Zip Trip: Los Gatos

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foreign [Music] the road for a zip trip to Los Gatos it's really nice to come here on a nice day and just walk around and enjoy Los Gatos we're bringing you this City's most prized restaurants and bars the locals Rave about we have at the loyal base of clientele their families have grown up here we have Generations now that they started off as children here now they're bringing in their children here and their grandparents and grandchildren it's been something that's grown over the years plus it's a community staple that's been around for decades discover the Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad born out of a love of trains and Community one of the few non-profits of its kind a lot of the other ones in the area are private operations privately owned for-profit things that work to keep themselves afloat we rely entirely on donations on ticket sales to kind of help keep us afloat then who's up for some trivia you probably know Los Gatos means the cats in Spanish to you name the reason behind the city's name I don't know maybe because there's a lot of cats around here but I don't think in the 1800s it would be because the cute little cats you're right it would be something more dangerous all that and so much more as morning's on two takes you on a zip trip to Los Gatos foreign [Music] let's start with an 11 15 screening of Oppenheimer then let's take a late lunch and catch Barbie at 4 30 and then hit the town for dinner so many places to eat to shop and to stroll in this gorgeous gorgeous Town sort of at the far end of Santa Clara County she is small but she is mighty and we are so glad that you are with us this morning as we are featuring featuring all of the wonderful things Los Gatos has to offer we're certainly not alone brought the whole family out here we have Claudia and Wong Frank malaco to South Castaneda highlighting all the great people and places this town has to offer and you know what Frank we'll start with you it's it's a little early for a beer I think but at least we can learn about their Aroma Brewing right we will shortly yeah a little beer in baseball Loma Brewery owned by Kevin euclis won a couple World Series uh with the Red Sox married Tom Brady's sister uh not too far away so uh we will talk beers baseball also a little bit of trivia because a lot of Heavy Hitters came out of here including an academy award-winning actress who was a big star in Gone With the Wind who was she and why do they call it Los Gatos we'll answer all that and much more but first it's time to eat and the only guy that does that is Sal Castaneda good morning Frank good morning to you we're here in front of Southern Kitchen where in a little while I'm going to talk to the owner of the oldest restaurant in Los Gatos and then we were standing here my photographer and I and someone who brought me a cookie from icing on the cake which is uh just out of camera view so there are so many good places to eat bakeries restaurants bistros coffee shops uh fancy not fancy so we're gonna run through some of the places I found and you know this is one of those towns where you could probably spend a few weeks trying to eat at all the great places so you're gonna have more of that gossie I know that there are places here that you would love so just keep an eye out I know you're right there in the middle of downtown yeah and there are places that I think you'll love and also can I mention another one of my favorite places to eat and ways to feed my family is the farmer's market and Los Gatos has an amazing Farmers Market Sunday morning bring your basket and your little ones and just pick up your fresh produce for the whole week all right Sal we will see you here in just a few um before we go on we're going to take a somewhat of a deep dive into Los Gatos History but let's go back I don't know how many years 20 30 ish or so I have to mention to you that this show right now is being directed by a very proud Los Gatos High wild cat class of 1985 and he says he's got a lot of friends he keeps in touch with from high school so Ken from Los Gatos says hello and let's take now even a deeper dive into the true history of Los Gatos by Leading on my co-anchor Andre senior you ever feel the need to chase the Sun follow any road you can to Los Gatos see City averages 330 sunny days every year yup you heard that right put another way plus godos only has 35 days every year where it isn't Sunny the city sits about 60 miles south of San Francisco in the southwestern part of Santa Clara County Moscato some stretches from San Jose and the valley floor to the heavily wooded hillsides of the Santa Cruz mountains but what about the name Los Gatos well early settlers originally named it La Rinconada De Los Gatos or Cat's Corner due to the screams of mountain lions that call the area home like much of the Bay Area Los Gatos has gone through tremendous transformation over the last century and a half from wheat farming logging and fruit orchards to a high-tech Hub Netflix is a city's largest employer with more than 2 000 people currently clocking in every day today more than 33 thousand people call Los Gatos home it off for those who live here or those making a pit stop on the way to Santa Cruz a seemingly endless supply of good restaurants wine tasting and hiking trails through the redwoods in the Santa Cruz mountains and at the very intersection of art history and education here in Los Gatos you will find the new Museum of Los Gatos our Claudine Wong is there to highlight all the important things we can learn about and look ahead to when it comes to this town of Los Gatos Claudine yes Garcia a must-see stop here if you're coming to the town of Los Gatos we're actually in the artist studio which is right when you walk into the new Museum Los Gatos this is what you'll find one of their exhibits that comes that is all about concept to Creation it is very cool and it's been so fun to hang out here this morning get a look and to give you a look Kimberly Snyder is the executive director of the museum thank you for coming in early you guys are opening in just about an hour from now tell me about new Museum new Museum Los Gatos is Art and history museum we're located in the heart of downtown Los Gatos we love to connect our community with local artists and history of the Bay Area you kind of have everything in here and I know we sent a photographer George bousos downstairs to your permanent collection because that's about the history of this town I mean you guys have been around since the 1960s and so the history of this town is really important tell me about that permanent exhibition downstairs the exhibition downstairs is the Los Gatos History project and something we're really proud of it features items from a permanent collection and showcases stories that many folks can relate to yeah let's show that video right now of people down there because really it's pretty Broad and wide and it's still growing yeah that's correct we have over 3 000 items estimated in our collection and we're digitally archiving them right now we have about 1900 on our website oh that's awesome okay let's come back out here live because of what you guys have out here is really interesting in terms of exhibits tell me what we're looking at here this is beautiful this is a work by Chelsea Stewart who's a barrier-based artist you'll see that she's working in paper that she's actually made and she focuses around themes of mental illness this was a survey that she created where she asks folks to talk about their experience with mental health um so you'll see that these have various um texts on them that talk about these internal struggles that people are having yeah I love one just as parenting and relating to others in general really just speaking to us as humans and really how we struggle I'm going to send George kind of down this wall though too because there isn't exhibit that you have called on edge and I walked into that and I was just struck by kind of the beauty of it and really kind of what it stands for tell me a little bit what we're looking at here um this work is Me by Kiana hahneman and she is a Iran uh Iranian born and raised artist she moved to the states in 2012. and this work has politically charged statements um in it surrounding women's rights and the idea behind it is that there's this light inside of it that's kind of overcoming these challenges and speaking to the resilience of women it's really remarkable and stunning and as you come out here you know the chance for people to see this do you feel like people come in here and they're just struck by you know how diverse your exhibits are and how many places they can kind of come in and sit in yeah I would agree to that I mean the fun thing about the museum is there's always something new to experience we have rotating Galleries and this show we're really proud of because we feature three artists working in various media all exploring these really big topics of mental health The Immigrant perspective and women's rights yeah really important and you do also have a high school program that that just got recognized as well and continues to be recommended yeah the long-running program art now is our annual High School juried exhibition that was established in 2012 and we're so thrilled that we were not or we received the superintendent's award from the California associations of Museum it's amazing okay so I got people at home I know who are sitting there going all right I'm I'm in I'm coming this weekend you're saying is actually probably a great weekend to come yeah so every month we do free first Sunday so we waive general admission and we also do tours so this weekend we'll have rev the dynamic duo that you saw at the beginning of the exhibition Rachel and Rachel Hunter and they'll be doing about a 30-minute tour at 11 A.M amazing Kimberly Snyder I appreciate the tour it was so amazing thank you so much uh really a remarkable Museum and I love these museums that you can kind of come in and you can come through quickly if you don't have a lot of time but if you really want to sit this is one of those museums that you can do that as well for me it's it's a choice to be overwhelmed or to just kind of come through and and I think this is really everything it's art it's history it's everything that you would be looking for Garcia yeah I know I love it I love you get a little 30 minute taste maybe take a break for lunch after that tour that starts at 11 then come back and do a really deep dive all right Claudine Wong thank you thank you so much when we come back here we are still focusing on all the things you don't love about Los Gatos and some things that you may not have known in our ZIP trivia we are focusing on the town's biggest employer a great big Hollywood name here in this little Southern Santa Clara County town and we have a lot more to share with you someone very famous she was the face and the name of women's figure skating for so long she is from here we'll dive into that with zip fit trivia when we come back here in gorgeous Los Gatos foreign [Music] the Los Gatos favorite omelet here at Southern Kitchen is ham mushrooms artichokes and jack cheese you can also get chicken and waffles and everything in between it is a gorgeous Sunny start to your Friday and people are enjoying an incredible breakfast at one of the oldest restaurants here in this town of Los Gatos we'll get to food in just a minute but first let us learn a little bit more our Rick Maliko came out here just a bit ago and talked to people we thought they knew Los Gatos but Frank I love it when people are sure they have the right answer and then it turns out to be more in your Zip Trip trivia absolutely and you know after a deep dive into the history in Los Gatos I discovered there are a lot of Heavy Hitters that grew up here John Steinbeck the literary giant actually had a summer home here years ago and two Academy award-winning actresses sisters graduated from Los Gatos High in the 30s and one of them was a big star in the movie Gone With A win in 1939 and why do they call it Los Gatos the city of cats well let's find out what the people know I took to the streets and found out they need a little work Olympic gold medalists from the 60s figure skating the face of figure skating for years and she grew up right here in Los Gatos who is this the only Olympic skater I know is Tanya Tanya Harding that's the only one you know only fit your skin right now she did not have a good career is it Christina Yamaguchi or something like that I don't know what do you think I don't know if you're just kidding it's a good answer I think it's a good answer too and you're wrong initials PF do you need another bag I do I do where's Vanna oh I can't think of her name oh come on oh darn I mean you guys are similar in age yeah we are yes oh darn darn 1968 Lipinski Tara Lipinski Tara was not born what's your name I can't remember oh come on the wings I can't get names what's a nickname for Margaret big oh Peggy claiming yes they have a market cap of 190 billion dollars and it's one of the biggest entertainment companies in the world and they're right here in Los Gatos can you name the company apple apple well there's an Apple store right there but they're in Cupertino it's based from here yes what kind of company like a streaming company oh and you use it Netflix really I use Netflix you do what you are correct you're asking about a style about the fashion honestly everything you ask me Hey listen I want to go to the wedding I want this event whatever I want I'll put together a beautiful thing for you but I want Netflix that's the answer he's here I know do you use Netflix no no I can barely get our TV on and off [Music] in Spanish Los Gatos means the cats and you'll see statues like this one in front of the high school throughout the town but why back in the 1800s did the settlers name this town Los Gatos I don't know maybe because there's a lot of cats around here but like kitty cats yeah like actual cats like I've seen a bunch of them like at an unhealthy amount of them I'm not gonna lie I don't think in the 1800s it would be because a cute little cats it would be you're right it would be something more dangerous like a mountain lion yeah yeah there used to be Wildcats up in the hills yeah final answer yes that is correct Bobcats Bobcats is that right maybe mountain lion yes yes where did that come from that Los Gatos Trail there's mountain lions yeah it's all right see this is easy she was a 1934 graduate of Los Gatos High School won two Academy Awards was it maybe one of the biggest pitchers ever in 1939 Gone With the Wind one of the Stars oh Scott you have so much life I've always admired you so I wish I could be more like it Audrey Hepburn Audrey Hepburn 39 was before her job too are you into movies at all yeah I know the Barbie and oppenheimers came out okay oh just a minute yeah there were sisters they were yes again my Scarlet sister was Melanie who played Melody [Music] a French first name Three Marie no way is that right no oh Olivia or her sister Olivia and what's her last name de Havilland you are correct [Music] yeah that was a tough one Olivia de Havilland lived to be 104 passed away in Paris just three years ago believe it or not a 1934 graduate of Los Gatos High School she won two Academy Awards and her sister Joan Fontaine followed her and won an Academy Award as well and also a Los Gatos resident so a lot of Heavy Hitters here to uh say the least coming up a little later we're going to enjoy a few beers here at the Loma Brewery it's owned by Kevin euclis who is a former Red Sox won a couple of World Series and he makes a heck of a beer beer and baseball coming up Dan can I uh can I have an IPA please sir we're poor it Sal I know you're a little jealous you're eating and I'm drinking it this early hour oh that looks good it's never too early for an IPA Frank thank you very much I'm here with Sarah Williams who is the owner of Southern Kitchen and I real Sarah hello hello how are you I'm doing very well I love this spot I love the outdoors here this is one of the things that attracted me to stop here and look at this Southern Kitchen this is a place that has in fact let's keep going over here so we can see the background this is a place that has chicken and waffles southern style tell me more about that uh chicken and everything is made in-house all of our recipes are homemade our biscuits gravy um fried chicken and so we take a lot of pride in the quality of our food and the quality of our service this is the oldest restaurant in Los Gatos you were just telling me off camera that you grew up in this place you went to high school here and you wait here before you knew this was going to be your future yes I did little did I know it's been around since the early 70s so wow okay uh it was such a great place to eat because definitely this place uh not just your place but just a lot of places bakeries bistros so much just our beautiful outdoor setting um just like the community is so wonderful here so it's nice to be outside and be enjoying our beautiful Town Sarah your coffee's good what is if I came here and you had one dish to recommend to me just one let's say I'm in town from Chicago I'm going back I'm never gonna eat here again just give me one dish that I should get you're the owner you should tell me okay um chicken and waffle holes and shrimp and grits did you hear that chicken and waffles and shrimp this lady's never met me before in my life and she nailed it so thank you very much Southern Kitchen we're so glad for your success and so many of you you're my pleasure and so many of the people have said so many nice things about you and this setting is so not only is the food good but the setting is great thank you Sarah thank you so much all right uh so Garcia if you are looking for yet another place I think you mentioned that they have good omelets here uh and they do awesome I love salty sweet so I'm with you and I'm with her on the chicken and waffles and why not strip and grits as well all right Sal thank you we'll see you again in just a minute here speaking of eating and drinking and really Community which is what this Zip Trip and every Zip Trip is really all about an amazing Festival in mid-september and we are going to draw you there the Art and Wine Festival takes over Los Gatos for two gorgeous days it is wine it is Art it is family it is seeing neighbors and seeing people you haven't seen in a long time and there's an amazing push behind it because the Art and Wine Festival Los Gatos helps the entire Community we'll talk with one of the organizers and help get you there when we come back on this gorgeous Zip Trip a beautiful Friday couldn't be prettier here in Los Gatos stay with us welcome back to our Zip Trip focusing on all the wonderful things Los Gatos has to offer and one of them is coming up in about a month or so the Los Gatos Art and Wine Festival it is a time for a community it is time for art and for wine a lot of good food and needing new faces let's introduce you to Rusty Reinhardt you're a long time organizer of the Art and Wine Festival good morning thank you for being with us Rusty it's wonderful to be here thank you you have been doing this for an awfully long time here in Los Gatos we have been kiwanislava put this on for 27 years here in Los Gatos in at the beautiful downtown Civic Center above the lawn and and the redwood trees it's just a perfect setting it's beautiful every year let's get people to really understand what their experience will be when they come to the Los Gatos art and wine when they come in the Art and Wine Festival we have we'll have over 5 000 people there we've got craft breweries we have local wineries we have 140 um original artists and crafts just beautiful things beautiful things every year and we have a great music lineup absolutely fantastic music lineup all weekend long so basically it's a two-day party here in Los Gatos but the effect of the Art and Wine Festival is felt all year round let's talk about the good that you're able to do through the Kiwanis Club through the people who come here to let's go through the Kiwanis Club you bet every dollar we raise at the fiesta de Arts Los Gatos Art and Wine Festival goes right back into the community now one of the things that we do which we're very proud of is the turnaround scholarship which we have every year these are for students who have undergone and and and experienced risks and uh and and hardship in their lives and have turned things around and we honor them we also have scholarship Merit Scholarships at our high schools and we have a very special event every May where we where we have Olympics for at-risk kids who have physical disabilities and it's a little mini Olympics for them and it's it's it's a wonderful program it's a great program I have to mention you know when I was doing a little bit of studying on Los Gatos I found that the median home price was around 2.2 million and Los Gatos is frequently on the list of you know most expensive ZIP codes in the United States a lot of people don't know that there is need here in this town there absolutely is need in this town that's correct and and we we honor that and appreciate that through uh through our programs at the high schools and at the local schools as well yeah what's your favorite part about Los Gatos Rusty our favorite part I I there are there are some great restaurants around here that uh that my wife and I love to go to we try to we try to catch one every year I like her every week actually there you go why not such a pleasure to talk with you thank you thank you thanks for having us appreciate it come on over to the event absolutely September 15 16 to 17. that's right from 10 in the morning I think until about six o'clock and it's right there on the Civic Center lawn there's live music vendors food trucks the event is free but of course pay for your food and drink and that's what supports all the wonderful things that this town is able to offer to all of its residents Rusty thank you so much you know Rusty mentioned he likes to eat and drink his way through this town and I bet you do too and our South Casta data is actually showing you some of the best places to enjoy a bite and a sip or two or three when we come back he will highlight some of them in the taste of the Town through Los Gatos and stay with us [Music] welcome back to Los Gatos 33 000 residents one of the oldest communities in Santa Clara County it's bounded by San Jose to the North and East Campbell to the North Monte Sereno Saratoga to the West is Santa Cruz County down to the South 14 square miles in all and boy she packs a punch we're beginning to wake up a little bit here on this gorgeous Friday morning people strolling sipping starting their day and you really cannot forget what mom always said South casadena knows this breakfast is the most important meal of the day lunch and dinner count big as well Sal you always have the best assignments you have to taste your way through this gorgeous town yes I do as a matter of fact I'm standing in front of the Purple Onion where if I had to choose one dish to have here it would be the quiche I was just talking to the owner out off camera here and she says they make it from scratch every day so if you happen to come to the Purple Onion my advice is to get the quiche however there are so many good places to eat in this town just too many for me to mention but here's what I found when I came through Los Gatos Taste of the town Los Gatos has beautiful views of the Santa Cruz mountains and a lot of places to eat in a Charming downtown area if you're new to Los Gatos and Hungary I'd recommend starting on Santa Cruz Avenue you can easily walk up and down the street and find seemingly everything I saw Vietnamese food right next to a sushi bar within a short walk from breweries bakeries and bistros the locals confirm there are plenty of choices oh my gosh a variety you know it just depends on what they feel like there's a really good pizza place down the road Mexican food this is a great place for brunch this is a great place for brunch it's the Los Gatos Cafe just watching the kitchen I felt as if I'd gone to short order cook Heaven as the dishes kept coming out of the window everything on their menu is actually amazing we've been coming here for 14 years I would say choose one of the specials from the board and grab a table outside although the place welcomes turrets we saw mostly locals on the day I visited and there's a reason for that the food is very consistent amazing staff the service is very good I just wish it would be open longer so we can get dinner too from here next I'd headed down the street to Willow Street Pizza again the Los Gatos weather is reliably good so I saw most people sitting outside inside a Wood-Fired oven is the key to making the pizzas the pizza smells delicious I know you better get one I will I will trust me I've eaten my way through this place before the key here is fresh local ingredients so we make our dough in-house it's 100 double zero organic flour and the pizzas are thin crust let me just go on record saying I like the Pizza Willow Street Calls the Italian so I took a portrait for social media of this beauty Willow Street also makes more than pizza in case you want pasta salads and burgers and of course cocktails if you're so inclined next I walked over to Old Town Los Gatos to visit a family-owned restaurant that's been pleasing Los Gatos customers for more than 40 years Steamers Grill house since we started in 79 here in town locally we've consistently strived to bring in the best quality and the best people for our staffing although Steamers has many dishes on the menu I got to try perhaps its most popular dish made personally for me by Paul madelich one of the owners it's the house made linguine with wild blue prawns Dungeness crab and mushrooms in a garlic lemon butter sauce just watching the way Paul made this I knew it would be a good dish and messy eating aside I was right so right finally there's a local bar right on Santa Cruz Avenue called the black watch which has been in the same spot since 1959 as it says right on the sign this place gets packed but I came during a quiet time to have bartender Jennifer anzalone make me the drink the place is famous for the Kamikaze drink carefully because these drinks aren't weak as we toasted together Jennifer told me this place is the ultimate local bar it's like cheers we know your drinks or names you're our friends or our family that's funny because when I was a young man I came to uh the black watch and now I'd probably be more of a wine cellar guy which is right around the corner uh sipping my wine like a genteel gentleman that I am as a middle-aged man so this place really does have something for everyone and there's a brewery too and it's owned by Kevin euclis the former major league baseball player that we love to hate and that's where Frank malicode is right now at the Loma Brewing Company Frank all right Sal we're uh we're actually enjoying a beer or two here it's the Loma Brewing Company it's been around since 2016. it's owned by three-time All-Star from Major League Baseball that's Kevin euclis who played for the Red Sox and the Yankees and the White Sox I actually used to cover them years ago when I was out in Boston won a couple of World Series and something about Kevin he would go from City to City have a couple of beers and said you know when I'm done with baseball I want to open up a brewery and he's done that right here in Los Gatos let's bring it down reneke uh Dan you uh you play baseball with Kevin at the University of Cincinnati Yeah we actually lived together for a year at the baseball house in Cincinnati yeah I've heard about that but you can't talk about it right nope not just clothing you don't have to kill me yeah you have to come in so how did beer and baseball Come Together by the way Dan is the general manager here yep uh general manager partner um essentially Kevin and I uh have been Brothers since we played ball um he's always been a big beer fan Kevin traveling around trying different stuff um always had a kind of a burning sensation in the back of his head to own one of these and produce beer yeah very competitive guy fiery I remember him as a ball player does he bring that into the beer making as well yes he does um so he is involved in all aspects of operations um he's an idea guy constantly coming up with stuff but he also is in every man right so he he gives the perspective of people what they want yeah tell us about Loma Brewery what do you guys make and how do you how do you distinguish your beer Above the Rest everyone makes great beer there's a lot of great beer out there so our our sort of idea is to bring a bring an experience right we want people to enjoy themselves here um watch the game bring their family date night bring a large group um the the transition of the beer game is hap is happening now with these Tap Room so getting involved in the local communities and creating a gathering space and you guys are growing you're opening up a Tap Room in Manteca right actually yeah production facility we just can't it's a small place you know we're a Mom and Pop's place but we're trying to get to that next level all right we got a couple of your canned beers and some of your drafts here tell us about it tell us about this baby too our Brewer does a really good job of the barrel age program so this one happens to be a Scotch ale that we laid down for eight months and a whiskey barrel so it brings a totally unique aspect and taste profile of course we do ipas if we are California so West Coast IPA appeasement that's the one that one gold in 2017 it's also probably our most popular beer but we do some lighter Styles as well we do an English mild that's been laid down in Oak we do Mexican lager brewed with lime so we have a one-man show Justin Peck is the Brewer and he does a really fantastic job of keeping things fresh and kind of The Little Engine That Could how do you grow the business how do we grow the business that's the age-old question um just like I said experience if people leave here with a with a good feeling then they'll be back and they'll talk about us that's how we feel really confident in that and you're you grew up where Chicago Chicago land area what's it like living do you live in Santa Cruz now but Los Gatos what's the community like Community uh is great um you know you've been walking around yourself today just kind of interacting uh it's it's very family driven it's a lot of really cool Mom and Pop places it's got a lot of history as you probably can attest to I I found out actually yeah but uh more more so they've really embraced us and we've been really thankful and grateful to be here yeah and as Kevin hands on is he in here a little bit yeah until I tell him to get out no actually he's great he's here when he's not broadcasting the game to the Red Sox he's here we talk every day yeah all right should we have a beer all right what time is it uh yeah it's beer o'clock all right well thank you very much Dan here's the cheers to you Loma Brewery you gotta check it out it's uh right here in Los Gatos so uh we'll send it back to you guys here we've got a I've got a beer to drink cheers you've got a job to do Frank thank you thank you so much coming up we are all aboard one of the most fun things you can do for three dollars it is family friendly it is interactive and it takes you on a trip back in time we're gonna highlight an amazing railroad that is a one of its kind it has an incredible Mission behind it our Claudine Wong is going to take us on that ride when we come back as we continue to focus on gorgeous Los Gatos this Friday morning on our Zip Trip thank you welcome back to Los Gatos a gorgeous place to live and to visit I told you about one of my favorite things to do the Los Gatos Farmers Market Sunday morning right now berries and stone fruit is where it's at and as long as you're going to be here on Sunday hang out for music in the park this time you'll hear the sounds of Aardvark they Channel The Grateful Dead and have a distinct California sound yet another reason to stay in or come and visit gorgeous Los Gatos and look if you have little ones and frankly even if you don't there is an incredible ride you can take it only costs three dollars and it will take you back in time let's bring in Claudine moncluding you know my two little boys and I feel like we have sussed out every railroad there is in the greater Bay Area but we did not yet know about the one you're about to highlight oh and this one is a must to see I mean really this is one of those Traditions that when we went to go visit the Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad it was like generations of people some people knew who hadn't been there before who said wow I can't believe this is here but some people who said you know what my kids have gone here I went here my parents went here and it's because it's one of those long time Traditions that is so special to this community as the sun comes up the engine heats up you have to show up three hours early to get it to where it will move and so you gotta you gotta build it three hours three hours but you know you've got it when it lets off a little steam [Music] the bell rings and then [Music] that unmistakable sound that calls to those young and old they're actually on a bike ride we live in Campbell and she heard the um the trains horn is like let's go so we went and we found the train welcome to the Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad in Los Gatos one of the few non-profits of its kind a lot of the other ones in the area are private operations privately owned um for-profit things that work to you know keep themselves afloat uh we rely entirely on like donations on ticket sales to kind of help keep us afloat this railroad was born out of a love of trains and Community it was back in the 1940s when Billy Jones found this number two train in a scrap yard and saved it and then created something everyone could enjoy he loved train so he actually worked for the Southern Pacific Railroad for his entire career so he grew up working with trains and having the opportunity to run a small engine on his property was something that appealed to him he also just had a general love and care for the community so he wouldn't charge for tickets any donations that would come in outside of just general maintenance costs he would donate to local charities it became a part of the fabric of Los Gatos and Jones made sure it stayed we actually have a photo of Billy Jones and Walt Disney were actually friends uh to the point where Walt wanted the number two engine to operate in Disneyland originally before Billy convinced and encouraged him to get his own engine so that it would have its own history rather than erasing the history of the number two after he died in 1968 a group of businessmen came together to make sure his legacy endured and moved the train here to Oak Meadow Park today the tradition continues what are we going to go on it's been coming here since his daddy was his age I like the engine and while it's not free anymore the railroad says prices are kept as low as possible what's the first thing I said um if it was overpriced we couldn't do it but if it was priced in the budget we could do it just three dollars gets you a seat have you been on this train before uh yeah uh yeah what do you like about the train it gets you a ride past Los Gatos Creek and through the 12 acre Park we never really went out outside of San Jose and now I live in Mountain View with my family and I found this place and my boys I have three boys they love the train [Music] it's slow and fun three dollars will also get you on the we Bill Mason Carousel built in 1915. it joined the railroad in 1991 and beckons you to find that special horse it was like it had blonde hair it was the color white and it like had flowers and stuff on it and take a little spin in fact we went to Disneyland and all he wanted was the carousel because of this one we do the train and the carousel once a week at least yeah yeah do you like the train the Carousel and this Fleet of trains have a history but so do the people who care for them the high school kids who are your crossing guards and conductors [Music] volunteers like Cortland who do whatever is needed I like pretty much everything and ever since I was like nine or ten I've been really into trains I've been coming here since I was like probably a toddler um I do like any kind of like job that Doug wants me to do like I um I scraped rocks out of the ties um I work on the roofs sometimes and people like Kelly Locke who started here as a teenager looking for a summer job and ended up board president climbing the hill is the most challenging which I really enjoy the challenge especially with this locomotive in 1970 I started training on the number two engine and became an engineer on the railroad in August of 1970. so I've been an engineer here for 53 years wow so there you go wow they're still I'm still trying to get it right and I will continue doing it until they either kick me out or I get it right [Music] I think he gets it right every single time and really what a fun day Augusta to spend it really we rode that train maybe more than once maybe more than a few times and the food there is also inexpensive so really as a day and a trip out the park is beautiful what a special place and really kind of a gem of Los Gatos if you are headed out here that is definitely a place to stop with your kiddos and you know I mean honestly because in Claudine you know this we both grew up sort of in the heart of the bay because Los Gatos is someone on The Fringe of of the greater Bay Area it's one of those look as long as we're going let's do a bunch of things and one of the bunch of things we can do is maybe go to the new Museum Los Gatos because there really is a lot there to explore as well yeah absolutely this place is so cool we've been kind of just touring it and learning so much and now we have like interesting factoids that we can tell you about Los Gatos this guy behind us one of our directors was saying is that mountain Charlie behind you that is mountain Charlie behind you local Legend actually took tolls from stagecoaches and if you look really close here's the thing you need to look close he's missing an eye mauled by a bear but there's actually uh if lots of stories about an exhibit here this is the permanent exhibit in Museum Los Gatos so it gives a lot of the history also if you haven't heard about the boys I found all of this so interesting so first openly gay common law married couple in the nation did you know that so moved to Los Gatos in 1911 and so they were also artists and so there is Art here and these are really kind of the special spots of news Museum Los Gatos if you come in here you don't want to miss right you want to go downstairs you want to go into the back you want to go into all these different places and that's really what makes a trip special right we mentioned before free Sundays on that first Sunday so this weekend they have artists coming in you can come through here and you can kind of just explore and and I guarantee you there'll be spots going oh my gosh I had no idea and then you'll want to come back right right no I mean one of the best parts about zip trips self selfishly speaking you know Claudine and I will we'll get together and be like hey did you know or hey I checked out this place or hey have you been and so it's almost like we get to go on our own Zip Trip as well all right Claudine thank you thank you thank you so much you know as we focus on Los Gatos we keep coming back to this theme of community and it is all about togetherness and and togetherness really does breed Wellness so coming up we're going to talk about you know a yoga studio that has been able to spread its message and spread its love all across really the country and the world started here in Los Gatos they're doing amazing things and keeping people healthy and well when we come back we're going to talk with the head of Yoga Source Linda McGrath and focus on its important message next [Music] welcome back to our Zip Trip as we feature Los Gatos this Friday morning we're talking about Community count and really partnered up with health and wellness and for a lot of people here and elsewhere it means yoga I want you to meet Linda McGrath she is the founder of one of the oldest and largest yoga studios here in Northern California Yoga Source thanks for being with us oh thank you for having me I can tell you as soon as I kind of set up a little bit straighter so I'll I'll do that now you know yoga so many people think it's it is about the physical movement but it's also about what's inside the body absolutely it's based in mindfulness so it's about paying attention and paying attention uh with the kind of kindness towards yourself so you're not judging yourself but you're just observing um as your body is moving the sensations that it's giving you and you're learning to interpret them skillfully and then to make kind of adjustments based on that and so it's a it's a meditation in motion can you tell me a little bit about we're watching um one of is she a student is she a partner kelani is is one of our teachers yes she's doing some incredible movements but for those who don't know anything yoga I'll count myself in this group what is keilani showing us so uh Kalani right now is rising up into a crescent pose so she's gonna lift the chest and reach the arms up and this is a great way to open up the front of the back hip uh it's good it's going to strengthen her legs she's going to engage her core and create length through the spine so it's going to work the entire body and it's a powerful pose absolutely yes you know my my two little boys actually started doing yoga I think in kindergarten and and of course I'd seen it here and there and I never really did and I I stood in in one of their classes and I did it and those kids took to it and I just thought wow this isn't as mysterious as some adults might think it is no and it's actually kind of playful it's kind of fun because you're just exploring different shapes with your body that sort of thing um tell me about how you've been able to release spread your message that number one yoga is for anyone and everyone and number two it should be accessible to all you've been doing this work for more than 20 years why is that in particular so important for you well I think that um yoga should be able to welcome everyone no matter their age no matter their capability and really honestly take you with open arms exactly exactly and just know that through the process of practicing you're going to get stronger you're going to become more limber you're going to feel better you're going to sleep better you're going to it's not that you won't have stress in your life anymore but you'll learn how to dance with it more skillfully I like that dance with it and instead of you know trying to stomp it out you're like this stresses a part of life and absolutely you mentioned to me a minute ago that during the pandemic when we couldn't get together when we couldn't all follow our fitness routines people realized wow this is important tell me about what you've seen now that the pandemic has weighed dramatically well I think that the pandemic has made just realized just how important Community is and how impactful it is to hold the space for each other when we're going through hardship and in a way a challenging yoga class or challenging pilates class is going to put you in that kind of fight or flight because you are doing challenging movements and so learning how to manage that but also being in a space that's being held by all these people who are kind of quietly rooting for you as they're doing their own practice I like that that's just so meaningful and powerful and people create that they do it and also I'll go back to what you said about being able to dance with the stress that life brings up and the big old truck rolls right through downtown Los Gatos I am still calming your presence thank you so much Linda McGrath and Kaylani for sharing yoga sources work with us thank you so much for being here pleasure congratulations to you I'm I am honestly more relaxed than I was before we did this segment I'm not as flexible as I could be but I can work on that all right it has been an incredible morning the sun is out the temperature is mild you know it's something like 330 plus sunny days here in Los Gatos every year our Frank Malico we have Claudine Wong salcast NATO you guys this has been just kind of one of the most kind of mild and invigorating zip trips we've been on I mean I know Frank you had an IPA not too long ago so that's kind of different than what we were just talking about but it's it's been a fun morning here and I hope that's the case for you as well Frank who kept his wife I don't know if he can hear us all right what do you say what did you did you get something you know what uh yeah you know what and now I'm at back at Los Gatos Cafe and I'm gonna get the omelette with bacon and green chilies and cheddar cheese how about that uh Garcia all right Claudine Wong what do you say you joined me from the new museum at Los Gatos and we'll we'll meet up with Sal for breakfast I was just saying if he's already ordering food I think he should put in our order as well but yes that breakfast a great way to kind of just start an entire day the doors are getting ready to open at new Museum Los Gatos and it will be open all weekend long as well and so yeah this has been a great spot this take a train ride I think that just sounds like a a perfect day guys here awesome all right Frank malicode are you in how about you pick up the tab this time I'm in I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm I'm chewing the fat here enjoying a beer on a Friday morning come to Loma Brewery it's fabulous and Los Gatos I salute you what a great little town cheers to you and cheers to Los Gatos for hosting an incredible Zip Trip on this gorgeous Friday morning I do hope you come down here thank you so much for joining us we are in Novato two weeks from today but right now it is all about Los Gatos have a great Friday we'll see you down here [Music] here all right Megan
Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
Views: 2,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zip trip, los gatos, ktvu
Id: FstZd_34WJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 3sec (2823 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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