Zac Poonen - True Faith - Full Sermon

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last month I spoke on to and New Covenant troops one was true worship and the other was true holiness worship in the Old Covenant was not worship in the spirit was worship in the soul in the body worship in the New Covenant is worship in the spirit in the same way holiness and the Old Covenant was only external it's all the law demanded holiness in the New Covenant is primarily in word today I want to speak on true faith there is a faith that people had in the Old Covenant you read about some of those men in Hebrews chapter 11 they lived by faith Abel onwards all the way down to all the great men and women of God in the Old Testament but at the end of Hebrews 11 we read this verse Hebrews 11 and verse 40 we must always remember this when you read chapter 11 otherwise you'll miss out on something it says at the end of the chapter God has provided something better for us so if your faith rises up to the level of any of those Old Testament people you've missed out on what God has for you in the New Covenant faith in the New Covenant is better than what they had in the Old Covenant and then when you think of that what did they have in the Old Covenant that things described in Hebrews 11 are really amazing they split the Red Sea and pull down the walls of Jericho they could stop the Sun they could shut the mouths of lions that even they even raise the dead Elijah and Elijah but there was one thing true of all of those events they were all external external miracles was the characteristic of Old Covenant faith in the New Covenant we are told in Hebrews chapter 12 Jesus verse two Hebrews 12 verse 2 says we fix our eyes on Jesus he is the author and perfecter of faith and though he did so many miracles that's not what's mentioned here the thing that mentioned here is he despised the shame of the cross and endured it for the joy set before him of fellowship with his father in the presence of God is fullness of joy and Jesus valued that fellowship with his father which he had from all eternity more than anything else on earth and he is our example he was willing to suffer anything in order to have that fellowship with the father and that fellowship with the father is what New Covenant faith leads us to and we are told that's better than anything that we could have in the Old Covenant that's why in the Old Covenant nobody could call god father and when New Covenant Christians whose sins are forgiven even though they call god father if they don't know him as father they will be insecure the reason for a lot of jealousy competition anger bitterness discouragement depression defeat you name it it's because believers do not know God as their father that's the reason they have not made Jesus their example he is not the author and perfecter of their faith they look at Old Covenant examples and find an excuse for their sin look at the number of preachers who fall into adultery and look at David as an example look at the number people who get depressed and say Elisha was also depressed or Moses got angry and broke the tablets of stone but there's no excuse when Jesus becomes the author of finisher of our faith Jesus never commits adultery he never got the prayer store glue me he never broke anything in anger so there's a tremendous difference when we come to New Covenant faith it brings us into a life of overcoming so that's what I want to share with you now I want to begin with Romans 10 and verse 17 there's a lot of misunderstanding about faith today most of the books that you read of faith in the book stalls are all Old Covenant faith it's got to do with external things external miracles things that God can do for you on the outside but it never changes us inwardly Romans 10 and verse 17 says faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ the whole Bible is the Word of God but when the workman it says about the word of Christ the word of the Messiah that's specifically referring to the New Testament the promises in the New Testament if we can hear what God is saying to us in the New Testament that is how faith comes by hearing what God is saying unfortunately faith for many Christians today comes by hearing a testimony of what God did for somebody else and that can cause you a lot of problems you can lead you to frustration when you don't experience the same thing yourself faith does not come by hearing a testimony a testimony can confirm the faith you already have which you get from God's Word but if you get your faith in something or hope to get something because you heard some body's testimony on Christian television or in a message that's not the foundation for faith I can tell you right now it'll shake New Covenant faith comes by hearing the word of Christ you look into God's Word and see what God has said to you and if you don't meditate on God's Word you're not going to have faith the reason why a lot of people are weak in faith is because they don't meditate on the New Testament promises so I want to mention three things about faith first of all faith is confidence in God and I want to take the example of Abraham when Abraham was 75 years old God told him he's called the father of faith that's why I take that example God told him that he was going to have a son but he never got that son for 25 years but he had confidence and I want to show you this verse in Romans 4 and verse 21 the whole chapter is about faith Romans chapter 4 speaking about justification and it says in Romans 4 verse 20 and 21 with respect to the promise of God he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith giving glory to God and then it says in the next verse being fully assured that what God had promised he was able to perform confidence in God he did not waver in unbelief because God had given him a promise and he believed that God would keep that promise now all the promises of God are yes in Jesus Christ but they still won't be fulfilled in our lives until we have faith in it and how do we express our faith in it let me show you this verse in 2nd Corinthians 1 in verse 20 faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ that's why I'm pointing you to these scriptures as many this is a fantastic verse if you don't know it you must know it all the promises of God are yes in Christ the promises of God are like a check our checks Christ has signed all of them the bank of heaven will not refuse any check signed by Christ but you got a sign on the reverse side of the check and that's why it says there through him is our Amen when you say I mean your signing on the backside of that check and putting it in the bank of heaven and say credit it to my account then it comes to your account so Christ has signed it it's still not yours until you put your signature and say I'm in so what does that mean again we can look at Abraham turn to Genesis in chapter 15 in Genesis chapter 15 we read of that time when God told Abraham he called him out one night and said look at the stars in the sky you're going to have children like that now he had nothing at that time not even one he was already past 75 his wife was past 65 but when he heard this promise of God he didn't look at his body or it his wife Sarah's body it says in verse 6 he believed in the Lord and that word believed in the Hebrew in which the Bible was written is Amen I mean is a Hebrew word and that's the first time it comes in Scripture it means it will be so Abraham said it will be so that's faith God says something and even though it looks impossible humanly speaking you say it will be so why because God has said it because God has said it's going to be so and it and this is the example why this is the reason why Abraham is called the father of faith when this impossible thing was told him and the man who had no children right up to the age of no children of promise right up to the age of 100 and God said it's gonna be you're gonna have children like the stars of the sky he said Amen this is what a man really means when we look at God's promises and we say Amen because you said so I trust you it's fulfilled very often we find people are looking for faith inside them you see if only I could have a little more faith I could get that I heard of that person who trusted God and got a four-bedroom house or a Mercedes Benz car Paulie I could have a little more faith I would get it faith doesn't come by hearing a testimony has God promised you something in Scripture don't look for faith inside did Abraham look inside him inside his body to see if he could produce that son no did he look at Sarah's body no it says he looked at the promise of God and did not waver very often when we are trying to overcome or something like that we look at our own ability now at the promise of God that's how faith comes confidence that God will do what he has promised what do we see something God's promised we say I meant take the matter of forgiveness of sins how can we be sure our sins are forgiven none of us saw Jesus dying on the cross how do you know God accepted his sacrifice the Spirit of God assured us as we read in God's Word that all our sins were placed on Christ on the cross every wretched thing you ever did that you're guilty off is placed on Christ on the cross and we read in God's word that that forgiveness is offered us freely that forgiveness by the way is offered to everybody in the world Christ died for the sins of the whole world why is it more than 90% of people in the world haven't received it because they don't believe they don't have faith and that initial step of faith what does it mean when it says by grace are you saved through faith here's what it means in very simple terms grace is God stretching out his hand from heaven and saying here's forgiveness for you salvation from my wrath and judgment faith is my reaching out my hand and taking it and say thank you that's all why do we need to repent the Bible puts repentance and faith together which unfortunately man is separated today most of the time in gospel preaching you only hear believe but you can't separate repentance from faith but repentance is not a work God's not asking you to give up your sins he's asking you to turn from your sin it may take years for us to give up some habits that we have but it's like this we are born facing the world and the devil and our lusts and gods behind us God said I want to give you something I want to give you forgiveness I can't receive it unless I turn around and that turning around is all that repentance means it's not saying I've achieved something or I've given up my habit I'm just saying I turn around from the world and sin I want to receive what God has for me and that simple act of receiving is faith enough in the first step of faith I receive the forgiveness God gives freely it happens in a moment I mean even if you have sinned for years in a moment right this moment if you're not being forgiven you can receive Christ into your life foresee what he offers and be forgiven and be a completely different person the child of God in a moment like a baby but not mature in a moment but born in a moment but that's the first step of faith we have confidence Christ died for my sins I've confidence in that and the guilt of my sin is gone when the devil accuses me I overcome him by saying that the blood of Christ has cleansed me the wrath of God is removed from me but we don't stop there if I were to go to a non-christian who is well versed in Scripture and I tell him that you know Christ died for your sins there are non-christians who read the Bible by the way and I tell them Christ died for your sins and you can be forgiven if I tell and if he says listen I want more than forgiveness I want a terrible temper do you think Christ will set me free from that I would a terrible problem with lust in my eyes do you think Christ would set me free from that and if I don't have any experience of overcoming anger and the lust of my eyes and pornography what gospel am I going to give him I'll tell you we like to tell him listen Christ can forgive you he can't deliver you from pornography and anger and all that you have to live with that for the rest of your life but he'll forgive you but you know every time you sin just go back to him he'll say I don't want that gospel thank you go and give it to somebody else would you blame him for rejecting it is that all that Christ offers has he come to us and said I can forgive you but I can't set you free that's not much of a gospel no it isn't in the Old Testament the Israelites were not only taken out of Egypt they were brought into Canaan there were two parts to that gospel in the Old Testament we all know about the redemption by the blood we sing such a lot about the blood they put the blood on the doorposts that was only Redemption that was in a moment they were delivered from Pharaoh symbolizing Satan redeemed by the blood baptized in the Red Sea out of Egypt but then they were - there was another part to that gospel they were to enter Canaan and kill the Giants those giants are these sinful lusts in our flesh that was the second part of the gospel which the Old Testament says God was angry with them because they did not respond in faith to the second part of that gospel and that is mentioned three times in the New Testament in 1 Corinthians 10 Hebrews 3 and the letter of Jude three times has given us as the warning Christians remember those Egyptian alights left Egypt never entered Canaan don't let that happen to you do you think Christians have taken heat to that have you taken heat to it you need to have faith not only for forgiveness of sins you need to have faith to kill those giants of Canaan to occupy the land which God wanted them to occupy this body is what the land of Canaan is today this body which has which should be the temple of God which should be the possession of God from head to foot this body in this mind has been ruled by lust and anger the love of money and bitterness and jealousy and strife I'm talking about Christians fighting and quarreling in homes and in churches the Giants are ruling the land and why don't Christians enter in for the same reason those Israelites didn't enter in they didn't have confidence in God faith is confidence in God the same God who took me out of Egypt can bring me bring these giants under my feet the same God who dealt with the guilt of my sin can deal with the power of sin confidence in God that's what we need Romans chapter 6 and verse 14 says sin shall not be master over you because you're not under law Old Covenant but under grace New Covenant that means that under the Old Covenant sin did rule over them and we know that sin ruled over David and Elijah and Moses and everybody but he says now you're not under the Old Covenant why should sin rule over you those Old Testament people only got forgiveness forgiveness of sins by the way is not a new covenant message 1000 years before Christ David was singing in Psalm 103 bless the Lord O my soul who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases even healing is not a new covenant message though some people pretend it is Psalm 103 but what is it David could not say in Psalm 103 he couldn't say bless the Lord O my soul who delivers me from the lust of my eyes now as soon as he saw Bathsheba he fell as soon as Sampson saw Delilah he fell they could not overcome sin sin shall not be master over you do you know this looks impossible do you have confidence like Abraham that if God has said it will happen in your life it will happen think of Abraham no children 90 years old is wife 80 years old God says look at the stars of the sky it's going to be your gonna have children like that he says Amen it will be so so when God says to you sin will not be master of you those sins that have ruled your life for so many years you say Amen I remember the days when I was thoroughly defeated as a born-again believer baptized in water attending church regularly going to Sunday praise and worship defeated by sin my private life my thoughts especially and I said lord I believe sin will not rule over me because your word says so doesn't look like that my life but it's going to take place gonna take miss and year after year didn't happen in a day year after year I held on to that promise just like Abraham holding on to that promise I'm gonna have seed like the stars of the sky or nothing's happened Abraham one year two year nothing has happened now God said it it's going to happen that's what I said year after year and one day it happened it can happen for you if you have confidence in God if God has said it it's going to take place there's something we need along with faith which says Abraham had not only faith but patience hebrews chapter 6 verse 15 says abraham patiently waited and thus obtained the promise and therefore it says in hebrews chapter 6 and verse 12 we must imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises it's not just faith but patience that means when god's promised abraham something he waited waited waited waited waited he waited 25 years but he got it he was absolutely sure that he'd get it so when you get a promise like sin will not rule over you you must hang on to it and say lord I don't care how long it takes God's promise to fill us with the Holy Spirit and have rivers of living water flow out from us john 7 verse 38 i remember when i began to seek for that as a young man and I saw all the counterfeit emotional experiences that people were having around me in many churches which they called the fullness of spirit and I couldn't see holiness in their life nice I came back disappointed from all those church services and I came to my room and I said Lord I don't want that but I want what Peter James and John got on the day of Pentecost you said that rivers of living water will flow out from me it's going to flow out from me I don't if it takes ten years I'll wait ten years can you have patience to believe that God will fulfill what is promised for you it's not only for some apostles or prophets or special P people he who believes in me Jesus said out of his innermost being will flow rivers of living water do you believe God can do that from you and insignificant what do you consider yourself a good-for-nothing person God can do it in you if you will believe God's promises rivers of living water can flow out from you we are missing out on so much because we don't believe my great burden is that God's people will enter into their inheritance which the devil has robbed them off faith in God's promises I next want to go on to the second thing which is dependence upon God faith is not only confidence in God but dependence upon God and one of the clearest examples of that is the picture Jesus used of the tree and the branches I am the vine and you are the branches John 15 and verse 5 I am the vine and you are the branches he who abides in me he bears much fruit for apart from me you can do nothing what can I do apart from Christ nothing it's that helpless dependence upon God that's pictured in the branch in the tree think of an apple tree or any tree the branch is incapable of producing a single Apple if it's cut off from the tree it doesn't matter how many years it has produced apples 20 years 50 years makes no difference it's still helplessly dependent on the tree to produce apples today as it was when it first started 50 years ago this is it's a beautiful picture of faith dependence on God like the branch in the tree you know that God expects nothing from you like the branch can produce nothing apart from me you can do nothing what a verse it teaches me that God doesn't expect anything from me expect except to depend on him and say or let the SAP flow from the tree into the branch if you were to ask the branch how do you produce such wonderful beautiful sweet apples I just don't do anything I can't place a single apple by myself I just lean upon the tree the SAP flows in and the beautiful apples come out I don't know how that's Chris the Christian life and Christian service the fruit of the Spirit the Ministry of the Spirit is all in this way helpless dependence upon God but it's very difficult for us to acknowledge our helplessness you know one of the biggest hindrances to faith is pride we're all familiar with the worse that Martin Luther made popular in the Reformation time that just shall live by faith that verse is quoted three times in the New Testament in Romans 1 Galatians 3 and Hebrews 10 but the quotation comes from an Old Testament verse in the book of Habakkuk I want to turn to that Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 have you read Habbakuk you know where it is you're going to meet him in heaven he's going to ask you whether you read his book don't say where did you write that you'll say I wrote only twin off pages you didn't have time to read it Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 I want you to look at this verse carefully there are two types of people mentioned here who are the opposites of each other it's not the one who has faith in the one who has unbelief that's what the contrast I wanted you to see is the one who has faith and the one who's proud the proud person his soul is not right within him but the righteous person he lived by faith so the opposite of the righteous person who lives by faith is not the one of unbelief but the one is proud did you know that pride is the opposite of faith and you know that it's because of pride that you don't have faith you keep saying oh I can't believe don't say that anymore just say I'm proud that's the reason proud people cannot have faith that's what that verse says once you identify the cause of the problem you realize you need to humble yourself there are amazing examples of this in the Bible and I don't have time to show you but you read Matthew chapter 8 about the Roman centurion he had a servant sick at home and he came to Jesus walked all those miles to Jesus and said I got a servant sick at home can you come and heal him and Jesus said I don't have it I'll come to your house and look at his reply Oh Lord I'm not worthy that you should come to my house no no you're a holy man I'm just a sinner he had such a humble opinion about himself that he didn't even feel that the Lord could come to his house of course we feel that our house is quite qualified to receive the Lord but the Roman centurion didn't feel like that he said Lord you can't come to my house but just stand here and speak the word and my servant many miles away will be healed and Jesus looked around at all these réalité standing there and said there's a Roman man it's a military man it's never read the Bible but I have found more faith in him than in all of Israel faith coupled with humility you see their faith and humility go together pride and unbelief go together the Pharisees could not believe why couldn't they believe they knew more of the Bible in this Roman centurion they knew the Scriptures so well that they could quote it but why did they have unbelief because of pride all unbelief is because of pride faith comes to the humble person remember that in the when you think of Adam you know that God plays that I'm in a garden and two trees particularly mentioned there and you need to see the significance of these two trees these two trees were not just like fruit trees they symbolized two fundamentally different ways of life one was a life of faith the other was a life of unbelief one was a life of dependence upon God and the other was a life of independence from God faith is dependence upon God the tree of knowledge of good and evil why did the Lord tell Adam if you eat of that tree you'll die is there anything wrong in knowing the difference between good and evil don't we teach our children the difference between good and evil isn't it good to know the difference between good and evil to do evil bringing depth we can understand but how can the knowledge your good and evil bring death have you ever thought about that in Genesis 2 the significance there is this that Adam wanted that's what the devil tempted him to do to have the knowledge of good and evil resident within him so that he wouldn't have to consult God any more as to what was good and evil so I can decide myself and you see that in the world today the entire race of Adam of which this world is populated you see I don't need to consult God I know what's good I know what's evil I don't need to read the Bible I know what's good and I know what's evil that is the poison the devil has put into man and that's what leads him astray into spiritual death and hell finally the other was the tree of life symbolizing the holy spirit life in the holy spirit where if Adam had chosen that it would it would have been a life in the spirit where the spirit would tell him moment by moment what was good and what was he it was a life of dependence upon God that's the life that Jesus chose even when when you take a simple thing like turning stones into bread to satisfy one's hunger humanly speaking you'd say it's what's wrong in doing that when you have power he was anointed by the Father he power to turn stones into bread and he wasn't stealing anybody else's bread thereby there were thousands of stones in that wilderness what's the problem in converting one stone into bread but even a simple thing like that Jesus said I won't do it because I have not had a word from my father telling me to do it man shall not live by bread but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God when God tells him God tells me to do it I'll do it but if he doesn't tell me to do it I won't do it do you see there right from the beginning of Jesus earthly ministry a life of helpless dependence on his father that's why his life was so perfect does the exact opposite of Adam Jesus lived by the tree of life father what will you have me to do at every point even when there was a great revival in one place lots of people getting healed and converted you read at the end of Luke chapter 4 humanly speaking the right thing to do would have been to continue in there in that place but he went and sought the Father do you want me to stay here the father said no and he left that place even though everybody pleaded with him saying please stay here he said no I'm going that's the life of dependence upon the father moment-by-moment and thereby he went on I want to show you a verse in this connection in Matthew chapter 9 Matthew chapter 9 in relation to faith here we read about two blind men who came to Jesus asking for healing and when they came to him he asked them what do you want me to do they say one of their eyes to be open and he asked them one question whenever you ask the Lord to do something for you something promised in scripture he'll ask you a question and the question is this Matthew 9 verse 28 he asked him this question do you believe in the middle of that verse that I can do this for you and they said yes Lord notice the question the question is not do you can you do this no that was life under the law trying to keep the commandments life under graces the Lord says do you believe I can do this for you why should we hesitate sin shall not have dominion over you the Lord says do you believe I can do this for you our confidence is in the Lord not in ourselves don't look for faith within yourself think of a here's a little picture here's a river a cross which there's an old tree trunk put across for people to walk across it's rickety and you don't have much faith that you can cross the river on that tree trunk but then you see a concrete bridge over there a hundred yards away they say oh I've got confidence to walk across that I've got faith to go over there but I don't have faith to go across the street oh you're the same person where did your faith come was it something inside of you no it was based on something outside you had no faith in the street drunk but you had faith in that country bridge you could put your self on that bridge without any doubt go right across you put faith in a bank that's lasted for many years but you can't have faith in this bank that started last week it's something outside of you this is the big mistake a lot of Christians are making today trying to look for faith inside of them it's not we don't look for it inside outside we look at Jesus is Jesus like that rickety tree trunk or is he like that concrete bridge can I trust him completely or have I got to be a little cautious do you believe I can do this for you can you trust me completely its dependence upon God I can trust I can put my whole weight on that concrete bridge and nothing will go wrong I can put myself completely into Jesus hands my whole future my time my money my energy my family everything every problem I have he'll take care of it he has said my God will supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus he has said in his word if you seek his kingdom for everything that you need on earth will be added to you that was true 2000 years ago is true today is true in rich countries is true in underdeveloped countries I proved it for 50 years and I know it's true God's Word is true eternally I want to go on to the third thing faith brings obedience to God now this is not something many people understand I want to turn to Romans chapter 1 and verse 5 in Romans chapter 1 verse 5 it says here that Paul says he received grace Romans chapter 1 and verse 5 Paul says we have received Grace and Apostleship to bring obedience of faith among all the nations of the world the obedience of faith in the Old Testament it was the obedience of fear lest God punished me it was the obedience of reward God will bless me by obeying he'll heal me will make me prosperous now it is the obedience of faith in the New Covenant that is I believe that whatever God is said is for my good I believe it I have faith in a loving father that everything he tells me to do is for my good if he tells me to forgive that person who doesn't deserve to be forgiven it's for my good do you believe that you harm yourself when you don't forgive somebody when the Bible says don't be anxious put that your burden upon the Lord it's for your good everything he says deny yourself take up your cross die to yourself it's for your good and we see the great example in Jesus who gladly went to the cross now in the Old Testament there was no cross there was no such thing as suffering being the way of blessing in the Old Testament and the Old Testament prosperity was the mark of God's blessing the new Jessamyn apostles were not prosperous is it because God didn't bless them all and Peter they suffered God has shown in the New Testament and Jesus is the greatest example that when the father told him to go to the cross he went without questioning that's the obedience of faith even if it means suffering and God wants to demonstrate on earth today what he could not demonstrate in Old Testament times that I have a people on earth who even if they have to suffer they will trust me they will thank me and praise me even when they can't understand why I don't deliver them what we call our problems are very minor mosquito bites compared to what some of our brothers enough 1st 2nd 3rd centuries of the Christian of Christian history faced many of them were thrown to the Lions because they would not say Caesar is Lord they would say Jesus Christ is Lord look at the number of Christians today who compromise in so many areas just because they don't want to suffer they don't want to lose something in the world they were going to lose their lives and when they were thrown to the Lions God did not shut the mouths of the Lions like in Old Testament times in Daniel Stein their lines opened their mouths wide and ate up these Christians and they went into the lion's mouth praising the Lord that was New Covenant faint in the Old Testament when Daniels friends were in the fire the fire did not touch them but in the New Testament in the 2nd 3rd century when Christians were burnt at the stake they sang the praises of the Lord this is New Covenant faith and today God needs a people on earth who can demonstrate that whatever God takes me through suffering trial persecution anything I will not give up my faith in Jesus Christ does he find that faith in you that is the question the obedience of faith which believes even when I cannot explain why God hasn't delivered me I will trust him even if he slays me I will trust him that he is my father he knows exactly what is best for me this is the faith of the New Testament and I believe if we can go through these steps of confidence in God dependence upon him and obedience to him in faith our life will rise to a much higher level than we have ever experienced so far New Covenant faith is is like a school where we go from the first grade to the second grade to the third grade we can rise to amazing Heights we can actually walk on earth as Jesus walked in triumph let's pray spar heads before God in prayer the Christian life is not complicated it's really very simple jesus said we only got to be like a little child trusting our father Heavenly Father I pray you will open our hearts to receive in simple faith the gifts of grace that you have to offer each one of us help us not to miss out on any one of them not forgiveness not victory not an overcoming life help us to possess them all we pray in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Ahava Jerusalem
Views: 26,989
Rating: 4.819355 out of 5
Keywords: true faith, sermon, truth, christian, bible, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, God, grace, peace, must watch, amazing, believe, now, best, video, youtube, google, facebook, free, heart, hope, mercy, future, internet, Lord, word, alive, life, right, overcome, pure, holiness, awesome, joy, strength, music, prayer, time, I AM, repent, sin, cfc, always, glory, fellowship, father, men, light, fruitfulness, wisdom, way, zac poonen, knowing, heaven, spiritual, soulish, veil, temple, ahavajerusalem, faith, love, shephards
Id: M4Kby0F2_MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2016
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