do and they will be super successful and and make the very proud yeah blue star moms in Danville you guys are representing thank you both for your sacrifice and and in in in in in allowing your sons to serve our country please give them a big hug if they still let you do that yeah perfect thank you so much thank you for joining us thank you ladies thank you so much appreciate it all right doc coming up next a business that's been around here in Danville for decades now we're talking about Danville bikes and they've done a lot to contribute to the local community not just soapbox not just the business as well uh the things that they do with local high school here just impressive and we're going to talk to them coming up right after this break as our Zip Trip here Danville continues right after this we'll leave you with a live look here uh Sal over at the steakhouse checking out the awesome food there that lobster looks great look at that foreign [Music] Toby Keith and the Everly Brothers he picked up a guitar in eighth grade and he hasn't put it down I love the name of his latest album release don't take candy from a cowboy that was last year he's got more music coming we are so glad that he's here serenading us this trip to Danville has been a blast and we are not even halfway through we're gonna focus on some of the amazing places to eat in just a second but I'd like to throw out a little stat that I found that to me says a lot about this town the Danville library is one of the most active branches in all of the Contra Costa County Library System says a little something says a little something I like it is interesting yeah I think folks here still like to go to the library I love a good Library yeah and libraries offer so much more than they did when we were going up yes it's not just right not just books not just books it's computers it's programs it's like little sing-along baby reading time which I used to go to yeah different I could see what all right uh sell cast Eddie he's doing Taste of the town he was over at Forbes Mill uh earlier at the rest of around whether we're cooking up a beautiful looking steak they had Lobster there as well Sal uh it looks like you're ready to eat right now but you also have a look at some of the other areas across Danville that offers some great eateries too that's exactly right Andre so this is a fancy place uh it's Forbes Mill Steakhouse it's really fancy and I would come here for a special meal and they have wine they have a sommelier here they'll hook you up if you want a fancy steak you want a fancy meal steak and lobster however if you want to have more of a casual meal there are plenty of places in Danville too for that let's check it out Danville has a lot of places to eat packed into a relatively small town breweries upscale eateries and tasty hole in the walls there are restaurants everywhere in fact we've had more open since the pandemic and we're actually going to be opening a vegan restaurant and just one block down the street here I'm very looking forward to that with so many choices I first went to a pub that's been thriving since 1987. it's Pete's Brass Rail and car wash first let's get one thing out of the way there is no Pete there is no car wash and there is no bathroom the original owner thought it was a funny name and customers asked so much about it the staff wears t-shirts explaining it the food the TAPS in the atmosphere is why you should come here Todd Berger it is a burger it has all my favorites it's on sliced sourdough it has pepper jack cheese avocado bacon get it with the curly fries to bomb and it tastes just as good as it sounds crunchy bread crispy curly fries overall good quality ingredients it's perfect for a lunch with an ice cold beverage and Friends while eating you can gaze at the wall adorned with the names of people in the Beer Club and some elaborate colored placemats of the fictitious Pete character when the old owner wanted to retire Jill rabejo who still works here knew she had to buy the place to keep all of this from going away well it's a really fun place to work and I was afraid it might go away there was other offers coming in and I had to like step on the ball and find a partner and so make sure it's safe good thing too because this place is an institution [Music] if you'd like Italian food in a beautiful atmosphere look no further than locanda rivello the owners are a family from Italy and the atmosphere is welcoming bright and fun it's fantastic it's it really feels like you're in Italy when you're here it really does I started by trying a cocktail the aperol Spritz I approve the food is exactly what you'd want for an Italian restaurant let's dive in the meatballs and the sauce are rich and flavorful and it's a family recipe a house meat the recipe for my grandma de Carmela the lasagna is so good I'd come back here just for that but the star of the show is in the bulletin style pizza that comes out of a Wood-Fired oven it's thin and the crust is so flavorful on its own Enzo Rosano says the success of locanda rivello is the way they make you feel when you come to this Family Restaurant reasonable price I think like you know when you combine all those little things that's the secret house success and finally you need to come to Norms on Hearts Avenue and order the fries get this these spots are not frozen they're actually made from real potatoes on site to make good fries you have to have the right ingredients and techniques and Norms has it down but the reason I'd come to Norms is to watch football with the locals we have a regular following here we're a Town Place I grew up here and uh our Sunday football crowd for sure is very regular everybody kind of jockeys for their own seats and then you know we put different games on all the way around I think we have 21 TVs total between the patio and inside but people have their favorite spots for sure Justin you're speaking my love language I get it it's mine too Sal I make a lot of money on those Sports I have to push back a little bit you both said you like your steak medium well well a lot of people were yelling at their TV screens I like my steak medium rare that's the way in my opinion a steak should be had look at this great food so this steak is delicious okay I I know you look you like your steak the way you like your steak I like it medium rare we all have differences but one thing Garcia is if you come to Danville there's something for everyone there's good Mexican food there's Primos the pizza place all kinds of stuff that I I couldn't get to but I know is around so you know if you come you're not going to leave hungry no I'm I'm sure and it's funny because Andre and I talked about that uh we both were like should we say medium well but like we're so comfortable with you and each other and everybody who watches warnings onto we're like that's cool medium well and proud all right so thank you so much let's switch directions and work off some of that butter we just had on that steak biking is an amazing Hobby and it's one way a lot of people here in Danville and Beyond get around thanks to Danville bike we have the head of Danville bike here Jose Gutierrez joining us thank you so much for being here you and your wife have been in this community for a long time 35 years we've been on the Danville bike got it and you must have seen an explosion during the pandemic when the bikes were in where it's just Road Bikes mountain bikes came in in 1985 and then it kind of just accelerated from there yeah and now we've got electric bikes we have kids bikes and all the bikes for all the communities speaking of electric bikes time on an Evike Andre time how you feel um okay he's saying it's very limber it's interesting okay I'm trying to take it easy because I don't have a helmet yeah yeah good parking lot here but it is a unique experience and some of those hard areas where you wouldn't want to climb you know we had Bill Martin say he goes up Mount Diablo I would probably try it with a bike like this for sure yeah it gives you that little extra like oomph to give it a shot my husband calls it the hand of God and Road bikers and BMXers at my house but I see more and more of these e-bikes what do you want people to know before they jump into something like this Jose so when they buy a new bike from a bike shop or anybody else I want them to know that the class is the bikes there's class ones twos and threes class ones are going to be your bikes that go 20 miles an hour class threes are going to be an accelerated bike with a throttle and then class three is going to be a commuter bike so you basically when you buy a bike like this this bike is for all around you can ride it everywhere there's no restrictions all class one bikes are 20 miles an hour and you can go anywhere you want with them can I ask you is there anything better than a child's first bike absolutely not you always have a smile when you do that yeah absolutely yeah it's also nice because I have to say you guys have been doing so I mean you guys sponsor sports teams you you do so much in the community so I appreciate that people are making the choice to buy from their local bike shop because we know options are everywhere what do you say to anyone who's not on two wheels yet I say hey come down to demo bike and we'll set you up and get you rolling thank you awesome Jose Gutierrez all right we need to get Andre off that bike because you're making me nervous without a helmet okay he's taking it slow he's a natural he's a natural all right we're gonna take a quick break he'll keep riding that e-bike for a second and then when we come back a story of an incredible young man we were lucky enough to watch him grow up thanks to his connection to KTVU you probably know his name we hope he's at the very beginning of a long successful NFL career and he's right here from Danville so stay with us in this gorgeous town we'll be back [Music] as we've learned today go see a lot of important people and a lot of well-known people have come out of Danville and we now have a new person that is going to be joining that list of people who are going to be on the list of a very well-known people out of Danville uh so let's take a look Claudine Wong has that story for you a draft the New Orleans Saints have selected Jake hayner quarterback Fresno State the pick and the call the moment where a dream became reality and somehow it feels like Jake hainer was always meant to be a part of the New Orleans Saints I was nine and uh I know people probably think it's weird but I always wore a Drew Brees Jersey I was always telling people that my favorite team was the Saints and issues it's just so unbelievable getting a call from them and being 127th pick in the NFL draft and a lot of it doesn't feel real but at the same time I'm super fortunate surrounded with a bunch of really good people and I'm humbled to be in this situation I just want to thank like I said my friends and family for always supporting me the Bay Area for being a great support system and and really a great place to grow up hayner grew up in Danville and found success at Monte Vista High School but he will tell you that since the beginning there have always been the doubters the six foot senior told the San Francisco Chronicle back in 2016 that the height thing has been on me since I was nine it's helped push me and forced me to play with the chip on my shoulder from high school he headed to the University of Washington his mother and grandfather's alma mater but Washington would prove to be an uphill climb with scattered minutes on the field and a high profile and disappointing loss against Cal he decided to to make a move telling the Seattle Times a lot of people probably think of that game as my defining moment but you've got to let that go people have to make mistakes you've got to go through it and you've got to understand the situations and everything and put it in perspective a little bit perspective and perseverance brought him to Fresno State in 2019 and then in 2021 in what has been called his breakout campaign he turned another page in the story of Jake hainer he's got a lot of space on the outside right hayner to the end zone touchdown Fresno State and Jake hayner is the natural I think 2021 UCLA things kind of really started to take a turn for the better for our program and for you know myself I think that was the moment that people really kind of understood that I could play at this level it would be a journey of incredible highs and some heartbreaking lows like last year in this game against USC had to be carted off which was just so deflating but he would come back from what people said would be a 10 to 12 week injury you come back in five weeks and you know you leave the team out there on Saturday night it just felt good hayner would lead Fresno State to its first Mountain West Championship since 2018 and then he continued to impress [Music] inside the box of Michael Wilson touchdown as MVP in the Senior Bowl we found a way to win and it was fun and then in the combine you know for me it's just a testament to my family and friends around me that have always supported me and always been in my corner to to help me through the hard times and I think the hard times have you know made me who I am it's allowed me to learn and continue to progress as a young man and as a quarterback and now you work for these moments you work for these opportunities and I'm super fortunate to be a part of it now and so it was only fitting that he was at home and when he got that call this is probably one of the last few times we get to all have friends and family here with the family at 1669 the place I grew up and I got to experience a lot of great childhood memories so um it's special it's it's it's emotional but I'm super glad to have this opportunity it's an opportunity to tell his story I love being a great role model for young kids and I try to hold myself to a high standard and I try to do everything I can to show them what it's like and what kids can do if they just put their foot down and then do what they do but one thing I do want to mention is to all those kids and people say you're too short you're too slow you're not big enough not strong enough to do some of the things that I've done up to this point in my career prove all of them wrong a chance to show everyone else that they can write their own in Danville Claudine Wong KTVU Fox 2 News I love it of course Jay cater's mom is long time Kate news anchor Julie hayner I had the pleasure of watching him grow up through the picture show me on her iPhone so congratulations today I remember at the station some of the folks who remember when she was pregnant you know and it's just funny to hear those stories about them seeing where he is now so it's awesome I wish we wish him and his whole family all the very best incredible all right let's focus on another big name who's you know a little bit from the past but you maybe remember like from your literature classes when you were in high school and college Eugene O'Neil A lot of people know Eugene O'Neill Frank Malako maybe they have or have not been to the house there there's a lot of history that we could use to sort of build up the few things we do know about Eugene O'Neill of course Pulitzer Nobel Prize but there's a whole lot more to the man oh absolutely and uh what a price Jewel I had no idea that his house was here I had no idea that Eugene O'Neill actually lived in Danville but that he did his homes behind us uh back in the 30s and 40s Hillary grabowska is a park ranger here uh give us a little snippet about Eugene O'Neill and his breath of work sure so as you mentioned earlier Eugene O'Neill was an American playwright he's the only American playwright to have won the Nobel Prize for literature he did win four pulitzers one of which was posthumous for a play that he wrote right here he is considered to be the father of American drama because he really changed American Theater from the theater world that his father was in who was an actor and the theater world that we kind of know today it's some of his best work was done in Danville why Danville how did he end up here yeah so he was looking for a nice isolated place where he could just focus on writing and he got exactly that up here you know at the time the Caldecott Tunnel had just been built you didn't have the interstate highways or anything like that so you couldn't just drop in on on him and that's exactly what he wanted he wanted to be isolated so he could just focus on writing and is this danville's best kept secret because I had no clue what was up here probably and you know to be honest O'Neill would have liked that uh he had Gates you couldn't just drop in and today it's also still difficult to get up here because of the location of the site all right Hillary he had a kind of an eclective wife too and this building over here tell us what that was all about sure so his wife Carlotta Monterey was originally from Oakland um and she reinvented herself her birth name was Hazel thirsting she was a very classy lady she had her clothes made in Europe and then this building was built to house her 18 Louis Vuitton Trunks and 300 pairs of shoes 300 pairs of shoes yeah all right and what's in there now today we in the Eugene O'Neill Foundation hosts artist in Residence and so that's often their creative workspace when they come up here to take in the beautiful location and get that same inspiration that Eugene O'Neill got up here all right Hilary well said thank you so much by the way we have a bit of a twofer for you so follow me along we're going to leave the gates and come out and say hi to Eric case who's the artistic director for the foundation here Eric how are you I'm good thank you all right there is a barn over there and there's a little bit of noise coming out of that Barn tell us what that Barn's all about and what you do uh yeah that's uh Eugene O'Neill's barn and um every fall we produce Eugene O'Neill's plays in this Barn it's actually a theater and currently the noise is a group of high schoolers who are here for a summer camp where they're studying acting and playwriting and gonna have a performance this weekend what is it like to direct a play by one of the the best playwrights in a barn that was on his property it's really special um I feel a real connection to the work I mean he wrote the plays just the up you know in the house and then just a few hundred feet away uh we we actually have the place I think there's something special about that is whenever we do a night performance we have two lights we leave the light of the study on as if he's working burning the midnight oil and the light of the show going on at the same time so you feel his presence and if people want to come see a show how do they do it uh they go to Eugene o' which is the Eugene O'Neill foundation's website and we have all our information there that's great and how many how many plays have you directed uh this will be my 31st of O'Neill's plays he wrote 51 so I'm I'm more than halfway there yes you are and a Native Son of Danville I might have I agree I grew up here yes thank you I used to run cross country it would run these Hills and look what you're doing now Eric thank you you're welcome all right well there you go just a bit of History uh Rich history here in the town of Danville and I highly recommend coming up not only for the museum but they get a view of Monte Diablo that is out of this world we'll send it back to you wow that is uh absolutely right uh Frank Malco uh thank you so much for the insight into that of course Mount Diablo you can see from all over this area it is a stunning view to have in your backyard right isn't it yeah so close all right uh coming up we have much more to come um olive oil I'm so excited for this thing I'm usually excited for this excitement right I don't know why that is but I've been wanting to hear from the folks we're gonna be talking with some folks that own uh an olive oil visits right next door to where we are right now we're gonna have much more from them after the breakup I've got some questions for them and I know Garcia does too we'll be right back at our zip trip to Danville [Music] come on we want to give a big thank you to David Lynn who's also known as OZO uh he's got an album out now called don't take candy from a Cowboy and he's got a current project he's in the works that's in the works right now called the next adventure we want to thank him for coming out today we want to thank all the folks who came out today to join us hey everybody to join us here on our ZIP trips here in Danville in Downtown Dallas in front of the old downtown uh the Danville Hotel here in downtown thank you so much for joining us and welcome back good morning's on to the nine the special zip trips Edition and we are not done with Danville we've had Lobster now we're going to talk about a very important element in your cooking olive oil you can't just go to the grocery store and buy whatever's on sale like I used to now you tell me what your eyes are open to what's out there and what's right here you're gonna cook and eat in a whole new way we welcome Nate Bradley the owner of m4a Nueva here in Danville you've got a couple shops around the bay you specialize in olive oil and it's about single or I mean this is like the good stuff and there is a difference absolutely Harvest States single origin single Farm uh look at the chemistry of your olive oil before you buy it obviously it's hard to find that when you're shopping around we put all that on every tank in our store I love it and we're about to taste them have you have you got like gotten into olive oil no I've been fascinated by it and um someone that's been telling me eat better has been telling me you got to try better olive oil not the stuff that you get in the store which is what I usually get pull it off the shelf but it's been interesting to me because they said you can also use it to make salad dressing and um I'm curious to know how do you know which one to choose for the the salad dressing and is do they all taste the same or is there a variation of it how does that work we have about 50 oils and vinegars on top so we encourage you to taste before you buy we're going to make you a combination of oil and vinegar so you can taste it and try to Envision that on a salad everyone that works at our stores makes salads at home so they're happy to help you give us your ingredients we'll recommend something and we have a few today that we're going to try that are excellent on salads spritzers and when you said a spritzer which I think is what we're about to taste I've never thought of drinking olive oil yes right so these are our white balsamic spritzers so we have about 25 try one yeah go ahead keep talking 25 balsamic vinegars on tap okay this is balsamic vinegar yeah do I sip it do you chug it cheers so this is a pomegranate Quince white balsamic vinegar that we added to sparkling water so people are it's like a mocktail okay absolutely you can add alcohol to that if you wanted to uh low sugar uh really good for your gut your digestion and with which this is actually an aged pomegranate Quince white ball yeah we have about 25 balsamics that people are making mocktails and Cocktails with now elderflower honey ginger like you you put this on fruit salad as well yeah we have a fruit salad that we're doing actually our brand new lychee white balsamic vinegar with a lemon olive oil so uh Jamie's gonna demo this on a fruit salad for you just beautiful bright flavors this would be good on any salad uh arugula kale anything like that and so it just adds a nice punch to your food all right that's somewhere in a cup hang one of those over Andre um taste this I want to let you know that uh in two weeks row today I want to let everyone know that we're going to be uh in another city for zip trip we're going to be Redwood City down in that area looking forward to that that is on July 7th uh two weeks from this Friday uh in the meantime um I'm gonna try um that's a lemon olive oil with a light cheap balsamic fruit salad yeah I'm actually gonna finish this off camera we brought the band out for this today man I have to tell you Frank and Sal you guys thought you had the best assignments but I think we're in a three-way time we are yeah usually you guys have great assignments but uh you know today this this time the crowd came out the community came out for us here as well it was a really fantastic time right guys having a great time I think Sal's gonna drive away all right thanks you guys we you know you open our eyes to Danville I mean you know we thought we knew a lot but it turns out there was a lot more to know and love about Danville so I think as the Sun keeps coming out we're going to stay here on heartsab we've got a great crowd behind us thank you Danville thank you for coming out people got their coffee and their dogs going this has been a great Zip Trip we'll do it again in two weeks in Redwood City before we're gonna stay here and spend the day we should come on down as well we appreciate everybody coming out well your live look right now as we head out and everyone weighs goodbye Nate thank you so much thank you duties of uh of olive oil thank you I want to look after with olive oil we do appreciate it yeah and we also have to thank the folks over at Danville bikes Jose as well uh take everyone
Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
Views: 2,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danville, lifestyle, family fun, summer fun, travel news, travel destinations, california adventure
Id: gpAeB7ASiYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 35sec (2915 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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