Monkey Hunters (Baboons Vs Lions Documentary) | Real Wild

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Lions aren't large prey prey that feeds more mouths for longer delays the meet up together soon last do not generally target these monkeys can inflict serious words so many watching eyes baboons are hard to sneak up on even so this troop is in danger from big cats [Music] Africa's Great Rift Valley is home to many baboons but it's the ones living in Tarangire known as the place of running water that have to keep with please don't watch my lines the monkeys do well here and live in large troops even though they live among monkey hunters baboons must never relax their gun Lions operate undercover to trap a monkey the big cat must become invisible the baboons are cautious constantly watching for danger the way ahead looks clear if the monkeys sends anything suspicious they'll run for their lives they stay close to cover unaware that they could be walking into a lion's den this baboon made a lucky escape that Lions have to eat and so must kill climb the branches that are keys are out of reach but they will have to come down for food and water and when they do the Predators of Tarangire will be waiting for me in Tanzania's Tarangire a national park the river always flows in the dry season migratory animals come to drink and then the Predators have plenty to hunt but when it rains on the plains beyond Tarangire the herds wander away all that's left in the park with the baboon's are residents like Impala and elephants which are difficult for lions to ambush Tarangire as lions are well known not as monkey hunters but for their tree climbing abilities leopards are designed for climbing lighter and more agile than lions they're completely at home in tall trees whenever blue troop finds a lone leopard all hell breaks loose a spotted cat can climb high and catch a monkey sleeping up in the branches but this truth has come upon a juvenile on leopard resting up a tree on its own the young cat is not a great threat to monkeys its inexperienced outnumbered and clearly nervous the monkeys know the outer branches will support their weight but not the cat's they cannot resist the opportunity to mark their enemy the young cats mother could return at any time so the baboons dint taunt for long the day is drawing to a close and the troop must reach a safe place to spend the night by day but Boone's rely on each other and good eyesight to spot danger but they don't see well in the dark so before the Sun sets they must get out of reach of prowling predators this troop will go to astonishing lengths to get a good night's sleep no big cat could climb this huge rock monolith so the summit is a safe haven it's enough of an incentive for the baboons to attempt the perilous ascent the rock face is almost vertical and even for a baboon it must be daunting tiny toe holds are the monkeys only grip on the sheer rock wall scaling such heights is an amazing feat especially for females with young this is taking extreme climbing to it's very limits the long climb must be especially frightening for youngsters just too big to hitch a ride juveniles have to make it on their own mothers can only carry infants [Applause] the fact that the baboons do make it to the top is testament to their incredibly strong limbs fingers and toes and they're obviously not scared of heights narrow ledges where the monkeys can rest a few here sighs and might are a definite advantage males use their bulk to push others out of the way the heaving sides of this male show that even for these agile monkeys the climb is a big effort the Boone's can't climb in darkness the whole troop must make it to the top before the Sun Goes Down and predators start to prowl [Music] leopards and lions prefer to hunt when it's cool they're most active between dusk and dawn up above the baboon's doze peacefully high on their rock they know they can sleep safely all night long far below others must rely on instinct and sharp reactions to survive [Music] [Music] secur on their lofty perch that the bones barely stir in their sleep even though they can probably hear the life and death struggles playing out far below lightning is a signal that rain is imminent in Terran gira [Music] this leopards fat and healthy cups reflect their mother's hunting prowess after a successful night she won't be a threat to the balloons today this lioness though remains our danger to the troop she didn't eat much last night a lion is not as adept as a leopard at bringing down in parlor with the herds of large prey far away this lioness is finding it hard to provide for her family her Cubs are very thin she must kill soon or her Cubs could die once she's hidden her babies this lioness will have to hunt on into the day but boons are not early risers they does until after sunrise when predators have usually stopped hunting they also need light so that they can see before starting a tricky descent this morning descending is anything but easy its rained in the night and the sheer rock face is now very slippery with no firm toe holds this male loses his footing and his nerve [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it may be a long and dangerous descent but the baboon's have to come down for food and waiting and a fall from this high up would be fatal it's a big risk but unavoidable with nowhere to hold on there's no choice but to slide down the last few metres though holding on to another's tail is an unfair tactic the wet season is only just starting but the first showers turned the wall into an unassailable slick rock the troop is forced to abandon it for the next few months they must find somewhere else to sleep somewhere out of the reach of the big cats if Lions have to hunt in daylight there's no better location for an ambush than a waterhole elephants will not tolerate lions near them so if a family group is drinking the baboon's feel safe to come down to the water [Music] maybe elephants have to learn to use their trunk like a stroke most don't master the skirt till they're about a year old until then they have to get down on their knees [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the booms like to drink every day but some it seems don't like getting their hands wet the boons benefit from having these giants around in other ways to their presence in the part provides a steady supply of food elephants deposit huge quantities of dung every day the Babu's picked through the heaps searching for and eating undigested seeds and berries joining the baboons in this communal feast of landed mongooses dung beetles are their favourite playing at certain times of year they make up three-quarters of the mongooses diet this makes elephants important neighbours baboons live in an animal community where all the members benefit from one another the more eyes there are watching for danger the less chance a predator has a sneaking up on any of them [Music] Impala also plan to the mix each animal in the baboon's community uses its senses in different ways these different points of view from high and low make it much more difficult for any of them to be caught unawares by big cats red dico don't often venture out into the open but feel safe drinking among this crowd [Music] [Music] bush Parkash i forest antelopes that rarely leave the security of the trees they to feel safe with balloons around as extra sentinels to warn them if a lion appears [Music] young baboons are very curious this one probably hasn't come across a courting bullfrog prefer his calls are designed to attract a female not a hungry hammer cop to thwart enemies bullfrogs puff themselves up to twice their size this makes them difficult for the bird to swallow this young baboon is fascinated the Frog is obviously of interest to the bird so maybe it's good to play with or maybe it's edible hmm doesn't taste good even so the monkey is not going to let them burn it yes sometimes it's not a bad thing to be tossed aside the lioness has been hunting all morning with little success she's looking for easy victims like the sick the old maybe young [Music] [Music] successive lost one life is lost so others cancer her life however the rest of her pride is nearby and they've heard the commotion there's no way a single lioness can defend her kill from this hungry there's barely enough food here for one with each month ceases what it can in times of stress and any notion of sharing is forgotten it will soon be too hot to hunt but with a young family to feed the lioness cannot give up alone family of resident warthogs presents another chance [Music] [Music] [Music] a hobbit is a be a mouthful but with comes to suckle the lioness needs to catch anything she can [Music] the baboon's also need to feed that means crossing the river and getting their feet wet although not necessarily their hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the baboon's are heading for the trees and their departure hasn't gone unnoticed the banded mongooses have no intention of being left down by the river all on their own [Music] their relationship with the baboons is so secure they'll feed right in amongst them and they don't even mind playful youngsters [Music] the Boone's eat many things leaves shoots insects and seeds even the hard fruit of the sausage tree they gnaw through the hard skin and outer layers and the pulp their hips inside they stuff their cheek pouches with food they'll eat later on off the ground out of the reach of growling big cats it's wise to be cautious but by mid morning most predators are cat napping Impala are rarely found alone like baboons they feel safer in a crowd but at the onset of Labor each female goes off to find a quiet spot where she'll attract the least attention Impala usually give birth mid morning as most hunters will be asleep the phone will be on its feet and running well before the light starts to fade there are always some mongooses on sentry duty because attacks can come from out of the blue with so many eyes watching out for each other it's very hard for any predator to hunt these animals in broad daylight [Music] mongooses are quick to warn of danger and the baboons respond swiftly to their chirping ends the mongooses dive for cover ground ibiza like a Caitlin Lamarck Ileana this powerful bird of prey can take baby baboons the truth in the tone of the presence of such a threat the enemy has flown but this mother is taking no risks like most monkeys for Boones carry their newborn young cream to their bellies but baboons spend a lot of their time on the ground so the youngsters soon learn to ride on an adult's back males like sakali babies too usually to curry favor with their mothers tiny big is instinctively Klingon type but benefit from a dragon for enjoyment when it comes to impressing a mother some males just haven't got what it takes females teach their youngsters the rules of building societies naughty bogeys are ignored giving a reprimand a year all refuse to cover however generally though baboons are tolerant and protective mothers [Music] males can be very protective of infants but they also use them to protect themselves [Music] if a male is threatened he may pick up a baby and use it as a tool to keep his Challenger at bay he knows the other male may want to attack but he won't want to risk harming a helpless youngster as long as the male possession you keep the baby between green his assailant he can rid off an attack [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] by Chris lasting the males may forget their strengths these things can get rough [Music] [Music] fortunately the tiny babies are tougher than they look usually they escape unharmed back into the arms of a comforting signal but sometimes it can go horribly wrong no one knows why this baby died but the male is confused he doesn't know quite what to do with an infant that doesn't respond in any way [Music] this seriously upset $1 to nail the Youngstown story hiding behind a male protector the juvenile uses the big maze and effective shield [Music] [Music] the youngsters ploy is to divert the attention away from itself towards friend into the fight yawning and flashing teeth are a clear sign of aggression [Music] [Music] first big mail to back down concedes dominance and the dispute is soon settle the irksome youngster though has not be forgotten each individual has to learn what is acceptable behavior and what is not reprimanded for his misdemeanor this juvenile is being put fun in his place [Music] by midday it's too hot to want to sort out quarrels and it's far too hot to hunt so for a few short hours the monkeys can relax baboons are social animals they have close family ties and make long lasting friendships friends and relations regularly groom each other this is essential for getting rid of parasites but also appears to be bliss [Music] even extremities get a thorough going-over eventually gets too hot to do anything but hang out when the temperature rises to over 30 degrees the baboons and Impala know it's safe to sleep on the ground only a really desperate big cat would hunt in this heat big males are extremely tolerant of youngsters gaining the trust of a baby can be very useful apart from being an asset in disputes with other males these relationships can lead to special friendships with the baby's mother as soon as it starts to cool down the baboons move off to feed again figs are a favorite food the baboons now every tree in their range and when its fruits will ripen faced with such abundance the baboons drop all but the sweetest [Music] those waiting below reap the benefits [Music] ripe fruit attracts insects and they in turn draw insectivorous birds like the beautifully camouflaged fire finch by mid-afternoon it's cool enough for the youngsters in the crowd to play these games are very important to young ages they help develop relationships muscles and coordination it also looks like fun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] by late afternoon the big cats begin to wake up they don't usually start hunting until it's much cooler however this juvenile leopard has spotted the chance for a game of cat and mouse or in this case cat and slender mongoose there's no baboon troop to warn this mother of danger leopards don't usually hunt slender mongooses this female with too well grown babies is up the wrong place at the wrong time the cub is not really hungry it's just honing its hunting skills [Music] [Music] the baboon's must be off the ground and out of reach well before dusk when predators start to emerge it's time for the truth to move towards a new sleeping site now that rain threatens they will no longer return to the rock and risk a dangerous descent instead they need to find some tall trees trees that cats can't climb this lioness is still hungry with the herds far away she's having to hunt long hours she's on the lookout for anything she can catch as a large troop these baboons are relatively safe but this dried-up riverbed offers many places for hungry cats to hide [Music] one of the lionesses older cubs has started accompanying his mother he instinctively knows to line though to watch and wait the lioness is patient she must let the brain come to her [Music] it's really is its last then responsible uncles are the boobs run our lives the lioness's older cup knows he can join his mother that she will share the meal with him this lioness has managed to provide food for her family against the odds lions are opportunists when they're hungry they'll set their sights to unusual prey perhaps this young male will cover his mother and hunt for booze too when he leaves the bride predators may kill a few baboons but they have little effect on the monkey population that is as long as they can find safe places to sleep this evening a palm grove provides sanctuary in a few weeks the plains will dry out again and the herds will return to the Terran gira River then the time of hardship for the cats will be over [Music] the baboon's will no longer be so vulnerable to attack lately hunters around they must be ever vigilant
Channel: Real Wild
Views: 30,698,644
Rating: 4.2072954 out of 5
Keywords: nature documentary, full documentary, documentary movie, cute animals, baby animals, animals attack, big cats, wildlife documentary, deadly lions, english, hd, deep sea, discovery channel, national geographic, bbc, natgeo wild, Nature documentaries - topic, baboons fighting, lions - topic, dangerous predators, savanna animals, real life lion king, planet earth II, animal fights, lions attack, african nature, baby baboons, lion cubs, monkeys - topic
Id: zEMrX2vzkj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 2sec (2822 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2017
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