Zen vs Dark… Who has Better Mechanics?

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all right guys so y'all know the best player in the world arguably but everyone kind of agrees is currently Zen but there is one guy that people may argue could compete with his level of skill and mechanics you guys have probably seen videos or clips of him already and that is dark the guy who pogos and not only pogos but who might be the most consistently mechanical player in rocket league right now we are going to watch some highlight reels from Zen and some highlight reels from dark and compare and contrast we're going to see if dark has a future in rlcs possibly and we're going to see what Peak mechanic looks like in both categories you know like a pro player and then a guy who's kind of known as a freestyler and a pioneer of mechanics and we're going to we're going to see what the difference is I know which video I'm looking for but there we go my best 1V one clips now this already has a million views and this was posted by Zen himself all right now these this is a show match clip as well and he actually has a ton of clips from his show matches now one thing I've noticed about Zen oh my god dude it's just like you can tell when he's like what he's going for and you can also tell that he is able to execute it almost every single time it's very rare that you know he goes up for a certain shot and he's not able to execute it the way that he's looking for like you can tell right here cross map air dribble probably going to go into a flip reset a double flip oh my God okay I think we've all seen that clip that one's just straight up impressive across map starting from his own wall into a double flip reset air dribble dunk to the top of the net I mean just impressive it's one thing to hit these clips it's a whole other ordeal to hit these types of Clips against some of the best players in the world and I think that's where that's where Zen and these clips are going to really stand out like oh my god dude oh my God you know and so far I don't think we've seen a single clip that isn't in a massive like 1 V one tournament or show match here we go little what's an Arsenal reset going down low another reset ooh see and that's that's that's so dirty too cuz once you get that reset the defender has to challenge or he has to be patient you know I I watch him in a lot of these show matches and I try to like emulate the type of air dribbles that he does oh bro and like try to emulate the the way that these guys do that type of air dribble it is it looks they make it look so easy it is so difficult to get every single touch as a perfect touch he uses a pre- flip to get underneath the ball and then he goes for a pogo shot like come on man and then that's the psycho I mean and again all of these clips have intention behind them I feel like some of them are probably plan B's where he you know you go up into the air and you're like ah you know I might go for a flip reset I'm not sure yet you get the flip reset set you see the defender is not challenging so you go down to the ground with it but a lot of these clips are completely intentional all right let's See's let's watch this one so up into the air easy flip reset and see right there he notices the defender isn't challenging and he brings it down down low and I see that a lot in these like high level 1 V ones is they'll just as soon as they get the flip reset they're not even watching the ball they're watching The Defender if the defender challenges they don't use the flip reset if the defender sits in net then they use the flip reset cuz it's an easy goal another ground air dribble oh dude I love that I love that all right so when he pops the ball up here he is too far in front of the ball and so instantaneously he has a rolled his car backwards to where now he's going to face his car up but the that little adjustment where he turned his car backwards put him right where he needed to be so now his car is facing up he has 61 boost here if he wanted to he could easily continue the air dribble but but look he sees AJ AJ's sitting right there he's not challenging at all he sees that he's like all right if I go for the air dribble I'm going to waste a lot of boost and if AJ saves it it could be a free net so he brings it down low goes for a pogo at the last second and gets it around AJ I mean that type oh and then he then he goes for the double like I feel like last rlcs season really put him at the top of the mark for me oh my God and then that's kind of his signature shot the classic we we got to we got to rewind that now I want to ask you guys rewind the clock like five years and imagine someone hits a type of shot like this so not only do you go from the ground with about 100 boost you Pop the ball up you get two touches to the ceiling oh no three four touches and then he he still has 38 boost here you pinch the ball off the ceiling and and only with 18 boosts you're able to adjust your car and finish the double so that is a ground air dribble to ceiling pinch to double touch I mean like some of these types of mechanics I've you know you couldn't even fathom until until you see it you know and that's part of it and not only that but he's done that type of shot a lot like that's kind of his signature shot the the air dribble to ceiling shot or to ceiling pinch to double touch and again they make it look easy it's not easy these types of of mechanics are incredibly difficult to get on a consistent basis and we saw a little bit of his defense there for those of you guys who are new to Rocket League the first like two to three touches of an air dribble are are what make or break an air dribble if you get a really good first touch on your air dribble oh my God that was just that was Immaculate right there I feel I don't know how he got that much power but like that's just Precision like you know there was Zero room for error in that shot but it's just incredible but like uh the first two to three touches of an air dribble are are pretty much what determines how good an air dribble is going to be and and people like Zen and the pro players like that they're just so good at consistently getting those massive airbles where they're able to with honestly minimal boost get the ball pretty much almost to the ceiling here's an example of a great first touch these guys have absolutely perfected so he's jumping off the wall to meet the ball and that touch see how perfect it is it's not too hard to where it hits it like and it hits the ceiling but it's soft enough where he doesn't have to use a ton of boost he had like 87 he he makes contact with the ball at 54 so about like what 23 boost and he's already on the ball with a flip reset and then he didn't even use any boost there and he got a second reset and then he can use the rest of his boost to get a little bit of a pinch like perfect example here with his uh ground aible all right here we go so that that first touch not only does it Propel the ball pretty high like that first touch propelled the ball really really high up into the air but then his use of a double jump aerial and his air rolling only using 30 boost and he's almost made contact with it makes his first contact with it with 58 boost left gets like three more touches now he only has 27 I mean I mean honestly that you want to say that he's not intentionally doing that because it does look a little bit like a plan B like you know he he wasn't he was just going up and seeing what happened but it wasn't he he was on purpose doing that it's just it's just really impressive to be honest but now let's compare that to dark oh uh let let's watch this uh video by fear it's only 6 minutes long pretty much dark for those of you guys who haven't heard of him he was really really big I would say like of started getting big a year ago or so and he kind of just got known for in these very high ranked level games going for PoGo shots now the Pogo is a mechanic that got kind of some popularity relatively recently in the rocket League community and what it is is I'll give you an example right here is this exactly so he goes off the ground and the reason why it's such an insane mechanic that people are very impressed at is there is very minimal room for error when you go for a a shot like this so number one off the ceiling gets a reset and then that Pogo right there not only is he landing on the corner the front corner of his car but the angle of his car isn't like this it's not straight it's a little bit tilted because his momentum is going forward if he landed like this his car would like have a weird bounce to it because he already has forward momentum the fact that his car is at an angle when he bounces mean that the bounce is going to kind of go at the exact same angle but in the opposite direction so going for these types of pogos at a very very very high rank in 1 V one is super dangerous because if you mess up the odds of your opponent getting a quick Counterattack and a free goal out of it is pretty high so going for these types of shots is is just super impressive but also what dark is known for is not only doing it but being able to do it almost every single time and then also adding extra flip resets so as you can see here he gets the Pogo he fakes like he's going to go for a musty but then instead of going for the musty he fakes it and goes down low again shout out to fear and his YouTube channel he does a lot of these awesome videos you guys should definitely go subscribe to him another see in like this is a this is a very highlevel ranked game as well like this isn't a show match or anything but this is a ranked game but the fact that he he goes for these crazy highlevel mechanic shots A highlevel ranked situation is is pretty impressive he also is known for doing that kickoff right there so what it is is a fake kickoff but he it's very convincing from his opponent's point of view it looks like he's going for this kickoff now keep in mind guys that the highlights from Zen was you know over the course of a lot of different show matches it's just one single game from dark and you can tell every time that he is going for a shot it's some crazy highlevel like flip reset Pogo double touch something crazy let's listen to Fe here uh dark's gameplay he is is a up and cominging 14-year-old he's 14 e region from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia he is so he's also from Saudi Arabia it's crazy to me how many highlevel rocket league players are coming out of Saudi Arabia man if I hit that shot in a rank game I'm posting it on all of my social media platforms I I I'm hiring editors to like make montages out of it that's ridiculous like the fact and like something a perfect first touch followed by a reset where he delays using the flip in order to get a perfect first touch after that first touch look how close the ball is to his car he barely has to do anything else to keep it going if he wanted to he could go for an air dribble he has 44 boost he probably would score off of it instead he gets another reset and look at the power off of that second reset touch like that's just insane man okay uh someone in my chat is saying that dark is now 15 that does mean he is of age to play in rlcs does anybody know if dark has any interest in in becoming a pro I mean he certainly wouldn't be the only mechanical player to come out of Saudi Arabia to go pro there's a lot of great Saudi Arabian teams as well that I'm sure would love to have him if if he is at that level yet oh good bump now one thing that might stop it is that dark is kind of known for being a One V one main I don't think I've seen a lot of Clips with him in a 3v3 scenario and of course 3v3 is quite different than 1 V1 as well flip reset another flip reset top I mean I mean I will say this when you compare the clips themselves that we've already seen today I mean that right there was just absolutely Bonkers I mean I I literally have absolutely no idea how that even happened like when he went up for this reset I thought in my head there's no way he scores this right number one it's not like he set this ball up off the wall That's that's off of a bounce and then he jumps in the air gets a reset now right here you're probably thinking what I'm thinking how in the heck are you going to get a shot on target at this angle like he he is he's got no momentum moving towards the Net Zero momentum right here and then he gets that second reset and you're like all right he's probably going to like bring it down to the ground use a wave Dash to like catch it and go for a dribble a dribble flick something you know that's I could do that but no no a pogo and then he gets a perfect musty flick to the top left corner like booms it up high his opponent's probably going to be able to touch this oh he didn't goes for the oh I mean I mean bro come on now he hasn't scored a normal shot this game I don't think maybe like one one and it was an open net every time he goes for a shot it's like an insan Ane shot here he goes again a very high touch no dude okay that was also close another thing um for those of you guys who have played Rock League at a pretty high level this type of air Tribble is really hard because when the ball is behind you when you're going for like a high air dribble touch you could it's really easy to kind of like lose your sense of like where you are and he's able to do it effortlessly cuz like the camera starts like spinning almost and he almost gets it around him there as well oh here we goet I mean brother like are you kidding me like I said the crazy part is this is from one game so that that gives you a very good idea of how consistent he is with this stuff like it's not like these clips are happening over the course of one ranked session this is one single game this is a shot where the ball bounces off the ceiling anyone who's ever done that can tell you when you go for a ceiling shot and the ball bounces off the ceiling the shot is is is scrapped right it's scuffed it's very hard to get a good shot off of the ceiling when the ball bounces off the ceiling so hard but not only does he stay with it he gets a reset and then flip cancels into another re like what are you doing you can tell that it started off as a competitive 1 V one but oh wait oh my God he's going to do it Jesus Lord have mercy okay uh we're going need to we're going need to rewind that um one and then into the backflip reset into the flip cancel reset into another flip cancel reset hold on I I I lo I was I wasn't keeping track that's four resets one two three good Lord oh my God I will say this when you compare these two guys now keep in mind they're it's on like a different playing field right they're they uh Zen's a little bit older and Zen of course is a pro player kind of known as known as being one of the best in the world if not the best in the world and then you have dark here who I'm not I'm not sure if he has interest in becoming Pro I hope so with these mechanics if he learns how to play Threes this guy could be an absolute Menace um but as far as freestyling goes and as far as like shock Factor that's just insane I I am my jaw is on the floor I've never seen someone this consistent that's just that's just wild bro I think like my my final thoughts on on on all of this is like of course the main difference being that Zen's highlights were against the best players in the world they they they weren't ranked 1V one Clips against Joe Smo who's who might be top 100 and ones they were against the best players in the world and they were also incredibly impressive Clips maybe not as mechanical as a quadruple flippery reset Pogo musty but still incredibly impressive um but then you look at dark and the fact that he got all those clips in one single game I mean that kid's got a future I I have no idea if he plans on going pro or if he has any intention on like learning how to play Threes with a team but I personally hope that he does he's still young I'm sure he still has a lot to learn but that could be incredibly impressive to watch especially if we get to like see his growth I think he needs to like start streaming he should start posting consistent YouTube content uh ranked 2v2 ranked 3v3 all of it because that was just just wild and of course you guys know my love for Zen I think that Zen uh is an absolute standup guy but also I think you know he's not done he may have just won the World Championship in rlcs but I think he's you know there's more to come but let me know what you guys think about these two guys um this was a fun little compare and contrast video and let me know if you guys want me to do more of them because I think I want to that was just in that was insane I I'm still absolutely shocked at some of those shots but all right guys I'll see you in the next one have a great rest of your day subscribe if you haven't done so already and I'll see you in the next one all right [Music] peace
Channel: TenacityTv
Views: 259,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rocketleague, Reaction, Gameplay
Id: -yVXoocqNOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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