ZilianOP: The Twitch Streamer Caught Faking A Disability

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for some out there the occupation of full-time twitch streamer is a dream career in recent years we've seen an ever-increasing number of streamers managing to pull it off each using their own proprietary mix of talents personality hardwork and gimmicks to make it happen today I'm going to tell you a cautionary tale about a streamer who made it full-time but lost everything after using a deceptive gimmick to grow his channel that streamer was zillion Opie zillion is well known within the twitch community as being one of the first fraudsters on the platform this reputation was established after some rather damning evidence surfaced which proved zilean for over a year had been faking a physical disability for community support in donations it's a rather absurd tale with a pretty humorous twist to it and I'm excited to tell you all about it so let's get into it hey guys Julia no Peter I promise that make video so I am gonna make a video it's going to behave angel Hamilton aka zilean Opie started streaming on Twitch in early 2012 where he was a mostly gaming streamer that played World of Warcraft and Diablo 3 not long after starting his streaming journey zilean found success on Twitch and was pulling 200 plus viewers per stream an impressive number for 2012 with that said viewers weren't necessarily flocking to zillions channel for elite gameplay they came to his channel for the more personality driven elements of it zillions frequently featured his girlfriend pan thoria in his streams and the banter between the two often led to entertaining moments that fans enjoyed zillions online friend hypnotic was often present in these streams providing commentary along the way adding to the entertainment value but there was another incentive for viewers to tune into zillion stream an incentive based out of sympathy a thorough zillion had been streaming for some time viewers began to notice that he always streams sitting down in a wheelchair and had never been seen standing up or walking around on stream when questioned about this he would often reluctantly explain that he was unable to use his legs insinuating that he was paralyzed from the waist down when the broader twitch community learned of zillions of parent disability his twitch channel would only grow as curious viewers would flock to the channel to show admiration and support for the handicapped streamer in addition to his ever-growing viewer base in late 2012 zilean was given the coveted status of twitch partner and with that came subscriptions and an ever increasing amounts of viewer donations zilean was said to have a rather donation heavy channels see people would go to it feeling sympathetic and be more inclined to donate some of their hard-earned money to the streamer and these donations were happily accepted by zillion to elaborate further it is reported by some that at one time zillion actually had a several hundred dollar donation goal said that when reached he allegedly claimed would be used to purchase a new wheelchair additionally I've seen other reports which alleged that zillion would often set goals to finance supposed physical therapy visits unfortunately I'm unable to find any vods online that displays Ilian exhibiting such behavior but the Internet is rife with anecdotes from stream viewers who tuned into zillion from around this time what is clear is that the viewers perception of zillion being a handicapped person certainly incentivized donations and he was likely well aware of this never at any point actively discouraging what many may consider pity donations by 2013 zillion had become a full-time streamer and was receiving thousands of dollars in monthly donations though with the new year came a set of problems in January zillion was receiving a substantial amount of hate after it was exposed that he had been using botting software to get ahead in Diablo 3 after this discovery he was subsequently banned from the game by Blizzard essentially barring him from playing his most popular twitch game on top of this a rather strange situation was developing which involves zillions Facebook page being hacked by an unknown person the hacker would post frequently to this Facebook page and in many of these posts the hacker would cryptically suggest that zilean was being disingenuous to his fans about his disappear and was milking his condition for money I just met you and this is crazy but here's a chip-in button for charity let me steal your money maybe don't get angry zillion just walk away from the computer for a minute we're not like you sir we wouldn't mess with your paypal unlike you we're above stealing money from those in need hey guys I'm sick donate to me pay my hospital bills I'm giving away a keyboard that was given to me by another fool who doesn't care that I scan my viewers for money hi guys who wants to raise money for some kids daddy needs a new set of legs did some squats tonight my thighs are on fire despite the various subtle accusations lobbed by the hacker towards iliyan followers of the Facebook page denied zilean was engaging in any such behavior and vehemently accosted the hacker for causing mischief control of the Facebook page would remain in the hackers hands for the foreseeable future with concerning post coming up time and time again and the viewers of zilean not taking them very seriously but all that would change on April 5th of 2013 on this day zilean was live-streaming World of Warcraft alongside his girlfriend pan thoria who was present via Skype call at one point zilean announces that he needs to go afk for a moment but forgets to switch camera overlays what happens next in this footage would ultimately ruin xilians career and it's known by many in the twitch community as the zillion miracle this is it on your Mountain follow me could only imagine it's like a million times gear and heroic maybe like at the end of the expansion when it's easily out geared oh my god we took our dog like to the fish shop today because the dog loves just like going out and meeting new people we constantly have to take him to like be introduced to new like random people himself so he things add up fish drops and stuff because like we love talking to the people there anyways and there were just a bunch of people that like came in like a bunch of customers that came in just like in this huge flow and he got scared and like caimans out of my lap and it was like oh this is so cute like he's cuddling with me because he's scared he stands up he took a leak on my lap oh my god oh my god it looks like the Facebook hacker was right all along not only could xilians stand he was able to walk at this point it was becoming clear that zilean may have been misleading his audience into thinking that he was really paralyzed when he wasn't this caused many to feel as if they had been duped at the shelling out sympathy donations for a perfectly healthy man unfortunately the original pod containing this moment has since been deleted only clips of it exist on YouTube so an official chat reaction to the zillion miracle is unavailable but an unofficial chat log has been acquired and it's believed to be an accurate rib from the twitch archive in this chat log zilean and his girlfriend can be seen trying to frantically explain how zilean was suddenly able to get up and walk the conversation starts with this what the [ __ ] did Cillian just stand LOL zilean no I fell pan thorium rofl mal zillion I pushed off my chair and ate it zillions [ __ ] dog zillion he was dumping water on my wires zillion I'm pissed and in pain zillion I need to fix myself pan thoria poor angel zillion and my dog dumped water on everything zillion I will try and be back zillion it hurts to breathe I hit my side on the corner of the desk zillion I'm going to die for a few zillion I will try to be back soon and this explanation given by the two in this frantic chat log doesn't make any sense as you can clearly see in the reflection on the fish tank that zillion does not fall and hit the corner of the desk rather it appears that after he leaves line of sight of the camera he very effortlessly continues to walk away from his wheels air and then stealthily returns to the computer desk to tilt down his camera after realizing he didn't switch twitch overlays I think it's fair to say that in this scenario zilean got caught red-handed and within 24 hours news had spread across the internet and he was already being labeled the biggest fraud stirrer in twitch history a twitch TV user by the name of zillion Opie had a collective face palming by all bullshitters and all con artists had done goofed kid ya dun goofed I just found out that he he can walk I had to swatch the YouTube video and I hope he does actually become crippled because that's pretty much my users no [ __ ] way Cillian Oh P now the [ __ ] can [ __ ] walk huh this guy is not crippled this guy's not paralyzed or handicapped it's all an act after this story went viral our old pal the Facebook hacker came out of hiding with a few told you so esque statements about zillion o P and the hacker even went as far as revealing his true identity everyone chill zillion was just giving us some stand-up comedy so what a day I wake up to be informed of what has happened I read all the articles all I can say is karma [ __ ] you deserved every [ __ ] thing you have coming to you angel the streaming business is a much better place without creeps like you in it oh by the way this isn't James it's Matt hypno you [ __ ] fool yeah this hacker actually claims to be xilians old friend hypnotic from the twenty twelve days of zilean stream so if that's actually true yeesh that's a backstab from Hell right there anyways back to the viral spread of this story several online news outlets have written articles about xilians miracle and we're estimating that zilean had swindled close to twenty thousand dollars in money donated off the premise of him being handicapped it would not be long before twitch staff caught wind of zillions actions and several days after the shocking revelation is billions twitch account was swiftly given a perma ban for fraudulent practices this is an official statement given from twitch to Kotaku regarding the circumstances of xilians ban the twitch broadcaster zillion Opie did indeed have his channel closed and his partnership contract terminated on the basis of fraud moving forward will be offering refunds to those who subscribe to his channel through twitch we have zero tolerance for this type of behavior and the character demonstrated in this situation is truly reprehensible his actions are a huge slap in the face to twitch community members with real disabilities such as Iran and groups such as AbleGamers who have helped spread a message of inclusiveness and positivity to not only the twitch community but gaming as a whole with his twitch account banned in the walls of the internet closing in around him on all sides zilean would disappear from the web for some time never really acknowledging or apologizing for his actions though he would return in the summer of 2013 a YouTube channel posted a video which featured channel members meeting zilean and his girlfriend pan thoria outside of their apartment the conversation between the group is brief but note that zilean is without a doubt standing up here almost confirming 100% that he had been faking his condition there's pan thoria there zilean he has legs mr. pig we got Gillian's it should be they're gonna go nuts it gonna be like what zillion cuz no one's seen you since in Windows she has no beard look at this no beard look at how much he lifts look at that [ __ ] [Laughter] I have not lifted in Brazilian yeah in 2015 zillions would return to streaming but this time on the hitbox platform though his return was not met with fanfare rather nobody really cared that zillion had returned nobody was watching his streams and when someone did tune in the conversation was always addressing his allegedly fraudulent practices on Twitch by late summer of 2016 Cillian would quit streaming for good and nobody really knows what has happened to him since but one thing is certain after what he did it's likely that zillion Opie will never be able to have a career in online entertainment again and that's really the story of zillion Opie there are few lessons to learn from the cautionary tale of zillion but I think the main one is this if you're going to be accepting donations off the basis of you being handicapped you better make sure that the details of your disorder and how it affects you are very clearly stated and explained to your audience because if the details of your handicap are left ambiguous viewers may be led to think you have it off worse than you really do and will likely be disappointed when they see a guy who's supposed to be paraplegic stand up and walk away on stream but yeah let me know what you guys thought about zillion down below let me know what you thought about this video down below and also let me know who or what you want me to talk about next want to give a major shout out to my patrons I appreciate you guys wavy web surf out peace [Music]
Channel: wavywebsurf
Views: 2,333,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZilianOP, twitch fails, twitch.tv, streamer, zilian walks, zilian miracle, wavywebsurf, twitch history, livestream fails, streamer fails, compilation, funny twitch, diablo 3, world of warcraft, wow, twitch stream, famous twitch, infamous twitch
Id: F72pOwjrVWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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