Valley Of The Golden Baboons (Wildlife Documentary) | Real Wild

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there is a valley in Africa forgotten in time so remote and isolated that even nature does not follow its usual program no seasonal subtleties occur here the flooded rainy season abruptly ends and the unforgiving dry season turns fertile plains to dust [Music] the valleys only lifeline shrivels to a feeble trickle [Music] a treacherous place dominated by the Predators [Music] but they are not necessarily the masters here the crafty ones rules supreme the shrewd artists that can adapt their performance to suit all of the Valley's challenging factors this is their arena Zambia's Luangwa Valley the value of the golden boo boo [Music] the lights come on the valleys opening act begins in the middle of the dry season near the banks of the Luangwa River the show ground our grover ebony trees the principal characters a troop of yellow baboon the first performance the juvenile comedians that bring the carnival to lock [Music] [Music] all fairs need a ringmaster a leader who keeps order in the ranks the troop commander the biggest fiercest dominant male his high position are sought after privilege often challenged by rogue outsiders [Music] in this case a rival male with serious intentions to depose the leader at any cost the females of this troupe make up the chorus they engage in the usual activities of baboon society a definite pecking order exists among them rank being a privilege inherited from birth not gained by strength they take interest and invest time in the opposite sex befriend a male and have a bodyguard for the season and a mother's club where membership extends only to females with infants two of them produced the troop commanders latest offspring a blackford baby the typical color of newborns [Music] and a whiteford baby the carrier of a rare gene the half-brothers the troops youngest and most precious possessions and the heirs of this long lineage of the valleys master survivors the odd-looking pair attracts much interest [Music] and when the rough handling from their older cousins gets too much to bear mother's stick in [Music] the cast shares the show ground with Luangwa gentle giants as well as some disruptive characters several crew members act out useful chores the puku and impalas work behind the scenes makes their presence special they perform as guards and warn the troupe of danger the troops most feared enemy makes an appearance [Music] the troop commander stands his ground now that the leopard has lost the element of surprise she doesn't stand a chance of catching a breakfast but all good things come to those with patience and cunning the guards on the outskirts of the ebony grove sound another alarm the troop commanders brave act ends as the most powerful of the troops enemies enters the sea the Lord of the land bypasses the Grove pausing only to survey the snitches that made his presence known any one of them would make a healthy meal the Pooh could keep him in sight to hunt them now would take too much effort for a lion on his own in any case he follows the trail of an airborne scent an alluring odor drifting from the banks of the Luangwa River a promise of instant food the Lords of the river have already started the banquet they commandeer the proceedings the lion moves into their turf he needs to act with caution if he wants to share the spoils with such cunning opponents the carcass is at least a week old well matured beyond its due date but the lion always welcomes a free meal even becomes possessive over his putrid portion the lion tries his luck on the other side this time he muscles his way in the valleys supreme predators the Lords of land and river squabble over the last rotting spoils of a decaying carcass hardly a feast worthy of a king a dozen jaws against one set of claws the lion retreats defeated but this is only the end of act 1 of Luang was repertoire the Predators turn for center stage is still to come act 2 the scene changes to the riverbanks the cast warm up with a few routine social engagements the troop commander patrols the showground [Music] and the white baby gets a last grooming check from his mother before she allows him out to play his half-brothers found a jungle-gym born of the same father and yet so different the black baby's fur will eventually take on the golden machine typical of yellow baboons but his half-brother will not be so lucky [Music] his white fur may not be enough to protect his skin from the sun later on in life [Music] his miraculous rarity may become his own curse for now he represents one of the troops pressures Aires and the only white one [Music] sporting their golden costumes the juveniles as usual perform their foolish routine [Music] tribulus these games seem they refine agility speed and all the senses essential requirements for the ultimate survivors of is unforgiving valley the troop commander mastered all these drills before he became the dominant male [Music] in a society where rank establishes privilege grooming is the currency that buys favors to climb the social ladder a low ranking female must gain the approval of one of the adult males for all this he demands a little in return the rival uses this currency to his advantage a little underhanded strategy gets him a foot in the door by befriending one of the females he steps closer to accomplishing his devious plan next he'll challenged the troop commander for his post but the commander is no fool quickly he discovers the rivals quiet the youngsters see an opportunity to test their strength they gang up against the larger adult road as a group they stand a better chance of winning the fight and they do this time once a safe distance away the commander does not even cast in a backward glance and moves on to more important tasks during this ceaseless dry season he needs to lead his troop to water but the baboons don't dare venture to the river's edge to drink [Music] the waters of the Luangwa belong to the crocodiles [Music] ruthless and cunning predators [Music] the baboon's possess no means of defense against such powerful foes so these intelligent creatures avoid the mainstream and sip at a small pool left behind by the drying River safe enough until a clever con artist deciphers their plan but for the Lord of the river this puddle proves too shallow to set up his trap he leaves a telltale sign for everyone to see [Music] not such a clever move after all although the crocodiles lured over the river as fierce predators they share it with other inhabitants in fact if size symbolizes status then their rank becomes questionable when compared to their larger neighbors plenty of them live here this valley holds one of the highest concentrations of hippos in the world but the shrinking river forces the hippos to pack together like sardines in a can this makes them particularly grumpy bulls invade each other's territories [Music] [Music] most of these displays are just for show but a few may eventually result in serious injuries and even death as the dry season intensifies life does not get any easier for the inhabitants of this valley especially for the largest inhabitants the elephants now they depend on the river the last remaining source of water in the valley they take in as much as a hundred liters at a time the youngest one finds the water amusing not quite having mastered the art of trunk control yet the refreshing interval is short-lived and the matriarch leads the herd back on their relentless journey to find food the little one must keep up in this brutal wilderness to be left behind would be a fatal mistake scene by scene the act unfolds the baboon's remains center stage but the increasing temperatures draw other characters into play more regular patrons arrive on the shores to survive the drought Coxon's wildebeest need to drink twice a day by midday the showground becomes quite crowded with peak hour activity no time for more than a quick drink everyone needs to move on to feed in the shallow pool the con artist finally perfects his disguise [Music] now it's only a matter of time before he gets the opportunity to spring an ambush [Music] and patience is a crocodile's virtue [Music] a perfect trap the crocodile claims the light [Music] the others launching to share center stage and demand a part of the free meal but the clever trickster does not give up his clothes easy [Music] shirring may not have been part of his plan but crocodile law dictates that the spoils be divided [Music] the crocodiles spin to tear the meat away a tug of war that turns into a neck breaking job but all worth it for a cut no doubt who lords over the river in this valley knowing this the baboon's remain alert to avoid a surprise lunge although they do seem a little too close to the water's edge it's the silent stalker that they have to be careful on the one who prowls antsy [Music] unless she decides to show her spots in public the baboon's take no chances they sprint towards the trees [Music] [Music] [Music] this time the enemy joins the thirsty throng with a quick change of scenes the main characters reached a gallery of the treetops evany trees give the baboons a safe house and they provide a meal in the form of ripe melon flavored fruits filled with sweet nutritious sugar they stuff their cheek pouches to capacity a safety mechanism used to make the most of this fortunate feeding opportunity just in case they suddenly have to leave every balloon indulges in this new activity and they don't notice that on the highest branches of a nearby tree the rival carefully surveys the proceedings he seems particularly interested in one of the half-brothers until movement at the river distracted me once more the crocodiles steal the stage and the reason for this gathering their best feast yet the dry season provides the Lords of the river with their richest reward they invade the carcass from the rum where the softest skin tears open easily while the eager ones carve an opening through the first layer of flesh the patient ones wait on the sidelines for all the hard work to be done and with the promise of such an enormous feast they take no notice of the potential mouth full of a feathered appetizer in the shallows the yellow-billed stork picks out what the crocodiles ignore back in the ebony tree only so much fruit can be consumed in one city boredom eventually sets in among the truth even the rival abandons his watch a commander allows himself a little time [Music] alternative pastimes include grooming and the protein from the parasites offers a welcome change in menu for the energetic youngsters the branches provide a good acrobatics worker [Music] the show must go on [Music] at the river a four year old hippo moves into the throng of a hundred hungry jaws could this foolish act be his death sentence cautious at first he tests the waters but the crocodiles seemed too preoccupied to bother with the four-year-old then with a bit more conviction the young hippo barges his way through the ranks of crocodiles could this be a noble act a last stand to safeguard the remains of one of his own or could this show a hippos instinct to chase predators away from helpless pod members and then pay last respects all this remains speculation part of the many mysteries still hidden in this valley forgotten in time a valley now baking in temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius in the shade of the trees the baboons manage to keep cool Buffalo's cannot survive without water and a drying Lagoon presents more than just a bath in a quenching drink the mud possesses therapeutic qualities backstage the Lions watch with interest as the scene unfolds the mud bath cools the buffalos skin and kicks their body with a gooey layer this will dry quickly in the Sun and peel off taking skin parasites with it but in spite of its appeal the sludge becomes a deceptive trap refreshed and revitalized the herd moves on the lions do not follow although buffalo meat tops their list of favorites their dismissal of such a tantalizing option is more calculated than it appears not all the Buffaloes have left the muddy pool and this one will never leave here alive cemented into the clay his death will be slow and agonizing no pardon exists for the animals of this valley every act becomes more challenging challenges that the baboons seem to take in their stride their strict routines ensure that all their performances go according to schedule late afternoon signals home time the troop regroups for last-minute social engagements and as usual the young comedians keep everyone entertained [Music] the white half brother is subjected to more grooming while his black sibling practices his acrobatics but the balancing act does not come naturally toward the boobs in fact many youngsters need to gain adult know-how on the outskirts of the Grove the youngest elephant tries his hardest to help himself but it takes some concentration to coordinate the thousands of muscles in an elephant's trunk weakened by the relentless drought he gives up the hard drive a provides little nourishment for the elephants but it offers an excellent cover for the devious Rider ignorant of his menacing presence the white half-brothers mother allows him to wander off on his own [Music] even at the end of the day he's off on another exploration following the lead of his black sibling [Music] but the rivals attention is attracted by something more colorful a scarlet lady a female at her peak of receptivity right for mating the rival doesn't stand a chance with her she remains under the constant guard of the troop commander so the rival grabs an out-of-season girl [Music] his intrusion doesn't go unnoticed troop commander intervenes and meter rival fleas up the father's tree [Music] no need for a fight this time even so the commander keeps him in sight allowing his troop to settle before they climb into the trees for the light on the outskirts of the Grove the impending darkness brings tragedy to the elephant herd the severity of this act claims the littlest life the weakest the most innocent the baby of the herd tear like streams flow from the mother's temples brought on by the surge of stress and emotions [Music] the whole herd wrestles with this grief [Music] the elephant's stand vigil over the infant's body reluctant to abandon [Music] [Music] the curtain falls on this act the baboon's retire to the gallery [Music] lights up on act 3 but the brightness does not necessarily bring serenity to the valley death haunts the valley claiming another life the trapped Buffalo now the Lions forfeit royal etiquette for the sake of a feast the curse of the third act blesses the Predators their meals served on a platter although some may be smothered in gritty gravy not all of the Lions forget their royal stature the appetizing meal tantalizes his taste buds [Music] but how to get to it and still maintain one's pride all that mud under his claws obviously not worth the trouble humility does not come easy for this Lord of the land back at the Grove the baboons show more determination in finding their breakfast beneath the blanket of fallen ebony leaves lies a banquet of insects and dried fruit as usual the juveniles morning routine involves much enthusiasm even the adults are eager to eat the sleepy white half brother shows little concern for all the activity while the black one mimics the adults the troop commander controls the proceedings and under his security the white baby's mother leaves him unattended in the wings the rival gets up to his usual mischief then he spots a prime opportunity the unguarded half-brother he acts quickly but the troop commander sees him too late like never before the rival holds the power of negotiation the troop commander needs to be cautious his little white airs life is in grave danger and the rival towards him with his hostage the mother launches in and snatches the baby away [Music] the commander returns to the sponsored side to inspect the traumatized infinity [Music] a last rush to the edge of the Grove to ensure that the rival let the scene [Music] that all inve the rivals assault has killed the white infant the commander loses a precious hair debt curses the truth Act four opens with the dry season more intense and desperate than before unbearable conditions hold no promise of rain it plays out on an arena of exposed beaches that reflect the blistering heat the earth lies dry and barren by now the mighty Luangwa barely flows but reliably continues to support the life of those that make it to its shores the escalating tragedy enriches the crocodiles fortune the Lords of the Luangwa claims center stage once more this act includes no comedy for the baboon's death looms over the Grove shadowing their limelight [Music] science cannot explain the mother's unwillingness to accept the death of her infant she remains a slave to her maternal instincts beautifully grooming her infant and guarding it [Music] a misery affects the commander and his troop there will be no carnival today anguish shrouds the yellow baboons [Music] the mother possessively keeps the lifeless body away from all [Music] a bitter anguish looms of the entire valley a valley deprived of all hope after a brief drink the Ville the beasts wastes no time they must return to their feeding grounds that lie half a day's journey away between food and water they cross only vast and dry expanses they share the road with other voyagers that must also travel long distances to find enough food ironically their silent footfalls disturbed some that find a fortune here red-billed quelea feast on grass seeds [Music] the crafty baboons take the cui Leah's cue they to find sustenance here in fact they seem to possess a sixth sense at detecting nutritious tidbits where there appears to be nothing the troop commander leads by example it takes longer to find and dig out food at this time of year but nimble fingers tipped with hard nails form perfect tools to release a root from the cemented earth the same strong hands that secure life's meals are the gentle hands that hold on to maternal bonds [Music] the white infant has been dead for days and still the lifeless body remains in its mother's care [Music] eventually the dead must be laid to rest and to survive the living must move on [Music] Act four is the most tragic of this five act performance but not over yet [Music] now the baboons show themselves to be the master survivors here the troop commander never gives up he knows all the tricks in this Valley during the driest time of year nature provides a miracle the sausage tree an oasis of flowers shoots and fruits the troop commander feeds quietly alone he picks only the best parts from the abundant larder dropping half-eaten leftovers to the beggars below poco and Impala cannot reach these delicious treats but the baboons provide them with a banquet an inadvertent repayment for their guard duties feeding contentedly the troop commander doesn't notice the thief that are sneaked in below the rival is back stealing the spoils meant for the antelope [Music] eventually the troop commander spots his archenemy the killer of his son are there [Music] it banishes the villain from the truth as another scorching day comes to a close the rival sees it out alone and lacking the support of the troop he stands defenseless against the dangers of the night the curtain finally falls on this desolate act the baboon's take their usual places in the treetop gallery the night scene unfold and the stealthiest predator in the valley quietly takes center stage elusive and silent the leopard goes undetected by the resting baboons she uses her excellent feline senses to sneak up to her throne [Music] one of the principal characters will not be making an appearance in the finale of luangta's epic story [Music] act 5 opens with all signs of the Nightstalker gone the troop assembles as usual [Music] the chorus girls are all accounted for the mothers appear with their young the mischievous comedians joined the ranks and the troop commander struts towards the edge of the Grove bearing his only surviving heir the morning sounds carry extra notes the ripping of flesh a flurry of wings is rival then [Music] the last of the Wang was acts as a scene of youth boy the troops playful spirit returns without the scourge of a troublemaker life can finally return to normal [Music] the unforgiving dry season abruptly ends the rainy season finally touches this isolated Valley torrential downpours replenish the mighty Luangwa fortune returns to the valley and its inhabitants [Music] to the Predators and to the gentle giants [Music] and the shrewd artists of this epic performance survived through all the punishing acts of the nowand were banished and for that nature rewards them with life a new infant a white baby the troop commanders new air so the rare lineage of this supreme ruler perpetuates in this valley forgotten in time the valley of the golden boo boo [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Real Wild
Views: 6,033,985
Rating: 4.3388319 out of 5
Keywords: nature documentary, full documentary, documentary movie, cute animals, baby animals, animals attack, big cats, wildlife documentary, english, hd, discovery channel, national geographic, natgeo wild, Nature documentaries - topic, Animals - topic, planet earth, david attenborough, Baboons, bbc wildlife documentary, national geographic documentary, monkeys stealing, monkeys, monkeys - topic, wild animals, zambia documentary, golden baboons, yellow baboons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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