Zion Fall 2023: Film Reveal (Large Format Landscape Photography)

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what is going on everyone so it is time to record my film Reveal video this is where I take a look at my film for the very first or second time so I got back from the trip about a week and a half ago and I'm recording this on a Friday and I picked up my film this past Tuesday and I did take a quick peek at the film so I am aware of the images though I didn't really spend much time with them but I did take that as an opportunity to rearrange the film in the order that I photographed it so hopefully that should make things make a little more sense and also make a little easier to see the images side by side uh I shot 37 sheets of transparency film they're all in protective sleeve so I can handle it just fine and uh let's see how it all turned out so this is the first scene that I photographed and it was an absolutely calm and still morning um I knew where to be and when based on having uh photograph this tree last year and when I did that the tree was very green but now we have a little bit of green but lots of just golden maple leaves a little bit of leaf litter on the ground and I exposed three sheets of film on this um the first two were when the light was pretty decent but then when the glow really started kicking I exposed another sheet um in terms of focus um I have it where there is some front tilt so that the foreground um basically right about in here is where the plane of focus slices through and then right about here so it kind of it drops down uh through the scene and then as you stop down that wedge it well it opens into a wedge like that which gets most of the midg ground um it was very very still that morning and so I'm not seeing any Leaf movement which is great let's see how we did for Focus yeah it's very very good so as expected the extreme foreground is not tack sharp which is fine if anything I think it adds a little bit of depth once you get to about here it's very sharp and then all the way through there is very sharp and then want to take out the take a look at the top yeah the rock face up top is T sharp now this was taken with my wideangle lens which is 150 mm and because it's a wide-angle lens it is more forgiving for the depth of field um so quite happy with that that's one I was very uh excited to see uh this is mostly A variation of the same and if I compare that to the previous one you'll see that there it's not going to be much of a difference though you'll see a little bit so take a look at this area in here versus this area in here so this is starting to build a little more warmth to it um and actually look at the trunks there versus there so this is my safety shot this is a little bit later on um the background looks the same but it's mostly that area where you see that also a little more warmth in the grasses um so definitely got a little bit warmer and let's check for the wind not even a hint now what's interesting is that this is on provia now provia is a very neutral film uh if you take a picture of a typical scene with provia um it would be like taking a picture of the digital camera in a relatively flat setting and which is good because it gives the ability to have good detail in the shadow in the highlights but look at how colorful this is and also realize that this is taken with a very neutral film it was just a incredibly colorful scene um so very very happy with that now this is when the glow was pretty much at its peak and there's a very long long glow in this area it goes for hours and hours and hours and so we get a little warmer in through here and through here um probably getting a little more detail on some of the Shadows got plenty detail there and that is Tac sharp um a little while back I would rig up a video camera through the loop to try to peek at it which was kind of fun but it still does not in any way capture the feeling of looking at an actual transparency uh but this is a Perfect Exposure no wind ideal conditions this is exactly what I had in mind when I went there and I know that this is going to be one of the images for the portfolio this year and if we look at the impact of light on this scene so here's with a little bit less glow and you can see that it's a pretty big difference and then in terms of my uh safety phot phot it's right there so this in its own right is very colorful and nice but when you have that reflected light and that warmth that is going to make a big difference so that's why there is that's why I put so much emphasis and having you know a very good subject in very good light but I'm very very happy with that and it's crazy to think that that's provia a little further up the canyon there is this tree and I took a picture with my iPhone last year and I liked the form of these branches and how they're really filling the frame and so I decided to expose a sheet of provia on it and I like it I'm not quite sure what to think but I do like it uh on this one I made sure that the leaves were in Focus because it was one of the ones where um if I shift the focus a little closer it's mostly the trunk and branches in Focus but for me I think this is mostly about those leaves against the background um depth the field will be tricky but it's t sharp um in terms of the leaves ex attack sharp so this trunk here will be a little soft in through right here then it sharpens up as you get back to there but the leaves all the way through are very sharp um I'm not quite sure what to think about it it's one I'm going to have to scan in and get a feel for it I push the exposure as bright as I could to still get detail spot meter in this dark area right here and then metering the bright areas and provia is far more forgiving on the highlights than it is on the shadows and it's a very forgiving film but I'd rather some of these areas go a little brighter than the film can handle um and keep the detail in the sh in the darker areas there just one sheet of film on that one and then this is the C photograph that is right behind that um I like the structure of the branches and how they fill the frame uh to me it looks a little on the yellow side um and so on this one I'll have to see if I can I might tweak the color a little bit to try to cool it down or make it a little more neutral um I need to TW that I'm definitely getting a little bright in here I can always burn that down a little bit uh this is one where I will certainly need to see how this looks on the computer once I scan it um tricky exposure because I'm trying to get detail in these branches here and I believe I am yes I am getting detail on those branches um yeah I'll have to scan that one and see um but depth field is sufficient it was a relatively flat frame and this one I was putting the dark areas of these branches at -2 on my spot meter um that's where prob is pretty good um so I'll need to certainly sit on that one for a little bit uh this is a little bit of a Spur the moment experimental is sort of photo I really liked um all the leaf litter on the ground with the stone something about those textures um but then this Branch hanging down so I use my wideangle lens which I don't often use but here I used it twice in one day um depth the field is very tricky for this scene because these leaves are fairly close to the camera this is for Beyond it so I did some reverse front tilt where instead of you know for a lot of scenes like that first scene with the maple I have it where the plane of focus I drop at an angle like this um on this one I actually brought it back like this and so that way the plan of focus slices through the branches right down to about here and then you stop down and you get what you get um but the areas in the background are definitely not going to be in Focus areas in the foreground are definitely not going to be in Focus but for me it was all about this area here and then this area here and let's see how we did so just as expected this zone right here in the four round is in Focus you're a little softer as you go there soft as you go there and this zone right here with these leaves is in focus you get soft as you go there you get soft as you go there and then the background elements are are out of focus which is fine because it's kind of clutter anyways um I'm not sure what to think about this I'll need to scan it and I'll need to live with it a little bit um it's definitely chaotic but you do have the bright tones here a little darker tones here so you do have a little order to the madness so you have some movement like this um movement like that so there's some stuff going on there um it wasn't the sort of scene where I felt I need to expose multiple sheets of film I thought one was just fine but exposure is good focus is good this is the um the ground area in that previous photo and I liked all the leaf leader leaf lit uh Leaf litter I liked this triangular shaped Rock and how the leaves were filling in there and then I just tried to find a way to compose it so that your eyes is going to go here it's going to explore around but none of these other rocks are too big of a distraction I will say I was a little concerned about this rock because it's kind of big it points right to the edge but it really seems to point inward rather than outward so that one seems to be okay um my first reaction is that it's an eye candy sort of scene but without as much story to it um but we who knows I I think once I get scanned and I'll have a better feeling for it it's very pretty I like the contrasting color the cool tones the warm tones um the small shapes formed by the leaves the larger shapes formed by the Rocks so I think I'm actually okay with it um some maple seeds right there one little green leaf um I think this was my 240 mm lens or my 300 mm lens I took notes on this trip in terms of which lenses I used because I know that even doing this uh film reveal after the fact that I would fail to remember things so this is the Ponderosa draped with Maples and I photographed this with and without a warming filter and this is without a warming filter and you can see it's definitely a very blue light I was a little concerned that a warming filter would neutralize the blues but I'll show you that film that piece of film in a couple sheets and it actually was quite nice um exposure I was trying not to be too bright for these highlights but I was also trying to show detail in there so the exposure is good um focus for this one is going to be tricky because these leaves are in front of the trunk and it's a question if I can get both in Focus I don't know if I can yeah focus a little in front of the trunk more on the leaves I do wish the trunk was a little more in Focus but honestly that's that's a lot to ask for an 8 by10 have a little bit of leaf movement there but not not in a bad way there's a flow to it I'm not sure I'm in love with it but it's one I'll certainly need to scan um this will be the next version of that and I'm going to see how the leaves did there tiny bit of wind movement but not in a bad way I mean it's a fairly natural representation I do like the warm and cool I do wish the Ponderosa trunk was a little more in Focus but that's just one of the limitations this was with my 300 mm lens uh so this is the warming filter and you can see that it has a far more natural look to it um we still have cool tone on the trunk but it looks normal and then the leaves up here have uh a normal warmth warmth to them so this is definitely a situation where the warming filter comes in handy [Music] um not really much in the way of movement now what's impressive is that this is a 25 second long exposure think about that 25 seconds in a canyon with hanging Maples and just slightest of a breeze will move those Maples um so I'm okay with it I just I wish the trunk was more than Focus it's not bad though um we'll see I'll need to scan it in get a feel for it but definitely one where the warming filter was beneficial now when I photographed this scene I honestly didn't know what to expect and I'll say I'm pleasantly surprised though it is very busy um which I knew would be the case um so what I found to be interesting about the scene is you have this wall with all these diagonal striations in the background and then the trunks you know go vertical um so go in a different direction from the background wall and then you have the leaves that blend in a little bit the trunks Blended in a little bit so when I was looking at this in person looking at it in three dimensions it has a lot of depth to it but I knew that in two dimensions a lot of the tones are going to get lost um and I think sometimes that can be a good thing because it shows the plants as part of you know part of nature along with the wall and just the chaos of it all um so I'm honestly not quite knowing what to think about this one it could be a photo where I'm just you know not in love with it it could be one that grows on me um there's a bit of a sense of story to it focus is Tac sharp really wasn't any wind so the leaves are absolutely still I think this was my 240 mm lens um I was trying to keep the floor of the wash out of the frame I got just a tiny bit in there but no big deal um I don't know I have to sit on this one but I honestly don't really know what to expect so I know same scene um I will often times shoot doubles just because wind motion is a variable and I'm not really seeing any wind motion on this one it was very calm when I was in there um I think the light it's the same I don't think these were all that far apart it might just made me I feel like this one's a little cooler this one's a little warmer not by much um I mean they're very close but I feel like if this one is a hair cooler it might build a little bit more depth in the scene because you have a little more of the warm cool thing going on but they're very close this is a scene I've had my eye on for a while now and it seemed that it was always difficult to have the right sort of conditions at this corner of the wash where I wanted to have good fall color on these Maples the wash in pretty good condition um decent light no wind and I really did have those conditions on this trip um I took a variety of photos of the scene as the light was evolving so this is my first photo now what's interesting when photographing in these washes um is you have a little bit of a cool light early on and yet the Maple Leaves are warm tone and you get this color separation where as I'm looking at this it looks completely three-dimensional and I doubt that that is going to translate uh to video but these leaves right here seem to be lifting above the blue on the background which makes this look very trippy looking at it um and I suspect that as the glow strengthens on the scene that perhaps that effect May diminish because then you get warmer light back in there um I'm quite good at this composition now uh when it comes to the composition these branches ended just a little beyond the boundary of the composition so I intentionally chopped off that edge because if the branches ended and then you saw just the wall there um it would create some visual tension over there and so by chopping that off you alleviate that visual tension and so you see more of just the the shape of all these uh these clusters of leaves this trunk was leaning in which I liked um there's kind of these two groups this Branch right here was just reaching out like this like skeleton hand um I'm quite good with this it's a very subtle scene but it really says a lot about the beauty of Zion in these washes um let's see Focus there's Tac sharp yeah so focus is a non-issue wind is a non-issue and the more you look at it you see like there's like this little Branch down here with some uh flash flood debris just hung up on it which I think is good from a storytelling standpoint but I like that it's it's a subtle quiet Beauty it's not going to it's not the sort of photo that's going to punch you in the face um but I do like that uh let's see how the other variations of that scene are this one there's a little more warmth to the scene um in a way that is starting to reduce the blue tones back here where it's almost going a little bit greenish it's it's not green but there's it's it's changing like the warm tones are mixing with the cool tones here um and you get a little bit that down in here as well um I'm still getting that 3d effect and so if we look at the two of them you can see the cool tones there versus you're losing a little bit of that it's getting a little more muddy I think is what I'm going for that's was what I'm observing also look at the foreground a little more blue in this one a little more mud in this one um so I'm actually kind of liking that before the glow um and then we will compare that to this one so the glow is getting stronger um my exposure is a little darker on this one um feel like it could have been a little a little brighter um I'm losing a little bit of that warm cool thing now these trunks here are getting a little brighter in comparison to the background I still think it's kind of that first one I like the most now here's the glow more so at its peak so I shot this just before um the sunlight which is coming over the top of this Sandstone formation here so the Sun at some point is going to start hitting my camera lens so I shot this just before that now this one we're getting um the trunks are getting lighter as they're getting the light a little bit more than the background we're losing the warm cool um but we're getting some of that reflected light so now as an interesting comparison because I'm still not quite sure what to think I'd be curious to know your thoughts whether you prefer the cool rendition or the warmer I think I I would need to make this one a little bit less muddy um on the computer and maybe taking this one and cooling it down a little bit will give the desired foreground light I think somewhere in the middle perhaps um but that's one of the reasons why I enjoy getting there early uh setting up ahead of the light and then figuring out afterwards some s which one's going to look best so this is the scene that I was hopeful for but you can see we clearly have an issue there um I should have waited a little bit longer I did not realize that there was going to be some light coming in and flaring things up a little bit um so large format lenses they put out a very large image Circle which is much bigger than what I actually get in the photo and that's why you can shift the lens around but what was happening here is that there was still some really bright sunlight up top that was entering in through the lens and was just flaring things up a little bit even though I didn't see it on the ground glass uh it's really hard to notice that if IID waited another 10 minutes or so I'm sure that this would have turned out just fine um I mean I have to scan it I mean who knows maybe that will be beneficial but I I highly doubt it what I really liked about the scene though was how this seem to be coming out here and then you have all this movement where it's just things are darting all over it looks like there was like Tinkerbell flying around um I like the composition I was really liking this dead Branch here um but yeah with with that flaring up there um it just becomes a distraction so I'll have to try another time but definitely not quite working out you know okay so this one has less of it I got some full on flare right there yeah this one's better but it's still not great um I have a lens Hood I use I've used in the past but I really need to come up with a way of getting something like magnets to the lens board and has a little little swivel of sorts but it's something for me to try for next time uh I got some wind movement there I think that's a little distracting uh it's just it's not great it's a little muddy it's a little chaotic um it felt good pointing the camera at something that morning and for me sometimes that's really what this is all about um just going through the process of trying to find a composition but um in terms of what I was going for there are these you know two clusters of trees there I was trying to make sure that the branches had room to move into the composition but that's a distraction there's some wind movement even if all that was good the light's okay but it's not it's it's a tough place just because very quickly I'm going to have direct sunlight hitting the stuff in the background um so it made for a wonderful experience in the field but um just not really what I was hoping for when movement's a little better on this one um but still exists which is we because it was really calm but you know things could move just a little bit and and it can make a it can have an impact now there's another photo a little later on the series where I intentionally used a very long exposure I put an ND filter on and expose a film as the window is going and I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on that one as well cuz I am not quite sure yet but this one not a big fan of all right so this particular tree is one that I've had my eye on for many years um and even though it does not have great fall color in this photo uh I saw this more as a proof of concept to see if I can get a composition on it um because the problem here is that you see that little tiny bright spot right up there that is the sky on the top of the the the cliff there and so trying to find a composition where I have nothing but this big wall um but still giving the tree enough room I was able to find something that worked so much like the photo uh the first one I showed with the Maple in the meadow I think this is a scene that I will definitely need to come back to because I think as I get a bit more fall color on this scene it'll make the tree stand out from the cliff a little bit more but one of things I liked about this was the dead grass there beneath the tree versus the green and also notice that angle is the same it's because if a deer is standing here you know that's as far as they can reach to eat those leaves so the uh Maples there are pruned by the deer but I the composition I like the subject a little more fall color would be good but something to look forward to next year and these were taken I believe with my 240 mm lens um but it's a nice scene and something to try for next year very sharp good exposure decent light but something certainly for next year all right so here is the dead Fallen Ponderosa that is surrounded by Maples and it looks very much like this tree is on fire and so I have two exposures of this when I was trying to have things as still as possible I can't quite tell if there's some movement up there just a little bit not in a bad way though um but the exposure on this one I was balancing the brightness of this with the darkness of these areas back in here and so this is a little brighter than I'd like but I you know Prov is pretty forgiving in the highlights um so I can always pull that back but I didn't want to have this just to become dark mush so it's actually pretty ideal exposure there um but I liked the angle of the tree here not going towards the corner but going a little offset and then the angle of this this all those branches fill the frame trunk coming up there and uh so it works out pretty well um but this is one of my 2 second exposures and then another of the same scene let see how we do up there in terms of leaf movement yeah this one's a little better so I'm definitely a little warm on the exposure um but it should give me plenty to scan and then I could always I feel like I'll need to maybe add a little cyan to it um tone down the bright areas a little bit but I think I could probably make that work now here's the thing um so this is my roughly 2 second exposure um I shot another one that I put a three-stop ND filter on which is this one and so this put me up to about 15 seconds for the exposure now I'd be curious to see um what your thoughts are on this one with intentional movement waiting for that gust of wind putting an ND filter on because it's interesting because now we see more the structure of the tree because we have a little bit less um conflicting with it where here it's there's a lot of stuff going on lots of color lots of shapes um I'd say that the Maple Leaves and the tree have about equal emphasis on them whereas on this one it's a bit more like taking a photo of of a flowing stream um with a bit of a longer shutter speed where it simplifies is scene and then you start to see more of the things that are not moving and so I'd be really curious to hear your thoughts between the two of them I mean there still are some fallen leaves down there to give a little bit of that impact but I think I kind of like this one but I think it won't be until I scan it that I have a better feeling for it um but definitely a a pretty fun experiment and the cactus so this is my first exposure and this is before the light was building now I learned from last time that when the glow gets really strong in here it it takes away some of the uh depth of the scene so in early in the glow um there's a lot of light hitting the cactus from this side kind of a cooler light coming from this side but as the glow in this Canyon builds you lose a little bit of that dimensionality so there are better versions of the scene I have a little later on um but I wanted to take pictures a little bit earlier just to do a little bit better um focus is tricky for this one I'm using a little bit of front swing which is where you take the the front lens and you go to the side a little bit and when you do that your plane of focus is going to move and so I have it where I'm focusing basically U kind of between this and this and then I'm focusing back to about here so my plane of focus is this way cuz for me this wall is very important this fracture is very important this Cactus is very important this is not very important so I'm going to not have this within the depth of field um and actually this Cactus pad right here maybe a little bit yeah that's a little bit soft as well but I had to sacrifice this Cactus pack in order to get this in focus and this in focus and also I visually leveled the camera and so you see that this right here is basically running uh parallel with the top of the frame um because I wanted to make sure that this looks solid and stable and then this looks like it's breaking off um so sometimes visually leveling your camera with certain elements um gives a little bit more of a a solid feel to it uh in terms of exposure I was spot metering off these leaves and putting them at positive two because I want to get as much detail back and there which I actually I do have detail back in those Shadows so when I photographed this last time I was working on some compromised film and what happens with the older compromised film is that it needs more exposure and as a result my exposure turned out darker than ID hoped and also kind of Muddy so I should have quite a bit to work with here but I'll have other variations of that as well so this one you see we have a bit more warmth to it I feel like this exposure is a little darker than the other one but I still have plenty of detail back in the shadow areas um so I'm not sure which one will scan better um we still have our cool tone coming from this way a little warmer than the previous one um and then this one right here which is a bit more a bit of a brighter exposure so between these I'll have something that works but I knew that if I didn't photograph this again on this trip that this Cactus would continue to grow and then it would really outgrow the composition and it's pretty crazy how fast some of this stuff can actually grow these little guys really weren't there last year either but now it's almost like you have like the the cactus that's being like separated from its little Cactus kids I don't know but I'm very happy that turned out and let's also check sharpness oh yeah that's T sharp yeah so the wall is completely Tac sharp um this is Tac sharp a little soft there a little soft there but I got all what I really need so this was a little bit the surprise for me on this trip so this particular scene um I've hiked past this tons of times through the year I've always try to find a way to photograph it um and I was actually out wandering around without my camera and I saw that even though I had taken a picture just around the corner from this a few days earlier um I saw that this tree is looking pretty sparse there's lots of new Leaf litter there and I liked this rock to Center the composition I like that there is this um broken up Ponderosa tree back behind the maples and then the sparse leaves there and so I like that there's there's some motion here it kind of circulates around here circulates around there um I'll say this exposure is a little bit on the bright side um but I also happen to know that the other ones are a little bit better in that regard uh wind was definitely a concern there's a little bit wind motion it's not horrible I would have preferred if these guys are a little sharper um but there's there's a lot going on here but for me it's a very peaceful and tranquil sort of feeling to it I think just the repeating shapes and the like there's a positive negative thing um so I'm very happy with that composition I also know I have more versions of that this one appears to be a little bit of a better exposure so this rock is still bright it's a darn near positive2 on my spot meter detail areas back in here are about -2 on my spot meter so it's within the range of the film little bit of movement on the leaves but not bad and certainly T sharp down below um this one's a little bit better than the previous one but a little bit of wind movement there so this one's a little bit darker um interesting story behind this one let's see how the leaves are oh yeah that is Tech sharp now it's hilarious about this is that this particular scene um so I had a two-c exposure and I had my stopwatch in one hand I have my uh I have my uh my cable release in one hand stopwatch in the other it's going to be a bulb exposure where you hold it down for the specified amount of time and I'm sitting there I'm just staring at these leaves waiting for them to stop moving and in the process of staring at them somehow I flipped my stopwatch over in my hand and the back side of the stopwatch is this shiny metal and so I'm looking at it I'm looking at the wind stops I hit both the shutter and the stopwatch at the same time and then I looked down at the stopwatch wait for 2 seconds and I realized it's flipped around backwards and I I can't see it so in that exact moment there's a chipmunk down in here that I kid you not it screamed at me and I panicked and I let go of the shutter and now I realize that that chipmunk was there to help because 2 seconds would have perhaps been a little bit too long of an exposure maybe more like 1 and a half seconds which is probably what I gave it here and it's absolutely dead calm and I'm actually curious and I don't even know if I'll be able to see him in here uh but I'm curious if that chipmunk is somewhere within his composition I'm not seeing him but they blend in really really good but that it's like it's like finding Waldo but all I got to say is is this is one of my favorite photos from the trip and it was a complete spur of the moment because I went back to my car got my camera and I knew I only had about 15 20 minutes or so to get the camera set up and Expos the film before some direct sunlight would shift right into the frame and so happened to be in the right place at the right time but I love the the motion of this there's like the swirl that goes like this um it just is really cool I love that the textures the the light rocks I've I've been wanting to take a picture that involves the rocks and the leaves for quite some time and this just has everything I need so I'm very thankful for that little chipmunk that screamed at me I think that's going to be one of the portfolio uh print portfolio images uh so this is the Ponderosa that I photographed closer to the end of the trip I took this photo before the light was developing just as a safety cuz I didn't know if having a little bit of a a cooler rendition before the glow would be better um kind of like those Maples against the canyon wall I showed earlier where the blue light sometimes is better this just looks a little pale um composition's tricky on this one there's this big root that shoots out trying to minimize that and just make it look like a root cluster here I'm trying to have this trunk not go from corner to corner so it looks a little contrived that way sometimes you you do better if you have it a little bit more like this which is what I was aiming for It's A bit chaotic the light is not great on that one uh lights better here my exposure is a little dark though um I'm not sure what to think about it it's a little chaotic but not necessarily in a great way there's just a lot of stuff going on this one's a bit dark um but I believe the next one so this one we actually have a better exposure um so you have good detail on the Shadows there highlights are not too bright I don't know I'll have to scan it and see I might be able to work with that warm cool balance a little bit I'm undecided I I do like how it has these tears in it all the twists almost looks like it's like arms where just fell over and died there um but I'll say I'm not immediately in love with it and then the roots and the Maple Leaves uh exposure is tricky on this one trying to make sure I had detail in the shadows as well as in the highlights um so I put there's some dark Mossy areas that I put around -2 in the spot meter the leaves are around positive2 um it's okay I think I'll need to scan it in get a feel for it it's just not immediately jumping out at me but I don't know undecided on that one then my final subject Fallen Cottonwood in the main Canyon um I mean I did like how there is this tree back here s of the visual contrast of them um as far as the exposure I'm probably about as bright as I can be without it being too bright um so we did for sharpness it's very sharp a little bit of wind movement at the top of the tree I was almost a little concerned that this whole area here wouldn't be Focus because I had to use quite a bit of uh front tilt but I'm actually pretty good the very top top top Edge is a little soft um but overall fine I feel like this is one where I might need to scan it and then work with the tones a little bit to build up the richness um it's not quite as dramatic as some of the other Fallen uh Cottonwood images I have in this area but also this is on provia the other ones were on velvia which is a bit um maybe better suited for this I feel like this one has a little less of a glow perhaps still get warm light there but feel like a little less of a glow um but overall I have a lot to work with um I'm very happy that the that first Maple image turned out um and then also the one where the Chipmunk was screaming at me that one's pretty good too and I'll have to scan them in get a feel for them get to know the new images um but definitely a lot of a lot of work on this trip a lot of images captured but I want to thank everyone for watching and we'll see you around next time you may have noticed this video has no ads and no sponsors and I think it's nicer that way if you enjoy this adree and clickbait free content and want to help me live my dream a voluntary contribution through PayPal or by joining my patreon helps keep my gas tank full and my film freezer stocked again you can find more information by visiting my website at benh horn.com donate I also have prints ebooks and my annual portfolios available on my website thanks so much for watching we'll see you around next [Music] [Music] time
Channel: Ben Horne
Views: 6,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 22sec (2842 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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