Zeene Eatz and Rates Rice (Mochi) Dogs @ Myungrang

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[Music] so i'm back i'm so sorry i didn't post last week i took a bit of a hiatus i was not feeling well i think it was a chess cold and i wasn't sure whether i had coveted or not so i quarantined just to be on the safe side and went and took one of those tests which i got back on saturday negative so i'm back to film more epic eats so last saturday after our weekly walk my family drove down here to cupertino village square to get some kfc or korean fried chicken and if you don't know what that is check out my video here super tasty anyways we found this place jsj street kitchen that sold it but more critical to this video they had this new concoction that we'd never tried before that was kind of like a corn dog but had all these toppings like hash browns and squid ink and we just had to try it oh my god it was so good so i did a bit of digging and found out that there's another korean fusion street food called rice dogs okay i know that's not super descriptive so let me explain what they are as you might have guessed it's a korean twist on the good old-fashioned american corn dog but instead of a corn flour batter the hot dog is rolled in a rice flour dough before it's then deep fried rice flour is literally mochi so the end result is something that's crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside so about a year ago there was a whole wave of these rice dog chains hitting the us mostly down in southern california and then up here in northern california there's jsj street kitchen which is an independent shop and then there's also young rung hot dog which is from south korea and it has stores here in los angeles honolulu new york las vegas and dallas there is one other south korean rice dog chain in the u.s called tongtan but it's not up here yet in the bay area and since i just tried gsj street kitchen i thought i'd put up myeong rum which is in the cupertino main street which is a hip shopping mall for foodies choices choices so you can either get a beef dog a cheese dog a half cheese half beef dog a sausage covered with cheese cheese covered with cheese this one's covered in potato cubes before frying the batter here is mixed with squid ink oh my god look at this one this is a rice cake which is essentially mochi so mochi emoji talk about a carb fix um can i get a cheddar and sausage a potato mozzarella a rice cake and then um a squid ink koreans like the sweet savory thing so the rice dog is then rolled in some sugar to finish it off there are a variety of sauces you can top it all off with ketchup mustard honey mustard spicy mayo cheddar cheese sweet chili sauce and then two seasonings honey butter and cheese might be because of covered right now but you request the sauce and they'll squirt it on for you okay i'm gonna take this behind the shop to eat there's a little park here where i can just spread out and do picnics all right let's start with the cheddar sausage for this one i just went with the traditional ketchup and mustard [Music] i like that there's something about the rice batter that makes it a lot lighter and outside crispier so for me the main difference between the rice batter and the corn batter is that the rice batter tends to be a lot more dense and chewier whereas the corn batter tends to be a lot softer and a lot more of that cakey texture and then there's the taste even though rice and corn are both sugars this tends to be a lot more bland and the corn is definitely sweeter okay i'm also going to give props for the meat which i think is pretty good quality it's soft and juicy the store keeps calling this a sausage but it's a hot dog cheese isn't too overpowering i probably would prefer a little bit more in here okay let's try the potato mozzarella next this one i asked for number three which is supposed to be the honey butter seasoning with cheddar but looks like it's ketchup i'm gonna have to add the honey butter myself there we go this mozzarella has lost a little bit of its gooeyness because it's cooled down it took too long to shut up but still good [Music] that honey butter is quite sweet so you've gotta really be into that sweet savory thing if you want to put that on there the potatoes on this are kind of interesting they remind me a little bit of bits of french fries stuck to the side of this i'm a potato person and meh i'd pass i don't think it really adds that much in terms of flavor or texture since the outside of this is already pretty crispy this one is half cheese half hot dog and made with squid ink and i love how they split the hot dog at the bottom so it looks a little bit like squid tentacles other than the black color the squid ink is supposed to impart a little bit of that briny ocean water taste but most people can't detect it all right let's go in for it my mozzarella is probably all cooled and not very chewy by now [Music] i'm definitely getting more of that mochi chew out of this one the sugar is actually pretty nice on this it gives it a little bit of a extra flavor accent although they only really coated just one side and even though this is the cheddar sauce i've pretty much determined that all these sauces just taste like ketchup i think so far this one's my favorite let's finish off with a rice cake which should have a sweet chili seasoning on it [Music] it's very chewy the korean form of rice cake is called and even though before i said it was like a mochi there is one main difference in that duck uses regular rice flour mixed in with a glutinous rice flour so that it tends to have a much firmer texture than mochi which if you've ever eaten mochi before knows it's a little bit more elastic so i'm a huge rice cake fan but even for me this is too much having like this giant tube of duck is just super overwhelming it's usually bland af and you've got to dunk it in a ton of sauce so this rice coating here just does not do it for flavor and that's another thing coating's gotten soggy so no longer is crispy i like the chili sauce on this let's try it with a cheese sauce yeah that's more the ticket if you want the cheesy flavor but as with most asian flavors the cheese really does not come out that strong so don't expect like a doritos equivalent okay the moment of truth i give these rice dogs with six and a half out of ten initially when i had the squid that was more around a seven and a half but i think after having sampled the whole panoply of things the rating went down a little bit you kind of got to eat it hot right off the fryer because once it cools down that whole chewiness crunchiness goes away same with the cheese it loses that whole stringy gooey thing and definitely just stick to the traditional hot dog everything else is kind of gimmicky at best except for the squid which i love it is though amazingly filling and amazingly cheap one dog is between three and five bucks and that'll do you for lunch i give it an a for being a great deal all right guys that will do it for me for today hope you're staying safe and sane and until the next time see ya
Channel: Zeene InRealLife
Views: 1,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zeeneinreallife, Zeene In Real Life, ZeeneIRL, Zeene IRL, Zeene's Epic Eatz, Epic Eatz, corn dogs, rice dogs, Korean rice dogs, Korean food, Korean street food, street food, top trendy foods, JSJ Street Food Kitchen, Myungrang, hot dogs, Chung Chun, Chung Chun Hot Dogs, Myungrang Hot Dogs, Korean fusion food, Bay Area foodies, Bay Area best foods
Id: CWH8KTp7eoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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