Zbrush to Blender Workflow NO UV's NO Retopology

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hello everyone my name is alex gomez and on  today's video i want to show you how to bring   your zebras models with no uvs no retopologizing  directly to blender stick until the end of   the video because i'm going to show you some  lighting techniques as well so let's get to it so first thing that we're gonna do  we are going to decimate our model   so make sure that you're just decimating the parts  that are not being re-topologized or zremeshed so   in that case let's for example like i want to mine  all of them they don't have any topology they're   just pretty much dynamesh so what i'm going to do  i'm going to go to Zplugging i'm going to go to   decimation master and i'm going to use and keep  polypaint activate this so once i decimate it's   going to keep my poly paint array data in there  for this case at twenty percent is fine you can   just put it a little bit higher if you want more  resolution to it and i'm going to pre-process all   so that means that it's going to take every single  sub tool that i have and it's going to decimate   if you don't want to have that or do one by one  you can just pre-process current so i'm just   gonna go with purposes every process all and i'm  gonna hit this and it's gonna start calculating once the operation has been completed uh you're  gonna go to see plugin again and we are going   to decimate all because i have all my i want all  my tools to be decimated so let's do that let's   submit all and that's going to take another one  the bigger the your model is there the the longer   it's going to take to decimate this case i already  decimated before so that's why it was it went so   fast so after doing that i'm just going to go  to Zplugging and i'm going to find my fbx export   import and when i find my fxp export import i can  do either selected visible or all in this case i'm   going to use all and make sure you use being the  fbx 2018 bin a a acii doesn't recognize in blender   so make sure you change it to two bin and hit  export so when you export you save the face or the   the file name and save it and then we're gonna  jump into blender okay so now in blender i'm just   gonna delete the view the default cube then gonna  go to file import fbx and i'm gonna find uh my   my fps file so this one is here import fpx and  it's gonna import really small because my scaling   in in Zbrush was really really small so  i have to scale that up so i don't want   to scale one by one piece i want to scale the  whole thing so first i have everything selected   i'm gonna press g z and i'm gonna move it up then  i'm gonna press shift a and i'm gonna make an   empty and a circle kind of like add a controller  this circle is super big i'm going to press   R X and 90. that's good and then i'm going to  press s and i'm going to scale it down let's press   this again and scale it down probably around that  area so this is gonna be kind of like my control   so i'm going to select all my geometry of  my character i'm gonna press shift and with   a left click mouse i'm gonna drag everything to  my empty so i'm gonna parent uh the empty group   is gonna be the the parent of of all my other  objects so after having that i'm just gonna   select my my uh circle i'm gonna  press s and i'm gonna scale it up   so probably still this is pretty small  so let's scale it up more there you go   then i'm gonna go to this corner right here  i'm gonna drag and so i can explain my view   i'm gonna go to view cameras active camera  i'm gonna press n to get this tool here   view and camera to view so i can  manipulate my camera to view from here   so i just want to move it and like make a nice  a nice angle let's go to my render settings   right there my dimensions of the scene and  i'm gonna change this to 1080 by 1080 okay   after having that i'm just going to  zoom in with my camera a little bit more   probably around there let's hide this  menu and let's move this right there   perfect i think we're good around that area okay  so now after that i'm gonna go to the shading mode   and i'm going to change this to my active  camera you know that one become an active camera   ah that's not that this goes camera set  active objects camera and there we go   and let's see that this one is locked as well  so camera to view perfect so it's if just in   case we move it i'm going to change this if two  cycles here i'm going to present to hide that   i'm gonna go to my render settings change this to  cycles and i'm going to change this to gpu compute and let's turn on adaptive sample  okay so after after having this   i'm gonna start working on my shading here so  i'm gonna select the face or the head uh the head   if you see in my geometry here these  vertex colors array brings a group of   information from my poly paint so  what i need to do is press shift a   search and i'm going to search for vertex so  vertex color so this information is the one that   is going to allow me to render that so i'm going  to connect the color to my base color and that's   it you got it right there okay so i'm going to go  to my principle material and i'm going to change   some of the settings here for example the metallic  is going to put it all the way down the specular   is good at one maybe i'll probably move it down  and the roughness is going to be around like 0.65 and maybe this particular this particular yeah  goes to one okay perfect so i have that and you   see he brought all my details and the geometry  it was easy to load they didn't take that long   so then we're gonna do the same with the  with the color i'm going to get shift a   to search for my vertex color again and i'm going  to collect this vertex color the color to the base   color and there we go let's get the metallic down  and let's get the roughness down to 65 probably   around the same area right there let's do the same  with this part and this is a part of the shirt   do the same case scenario a vertex color and  color to color to base color and change this   roundness down and then metallic let's  go let's turn all the way down so this   is getting that much better there let's select  our task right there shift a search vertex color   let's move this there we go let's get the metallic  down and the roughness is gonna be very down   because it's gonna be a little bit shiny this okay  like regular teeth then i'm gonna select the eyes   and for the eyes i don't really need to  like i bring color information because i   didn't poly paint there is straight  yellow so i'm just going to change   this to to a nice yellow or a bright  yellow they're super dark there but anyways   the metallic are going to turn off the roughness  i'm going to turn it down so it gets very shiny   and i'm going to turn the mission a little bit up  and this is going to be in the towards the yellow   okay perfect so this is how i set up my  materials still i'm missing this part these   spots and with those spots i'm just  going to change the color as well   so let's change the base color  this for a probably like a   brownish gray kind of thing like that and let's  take the metallic off and the roughness down to   probably around 60 something okay so there you  go i have a pretty much all my material set up   then i'm gonna go to modeling sorry to the  layout let's change this to my to my cycles   pre-visualization i am going to build kind of  like my scene here first i'm going to press   shift a and i'm going to make a plane i'm going  to scale up that plane and i'm going to move it   down so press g z and move it down so that's kind  of like it's going to bounce light from here up   okay so i'm still going to move it a little bit  down so i don't see it in my camera that's good   then i'm going to press chip d to duplicate  escape and then i'm going to play a press r x   90 and then i'm going to press g y i'm  still kind of like getting used to these uh   blender shortcuts g z to move it up  and go to move it to this side let's   scale this up more and there you go that's  going to be kind of like in my background there   okay so let's change this a little bit  so let's press g x and just move it right   here i think that would be good so right now  i just have a kind of like a default light   and i just kind of like don't like this light as  much so when i doing a character i'd rather do   always like area lights and do like a three-point  light technique so what i'm going to do first   i'm just going to hit x delete no no that one  delete the light x delete the light then i'm   going to place shift a and i'm going to  make a light an area light there you go   you guys will forgive me if my i know that's  efficient moving my lights and stuff because   this is my first actually tutorials like that in  blender so anyways i'm just going to put the light   a little bit up down right there it's looking  better right in the middle and then i'm gonna   go to my light tab and i'm gonna change this to i  think it's 250 around that to start getting some   light and now you can see like the task and how  shinny this is and it's looking a little bit nicer   okay i like this light i was looking there then  i'm gonna that's my key light i'm gonna add a   fill light so to do a fill light i'm gonna press  chip a i'm going to create another area light   i'm going to move this i'm going to take  this and this is going to be right let's see   this is going to be right in the middle  and this is going to be right at the front   and let's go in the front view here side  view let's move this up let's move this down   and let's see what i have here then i'm gonna  put the power probably around 50 and i'm going   to change the color and make a little bit of a  cooler color right there i think that's too close   let's see right there let's scale this light  up and let's move this this area here a little   bit in this side perfect so i have my fill  light right there but i have my my and i   want probably to make this one bigger and put it  probably higher i think probably 350 will be fine   and then i'm gonna add a backlight so i can just  grab this one they have that that i already have   as a fill i can shift it to duplicate escape  to release that i'm just going to move it move   it this side it's going to rotate it this way  and it's going to be the i feel like right here   in this part nope let's bring this down around  there move this and let's move that right here   there and let's change this color to  something red put a little bit of red there so you can see a little bit of this red and  let's move let's increase the intensity of this   one probably around 150. let's see what we have i  think this is too strong still so i'm just gonna   bring it down to 150 and see and i like that much  better maybe i just can get a little bit closer   and that's much better then i'm gonna have  my background and i'm gonna go to my shade   uh let's go and see that renders so  it's looking much better so i have my   background there and i'm gonna create a new  material and just for that material i'm just   gonna change the color to a kind of like  a darker bluish kind of like that perfect awesome so that's looking  pretty cool let's go to layout   then i'm going to go to my render settings  i'm going to add some denoise in my render   and the samples are good there and uh if you  hit f12 you're gonna get this render here and there you go you have your character  with no uh uvs no retopologizing   just straight out of zebrush just use this just  for the case that you're doing illustrations   don't use this up for production purposes at all  because that's not gonna work the geometry so   so make sure this is just for illustrations  and stuff so i hope you guys learned   something from this video uh please comment like  uh subscribe if you haven't done so and please   share this video with your friends and don't  forget to watch my other videos and see you next   friday and have an amazing weekend guys and keep  creating take care and have an amazing day bye you
Channel: EAZY3D
Views: 6,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush to blender workflow no uv's no retopology, alex gomez 3D artist, zbrush to blender render, zbrush to blender addon, zbrush to blender export, zbrush to blender polypaint, zbrush to blender workflow, zbrush to blender scale, zbrush to blender bridge, zbrush to blender for sculpting, how to export zbrush to blender, zbrush to blender normal map, zbrush to blender retopology, blender tutorial, zbrush tutorial, rendering in cycles, rendering in eevee, stylized, cycles render
Id: wFohjbk0WFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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