Supa Hot Fire: The Rise & Bizarre Downfall of Deshawn Raw

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in the early 2010s one of the fastest growing and unanimously beloved creators on youtube was a skit comedian known as deshaun raw desean started his channel in 2011 and his rap battle parody videos along with his super hot fire character were truly a breath of fresh air for the youtube comedy scene not only were desean's videos great for their time they've had like a lasting impact on internet culture in general you may recall that his reaction in the battle rap parody video it's like one of the biggest gifts of all time that people still share today all of that said though in recent years deshawn's relevance on youtube has significantly dwindled and what's strange about this it's not because people stopped caring it's because deshawn essentially deleted his entire main channel with over 450 000 subscribers in 2013 and this deletion occurred while he was still getting hundreds of thousands of views per video why would he do this well stick around and find out because today i'm going to talk about the rise of desean raw and how his own personal creative aspirations ultimately caused him to pull the plug on his youtube career this is the desean raw story [Music] so let's start from the beginning 2011 desean started his journey on youtube at a time when there was far less content diversification you pretty much had three lanes of popular content genres gaming vlogs and skid comedy desean chose the latter and quickly found himself in an oversaturated field but it wouldn't take long for him to stand out amongst the vast sea of youtube skit makers his early videos could be described as a collection of shorts in which deshawn and his friends collectively known as the hoopla gang comedy troupe satirically mocked cultural stereotypes or trends which were popular on social media i'm deshaun roth and i'm living with the thug keep your this wasn't necessarily a unique approach to youtube skit making but something about desean's videos really struck a chord with audiences and he quickly found himself gaining thousands of fans personally i think what made deshawn's early content stand out was how natural the acting within the videos felt from a viewer's perspective the experience felt like less of a neatly packaged skit designed for youtube clicks and more like you were just hanging out with desean and his zany friends witnessing great chemistry and a sequence of organically funny moments he clearly took my slurpee dawg i was the only one who got a blue [Music] desean would continue to make these loose topic-based skits for several months and his channel was experiencing steady growth but that steady growth would turn into a viewership explosion after the success of a video he created called the rap battle parody and it wasn't just the video that got people enamored with desean raw it was his character within the video super hot fire now to understand what made super hot fire such a great and hilarious character you kind of need a quick lesson on the rise of battle rapping within the youtube sphere in the early 2010s rap battling videos produced by battle rap leagues like king of the dot and the ultimate rap league were getting hundreds of thousands of views and the rap battling scene in general was seeing somewhat of a grassroots revival which subsequently led it to becoming relevant in pop culture again admittedly these videos are pretty entertaining i remember watching them back in the day and just being blown away by some of the lyrical maneuvers these guys would perform to dunk on their opponents in battles but right now the curse is broken i wave with electromagnetic pulse and i burst you open i'm the bad man from the west coast i'm west coasting if you disagree catch a backhand like the u.s open you have the skin pigmentation of greg oden but you were as intimidating as seth rogen and it wasn't just the lyrical content of these battles that were entertaining it's like the wwe elements to it all like everybody is completely over the top acting macho as hell trying to intimidate their opponents now with the youtube battle rapping scene briefly explained let's move back to super hot fire super hot fire is a character created by deshawn to basically parody this entire scene superhot is essentially the antithesis of a stereotypical battle rapper his lyrics don't make sense when in a battle he's detached and doesn't even really try to win he's objectively terrible at battle rapping and his opponents are always far more technically skilled and try their hardest to win but regardless super hot fire always wins the battle by favor of the crowd and that's basically what makes superhot funny he doesn't give a [ __ ] and still wins every time well there was an exception with soulja boy king got an internet i've been that instagram since bathing apes win streaks what do you do with those oh to say that these battle rat parody videos were successful for desean's channel would be a massive understatement not only did they escalate his channel to a new echelon of viewership and subscribers they elevated deshawn's reputation as a public figure he was now getting attention from hollywood and apparently at this time comedy central was considering giving him a television show while the exact details surrounding the show are unclear it was confirmed by deshawn that he had worked with chris rock to create a pilot for it at this point in his youtube career desean had achieved something that many could only dream of in 2012 he was one of the most popular comedians on youtube and he was making a living creating these super hot fire videos from an outsider's perspective it seemed like there was limitless potential in his channel and he was likely on the path to becoming one of the biggest youtubers on the site in terms of subscribers and views but out of nowhere in march of 2013 desean raw deleted every single video from his channel and not only that he recorded himself doing it well today will be a very eventful day i'm gonna let the sean roll tell you why come help me take it all back for me put it out there got me you know my heart my soul everything personality traits everything me man to shine wrong man me so you know for the people man and i gotta take it back because it's starting to seem like yeah i mean tell them what you're taking back [Music] [Music] dj rap battle parody 5 you know what i got this real i'ma tell you the thing is the presentation real is what got me in hollywood for me i mean the whole channel got me a hollywood but uh i don't really like it it's pretty gay because i mean [Music] who should i be sorry too check it it's gone it's gone everything's gone [Music] real real from feeling so real okay he just witnessed what the child just did can i do better got 80 million views 500 000 subscribers tv offers i can't do no better than i did on youtube if i'm off if i tell her they just gonna be mad so i gotta go and i'm uh my legacy messed up nah now [Music] thousand this [ __ ] erased it i was just very recently made aware of this video and i got to be honest with you the first time i saw it my jaw like hit the floor the gravity of what desean does in this clip is immense essentially deleting his entire youtube career earned from close to two years of hard work with one mouse click on march 19th desean would upload an interview with dante comedy to his recently purged channel in the interview deshawn explains that his comedy central pilot deal was rejected leading to frustration additionally he explains he was fed up with being pigeonholed as a youtuber and he wanted to become more of a traditional comedian doing stand-up comedy what happened what was that in my life i mean what uh how did you even get hooked up with like how do you even get connected with chris my videos everything i don't know he just started [ __ ] with the videos fighting with my videos everybody jumped down was through my videos i can't do no more through my video [ __ ] my first month neil brennan hit me talking about let's do a show you the funniest [ __ ] i've seen since chappelle my first month you feel me so i'm like i i'm the funniest sneak in the world for me because i'm cause i'm not the funniest sneak in the world because it's amazing sunday i go on stage you know monday through saturday and sunday is going to be his days everybody can see our videos they just don't want to act like it you feel me the head of comedy central every person is me and i can't get on so i'm like [ __ ] get off and i'm just he created something else please tell me i suck please somebody tell me i suck i'm the bet i'm the funniest [ __ ] alive now everybody please tell me i'm not that so i can do that please because [ __ ] there's nothing else to do for me for me i'll do what i want where can the people see you at like because i just seen you just erase some of your videos all your videos at least they're not stored they're not nothing i did it everybody was calling me oh you're crazy like dave are you a container right you can't tell me i'm not the funny sneaker on stage and if you do you write you for me i was the funny [ __ ] i was a funny sneaker on youtube tomorrow night you just seen the email there is no booking limit there is no you're talking to me who blocked tour the bidding goes up that one dollar you feel me and that's you know that's ripping all off because i got youtube for free so now you got to pay 100 more to get me but that's where it started off you should be whoever feel like [Music] this interview was overwhelmingly hit with dislikes from the viewers and it received dozens of angry comments criticizing deshaun for his decision to remove the videos and i gotta be honest with you guys i kind of agree with the sentiment of many of these commenters i mean why delete the videos at least unlist them it makes no sense to just completely nuke your entire channel i totally understand wanting to escape that youtuber label when you're trying to become a comedian but deleting those videos was basically him flushing his entire comedy resume down the toilet that's why he got popular in the first place but i guess during the state of mind that he was in at the time of the deletion this was a sacrifice he was willing to make to escape the pressure that he felt i have a hunch that desean may have actually regretted deleting the videos on his original channel because he would actually re-upload a majority of the deleted videos on a new channel at a later date these videos on desean raw season 1 would never get the views that they once had and this channel has been since buried in the algorithm with rips being uploaded by random youtube users being prioritized over deshawn's in the algorithm aside from a brief return in 2014 deshawn was pretty much done with creating original youtube content at this point in his career and he would go mia on the platform for the next several years during this time away deshawn went full steam ahead with stand-up comedy performing at open mics throughout the state of california but his stand-up career never truly blossomed in the way that he hoped it would in 2018 desean would be seen on youtube again but not in skits he was featured in a handful of interviews with other youtube creators in an interview with jeremy heck desean reflects on his decision to leave youtube and also talks about his experience with stand-up comedy when did you decide to take down all of your videos because i remember there was a point where you took everything down was that a decision that had been building up or was that kind of like a gut decision that day man i was uh one day i was just driving around and i was listening to jay-z you know i was listening to the black album and you know i was just like he's right man i'm out and then you just decided to retire like i just decided i deleted all my videos originally actually to start doing stand-up that was my first love my first dream the first thing i really wanted to do and i went to stand up and i was not i was not good and so i came back to the skin come back change clothes dirt off your shoulders and then you came back and now i feel like i'm seasoned and i put out my first special now that i have the range i have a bar so i listen to the range like at least once a week and when i write new jokes i say okay if it's not as funny as deranged then it's gonna get scrappy i give the range like a b as far as stand up slack a b b plus so that's the carter one desean has become somewhat elusive in the last couple of years and it's actually proved somewhat difficult to find out exactly what he's been doing from what i can tell it appears that he's still doing stand-up comedy but i think it goes without saying that his current creative endeavors aren't making anything close to the splash that his original youtube channel made and that's kind of where we're at with the story of deshawn deshawn's case is strange when compared to the declines of many other youtubers who have fallen off i say that because deshawn never truly fell off he still had hundreds of thousands of fans eager to watch his videos when he left and there were no signs of his channel dying out anytime soon but due to his own personal creative aspirations and ego he walked away from it all doing so in one of the most bizarre fashions i've seen you would be hard pressed to find another example of a popular youtuber with a thriving channel willing to delete all of their videos just to get away from it i'd be interested to know if desean regrets his decision to delete his channel back in 2013 i haven't really seen any interview where he goes into it in depth i guess the only way we'll ever really know is if like somehow i'm able to get an interview with him and if that's the case i'll definitely share that with you guys but that's pretty much the story there anyways guys let me know what you thought about this down below in the comment section and let me know who or what you want me to talk about next i want to give a major shout out to my patrons i appreciate you guys wavy web surf out peace [Music] you
Channel: wavywebsurf
Views: 1,482,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deshawn raw, supa hot fire, oooooo, rap battle parody, deshawn raw supa hot fire, supa hot fire meme, meme, rap battle meme, what happened to supa hot fire, what happened to deshawn raw, youtube history, meme history, wavywebsurf
Id: JFFHt01T6Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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