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[Music] yeah ladies and gentleman welcome to drawing dowser I'm Jezza and today we are going to have a crash course in ZBrush now normally this would terrify me because I'm a total noob but I am in the hands of a professional which is gonna be very helpful I'm here with Todd Lowe who runs ZBrush guards calm he's well and truly an extremely professional artist I actually met him at the next level gallery in Sydney he was doing some ZBrush live and I was blown away in fact I'll show some footage of I actually blogged that so I'll show you went where I first saw him and you'll see him working away there and also a bit of his art across the screen now I started with sirish maybe about 10 years ago when I first opened and I was terrified by the interface I couldn't do anything with it when I'm came here to Australia to Melbourne I started working with plasticine and just creating little sculptures sort of traditional sculpting yeah exactly would you say ZBrush sort of carries over that traditional element to it ZBrush it allows you to build and work with clay like digital clay and that's hopefully what we can do right now and Before we jump into it I'll just give you guys a bit of a lay of the land what we're gonna do is we're gonna start off with a real basic smash into the program some really rough guides to the tools never I've never seen this interface except for the first time I saw it right away six years ago so like I am as uninformed as many of you watching this so this will be really informative I'm hoping to just jump straight into the basics and then after we go and have a rough guide we're gonna have a bit of fun and see if in the space of I don't know ten minutes or so I can make something substantial and we're both good work at the same time and just see what we can come up with as a result I feel like at the end of this I'll be at a professional standard oh okay I'll get you there you like a trial by fire I was glad to hear it before you jump into it - I want to thank Wacom for sponsoring this channel in this video they're incredible and we are both working on our mobile studio pros by the way another shout out to AMI you for hosting us here the Academy of interactive and typically is that correct yep at least in the description to their stuff and of course link to welcome so we were both able to I mean I've just been around the city all day you just come from work we can be doing this in the cafe it so happens we're do it in the sound studio so we have some good quality recording setup which is fantastic but these things are fantastic they're standalone devices that are really high-end they have graphics cards they can handle ZBrush and Photoshop is like and all this stuff I I know I use mine for editing on the go Photoshop animation that sort of thing you obviously have your own yeah I do most of my heavy lifting with it I sort of like my main computer at home I have it in a nice stand so I just use it as my main computer and I have a couple of screens but yeah you you run multiple screens and that yes I use the welcome link in description using the MSP as his primary computer yeah running multiple monitors gives you an idea that this thing is meant to be run as a professional device for people either on the go or in a studio so it's fantastic definitely check it out and if you're interested in to diving into their stuff go check out walk on the meter in the description and also you're rockin the 3d pen today how new is this thing I got it yesterday oh no way so this is this is new new that's near near cool so this has you stand in two buttons but this has an extra third button for easier 3d navigation I think is pretty much it because they remove the eraser and they just added this button and this button allows you to orbit in most 3d software so you can have access with just a single tap of the finger to these three buttons but you can beam up to all the usual keys to navigate in the 3d space all right so let's get stuck into it you have 15 minutes to make me a professional this is obviously intimidating me where I to enter this for the first time what were the core tools you introduced me to so I think the first thing I wanted to do is try to do something because that will explain one of the basic things of zero so go ahead and create a sphere just just try it who do you think you're working with here man there you go so that's what I meant so when you first load 0 do something no that's what that's what happened that's what I wanted to show you because that's the first thing people do is that yeah so when need opens up you have these light books yeah which is at the top okay alright books but you can access that from the comma key okay but come okay that will bring it up and that's essentially the file managing system within ZBrush correct so the reason why I wanted to show you that is because this by default opens up and you can double click any of these projects and that will load so this fear here I'll do the same no okay and essentially if you just start like touching the screen with a pen you'll be sculpting already great okay but um yeah I think I think I had already run away by this bit so I'm like God already I've already outdone myself I'm feeling good right now all right good next if you hold these edit button here top on that hold sorry top that essentially changes the 3d space into 2.5 day which was the original intent of ZBrush so that's why so explain that to me because I've I've heard that before but I don't understand it 2.5 D right so it was basically having that information of the pixel so it's a pixel that has information in color and depth so it allows you to paint with that but it's essentially an illustration software that has them that's why it's called 2.5 days Wow so right now what you're doing instead of creating spheres you're basically drawing a sphere in the canvas right and I can see that interacting with what I've already got there correct and that's this isn't technically 3d because I've gone out of that mode correct that's a 2.5 B and now I can go back to edit that's which is I just did something that's good that's so good so that basically the latest were the last sphere that you draw when you go back into a demo that's the one that is the actual 3d object okay that make sense all right let's just go I did notice one you just did something there only one of those things moved so I have it at the moment here so if I keep drawing this this is essentially creating an instance of that object in the 2d space yeah right it's like a stroke in 2d as soon as I go edit I'm gonna be editing the last stroke that I did right so that's why this is so like that are you able to edit all of them now one student once you dropped it into the canvas it stays there okay you can use the 2d tools and erase them but we're gonna we're not gonna focus on this because this is more about 3d I just wanted to show you that is there yeah yeah do you like ah all right let's move on all right so this head we should open the door just in case if things get too scary I can just no no no it will be present well trust me go control any in your keyboard control and that's new right so let's go through navigation so let's go to the lightbox chroma key and the whole pig on a sphere again lightbox or hockey lightbox yep okay double-click on the sphere we have five minutes left oh man I'm not a professional what's going to happen all right so navigations well navigation in the 3d space so I have the old key map to this so you will be able to use your keyboard okay I don't got the walk home cable it's fantastic I tend to not actually use the shortcuts on that I'm the tablet that's in - yep I much prefer the tablet we still get the best of both worlds here you can see homes used to that so old allows you to if you hold press and hold and click anywhere on the empty space that allows you to pan you're not holding alt I'm no that's a Windows key cuz I'm an idiot old oh no I just um I think bold okay okay so this is one of the confusing things because it they're like oh drama movement they're like toys to navigate yep okay so this is moving myself around sort of panning on a plane yes and then I can rotate around that and then okay and to rotate is without the off yeah this is a tricky to work rotation thing it seems to work move outside of my control let's say if I move around on this angle see how it's all like that how do I shift that so this does my neck ski so shift mm-hmm like in Photoshop you have like a straight line you will snap it to the views oh okay so you just start rotating and it's all shift and that will snap to the views it's helpful if you're helpful where were you when I was 17 man this is cool and you can turn there spec it's funny how something is basic is navigation can make or break your in the end that's essentially erection right earrings yeah because it's completely different from any other 3d software really by the way anyone who's made of two ZBrush watching this is probably gagging controllably right now okay to a base we haven't no we haven't no we have our man we've just begun yeah the complicated one is the zoom in and out because they're zoom in and out I'm gonna show you the old way this is my preferred method and I'll explain why which is holding alt so you can start panning but without letting go they click you let go of the alt key and then go up and down or left right so that's the complicated version is that what's the simple version the simple version is holding ctrl + right click okay that's easier and that's where your mouse oh no it just goes to the center to the center okay no panning shifted snap control right click yep control right click and then just clicking on the canvas amuse me around all right yeah this is this is the test for you zooming all the way so that this sphere covers the screen Oh pop around don't wait up there we go the entire screen now how do we pan and do things cuz it's gonna sculpt yep wow that was a question you're my teacher that's this a minute you can because obviously they you just scream sorry I guess you have to zoom out you can you can do that as I was going to show you the alternative right okay so the alternative is to hold alt and right click so that allows you to pan even if you click on the model okay cool so there's a couple extra tricks that help that feels a little bit like Photoshop pressing spacebar and clicking yep the camera that's pretty much it now if you don't want to remember all those shortcuts you have all that navigation here on your right side oh because it's very big and any model is important it is yeah it really helps so you can click f5 I'm really feeling more comfortable with this that's good f is frame boom I like that and then you have frame right next to it yeah so that's frame then you have moved the way that this one works is you click and drag oh I see so click from the botton to rotate and if you get lost you just hit frame or F and you'll be back in awesome alright alright let's I think that's the navigation out of the way let's the gulp thing done the other thing is apart from that I think we've pretty much covered the navigation I do you want to talk about UI quickly yeah yeah give us a cover all three things you need to remember switches sliders and buttons so button something like the lightbox yeah you click perform an action on on and off things switches like the Edit or perspective I will toggle between auto graphic view perspective so that's a switch basically turn on and off estate and sliders like these ones at the top you have the draw size that controls the size of your brush this year so that's basically to either tweak a process before you apply the sort of thing which you often said yeah so I have said this here too the size of the brush will go over the sphere and I just use the touchscreen ring it is basically doing that press so first you select the the action you want that's it and then that's how it work now I that this is the first time I would actually generally use these shortcuts most programs I've used my MSP for I've already gotten used to Mikey that keyboard yeah so I just I don't learn a way of using this shortcuts because it feels like it's counterintuitive because it is stubborn and don't like to learn many things can you tell but if you just limit yourself to a set of eight depending on how many you talk to or add to your rocket ring it just becomes like such an intuitive thing and really fast when you're working and this is the reason why this is my main computer so I force myself to like learn this shortcut so I don't have to rely on the keyboard however I don't use that much so I prefer to use their right-click and that brings this pop up and you have like a bunch of very useful shortcuts in here so you have the first one is a draw size yeah I use that all the time now you say right-click I did notice that came up when I hit the space and spacebar yeah so cuz the right click on those when I do that it it also shifts the screen around a bit yep if it's a little bit tricky with there with it with the pen as a professional I would recommend I I did find that was cool I mean it confused me at first but now that I know what it is it seems pretty cool to just hit spacebar and access that so you got your draw size focal shift and all that exactly and that pop-up is essentially a shortcut to you know you can change other than that you can click and drag on the right-hand side and that's essentially your palette which are like the menus so the top you have all the menus this isn't intimidating at all by the way no wonder I ran away and look at it changes the stuff on the right well but this is the theme right series can do so many things but if you just learn the basics then you will discover the other things as you go and that's the same with every program that's the second - oh yeah with premiere with anime with Maya I feel like even at the end of this crash course if I know how to move around and push and pull the geometry a bit that's enough to have fun and start learning yeah and it will be you know encouraging for you to go up how do I do this thing and then figure it out as you go but this is the reason why the tool palette is docked to the right hand side so if you click here this little icon and drag it quick rich the tool panel the tool panel the icon on the top right yeah and to the interface and drop it there you basically have an empty area to dog new pilots so let's say if your thing was there by default but it doesn't have to be there exactly the default is a tool because it's the one that you will prolly access the most for all the tools but if you saying doing texturing you can just select the texture palette and drop it in there okay and this is the whole palette so preferences which you can have more than one and you can also open the left one as well so you can that's cool and just in the screen or just drop it to the next palette it's very easy to customize your I just want to point that out alright let's do some sculpting let's do it alright so I'm noticing two dots so I'm assuming that's because there's some mirroring happening correct so if I navigate around right so at the moment you have what is called in ZBrush symmetry so the mirroring is called symmetry and it's on and if you rotate around and you can see the the grid at the bottom so rotate around the at the bottom of the sphere so there isn't one for you this is because you currently have symmetry on in X mm-hmm so as you can see anything that you on one side it will gets mirror to the x-axis so I don't want to swap that you can you can do all that from the transformation probably so transformation palette you have symmetry at the very bottom oh yes activate symmetry so if we're on X correct but you can turn under this these buttons or switches are not mutually exclusive you can turn them all on okay and that way you can create like crazy weird interesting okay thanks or you can just just turn the whole thing off so that's that's where I'm like my instinct is to put symmetry that's it this is Billy alright bully and this is this by default is the x-axis right god I'm so good at this we're not in the master becomes the student we're not in the in the test stage you haven't given me time I just start as well you can already do a face so well more than what I did when I started with well done I compensate for lack of competence by it being think okay no what's that sure there you have it obnoxious person that's the one alright preach so undo all that but none of it without the cons well said I'm just gonna show you another cool trick at the top you have these mmm little dots you can just scroll all the way down to the first one yeah and that is essentially you undo history if you have a lot of things done you can travel through time or you can scroll all the way if you go back all the way to the beginning yeah it's like a single sphere is radial symmetry and that's a really cool trick so you can go to the transport pallet Europe and turn are on just below the X okay yep this and then you have a slider with eight that's no I still have Z's doesn't really matter as long as you have one actually and and you said the radial count yeah that's how many instances you want to have so let's say if you have and that's essentially an look at that but you can do with this is crazy that's really cool you can even do like nice pottery tricks if the Nifty so that happens with the y-axis on you'll currently have these at or six now my current sculpt default seems to be pulling things out or you know reading bubbles so tell me about how I can play around with different ways of sculpting because you just did some impressive things without tell me what the hell are you doing sorry sorry let me just don't do that you're just like I'll push it and pull it's new it's a giant pot you're welcome so click on the brush here yeah and that will bring up the brush palette it looks slightly different just because I have custom settings and find the back to be intimidating they move brush so that one is essentially it will move the geometry whoa that's trippy it's like dancing yep and there isn't one I wanted to show you this one is because you can hold alt okay and use the move brush oh and that's pulling the geometry on the normal are you familiar with that so just pushing this way is directional based on where your mouse is but then with alt is based on the camera okay so the without the old is based on the camera so take the palette like the brush palette wait so I slowed down the brush palette oh yes up here yeah and you'll see that I have quite a few already open here you can use that are to eliminate some of those because you can select from here let's say I'm gonna so like a couple of brushes hold on just click on it and select any brush you want okay you can actually because you have the keyboard you can select them really quickly by if you like shift press B press once then you select the next letter from the keyboard which running not from the keyboard that's it you give up I give up haha so you'll see the first one will bring up the palette the second one will filter all of the ones that start with that okay okay ended 31 okay I'm catching this and these are different brushes that you can texture and blah blah so give me my core brushes for the real pushing and pulling the real your course Coptic because a lot of that stuff I imagine is from the finding and the detail yeah so the with sculpting rule number one is you you start with the blocks yeah with the basic shape geometric shape and you know that from like drawing right so is the same essentially the same thing and I guess the best brushes that I can give you will be the MU brush claybuildup brush any dashes that wish I mean smooth she does that no I will explain this mood and masking they're really important they live in the shift key and the control key so if you press just shift you see that the cursor changes to blue yeah and then essentially is your smooth brush yeah so if you have some stuff I got clay build up and go build it up and then push it back in with the alt then I can slip oh this looks weird then I hit shift and that just it smooths that oh my god that's satisfying if you don't want to alter anything or you want to protect an area of your model the vault control and the course will changes to yellow yeah and that is essentially the mask so temporary mask so you can just select it like that and the part that is dark you won't be able to touch it oh and then how do I remove my terrarium so to remove the macro control click and drag control click and drag just but make sure that you dragged outside the control click and drag on top that's another way to mas Oh so the control brush actually is a nicer way into that dynamesh because that's how you read ina mesh so let's move back to control to the freehand so on the day to pilot do you have geometry and then you have subsection if you hold shift you can expand them both so click on dynamic so in ZBrush for our age which is the one that I'm currently running the project that I opened up this fear by default is a dynamic fear in your case you have a sphere there is not a dynamesh it's just a subdivision so the difference is if you turn polyframe on which is this one right here where you can see how the geometry looks like whoa now you can zoom in and see what's happening so that's the that's the subdivision if you select the move brush and then just pull that you're essentially stretching the polygons and destroying the geometry in a way so this is the reason why I said subdivision approach is you have to sort of have the blocking and the underlying structure already before you move on well this is this is going to be problematic too because if I want to pull that out in two arms and then add detail video and that that's exactly right that's that's the reason why you probably use dynamics in that case so you you would suggest if people are sculpting say characters and things that are going to become more complex dynamesh either way that's the beauty of series you can have you can start with dynamic it's true all the the arms and all that when you're ready you create a topology on top of that and then subdivide it alright i have dynamic you have the subdivision approach so with dynamics on if you click it once now you can start like pulling control click and drag will remove the a mask and also activate the dynamics process okay that was quite intense it was quite intense however at the end of it I'm a professional relations thank you so much alright let me go do some freelance up push okay celebrate and do some push up now what's gonna happen is Pablo and I are gonna have a sculpt off I have an idea as to what I'm gonna sculpt and you can sculpt for whatever your little heart desires so good luck and that's the end we will at the end we will come here and you guys will vote and tell us we won based on effort no based on pure skill and I'm so sorry all right one two three may the best man win well it already started Oh [Music] [Music] all right Pablo I don't I don't mean to brag but I definitely mean to brag but it that's actually pretty cool is it all right obnoxious but consider this seriously this is this is my first time using ZBrush so you're a good teacher that is very impressive for like 15 minutes that's actually pretty are you should stop using ZBrush now don't use it I can retire yeah haha I've mastered the craft it's time to absolutely look this was really fun and I was saying to him that like when you sort of obviously this is pretty rough bit you did not do that in 15 min I did now you can go through the whole thing so let it let it better do his thing and then he basically creates his timely way cooler than mine I remember watching you work at the next level gallery so then that was astounding but the fact that you did this in 15 minutes is blowing my mind thank you it ah dude that's so cool he always well for the monster hat for the creature just to play it safe Hey look we've covered the basics this has definitely been a crash course so like there's a lot more you get into but hey it is how he is damn good yeah we cover the basics of sculpting and you know what I found interesting because right now we're just forwarding the history and you're finished like way faster than mine so that not only showed that I might still going because you add it is so many strokes so tell me how you won tell me how you added things so you added eyes you added chunks of geometry so that's with the insert brush there was the one that you didn't wanna you know so we are running out of time but I do want to cover that one last thing because that was really cool yes because I always tried to pull my ear out would you can do would you chucked on it chunk of clay so it's like you grabbed a chocolate and that's how I like to play it and the reason why I do that is because once you once you drag that chunk of clay automatically the rest gets masked so you can just more of that little bit before you do it dynamically hook right sorry let's just do that one because that's a fun trick yeah so lay the the hint sir brush then should be eye for insert mhm and then wear your drag is when I create a sphere oh look at that that's that's what I was going for it's not perfect when I render we're finished I am now a creature from hell dude this this is incredible your talent is I mean it speaks for itself but this was really fun and I'm really really cool teacher another huge shout out to work on the pressure sensitivity and the way I'm going home on the train and I'm gonna keep playing around with yeah definitely do it feels great and it handles it fantastic if you're interested in digital art this is definitely the pro end but I'm pretty sure you can play around with ZBrush with an interest the input of having the pen and tablet makes a huge difference I can't imagine using this program with a mouse of course go check out Pablo's work at his website thank you so much for having me we should do this again thank you for having me but this was our crash course so if you guys want to dive into ZBrush in more depth go check out ZBrush guards come and check out all publish work within the meantime I hope you enjoyed our little crash course today make sure to LIKE this video if you enjoyed it and of course subscribe to joy with Jazza for more fun with art three times a week that's it for now ladies and gentleman and until next time glasses see you later perfect make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 701,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, jazza, brooks, jazzastudios, animation, game, game design, media, newgrounds, humor, flash, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, tutorial, artist, painting, art, education, software, CS6, zbrush, pixologic, sculpt, clay, crash course, learn, easy, simple, guide, how to, wacom, mobile studio pro, MSP
Id: BuhsY22SVQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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