Zaku II High Mobility Type Development History

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foreign [Music] type was xeon's Main Mobile Suit for the majority of the one-year War but despite its initial superiority and even the production of a dedicated Commander unit the S-Type the changing needs of the battlefield and requests from Ace Pilots for more performance would result in Xeon Engineers beginning their Pursuit for a high Mobility version named the zaku 2 high Mobility type and if you need a highly mobile VPN to protect both your online data and Dodge those pesky region logs then look no further than today's sponsor nordvpn their combination of user friendliness top-notch security and top speeds have made them the top VPN and a part of my daily Arsenal and by using the code kkrt or the link down below you'll not just get a sweet discount but you'll also be supporting the channel the history of the high Mobility type then can actually be traced back to before the one-year War even began when major Elliot REM one of xeon's top engineers and test pilots saw the performance of the standard zoku 2 he proposed to make a high performance version but with the war quickly approaching zeon's High command would only allow for a stripped down version of his idea rather than using all Cutting Edge Parts serviceability with the standard zoku needed to be maintained something that was necessary from both a manufacturing and a maintenance point of view so instead of the high Mobility type that Elliot had envisioned he instead had to settle for the zalka 2 S-Type now also calmly referred to as the commander type however after the Antarctic treaty had been concluded it quickly became obvious to everyone that this war was going to be a long drawn out one long enough for the Federation to come up with their own mobile suits and so major Elliot REM was given the green light to finally create the zaku that he wanted to create the development of the high Mobility type began with a production of two prototype units at Granada these units had main thrusters that were almost twice as big as those of the F-type and provided significantly more thrust at 218 tons each the backpack itself was completely different to house and cooled these improved thrusters and the internal fuel tank was enlarged to keep up the operating time the legs then were also overhauled and outfitted with three sub thrusters providing 45 tons of thrust each and the final change then was the antenna that was now on the back of the head rather than the front of the head were the communication antennas were typically placed on the zolkers after they were rolled out then they were extensively tested for two weeks with unit 1 being assigned to Elliott and the results of these tests were so good that the zaku 2 high Mobility type was immediately approved for mass production with an initial order of 22 units also during these two weeks of testing it was decided to test out two new types of bazooka a 420 millimeter one and a 360 millimeter one the 420 millimeter version would eventually be axed due to production issues but the 360 millimeter version would be just as successful as ozoku itself and would be approved for mass production after some slight upgrades not only with this giant bazooka become the standard weapon for the high Mobility type but also for the Dom and the rig Dom one interesting thing then that I read in the msv Ace pilot logbook is that apparently the giant bazooka requires a liquid explosive to be fit through the mobile suits manipulators meaning that it could only be used by mobile suits that had this particular system like the soccer 2 high Mobility types and the Dom family back to the Prototype zaku 2 high Mobility types then it was also rumored that during testing unit 2 was at some point piloted by the famous Ace pilot chin Matsunaga and unfortunately crash landed near air city after engine trouble and that unit 1 was outfitted with prototype parts that would later be used for the Recon zorkers these new parts were then tested out in a mock battle against the black tri-stars but this fight was unfortunately interrupted by the Federation and the unit was returned to its original specifications however these would only be the beginning of the zaku high Mobility types as troubles the initial production type was designated as the ms06 R1 and featured quite some differences with the Prototype version the internals were overhauled to increase ease of production small thrusters were added and the internal fuel tank in the waste was now replaced by multiple fuel tanks and the Torso and the legs giving it Greater fuel capacity so despite looking mostly the same on the outside the R1 was actually quite the different unit on the inside when compared to the Prototype version and the F-type as for those minor outward differences then the legs were slightly different the right shoulder had to intake vents the shoulder Shield got two reinforcement bars at the bend the spike Shield got a reinforced Edge the front skirt got four spike-like reinforcements the elbows got extra armor and the antenna on the back of the head was now either removed for standard versions or moved to its normal location for Commander versions so on paper the R1 was a formidable fighting machine with significantly higher performance than the F-type and even the S-Type so it wouldn't be long before the unit saw actual combat but in practice the units suffered from frequent engine problems they quickly ran out of fuel and for many Pilots the aggressive increase in thrust over the F-type wasn't seen as a positive but rather as a negative because this made the machine significantly harder to control I even found a source that claims that because of these problems zionic was forced to temporarily halt the production but whatever the case might be the pilot feedback from these initial r1s was significantly worse than the universal praise that the high Mobility type received during its testing part of this was due to some genuine issues that needed fixing and part of this was due to xeon's lack of skilled Pilots with many of zeon's experienced Pilots having died during the one week War and the Battle of loom this was evident by the fact that the R1 was actually highly rated by a handful of Ace Pilots like brenefox North Bower or Shen Matsunaga who even earned his nickname the white wolf of Solomon in one of these machines and all of this prompted zionic to make an improved version dubbed the r1a one of the main changes made was changing the standard fuel tanks to fuel cartridges that could be exchanged much faster and this wasn't just possible on board of a ship but also on the battlefield this led to a lot of squadrons that were using the new r1as to also start using zokus to carry extra fuel cartridges into combat so that they could refuel their commander on the flyer and the move size used by these squadrons were also modified to make exchanging the cartridges even faster and to house these fuel cartridges the backs of the r1a's legs were also changed something that would be the main identifier to distinguish the r1a from the regular R1 because even though the standard r1a seems to have ditched all of the r1s as armor improvements potentially to either save on weight to increase Mobility or decrease fuel usage there were still quite some r1as with some or even all of the r1s as armor with the two most obvious ones being Shin matsunagus unit and masaya nakagawa's unit and for this we have two main theories the first one is that in total 66 r1a units existed 56 of these were brand new units and 10 of these were upgraded r1s so it's possible that these were our ones that had been upgraded internally but not externally another possible explanation is that apparently the production of the R1 Ace wasn't 100 unified with different factories putting out units of different quality so maybe one of these factories still had some R1 Parts lying around and decided to use those or maybe the pilots simply chose to have those parts because they wanted them this then brings us to our next point the production issues while the production was streamlined too some point allowing the r1a to be produced at more places than the R1 it was still an extremely expensive unit as mentioned before there were only 66 r1as around and then 12 remaining r1s which led to a joke amongst Xeon Pilots that it was actually more difficult to get a high Mobility type than it was to shoot down a Miguel in class ship and this difficulty to get your hands on a high Mobility type wasn't just due to its rareness Having learned from the initial deployment of the R1 zionic pushed the Xeon High command to only issue the r1a to top Ace pilots who could make the most out of this beastly mobile suit and before long the zaku 2 high Mobility type r1a would achieve legendary status thanks to its combination of top Xeon technology and the best Pilots that Xeon still had to offer names like the black tri-stars Shin Matsunaga Eric Mansfield Uma lightning anovolgato and Messiah nakagawa many of them would also paint darzoku in their own custom colors with some of them also having unique Commander antennas or other personal touches another advancement of the r1a then was its new ejection system not only could the seed be ejected but it also had limited propulsion and was outfitted with solar energy cells with a life support system and to use this life support system Pilots had to wear a dedicated normal suit and helmet the m79f Mark III and m78d Mark 6 respectively as the war went on then it became more and more evident that a general purpose replacement was needed for the ms-06f a situation that led to a second arms race between zionic and zimad anzionic belief that a development of their r1a would be perfect to get the contract for xeon's Next Generation mass production mobile suit that or it was the only option left after their upcoming gal goog was hitting delay after delay and wouldn't be finished anywhere near the deadline we don't know many of the requirements for the contract but we do know one of the most important ones the mobile suit needed to be able to use beam weapons and in response to this problem the zionic engineers got to work installing the generator meant for the gel which at that point was still known as the ms-11 inside of a zaku to make it fit the chest was made larger and the backpack now had to be connected to the body with extra supports to ensure enough cooling for the generator in this confined space then two extra cooling vents were added to the sides of the chest Additionally the backpack was made bigger and extra armor was added to the legs but despite all of this though not enough power could be generated to fire strong enough beams and even after multiple attempts the development got bogged down without being able to meet the requirements for the plan but fortunately for zionic zamad was having similar problems with their entry the ms-09r rigdom this enforced the Xeon brass to drop the beam requirements from the contract but at the same time the entire plan was now changed from being their next Generation mass production Mobile Suit to Simply being an interim production Mobile Suit until a mobile suit could be developed that met the original plan's requirements and thanks to this the ms-06 r2p zaku 2 high Mobility type test type would now be converted into the ms06 R2 zoku 2 high Mobility vibe that we all know and love today with the beam weapon requirement no longer in place the generator was replaced with a simplified version that was more stable and smaller which then made it possible to revert the zaku back to its standard chest size and is of course also reduced the weight of the overall machine another weight saving measure then was that despite using extra armor on the legs thanks to the materials used they were lighter without sacrificing protection other changes then include fuel tanks in the backpack that are 18 bigger and stronger thrusters 316 tons for each of the two main thrusters and then per leg one sub Thruster with 58 tons of thrust and two with 45 tons of thrust and the internals they were completely overhauled many experimental parts for the galgook were also used inside of the R2 resulting in a machine that looked like a zoku but was in a completely different class it was sometimes even called a gel in zaku's clothes and with Elliott REM as the test pilot the R2 could really show all of its capabilities but it wasn't meant to be despite being an excellent machine the matte rigdom was better suited to the Xeon High commands as demands while the R2 was faster and more agile the Dom had the edge in raw power the amount of weapons it could carry and perhaps most important of all ease of production remember the R2 was essentially a souped-up version of the already expensive r1a with even more prototype parts and another thing that the Dom had without a doubt in its favor was ease of piloting the r1a was notoriously difficult to Pilot so it stands to reason that the R2 with its even more aggressive thrust was at least equally difficult if not more difficult to Pilot so all of this made the Dom the obvious choice for mass production and the R2 would only receive three more units for a total of four and apparently when these three new units were built they had the same generator as the r1a but two weeks after they would be upgraded to the same reactor as unit 1. another fun fact is that all four units received a commander antenna just because the designer felt like it and not because they would be assigned to commanders but in practice they would all end up in the hands of high-ranking Ace pilots and together with their extremely rare machines they would achieve legendary status there's a brown and black R2 belonging to Lieutenant Colonel Gabby Hazard the blue and yellow R2 belonging to Colonel Robert Gilliam and then the crimson red and black R2 belonging to Major Johnny Ryden better known as the Crimson lightning and it would also be his R2 that was most prominently featured in propaganda footage leading to his zoku becoming the de facto image of the R2 and finally there was the unit converted from the r2p this unit stayed with Elliot REM and would be used for further testing and developments something that would eventually lead to the ms06 r3s high Mobility type zaku a machine that was sometimes also referred to as the Prototype gal so we'll be having a closer look at that thing when we tackle the gal Googs development history for now then let's look at some other happenings with the R2 because despite this being the full official story over the years there have been quite some claims like Johnny riden's unit being further upgraded into something that he himself called the full bullet zaku faced with the federation's powerful Luna titanium alloy this heavily armed zaku served as the plan B in case that the beam weapon capable gel couldn't make it the idea was that even though one bullet might not damage a Gundam 100 would surely make some kind of an impact so they tried strapping as much freedom to this mobile suit as possible it had a double Vulcan gun on the chest two high-speed Crusher cannon machine guns on the right shoulder armor an enhanced version of the desert zoku's 3-2 missile launcher on the right arm a triple machine gun on the left arm a big gun on both hips yes that is the official name for that thing and as Finishing Touch the commander antenna was now a heat hog because why not and supposedly Johnny Ryden would use his machine after his galgookai Mobility type was damaged and would manage to take out the full armor Gundam that it was designed to defeat which by the way is another mobile suit with a questionable existence and the next unconfirmed machine was the ms-06 r2s zaku late production type dozel zombie custom this machine was supposedly being developed at Solomon to be dozel Zombie's personal unit and would be a powerful anti-ship unit it had a machine gun and a large heat Hawk but its most powerful weapons were a pair of Mega particle cannons installed in its abdomen however because the reactor wasn't powerful enough to run these by itself the unit was designed to connect to another Mobile Suit to get enough juice and for this a dedicated machine called the energy backup escort unit was developed but it's not known if any were actually built unfortunately for dozal though the Federation attacked Solomon when the zalku was still under construction and he was forced to sort you in the Big Zam instead and during the attack the machine was lost with only its data making it out on board of a guasi we can only imagine how the war would have ended for Zeon had they been able to mass-produce the zaku late production type a minor variant then was supposedly piloted by Lieutenant Kurt Roswell in the spirits of Xeon arcade game it had a custom left shoulder shield and slightly different leg armor but the main problem is of course that this goes against the established Cannon of their only being four or twos it's cool for a game but by no means official and before we wrap up I want to go back to the zaku high Mobility type r1a to talk about two obscure variants that I found but just like those are two variants that we just went over they are of questionable officialness and canonicity the first one is the ms06 r1d a unit that appeared in the July 1987 issue of hobby Japan and was basically just the r1a but with more powerful thrusters on both the backpack and the legs something that made it even harder to Pilot than the already difficult to Pilot R1 and r1a as its main weapon it used an improved version of the giant bazooka and this jet black zaku was used by dagner Romeo as part of the 13th independent company Dragoon 13. as part of the defense of abawaku the second unit then was the ms-06 r1m this unit appeared as part of a game in the game gather magazine and was the Marine Corps version of the high Mobility type apparently it appeared as a custom gumpler in the magazine and was essentially a zakutu FZ with the legs and the backpack of the r1a and this unit was painted in Black try Source colors and to really wrap things up then I want to talk about the timeline of events for the mainline zaga 2 high Mobility type because as you may or may not know the timeline varies quite a bit with that of the high Mobility type from the origin in the main line there were no high Mobility types present at the Battle of loom and in fact the earliest mention I could find was of an R1 being used by brenith orgs several months after the battle of loom for the r1a then we noted Gabby Hazard received his unit which at the time was brand new in June meaning that that thing was probably either rolled out in June or in May and for the R2 according to the msv ace pilot log the decision to adopt the Dom as a stopgap mobile suit was taken on July 31st and a few days later Johnny Ryden would be promoted to Major and receive his R2 meaning that the R2 was most likely rolled out in July and that has been all for this very lengthy zaku 2 high Mobility type development history I was originally planning on combining this with the zaku Recon types because there is a little bit of overlap but it quickly became obvious that just the high Mobility types had a ton of lore behind them and way more than I thought I was going to be and because we do know quite a bit about the individual units I could have made this video even longer also in case you're wondering where does zaku high Mobility test type from the oath Ms team is well despite its name it's got nothing to do with the other high Mobility types it was made to test out the rigdom's legs so we'll go over that in the Dom's development history so if you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a like And subscribe for more similar videos in the future if you want a sweet VPN you can get nordvpn with the link down below and as always a big thank you to the patreon supporters I hope everyone watching has a great day and I'll see you all next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Kakarot197
Views: 59,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobile, suit, gundam, kakarot197, gunpla, review, plastic, model, Johnny Ridden, black Tristars, ortega, mash, gaia, gaya, Shin Matsunaga, Zaku I, Zeon, Zeonic, Zimmad, Dom, Rick Dom, MS-09, MS-09R, Masaya Nakagawa, Gabby Hazard, Eliot Rem, Elliot Rem, Robert Gilliam, Char Aznable, Red Comet, Crimson Lightning, Eric Manthfield, Robin Bradshaw, Uma Lightning, Anavel Gato, Fabian Frischknecht, Frishknecht, Breniss, Breniv, Oggs, Augs, Ochs
Id: AGNiurbnJ44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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