How to get an entry level IT job with no experience

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now when we talk about getting an i.t with no experience let's just be honest you have to start somewhere [Music] what's good youtube my name is dewan lightfoot if you're new to my channel please consider subscribing i make content that's focused on helping you enter i.t and advance your career once you're in the game in this video what i want to do is provide you with five practical tips on how you can get started nit right now with zero experience at number one what i want you to do is ask yourself what you're interested in in i.t the goal of this question is for you to explore different job descriptions in the industry because you may think you're interested in cyber security but then once you read further into the requirements and what they actually do you may think oh well i actually like data science more or i'm more interested in being a network engineer like dejuan or you know something along those lines so what i would do is ask yourself what are you interested in and then do a quick google search on it job titles and i'll also post some job titles right here so you can check those out as well to help you along with your search number two now that you have an idea of what you want to do you need to build those skills so i mentioned software development well if you want to be a software developer a lot of the resources to learn software development are free there's a ton of videos on python there's a ton of videos on javascript there are so many different youtubers that are creating content around software development web design and computer programming right now you can learn pretty much anything that you want and you can go as in depth as you want because outside of the free resources on youtube let's say you want to learn python on there's complete tutorials that walk you through how to write code by using python and it gives you examples with all the documentation and that's pretty much the same for every programming language the information is out there for free you also have free resources on like corsair or mit berkeley all of these colleges put out free courses to help you learn computer programming so if you want to be in that realm there's resources out there now let's say you want to be a network engineer if that's the case well the ccna in my opinion is the certification you need to get there are other certifications out there but in my opinion the one that will get you past those automated filtering hr systems is the ccna so if you want to be in networking that's the one you go to now some people may argue that that's not an entry-level cert and i think that's all relative you may get on the journey and it's easy for you many people started that certification and if you want to be a networking i say start there before we move from number two i mentioned the a plus i mentioned the security plus i mentioned the ccna i also want to mention the mta which is the microsoft technical associate certification that's a great entry level certification for microsoft and then we also have the itil foundation certification which is a great certification to understand service delivery when you're in it and you're on the help desk or you're doing some type of desktop support even as a network engineer you may use um ticket systems like remedy or servicenow all of these are based on the itil model of providing service to an organization the last certification is that i want to mention when we talk about getting skills is around the cloud if you've done your research around job titles in it you've probably heard of the cloud well certifications around that area is going to be your aws certifications your google cloud certifications along with your microsoft azure certifications all of those will be good certifications to put on your resume to help you get an entry-level job in i.t okay now that you have your i.t certification you need to put this on your resume and honestly you can put this on your resume before you even complete it if you're working on it you can say something like a plus certification actively working or a plus certification completion date on your estimated completion date that's common to put on your resume it'll let organizations know that you're learning that you're actively working to get into the field now along with building this resume if you've had previous work experience sometimes those skills are transferable i'll give you examples of some skills that could be transferable to entry level jobs in i.t the first one microsoft excel if you've worked in an organization where you had to keep track of let's say the financials foreign organizations or some type of inventory those inventory tools that you may have put in microsoft excel microsoft access is still around or some type of database that you may have had to manage the inventory for that those are transferable skills because in i.t you may have to manage the inventory for let's say the laptops the monitors all of those things so having that inventory experience you can put that on your resume if you were in any type of management position your managerial skills are transferable you'll have to put that you led a team you saved an organization this much money those are items that you can put on your resume that can be transferable what i would do is work with someone that's an i.t resumes professional that can help you tailor your resume exactly the way it needs to be okay number four is about building your brand you may not be in i.t yet and when we talk about brandon i know i said this before that yeah it sounds cheesy but it's actually a thing when we talk about a brand it's who you are is letting people know hey when they meet dwyane lightfoot okay i seen dewine on linkedin that's the first piece that we're gonna talk about linkedin when i see dewine on linkedin i see what he posts i see what he's about i see who he's connected to i see what he likes oh he's really about his i.t skills one piece the next piece is going to be twitter we'll kind of break these down further here in a moment but the next piece is twitter a lot of people don't realize but there's a active i.t community that's extremely helpful shout out to the live everyday family on linkedin and twitter so both of those are great resources to help you not only build your brand but to understand and stay relevant with the changes that are going on in it for number four when we talk about building a brand you're going to create a linkedin profile you're going to update all of the necessary pieces of your linkedin profile so we're talking about your header we're talking about your work experience we're talking about your skills we're talking about your your bio we're talking about your college education all of those informations that are pertinent we're going to update that to make sure it's professional and presented the way you want to be presented for it you can even use the um open for networking option in linkedin for more on this let me know in the comments section below if you would like for me to make a video to talk more about this um another side note make sure your linkedin profile is a good picture so they can see a professional image of you you may not want to smile that's okay too but make sure the picture that you're presenting on linkedin is professional now that you have your profile set up let's talk about how to actually use linkedin as you're building your skill you're working on your certification you're going to post i would say about three times a week about your journey if you're working on the ccna post what you're learning course the resources that you're using post the stuff that you're labbing lab every day post all of that on your linkedin just a short little comment if you're a writer i would say write a blog post and share it on linkedin this is something that employers can see when they're googling who you are they can say okay they're actually working on this certification they really want to be in this field so now that you're posting the next thing you're going to do is you're going to seek out people in the field that you're interested in now you can do this by using hashtag searches so if you search the hashtag lab every day on linkedin it's going to connect you with a ton of people that's posting content around networking around network automation around automation around anything i'd say you'll find people in the industry that will accept your connection but when you connect let's talk about when you connect when you connect send a message say i really enjoyed your post on linkedin i would like to have a connection with you something simple like that don't just go connecting with people i don't think that's really appropriate for linkedin but some people do it i've never been the type to just send connections on linkedin i like to build genuine relationships because sometimes employers will reach out to your connections to ask about you especially if they worked in the company that you work for they know them so if you're connected with somebody employer knows they may reach out to that person and they say yeah i'm just connected so i don't know so make sure you build that genuine network on linkedin don't just connect with people build genuine relationships and add value that's what the posts are about adding value and then continue to like share other people's content build those relationships that's what it's all about now twitter is pretty much the same way now you can just follow people on twitter that's pretty simple but again using the hashtag lab every day ccna hashtag a plus all of these hashtags if you use those you'll find people either selling something or they're actually working on the same journey that you are use those hashtags step outside of your comfort zone put yourself out there you never know by sharing your content or commenting on somebody's post what opportunities it may open up for you number five we're going to talk about applying for positions number one you found jobs that you're interested in number two you build your skills up number three you've updated and got a tight resume number four you have your online profile built number five we're going to talk about applying for every job you see now when you're at number one and you're looking up different job titles you may happen to go on and look at some of those job requirements and you notice that hey an entry-level position requires one year three year five years 10 years in all seriousness some of those jobs have ridiculous requirements but don't let that stop you apply apply apply anyway apply for every job that you are interested in because what's going to happen is they have an automated system that will filter you out so you won't even get it but at least you're applying for position that you're interested in and you're giving yourself a chance to be interviewed and so as you're working and applying for these positions you're building your brand you're continuing to learn you're continuing to lab every day you're continuing to build your skills so apply for these positions don't let nothing stop you from getting that opportunity that you desire when it comes to getting i.t a lot of it is about stepping outside of your comfort zone when it comes to advancing in i.t a lot of it is about stepping outside of your comfort zone everyone's journey in this industry is not cookie cutter it's not the same so you're gonna have to be creative i mentioned applying for these jobs i mentioned using linkedin if you're doing software development or web design create websites build your portfolio use github build your repos share those out create a youtube channel the five tips that i just shared you can use to enter nit with no experience today let me know if you have tips in the comments section below i would love to hear them and if this video gets you a job come back and let me know i would love to hear i would love to share your post i would just love to celebrate with you i wish you all much success please like this video share this video subscribe to my channel and i will catch you on the next one peace
Channel: Du’An Lightfoot
Views: 54,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to get an entry level IT job with no experience, Du'An, duan lightfoot, labeveryday, how to get into the tech industry with no experience, Get into IT with No Experience!, technology, tech, it, information technology, it jobs, resume building, it experience, it advice, career help, entry level, help desk, it knowledge, tech careers, how to get an i.t. job, how to get into i.t. with no degree, information technology careers, get into i.t., get into i.t. with no, degree, cert
Id: PVt0spea4HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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