ZBrushCore Tools Explained: Texture a Creature (2/3)

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hey guys it's monica at academic phoenix plus and welcome to the next video tutorial on how to texture a creature using zbrush core in the previous tutorial we use these spheres now we're going to convert it into a base mesh so that we can start adding details if you are new to this channel i post 3d tutorials on a weekly basis software i cover include maya zbrush and substance painter so if that is your sort of thing please consider subscribing so bring out your creativity open up your software and let's add detail to a weird looking creature that i randomly created as i was playing around with c spheres so we created z spheres and you probably would i would probably recommend oh my gosh i'm using my controls and i'm like why isn't this working um you probably want to go in and make any edits that you want now on your model before you turning into skin or mesh so before end i'm just going to start adding details so for example for me i'm in draw mode and i'm going to go ahead and click on alt and i'm going to get rid of the wings just because my character is already where my creature is already pretty busy and again you can always go to adaptive skin here at the bottom right and click on preview to see what it looks like and i definitely don't want those lumps so let me go ahead and get rid of this as well so now my creature looks more like this again you can do a preview to see what it looks like and there you go now there are some issues that i see i see there's a little bit of pulling here and a bit of pulling there but i'm going to take care of that when i start removing details okay so let's talk about the next step so once you're done with your z spheres and you like the way this creature looks like you're ready to start creating more details we are going to click on this little button right here which is called make and adaptive skin now it's going to be a little confusing because when i create this adaptive skin is going to make a object up here so we really haven't talked about what is up here these are the different shapes that i pulled in the past and the reason why there's so many of them is because i was testing it testing this um adaptive skin on this creature earlier and basically it just shows you that right now i have this tool called the z sphere one and this is the one that i call ugg which i was messing around with and then i have another one called sculpt which i was messing around with and then i have cylinder so if you want to get back to the it's kind of like different versions of your object and you can click on zsphere 1 and that's the one that has a preview of the adaptive skin so when we click on this button make a adapted skin we're gonna get skin zero sphere one this is the one and you know that we're on it because it's you can click on it and you can see that we're on it because the big one here this big shape here is the actual one we're taking a look at right now so if i click on the cylinder you'll see that the cylinder is here now so make sure that you grab the new creature or in this case it's called skin ccr1 and this is the one that you can actually start sculpting uh you'll also notice that we have subtools geometry and a bunch of other things and the skin adaptive is missing because this isn't c spheres this is actually mesh to make sure that we label this i'm going to go to my sub tool and i can actually go down here and just click on rename and this can be my creature you can call it creature skin or whatever you want so what's going to happen in a second is that instead of calling it uh these uh skin z sphere 1 is now called creature skin so now i can actually go back to this one which is my adaptive skin and i can actually go back to my creature skin and this is the one that i want to model so just make sure you're on the right tool basically the one that doesn't have adaptive okay uh the next thing you'll notice is that it looks pretty low poly but if i click on this my mesh is crazy high so i really can't use this right now what i'm going to do actually is go to geometry and i'm actually going to lower the topology using zebra measure and then it's going to ask me okay well just let you know just you're limited but let's go ahead and click ok so right now my points are 1.53 but it looks really really blocky so the purpose for z meshing is to kind of take my object and just re-mesh it so that it would just give me low poly amounts and then i can start building from there all right so that did it and it dropped it down to 10 000 points still looks blocky but that's okay it was looking blocky anyway but the big one is here take a look at that mesh that's pretty low that's pretty good and now i can divide it so now i've got 42 000 divide again and now i've got 170 170 000 and it now is actually still very functional it almost it's actually even cleaner than my 1.59 million so remeshing it will lower the polygon count and then you can divide it and now you have control over the amount of polygons you have all right i'm going to say this before something horrible happens so files save as so now it's up to you how you want to start designing your character or your creature now if you wanted to separate these pieces kind of like in the armor you can so to separate your pieces let's say i want to separate the head from or maybe i want to separate the neck from everything else so i'm going to mask that section out and before i get started click this on make poly mesh there it is so once you click on make poly polymesh you'll notice that my i can start working on split hello and again don't forget if you hold on control and you click on here we actually have different types of masking so we can do a lasso i can click on the side view to make sure that when i lasso it it's a little bit more even and then of course it selected other areas that i didn't want but that's okay i can always deselect it by again holding on control holding down alt and then i can deselect it using the lasso or you can always go back here and go back to just a regular rectangle whoops and of course you can paint all right i would probably sharpen it so again hold down control hold on alt and just click click click click that's going to sharpen your mask and again it's up to you if that's okay or maybe you want less around the edges so i'm thinking i want less around here so you basically have two options uh what you can do is actually separate it sorry i'm still trying to get my i think i think that's good so we can separate it uh down here at the bottom we have something called split under split we have something called split unmask points or split mass points i want to split my mask so if i click on that what's going to happen is that i have now have two objects here i have my head and then i have my body and if i turn off the body and i select the head it literally is just the head now you have to be careful with this type of procedure because what happens if i go in here and i start adding dividing if i start dividing it will actually soften these edges and i'm going to try to bring back the the head and the body they might not fit right so that can be that's an issue so the other process let me go back to my creature mesh the other process is of course to convert it into a polygroup so we can do a ctrl w and it doesn't look like anything happened but if we take a look at here we now have a polygroup to control polygroups you have to hold down control shift and then you can select this one which is concentrating for that one if i click on it again it basically shows this one and if you want to get out of the polygroup you can just click out here so that just keeps things together but it looks like it's separated because of the different polygroup so that might be a better way to uh to work so let's say for example i want to separate the arms so let's see what's the easiest way for me it might be easier for me to just [Music] get the body again there's options here you can use the mask lasso thank goodness for uh do i swear all right once you go that you can take the mask pen and just kind of oops alt alt i got a new keyboard it is a little bit it requires a little bit more pressure for it to work so let's go ahead and paint this out as best as i can i do have symmetry on so if yours does not have symmetry just keep that in mind that you don't forget to turn off symmetry you can turn off symmetry by clicking on the letter x so once again i would actually tighten your mask by holding down ctrl alt and clicking on the mask which makes it a little more solid and then once again control w doesn't look like anything happened but if we click on the wireframe we now have three polygroups we have the head we have the arms and then we have the rest of the tail cool all right so the next part is um finding reference so what how do i want this thing to look like right so i mine's kind of like a mix of stuff so one is this tail do what type of tail do i want it to look like um let's or what do i want the face to look like i feel like the face can be a little bit kind of like a giraffe i'm thinking of a giraffe and the arms i wanted to be they're kind of muscular so i'm thinking gorilla-like and then but i also want scales and things like that for this creature so i wanted to show you a couple of tools that we haven't really gone over and they're kind of fun so let's focus on the head in and right now let me get out of i'm going to go back to gra drag rectangle and alpha off [Music] so we have gone basically through every almost every single one of these brushes except for these chisels so these chisels are are pretty fun because when i click on them these tools come out and what happens is that i can actually use these tools to create um eyes for example uh ears different types of ears a weird scary mouth and some noses and stuff like that so for example let's say i thought this creature would look cute with a pig nose so i'm going to grab the pig nose and i'm going to turn off symmetry because it's going to create a pig nose right there and you'll notice that it's very low poly so i'm going to undo and because my computer can handle it i'm going to divide again so now i'm getting to the 682's which you know it's okay it's actually i'm gonna probably go way higher but let's go ahead and you can see that i can now create a little bit of a pig nose so if you don't want the two nostrils you can always just click x and then you can put your little pig nose in the front all right so there it is my pig nose doesn't make sense it's not what i'm going for but again that's an option we do have eyes so these are kind of like human eyes so if you want to you can put kind of like a oops i probably should have done the symmetry you can add eyes so it actually puts it in your mesh it's permanently on your mesh it's not in a separate sub tool so if i open this up and i draw on this you're going to see that it's not on its own separate it's actually in your mesh okay so keep that in mind and there's a bunch of other ones so that's uh notice that these are actually alpha maps so that's the fun part is that you can actually find these alpha maps and just design and create them yourself but there's more to this alpha map it's actually a 3d print it's actually a 3d model so it's not just a stamp it's actually has 3d geometry on it so that's that's this one we also have a chisel creature so the creature has um scales horns it has nostrils so for example maybe i want to put this type of nostril in front of my uh creature which i kind of do so i just got to find the right shape and nostril something like that so really fast you can get some really great uh details um there's an i here so if i want to i could kind of put in an i right which i kind of like and um there's also there's like weird looking noses and stuff like that there's ears if you want to give your character like elven ears or something and horns so if you want to you can give them some spikes so maybe a spike up here at the top would be appropriate for my a dangerous looking creature so take a look at these um interesting looking things and see if any of these can apply to you for example i like the scales so i'm actually going to go ahead and just kind of give them some skills and i should probably start from the bottom right so really fast with these stamps you can create some really interesting looking things now the only issue with this is that um everybody can recognize these because there's only like one type of scale so um if you look at other 3d models you're going to be like i know that there that's just a brush from zbrush so just keep that in mind that these tanks are very familiar especially for the ones that do know how to use zbrush but it's a really great way to start um unfortunately in this z brush you can't make these but in the actual zbrush you can actually make your own spikes and things like that or feathers for example and then create your own stamps and it just makes it really easy to to texture or to create your geometry so uh that's basically these things there is another one called chisel organic and give it a second to upload and this provides you with a again a range i'm going to start from the left oh my gosh this one's got lots of ears because of human noses um we have human ears even a base one in case you want to start low poly you've got uh human eyebrows human mouths that's a tooth if you're interested in teeth we have other types of teeth i don't know rough teeth is there you go rough teeth if you're interested in creating some animal fur so let's say um i want to create animal fur on this on this you can actually kind of give them maybe a little bit of you have to kind of layer it but this is kind of like adding geometry to so don't forget to add some smaller ones some bigger ones things like that use smaller fur so you can put smaller for at the top here i do encourage you guys to look up free alphas and stuff like that for zbrush zbrush community has a tendency tendency to share so if you're interested in sharing or you want to see what they're producing then it might be a cool idea all right so right away just by using these brushes i can get this really interesting looking creature now maybe it's not what you're looking for and that's perfectly fine but again it's nice to be creative and just use the things that are there for you and you can see that i can kind of make this very interesting uh there's different types of fur as you can see there's like a short fur that's actually more attached to the skin so it doesn't stick out as much it's a little bit gentler and different types of fur we have noses as i can i mentioned before we have animal eye so you can pick your animal eyes we have different types of ears there's different types of horns i kind of like this one the animal fin which again i'm going to turn off symmetry i can add fins to this little guy and by little it's probably not that little since it's uh it's got fur and scales and things like that there's different types of scales there's different types of mouths there's just different types so they even have anime eyes which i find really weird there's fungus that you can kind of play around with add some abstract stuff and just more abstract and a bunch of other stuff so it's really pretty fun they provide you with a lot think about if any of these is useful for your character all right so let's go back to the standard brush uh let's see there is one more it's called chisel shape it's this is more like just your basic shapes so if you're interested in creating like squares and stuff like that you can um doesn't really apply here it would probably apply more to like the sci-fi crate and stuff but i didn't want to overwhelm you guys with all this information but there's definitely things that you can use as well so i've already added a lot of detail but there's a lot of really flat space in according in the head so i really want to start focusing on how to give this a little bit more detail so one of the alphas that i recommend using is alpha 23 and you can use color spray as well and what this does is that that's a little type you can reduce the intensity and this will give you a little bit of a skin texture so what's nice about this is that right off the bat you can give your object some sort of noise information or skin information so that it looks already looks like is more interesting now it's all similar right it's it's the same noise throughout the whole thing but it still gives it a little bit of information around here instead of having this really smooth mesh i can actually go in and quickly add this texture to my object so that it feels like there's something already there i can always go back and add more but this will give me kind of like a very basic uh noise information right so compared to the tail and versus here you can see that i'm getting a little bit more uh information now if you want to continue using this you can reduce or increase the size you can increase the intensity and maybe add noises in certain areas that you know is a little bit more porous so for example you may want to add more noise here maybe even hit the alts so that it's a negative pushing in and you can kind of break up the even texture so some areas are going to be a little bit it's all going to be noisy but some areas are going to be more noisy than others so that's really up to you and how you want your mesh to look like now that we understand the chisel brush and all these other wonderful zbrush tools in the next video tutorial we're going to start talking about how to create muscles use reference to make sure we get accurate muscles and veins we're going to define the clause as well as more information on the body to make it look more like a scorpion and we're also going to be talking about how to make wings so that's going to be in the next video tutorial lots of things to cover so thank you so much for watching i really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch this video tutorial on zbrushcore and how to create a creature in the next video tutorial we're going to continue working on the creature and finalize it if you like this content please like and subscribe that is your message to me letting me know that you like this content and that you want to see more please share these videos if you know an artist out there that's learning zbrush it would be amazing if you could share these videos with them take a look at academicphoenixplus.com my website with lots of resources for you including free 3d models images trainings and so much more also take a look at my e-courses those are deep dives to maya including modeling texturing and lighting by purchasing one of those e-courses that would be amazing that really shows your support again thank you so much for watching keep creating and i will see you next time
Channel: Academic Phoenix Plus
Views: 4,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, cg, tutorial, how to, videos, ZSpheres, Explained, ZBrushCore, Create, Creature, zbrush, pixologic, easy, basic, explanation, monster, scorpion, tools, chisel, details, texture, fur, scales, eyes, horns
Id: GnLsTj4avR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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