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hey everybody it's funny today is everybody's favorite day of the week the day of the week when we ask ourselves does this thing really work and today we are gonna be testing out the much requested yummy nummies you guys have been requesting me to do this as a does this thing really work for a really long time and there were tons of different snacks and food options but the one that looked truly delicious to me was this kit to make miniature cheesy pretzels so I'm assuming that these are a lot like the other kits that we have done before we made miniature donuts and miniature cheeseburgers except for I am very excited because all of the instructions are in English so this time I will actually be able to follow the instructions make them properly taste them all of that kind of good stuff also please excuse whatever is going on I know my neck looks really red I don't know why I've gotten this my whole life I don't know why my neck turns like mysteriously red sometimes it happens to my ears it is not a good look but there's nothing I can do about so we're just gonna have to enjoy my strange redness together let's open the box and find out what's inside there are several different packets of things in here don't need that anymore you get three different little packets of stuff in here it looks like this is to make the pretzels this purple package is the salt and this is the cheese I don't know why I'm so into these like food-related items lately I'm really wanting to try out that Girl Scout cookie oven it looks like the Easy Bake Oven except for it makes homemade Girl Scout cookies thumbs up if you guys want me to test that out anyway this is not gross okay here we have the magical microwave tray and this is also what you mold the pretzels out of tralala three pet pet pet CIL's three pet souls that's what we're gonna be eatin tonight there is an actual realistic display case so once you make your pretzels you can fold up this little cardboard box thing and put them in it and be like oh would you like to try pretzel you also get baby spoon and baby box shovel measuring thingy I don't know what this is but I really like the colors they're so magical looking I just want to eat all my food with this baby spoon it's time to get this party started let's hope that this isn't a catastrophe like last week's video in which where we tested out the chocolate pen and I haven't really had two nightmares about the chocolate pen since I tested it out so let's hope that this is not like the chocolate pen just wish me luck okay wishes wishes okay step one is to cut apart this little tray with some schizos you separate sections 1 and 2 from the pretzel molds like so step 2 is to open up this blue pretzel packet and now we get to use this magical little square scoop that we got and you use section 1 of the tray and you use 8 scoops of the pretzel powder and then you do three scoops of water and that is what the pretzel powder looks like in there now it's time to add our three scoops of water now we mix this all up until it's a nice doughy consistency it almost looks like peanut butter doesn't the more you stir it the more realistic the dough looks now comes the super fun part where we actually get to mold our dough into the pretzel shapes so they say to scoop out even amounts of dough and to put it into trays three four and five and if you see each pretzel is numbered three four and five so that's what I'm gonna do now and I always think that this is the trickiest part to fill the molds just right and not put too much dough or too little dough and I think I might have messed up because maybe you are not supposed to put dough on the open parts of the pretzel you know how pretzels have holes in them maybe I messed up I don't know this one does have a microwaving step so maybe the microwaving does something to it okay there we go the first one is a little bit messy maybe I overfilled that tray with just a little bit too much dough but I am so excited to pop these in the microwave you microwave them for 15 to 20 seconds depending on your microwave settings so these cooked up so fast and I did end up cooking them for the 20 seconds because the 15 seconds did still leave them a little bit doughy and they come out very very hot so be careful not to touch the actual pretzel compartments because they will burn your fingers a little bit so now we are supposed to leave them here for one minute to set and to cool it has been a minute and now what it says to do which sounds a little bit weird to me is it says to press the pretzels down into the tray I guess that's maybe to flatten them and help shape them just a little bit now I feel like I'm covering up all my pretzel holes that I so carefully tried to make and after we press them all into the tray we are supposed to pop them out I wonder if they mean press them like this into the trick I'm not sure Oh how cute and almost pretzel like I'm thinking that maybe this one cooked the best these look just a little bit on the doughy side am i right it still looks kind of like wet and like maybe it didn't cook all the way through properly which does make me just a little bit nervous I really want these to come out looking like pretzels so I'm gonna try my best to take a little plastic knife and kind of cut these pretzel holes out a little bit better I definitely think hand cutting out the little holes make them look a little bit more like realistic pretzels on two of them except for this little guy which actually looks like the best cooked one but I think this hole down here is a lost cause so what I'm gonna try and do is make some more pretzels and try a different style of filling the mold so this version is going to be a little bit Messier but it might make our pretzels look better so I'm going to try and just take the dough with my fingers and roll it out and this does not work at all I thought maybe I could fill it like you know if I was rolling and making an actual pretzel but scratch that idea that's just super messy and the dough just totally sticks to your fingers so don't try that at home so I just took literally 20 minutes no joke to try and expertly fill these pretzel molds and to clean off all these white Suntory parts so now I am going to go pop them in the microwave for 20 seconds and I cannot wait to see if these turn out better than our first batch what do you think that is what we got I think I didn't fill this one full of enough dough it looks a little bit thin I'm not sure if that's going to be a fully formed pretzel or not so while these are resting for one minute let's go ahead and assemble our little cardboard box that looks like a real box I'm actually really impressed it is time to pop out our pretzels and see what they look like I'm not going to press them down this time because I think that kind of squished them I think those instruction are worded a little bit weird it says press into mold which to me means like press into mold but I think they mean like press the mold here are our three new pretzels and I think they look a little bit better than our last batch definitely they look better cooked and they are fluffier I think that our first batch is still raw so it's really awesome that they give you enough dough in this kit to remake the pretzels if your first batch doesn't turn out too good so our next instruction is to sprinkle the pretzels with salt so that's what I'm gonna do now it's pretty cool cuz it actually looks like you know if you buy a pretzel at the mall or something it looks like real pretzel salt so I'm just going to it's not really sticking though maybe if I push it down I don't know our last step is to make the cheese sauce for them and for that we use our packet of cheese powder which is this orange one and then we use section number two in our little mixing area let's take a look inside it is bright yellow and very cheesy and it definitely has like a instant cheese sauce smell to it this is going to taste very interesting I'm sure to make the cheese sauce you take four scoops of the cheese powder and then you add two scoops of water and now you are supposed to mix that up really well I'm just going to scoop the cheese into this little section and we will see how it looks there is our delicious cheese spread and I'm gonna put the ugly pretzels in the back like so oh my goodness we almost have so many pretzels that they won't all fit into this container there we have it tada our finished pretzels with cheese dipping sauce do you think they look delicious do you want to taste them I don't know I'm kind of on the fence about these some of them definitely do look and feel a little bit doughy a little bit undercooked I don't think we should eat these ones in the back but I'm going to have dog man come taste test these with me and I'm pretty nervous because this will be my first food creation like this that I am actually going to take a bite of it is tasting time and time for our very special guest dog man yeah so do you love me enough to eat my nasty questionably raw pretzels I ended up making three more because I wanted to try and cook them a little bit longer but these still look really doughy and they feel really doughy and small like a marshmallow here is expectations which look nice and fluffy and very well cooked and here is reality following the instructions to a tea I did not mess this up I promise I read the instructions word-for-word but let's add a little bit more salt onto these because I think that the salt is gonna be the best part saucy saucy pretzels I do like the chunky salt that is my favorite part okay you would you like some cheese sauce do you want to try it with and without yeah okay wait without come over here so they can see you thanks this is not a comfortable way to sit Cheers I'm scared that's fine it's actually not bad mm-hmm when you bite into them they are more cooked than you would expect now this rice cold and this one's a little marshmallowy so it might not be as good it actually tastes a lot better than what I was expecting doesn't it taste better than you were expecting Wow better so what did you say taste like like a salty doughy bread cracker doughy bread cracker did you taste the cheese sauce cheese is nasty oh I'm scared wait drive like pretzel evictee I'm scared to try the cheese sauce should I try it isn't gonna make me sick no is it nasty it's like chemical cheese good I don't know if I want to eat chemicals I'll take another one of these salty ones you seem really excited okay I'm gonna taste the cheese just so I can say that I did it the cheese is so thick because it's been sitting here that it looks so hard oh okay you guys the cheese sauce is nauseating like just a proud of you you made yeah tastes like Jesus just ten outside not good I almost wish they would have given to us a kit where you could make like a cinnamon kind of frosting that would have been delicious cuz the pretzels are actually not that bad I don't know how they do with cinnamon and frosting who just you could just make the frosting packet and then they could give you like a little pack of cinnamon and you could put it you can put it on like a little sounding button no like cinnamon pretzels don't they aren't cinnamon cinnamon pretzel is a thing it's like Cheez Whiz hey I think it's just because as I was making the third batch of pretzels the cheese was sitting there a little bit on the long side so it's like really Oh show me do you know cheese solid yeah it's like eating whoa it's only like 10 minutes old oh but just FYI the pretzel makes sure that you get is enough to make three batches of three pretzels so with one kit you can make nine pretzels probably more appealing than any other cake we've ever made but then again we haven't tasted any of the other wasn't so maybe that's an unfair judgment to say what is the baby leg one baby leg of approval baby leg up thank you for being pleased tester nice welcome yay so I found this kit at Target and I believe it was $7.99 this definitely is pretty fun doing the entire kit took me about 30 to 40 minutes especially with trying to like make the pretzels look all pretty and fill in the molds just right so it is like a pretty like time-consuming toy for like six to seven dollars I think it's pretty awesome personally I'd love to try it some more of these kids because I kind of want to know if all the food tastes good I kind of want to almost remake the cheeseburgers now because yummy nummies has a cheeseburger kit and I wonder if it would smell better or if it would taste good than the original cheeseburger kit I did before so I don't know maybe I will get more of these kids and we can test them out again in the future I hope you guys enjoyed today's video thank you guys so so much for hanging out and for watching if you're not already and you'd like to be hit that button down below subscribe become a member of the swamp family and give an alligator its wings also if you want you can like me on Facebook facebook.com slash graveyard girl or you can follow me on snapchat at BM 885 or twitter tumblr or Instagram at graveyard girl same wait spelt here I love you guys so so much and I will see y'all tomorrow bye
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 2,652,991
Rating: 4.9375386 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, howto, style, fashion, summer, spring, new, clothes, clothing, bunny, hair, infomercials, infomercial, does it work, easy, fast, commercial, crazy, weird, funny, strange, grav3yardgirl, best, favorite, new this week, review, hot buns, as seen on tv, silly, no no hair remover, does the no no really work, juggle bubbles, toy, kids, just for fun, wubble bubble, wubble bubble ball, 2015, chocolate pen, candy, chocolate, yummy nummies, minature food, mini food
Id: uv5WTxim7y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2015
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