The Duo You've Been Waiting For

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Z and dark I don't think there has been a more asked for 1 V one or even more asked for compilation of players in any sort of game mode so we are going to look at a couple replays today with both dark and Zen in them we're going to start with Zen and dark playing together and then we're going to watch one where Zen and dark play against each other right now we are on Zen POV as he plays alongside dark against Hoka and rizek a very highle Lobby that dark and Zenna found themselves into a lot of people had talked about dark in the past and had used his twos rating as a way to Discount him because twos was the most played game mode by the pros and so if you not up there with the pros maybe you are at that level wow what a shot from RX but recently dark has grinded his tw's MMR up to the point where he's finding himself in these lobbies somewhat frequently and I think that's just the way that dark seems to roll he doesn't seem to be too terribly worried about his MMR being as good as possible as Zen goes to the ceiling and Slots one top right for the first goal for Zen and dark but maybe he's changed his mind on that now and maybe that has a little bit to do with the fact that he's been playing in the rlcs recently his Squad wasn't able to make it into the main event this time around but I'm sure his Squad will be back to attempt again for regional number three or I shouldn't say Regional they're called open qualifiers Open qualifier number three as then trying to get multiple resets dark going to have to rush back and make the save for their team but I think everybody is really interested how these two incredibly mechanical players kind of players that are pushing the meta Zen doing it at the Forefront of rlcs and of 1 V one but dark also did it in 1 V one you know once upon a time and now is looking to try and get himself into the rlcs but either way very very exciting players as dark going to dunk in the corner Zen got the demo and tried to get a followup dark doesn't know how to get a Touch without getting a reset so of course he goes for one as he tries to drop it Midfield Zen given a little bit of space I'm surprised BRX turned back and allowed Zen to go to work there's an air dribble bump but just barely able to get that save Zen was probably a moment away from being Supersonic and turning it into a demo seems like not the best idea to leave Zen alone with the ball but maybe if your other Defender is not around to pick up the the ball once you know it's forced away from Zen maybe you shouldn't challenge early but either way Zen trying to go to work here in the orange half stole this corner boost 150 a play past RX RX is going to be able to get the 100 and the pinch maybe not as strong as Zen would have liked as he tried to get it infield to dark and now will be forced it back off as dark is on ball immediately pins that ball back what a quick read from Zen and of course it's immediately into an air dribble as well that ball should have been cleared into his half and instead he got up lightning quick and then not only did he keep it on offense but he turned it into a dribble that was almost a goal there been a lot of almost goals I would say for Zen and dark Z has spent what feels like 80% of this game in inside The Orange Box an attempt to get a goal but he's finally going to get forced back dark has been pretty much watching from behind now a cheat up from Zen dark going to go to the ceiling for a double but maybe not quite all the way to the ceiling either way RX denying him on the back wall dark tapping this into zen and able to cover that challenge that was going to be a tough shot if it weren't for dark cutting it off early Zen able to start his dribble so quickly he just gets to Max Speed immediately on his way up now forcing a touch with even a slight fake he'll take a dribble off the back wall reset can he get the dunk maybe playable by dark but credit to Hoka who is quick to cut that off Z and dark down one playing against rzx and Hoka as dark takes the skies RX able to get just enough of a touch send single jump into wave Dash in order to get this angle and he found it so it is going to go 22 we're going to switch over and watch a little bit of dark POV as the replay goes on see how this Duo looks like from the Saudi Arabians POV oh that shot made it past then almost on target dark Forces a tough angle and recovers to make this save trying to start his air dribble but gets denied here is another situation where dark you know when you have Zen on your team it doesn't seem like a big deal but he leaves B Kim off for so long and seems to completely ignore the play but if there's ever a time you could do that and get away with it it's when you're teaming with Zen you know you could probably just forget what's going on at all and Zen will figure it out wall dashing into a demo almost got bumped off that demo though out of position to a spot where he left the net open for RX but he did land just in time as RX wave Dash shot goes to Zen and Zen gets past another this ball to the back wall dark couldn't get there in time to get it past RX though and Zen will hit to the ground so overtime with dark and Zen against RX and Hoka as Zen super strong cheat on that kickoff ends up swinging back around to get another 50 popped it Midfield he just play it himself two Defenders up so dark may have a chance here I think I heard Zen jumping behind the ball dark went for the double we didn't give it enough strength that it needed to get past hissoka send a demo on the recovery likely to turn in field dark actually will take over as hissoka flies to the air both dark and Zen not looking for too many team plays with each other mostly just going for solo plays the other player waiting but we've seen a couple different times now that you know either dark or Zen have creeped up field to offer you know if you do want to look in field I'm here for the past but it's not the worst game plan in ones to just solo play and mo that extra player for safety Zen air jump to the back wall dark going to have an opportunity two Defenders were in net they're rotating around for pads dark going to go off the ceiling gets a set a dunk and leaves it for Zen who will tap it in to win an overtime a minute 13 all the goals go to Zen but to be fair that was purely a dark setup that allowed such an easy tap in for Zen so we saw dark and Zen together how about dark and Zen against each other we're into game number two on dark POV it is Zen and Abdullah versus dark and atachi now before we get too deep into game number two I did want to mention that we are on the road to ,000 Subs this year is what we're trying to do and you guys actually have us slightly ahead of that goal so thank you but another one of the goals of mine that I always have is trying to improve over the previous year so if we compare to the growth we had last year we're actually behind by a couple thousand so if anybody here would like to sub and enjoys the content I would much appreciate it and it would mean a lot so now let's get back into the game Dark and Itachi versus Zen and Abdullah now Abdullah is another player that I think we might be seeing here soon showing up in more show matches showing up in the rlcs he's probably the player you don't recognize if you followed a ton of rlcs but he is playing in the Mina region and he's Z actually on a team that's in the semi-finals or made the semi-finals of the last Regional called five head alongside a couple other Mina players that have been there for a long time he's a 16-year old player and he's been working on his 1 V1 game so he's been rising in the 1 V one leaderboards as dark is going to take advantage of attachi getting the ball past Zen and Abdula they both Dove Way Too Deep In the offensive corner and dark will put the first on the board so a very high level Lobby indeed and it's one that seems like we're going to get used to seeing dark in a lot more as he pushes that to his rating up dark headed to the ceiling for a reset and decides to never use it as he will zap Dash his way out to the Midfield sen and Itachi pinching this ball away so dark making an opportunity you see that early challenge coming so he wall dashes up the side wall to play it extra quickly in order to get it around that challenge and he drops the ball in front of the net for Itachi but Itachi understandably not going to dive here in this 2v2 game not unless he's sure he's going to be able to get a goal Itachi Taps that one around Zen now a reset from dark wants the bump couldn't get down in time not a bad idea in order to try and take out that final Defender as Itachi again forces to pinch to the side wall dark threatening here forcing Zen to take this straight to the ground he's covering those angles Zen wanted to attack towards net AR trying to pop that one up and maybe give it back to Itachi but he is so quick to return to the play his recoveries are something that I just don't think anybody else is ever expecting you know no one else gets back in the play there dark coming off the ceiling to intercept this one from Abdullah and he swings back into the back corner going to dive in Itachi popping this one out out for him I think dark maybe wasn't expecting that you see him hitting the brakes as he recognizes at the last second that he is going to get a setup and doesn't need to dive himself it's going to get demo this time to try to retreat to the Midfield Tachi will cover the back wall for him as he resets his own back corner 100 itach a Miss but this time around Zen dark going to wait to react does take it off the back wall see like he's trying to control that one in field for an opportunity for Itachi and Itachi did get hit the shot but too high as dark up in the air and these are the unconventional takes that dark does as he goes to the ceiling and intercepts this that ball heading towards your own half playing from behind it no one else in the game seems like they're jumping up to make that play and they're definitely not doing it as well as dark did sending it to the ceiling and then even winning that dunk immediately with Zen now waiting here in the corner decides the challenge I don't know if he thought Itachi was going as well but either way the combination challenge does work out dark maybe missed one of his wall dashes now floating awkwardly does Get Zen to get rid of the ball though making him outplay that Defender early makes it easier on the defender that's waiting as Abdullah goes for an air dribble both Abdullah and Zen are rocking the Vitality decal but Abdullah is not a Vitality player back to Itachi looks like he's rocking his gentlem decal dark needs to get one for [Applause] Zone a to grab his own back witer boost his teammate demoed but before Abdula can really possess the ball and start thinking about how they could play their 2V1 dark is already there dunking him renting that from happening Z pinch to the ceiling dark interesting way to kill his flip kill his momentum directly on the ball and then a followup and actually it's going to be a forfeit it's a forfeit from Zan and Abdullah and dark and Itachi get the win so dark and Zen I think everybody wanted to see how they match up against each other you got to see both you got to see a little bit of them playing together a little bit of them playing against each other either way it's very exciting this was a great game from dark I think uh the game where they played together Zen probably had a slightly better game but they're the two most entertaining players to watch in the game right now
Channel: Feer
Views: 288,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league showmatch, feer rocket league, fear rocket league, pro 1v1 rocket league, feer, johnnyboi_i, feer rl, feerrl, rocket league 1v1, rocket league 1s, rl, johnnyboi, fear rl, rlcs, feer 1v1, feer showmatch
Id: 8cQBCyJXXeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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